The network bridge on device VMnet0 is not running

The network bridge on device VMnet0 is not running. The virtual machine will not

be able to communicate with the host or with other machines on your network.

Virtual device Ethernet0 will start disconnected

原因在于原来的VMware Bridge Protocol服务丢失了!

解决方法如下:在"网络连接",发现VMware的虚拟网卡VMnet1属性里少了一项VMware Bridge Protocol.

"VMware Network Adapter VMnet1属性","安装"->"服务"->"添加..."->厂商中选择"VMware,Inc",网络服务中选 "VMware Bridge Protocol 版本: [2004-8-5]"->"从磁盘安装..."->"浏览"->C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\netbridge.inf(这里选你自己安装目录下的)->"打开"



posted @ 2015-01-22 17:57  安辉  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报