

Here are the steps to fix this problem.

1. Open Chrome and type “chrome://flags/#enable-npap” in the browser.

2. Look for “Enable NPAPI” (search the page with ctrl+F)
and simply press on Enable.

3. Restart your Chrome browser and it should work.

_(Extra steps if the 3 steps didn’t work)_

4. If It didn’t work then go to the plug-in link for chrome “chrome://plugins/”
and see if it’s there.

5. If it is then Enable it. If its not there then make sure that you have VLC in 32-bit installed and that you installed the web plugins from the VLC installation.

6. When the plugin is installed make sure to restart you Chrome browser for it to recognize the vlc plugin.

posted on 2015-06-26 23:26  裴银祥的博客园  阅读(30225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报