inter+v:帧间编码模式,指利用图像的时间相关性进行编码,通俗点说就是利用参考帧中位置相同的宏块(或者相邻宏块)来预测欲编码的宏块同帧间编码模式,参考帧中的参考宏块要加一个位移矢量(MV,Motion Vector)
MVD 差分运动向量
MV 运动向量
MB 宏块
BAB 二进制多边形掩码
CAE 上下文相关算术编码器
AAC   高级(改进?)音频编码
Alpha plane 提供透明信息的图像平面……
BAP 肢体运动参数
BDP 肢体定义参数
BIFS 场景的二值信息格式
BSAC 基于比特分割的算术编码???
CELP   ???
DMIF 传输多媒体集成框架
FAP 面部运动参数
FDP 面部定义参数
GMC 全局运动补偿
HVXC 谐波矢量激励编码
IPMP 知识产权管理和保护
MPEG-J   MPEG Java 应用程序接口框架
AAC: Advanced Audio Coding
CELP: Code Excited Linear Prediction
OCI      Object Content Information对象内容信息
OD Object descriptor对象描述符
PDU Protocol Data Unit协议数据单元
PSNR Peak Signal to Noise Ratio信噪比
QCIF Quarter Common Intermediate Format
QoS Quality of Service
RTP Real Time Transport Protocol
RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol
RVLC  Reversible Variable Length Coding 反可变长编码
SA-DCT shape-adaptive DCT形状自适应DCT
SL Sync(hronization) layer同步层
VM Verification Model校验模型
VOP  Video Object Plane 视频对象平面
XMT Extensible MPEG-4 textual format扩展的MPEG-4 文本格式??
BSAC Bit-Sliced Arithmetic Coding???????????
CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction??????????
DRC Dynamic Resolution Conversion???????????
FTTC Fiber To The Curb?????????????????
HILN Harmonic Individual Line and Noise????????
LTP Long Term Prediction????????????????
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language这个有什么用?
SNHC Synthetic- Natural Hybrid Coding这个是干什么的?
BSAC Bit-Sliced Arithmetic Coding位片算术编码
CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction码本激励线性预测(声码器)
DRC Dynamic Resolution Conversion动态分辨率转换
Common Intermidiate Format(CIF) 公用中间格式,介于PAL和NTSC格式之间的一种源视频格式。
Variable Length Coding(VLC) 可变长编码,统计编码的一种实用编码方法,用于现存的常用标准中。
Unrestricted Motion Vector mode(UMV) 自由运动矢量模式,H.263中的一种可选模式,允许运动矢量可以指向图象边缘之外。
Advanced Prediction mode(AP) 高级预测模式,H.263中的一种可选模式,允许每个宏块有三个运动矢量,每个块一个。
PB-frame PB帧,当前预测帧P与双向预测帧B图象组成一个PB帧,他们是一个编码单元。
Advanced INTRA Coding Mode(AICM) 先进帧内编码模式。
Chrominance 色度,任一一种颜色与亮度相同的一个参考色之间的差异。
Pixel Aspect Ratio 占空比
Zigzag Positioning Zigzag扫描,在量化之后,对宏块内的系数差进行排序,DC位置第一。
DCT 离散余弦变换
Motion Prediction 运动预测
Motion Compensation 运动补偿
epzs,其解释是Enhanced Predictive Zonal Search,可以翻译为“改进的预测式区域搜索算法”,主要采用于H.264中,分为3步:
    1 利用predictive motion vector指定一个目标点
    2 在该点周围一定区域内采用钻石形状或者方框区域内做普通搜索
    3 如果有必要,(在采用多预测向量模式下)利用motion vecotr的加权值目标点周围另做搜索以进行比较。
QP: quantiser parameter 量化参数  用于DCT压缩、网络传输和缓存的容量控制




3.1 access unit: A set of NAL units always containing a primary coded picture. In addition to the primary coded picture, an access unit may also contain one or more redundant coded pictures or other NAL units not containing slices or slice data partitions of a coded picture. The decoding of an access unit always results in a decoded picture. 

3.2 AC transform coefficient: Any transform coefficient for which the frequency index in one or both dimensions is non-zero. 

3.3 adaptive binary arithmetic decoding process: An entropy decoding process that recovers the values of bins from a bitstream produced by an adaptive binary arithmetic encoding process.

3.4 adaptive binary arithmetic encoding process: An entropy encoding process, not normatively specified in this Recommendation | International Standard, that codes a sequence of bins and produces a bitstream that can be decoded using the adaptive binary arithmetic decoding process. 自适应算术编码:是一种熵编码器,在本标准中未做具体规定,该编码器输入二进制数据,输出可以被自适应算术解码器解码的位流

3.5 arbitrary slice order: A decoding order of slices in which the macroblock address of the first macroblock of some slice of a picture may be smaller than the macroblock address of the first macroblock of some other preceding slice of the same coded picture. 

3.6 B slice: A slice that may be decoded using intra prediction from decoded samples within the same slice or inter prediction from previously-decoded reference pictures, using at most two motion vectors and reference indices to predict the sample values of each block. 
B片:一种可以在本片范围内进行内部预测(intra prediction),还可以利用以前的解 码图像进行帧间预测(inter prediction),最多使用两个运动矢量和参考帧索引去预测每个块的值

3.7 bin: One bit of a bin string. bin:

3.8 binarization: The set of intermediate binary representations of all possible values of a syntax element. binarization:
一个语法元素(syntax element)的所有可能取值的二进制表示的集合

3.9 binarization process: A unique mapping process of possible values of a syntax element onto a set of bin strings. binarization process:
把每个可能出现的语法元素(syntax element)值映射为一个唯一的二进制串

3.10 bin string: A string of bins. A bin string is an intermediate binary representation of values of syntax elements. 
二进制串:一串二进制位。二进制串是语法元素 (syntax element)的取值的二进制表示

3.11 bi-predictive slice: See B slice. bi-predictive slice: 

3.12 bitstream: A sequence of bits that forms the representation of coded pictures and associated data forming one or more coded video sequences. Bitstream is a collective term used to refer either to a NAL unit stream or a byte stream. 

3.13 block: An MxN (M-column by N-row) array of samples, or an MxN array of transform coefficients. 
块:一个MxN(列x行)的样本数组,或者是MxN的变换系数(transform coefficients)

3.14 bottom field: One of two fields that comprise a frame. Each row of a bottom field is spatially located immediately below a corresponding row of a top field. 

3.15 bottom macroblock (of a macroblock pair): The macroblock within a macroblock pair that contains the samples in the bottom row of samples for the macroblock pair. For a field macroblock pair, the bottom macroblock represents the samples from the region of the bottom field of the frame that lie within the spatial region of the macroblock pair. For a frame macroblock pair, the bottom macroblock represents the samples of the frame that lie within the bottom half of the spatial region of the macroblock pair.
底宏块(用于宏块对):宏块对中包含宏块对底行采样值的宏块。对于场宏块对(field macroblock pair)来说,就是帧中的底场数据。对于帧宏块来说,就是宏块对中位于下面的一半

3.16 broken link: A location in a bitstream at which it is indicated that some subsequent pictures in decoding order may contain serious visual artefacts due to unspecified operations performed in the generation of the bitstream. 

3.17 byte: A sequence of 8 bits, written and read with the most significant bit on the left and the least significant bit on the right. When represented in a sequence of data bits, the most significant bit of a byte is first. 
字节:一个8位的序列,它的读、写都是从左边的最高位开始,到右边的最低位结束。当用 “字节”表示一个数据位的序列时,高位的数据总是最先处理的。

3.18 byte-aligned: A bit in a bitstream is byte-aligned when its position is an integer multiple of 8 bits from the first bit in the bitstream. 

3.19 byte stream: An encapsulation of a NAL unit stream containing start code prefixes and NAL units as specified in Annex B. 
字节流: 由一系列的开始码和NAL单元的所组成的字节流

3.20 category: A number associated with each syntax element. The category is used to specify the allocation of syntax elements to NAL units for slice data partitioning. It may also be used in a manner determined by the application to refer to classes of syntax elements in a manner not specified in this Recommendation | International Standard. 

3.21 chroma: An adjective specifying that a sample array or single sample is representing one of the two colour difference signals related to the primary colours. The symbols used for a chroma array or sample are Cb and Cr. NOTE - The term chroma is used rather than the term chrominance in order to avoid the implication of the use of linear light transfer characteristics that is often associated with the term chrominance. 

3.22 coded field: A coded representation of a field. 

3.23 coded frame: A coded representation of a frame. 已编码的帧:代表已经编码的帧 3.24 coded picture: A coded representation of a picture. A coded picture may be either a coded field or a coded frame. Coded picture is a collective term referring to a primary coded picture or a redundant coded picture, but not to both together. 已编码图像:代表已经编码的图像。已编码的图像可以是一个已编码的场或帧。已编码的图像只能是主编码图像或冗余编码图像之一 3.25 coded picture buffer (CPB): A first-in first-out buffer containing access units in decoding order specified in the hypothetical reference decoder in Annex C. 已编码图像缓冲区(CPB):见附录C包含以解码顺序出现的访问单元的FIFO缓冲区。 3.26 coded representation: A data element as represented in its coded form. 编码表示:数据元素的编码表示 3.27 coded video sequence: A sequence of access units that consists, in decoding order, of an IDR access unit followed zero or more non-IDR access units including all subsequent access units up to but not including any subsequent IDR access unit. (*)已编码视频序列:由访问单元组成。按照解码顺序,由一个IDR访问单元后接0个或更多个其它非IDR访问单元组成 3.28 component: An array or single sample from one of the three arrays (luma and two chroma) that make up a field or frame. 分量:从组成帧(frame)和场(field)的三个数组(亮度和两个色差)得来的一个数组或样本 3.29 complementary field pair: A collective term for a complementary reference field pair or a complementary non-reference field pair. (*)互补场对:指互补参考场对或互补非参考场对 3.30 complementary non-reference field pair: Two non-reference fields that are in consecutive access units in decoding order as two coded fields of opposite parity where the first field is not already a paired field. (*)互补非参考场对:在连续访问单元中的两个已编码非参考场,并作为奇偶性相反的两场,其第一个场没有配对 [align=right][此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-25 22:19:38编辑过][/align]

laibar于 2003-11-24 23:00:00 发布

3.31 complementary reference field pair: Two reference fields that are in consecutive access units in decoding order as two coded fields and share the same value of frame number, where the second field in decoding order is not an IDR picture and does not include a memory_management_control_operation syntax element equal to 5.
(*)互补参考场对:在连续访问单元中的两个已编码参考场,它们共享相同的帧号(frame number),第二个场不是一个IDR图像,且其不能包含memory_management_control_operation等于5的语法成员

3.32 context variable: A variable specified for the adaptive binary arithmetic decoding process of a bin by an equation containing recently decoded bins. 

3.33 DC transform coefficient: A transform coefficient for which the frequency index is zero in all dimensions. 

3.34 decoded picture: A decoded picture is derived by decoding a coded picture. A decoded picture is either a decoded frame, or a decoded field. A decoded field is either a decoded top field or a decoded bottom field. 

3.35 decoded picture buffer (DPB): A buffer holding decoded pictures for reference, output reordering, or output delay specified for the hypothetical reference decoder in Annex C. 

3.36 decoder: An embodiment of a decoding process. 

3.37 decoding order: The order in which syntax elements are processed by the decoding process. 解码顺序:语法元素被解码处理的次序

3.38 decoding process: The process specified in this Recommendation | International Standard that reads a bitstream and produces decoded pictures. 

3.39 direct prediction: An inter prediction for a block for which no motion vector is decoded. Two direct prediction modes are specified that are referred to as spatial direct prediction and temporal prediction mode. 

3.40 decoder under test (DUT): A decoder that is tested for conformance to this Recommendation | International Standard by operating the hypothetical stream scheduler to deliver a conforming bitstream to the decoder and to the hypothetical reference decoder and comparing the values and timing of the output of the two decoders. 

3.41 emulation prevention byte: A byte equal to 0x03 that may be present within a NAL unit. The presence of emulation prevention bytes ensures that no sequence of consecutive byte-aligned bytes in the NAL unit contains a start code prefix. 

3.42 encoder: An embodiment of an encoding process. 

3.43 encoding process: A process, not specified in this Recommendation | International Standard, that produces a bitstream conforming to this Recommendation | International Standard. 

3.44 field: An assembly of alternate rows of a frame. A frame is composed of two fields, a top field and a bottom field. 

3.45 field macroblock: A macroblock containing samples from a single field. All macroblocks of a coded field are field macroblocks. When macroblock-adaptive frame/field decoding is in use, some macroblocks of a coded frame may be field macroblocks. 

3.46 field macroblock pair: A macroblock pair decoded as two field macroblocks. 场宏块对:按照两个场宏块解码的宏块对

3.47 field scan: A specific sequential ordering of transform coefficients that differs from the zig-zag scan by scanning columns more rapidly than rows. Field scan is used for transform coefficients in field macroblocks. 

3.48 flag: A variable that can take one of the two possible values 0 and 1. 

3.49 frame: A frame contains an array of luma samples and two corresponding arrays of chroma samples. A frame consists of two fields, a top field and a bottom field.

3.50 frame macroblock: A macroblock representing samples from two fields of a coded frame. When macroblock-adaptive frame/field decoding is not in use, all macroblocks of a coded frame are frame macroblocks. When macroblock-adaptive frame/field decoding is in use, some macroblocks of a coded frame may be frame macroblocks. 

3.51 frame macroblock pair: A macroblock pair decoded as two frame macroblocks. 

3.52 frequency index: A one-dimensional or two-dimensional index associated with a transform coefficient prior to an inverse transform part of the decoding process. 

3.53 hypothetical reference decoder (HRD): A hypothetical decoder model that specifies constraints on the variability of conforming NAL unit streams or conforming byte streams that an encoding process may produce. 

3.54 hypothetical stream scheduler (HSS): A hypothetical delivery mechanism for the timing and data flow of the input of a bitstream into the hypothetical reference decoder. The HSS is used for checking the conformance of a bitstream or a decoder. 

3.55 I slice: A slice that is decoded using prediction only from decoded samples within the same slice.

3.56 instantaneous decoding refresh (IDR) access unit: An access unit in which the primary coded picture is an IDR picture. 

3.57 instantaneous decoding refresh (IDR) picture: A coded picture containing only slices with I or SI slice types that causes the decoding process to mark all reference pictures as "unused for reference" immediately after decoding the IDR picture. After the decoding of an IDR picture all following coded pictures in decoding order can be decoded without inter prediction from any picture decoded prior to the IDR picture. The first picture of each coded video sequence is an IDR picture.

3.58 inter codingCoding of a block, macroblock, slice, or picture that uses inter prediction.

3.59 inter prediction: A prediction derived from decoded samples of reference pictures other than the current decoded picture. 

3.60 intra codingCoding of a block, macroblock, slice, or picture that uses intra prediction.

3.61 intra prediction: A prediction derived from the decoded samples of the same decoded slice. 帧内预测:只使用当前解码片做为参考的编码方法

3.62 intra slice: See I slice. 

3.63 inverse transform: A part of the decoding process by which a set of transform coefficients are converted into spatial-domain values, or by which a set of transform coefficients are converted into DC transform coefficients. 
反变换: 解码操作的一部分,它将变换系数从频域转换为空域数据,或者转换为直流系数。

3.64 layer: One of a set of syntactical structures in a non-branching hierarchical relationship. Higher layers contain lower layers. The coding layers are the coded video sequence, picture, slice, and macroblock layers. 

3.65 level: A defined set of constraints on the values that may be taken by the syntax elements and variables of this Recommendation | International Standard. The same set of levels is defined for all profiles, with most aspects of the definition of each level being in common across different profiles. Individual implementations may, within specified constraints, support a different level for each supported profile. In a different context, level is the value of a transform coefficient prior to scaling. 

3.66 list 0 (list 1) motion vector: A motion vector associated with a reference index pointing into reference picture list 0 (list 1). 运动矢量列表0(1): 和指向参考图像列表0(1)的参考索引相关联的MV。

3.67 list 0 (list 1) prediction: Inter prediction of the content of a slice using a reference index pointing into reference picture list 0 (list 1). 

3.68 luma: An adjective specifying that a sample array or single sample is representing the monochrome signal related to the primary colours. The symbol used for luma is Y. NOTE – The term luma is used rather than the term luminance in order to avoid the implication of the use of linear light transfer characteristics that is often associated with the term luminance. 

3.69 macroblock: A 16x16 block of luma samples and two corresponding blocks of chroma samples. The division of a slice or a macroblock pair into macroblocks is a partitioning. 

3.70 macroblock-adaptive frame/field decoding: A decoding process for coded frames in which some macroblocks may be decoded as frame macroblocks and others may be decoded as field macroblocks.


posted on 2012-12-17 16:55  裴银祥的博客园  阅读(1448)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报