Android 自动化功能测试神器ChimpChat(MonkeyRunner)

这几天在捣弄基于Android 远程控制和自动处理的一个解决方案,开始想的很复杂在手机上开发一个APK,然后安装进行远程控制,另一兄弟说很多东西需要处理,而且还需要Root,而且模拟器每次重启后Root不行了,反正很烦。


public class DeviceService(){
	private AdbBackend _adbBackend;
	private AndroidDebugBridge _bridge;
	public DeviceService(){
		AndroidDebugBridge.addDeviceChangeListener(new DeviceChangeListener());
        	_adbBackend =  new AdbBackend("/Users/apple/work/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb");
		_bridge =  AndroidDebugBridge.getBridge();
	class DeviceChangeListener implements IDeviceChangeListener{
		public void deviceChanged(IDevice device, int arg1) {
			System.out.println(String.format("%s changed %d",device.getSerialNumber(),arg1));
				IChimpDevice device = adbBackend.waitForConnection(30000, device.getSerialNumber());
				//_chimpDevices.put( device.getSerialNumber(), device);
				device.drag(0, 0, 100, 100, 10, 9000L);//下拉状态条的

		public void deviceConnected(IDevice arg0) {
			System.out.println(String.format("%s 连接了",arg0.getSerialNumber()));

		public void deviceDisconnected(IDevice arg0) {
			System.out.println(String.format("%s 断开了",arg0.getSerialNumber()));
	public static void main(String[] args){
		new DeviceService();

  手机或者模拟器一定要开调试模式,其实说白了就是ADB的功能,adb 命令能做的这里全能做,可以作为Android功能测试,欢迎探讨。

  1 package;
  3 import;
  4 import;
  6 import java.util.Collection;
  7 import java.util.Map;
  9 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
 11 /**
 12  * ChimpDevice interface.
 13  */
 14 public interface IChimpDevice {
 15     /**
 16      * Create a ChimpManager for talking to this device.
 17      *
 18      * @return the ChimpManager
 19      */
 20     ChimpManager getManager();
 22     /**
 23      * Dispose of any native resources this device may have taken hold of.
 24      */
 25     void dispose();
 27     /**
 28      * @return hierarchy viewer implementation for querying state of the view
 29      * hierarchy.
 30      */
 31     HierarchyViewer getHierarchyViewer();
 33     /**
 34      * Take the current screen's snapshot.
 35      * @return the snapshot image
 36      */
 37     IChimpImage takeSnapshot();
 39     /**
 40      * Reboot the device.
 41      *
 42      * @param into which bootloader to boot into.  Null means default reboot.
 43      */
 44     void reboot(@Nullable String into);
 46     /**
 47      * List properties of the device that we can inspect
 48      *
 49      * @return the list of property keys
 50      */
 51     Collection<String> getPropertyList();
 53     /**
 54      * Get device's property.
 55      *
 56      * @param key the property name
 57      * @return the property value
 58      */
 59     String getProperty(String key);
 61     /**
 62      * Get system property.
 63      *
 64      * @param key the name of the system property
 65      * @return  the property value
 66      */
 67     String getSystemProperty(String key);
 69     /**
 70      * Perform a touch of the given type at (x,y).
 71      *
 72      * @param x the x coordinate
 73      * @param y the y coordinate
 74      * @param type the touch type
 75      */
 76     void touch(int x, int y, TouchPressType type);
 78     /**
 79      * Perform a press of a given type using a given key.
 80      *
 81      * TODO: define standard key names in a separate class or enum
 82      *
 83      * @param keyName the name of the key to use
 84      * @param type the type of press to perform
 85      */
 86     void press(String keyName, TouchPressType type);
 88     /**
 89      * Perform a drag from one one location to another
 90      *
 91      * @param startx the x coordinate of the drag's starting point
 92      * @param starty the y coordinate of the drag's starting point
 93      * @param endx the x coordinate of the drag's end point
 94      * @param endy the y coordinate of the drag's end point
 95      * @param steps the number of steps to take when interpolating points
 96      * @param ms the duration of the drag
 97      */
 98     void drag(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, int steps, long ms);
100     /**
101      * Type a given string.
102      *
103      * @param string the string to type
104      */
105     void type(String string);
107     /**
108      * Execute a shell command.
109      *
110      * @param cmd the command to execute
111      * @return the output of the command
112      */
113     String shell(String cmd);
115     /**
116      * Push a file to device.
117      *
118      * @param localFilePath the local filepath
119      * @param remoteFilePath the remote filepath
120      * @return true if success
121      */
122     boolean pushFile(String localFilePath, String remoteFilePath);
124     /**
125      * Pull a file from device.
126      *
127      * @param remoteFilePath the remote filepath
128      * @param localFilePath the local filepath
129      * @return true if success
130      */
131     boolean pullFile(String remoteFilePath, String localFilePath);
133     /**
134      * Install a given package.
135      *
136      * @param path the path to the installation package
137      * @return true if success
138      */
139     boolean installPackage(String path);
141     /**
142      * Uninstall a given package.
143      *
144      * @param packageName the name of the package
145      * @return true if success
146      */
147     boolean removePackage(String packageName);
149     /**
150      * Start an activity.
151      *
152      * @param uri the URI for the Intent
153      * @param action the action for the Intent
154      * @param data the data URI for the Intent
155      * @param mimeType the mime type for the Intent
156      * @param categories the category names for the Intent
157      * @param extras the extras to add to the Intent
158      * @param component the component of the Intent
159      * @param flags the flags for the Intent
160      */
161     void startActivity(@Nullable String uri, @Nullable String action,
162             @Nullable String data, @Nullable String mimeType,
163             Collection<String> categories, Map<String, Object> extras, @Nullable String component,
164             int flags);
166     /**
167      * Send a broadcast intent to the device.
168      *
169      * @param uri the URI for the Intent
170      * @param action the action for the Intent
171      * @param data the data URI for the Intent
172      * @param mimeType the mime type for the Intent
173      * @param categories the category names for the Intent
174      * @param extras the extras to add to the Intent
175      * @param component the component of the Intent
176      * @param flags the flags for the Intent
177      */
178     void broadcastIntent(@Nullable String uri, @Nullable String action,
179             @Nullable String data, @Nullable String mimeType,
180             Collection<String> categories, Map<String, Object> extras, @Nullable String component,
181             int flags);
183     /**
184      * Run the specified package with instrumentation and return the output it
185      * generates.
186      *
187      * Use this to run a test package using InstrumentationTestRunner.
188      *
189      * @param packageName The class to run with instrumentation. The format is
190      * packageName/className. Use packageName to specify the Android package to
191      * run, and className to specify the class to run within that package. For
192      * test packages, this is usually testPackageName/InstrumentationTestRunner
193      * @param args a map of strings to objects containing the arguments to pass
194      * to this instrumentation.
195      * @return A map of strings to objects for the output from the package.
196      * For a test package, contains a single key-value pair: the key is 'stream'
197      * and the value is a string containing the test output.
198      */
199     Map<String, Object> instrument(String packageName,
200             Map<String, Object> args);
202     /**
203      * Wake up the screen on the device.
204      */
205     void wake();
posted @ 2012-11-04 01:10  shareach  阅读(1841)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报