- logging.basicConfig函数
1 可通过具体参数来更改logging模块默认行为,可用参数有 2 filename: 用指定的文件名创建FiledHandler(后边会具体讲解handler的概念),这样日志会被存储在指定的文件中。 3 filemode: 文件打开方式,在指定了filename时使用这个参数,默认值为“a”还可指定为“w”。 4 format: 指定handler使用的日志显示格式。 5 datefmt: 指定日期时间格式。 6 level: 设置rootlogger的日志级别 7 stream: 用指定的stream创建StreamHandler。可以指定输出到sys.stderr,sys.stdout或者文件,默认为sys.stderr。若同时列出了filename和stream两个参数,则stream参数会被忽略。 8 日志级别等级CRITICAL > ERROR > WARNING > INFO > DEBUG > NOTSET 9 10 format参数中可能用到的格式化串: 11 %(name)s Logger的名字 12 %(levelno)s 数字形式的日志级别 13 %(levelname)s 文本形式的日志级别 14 %(pathname)s 调用日志输出函数的模块的完整路径名,可能没有 15 %(filename)s 调用日志输出函数的模块的文件名 16 %(module)s 调用日志输出函数的模块名 17 %(funcName)s 调用日志输出函数的函数名 18 %(lineno)d 调用日志输出函数的语句所在的代码行 19 %(created)f 当前时间,用UNIX标准的表示时间的浮 点数表示 20 %(relativeCreated)d 输出日志信息时的,自Logger创建以 来的毫秒数 21 %(asctime)s 字符串形式的当前时间。默认格式是 “2003-07-08 16:49:45,896”。逗号后面的是毫秒 22 %(thread)d 线程ID。可能没有 23 %(threadName)s 线程名。可能没有 24 %(process)d 进程ID。可能没有 25 %(message)s 用户输出的消
1 import logging 2 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, 3 format='[%(name)s]:[%(asctime)s] [%(filename)s|%(funcName)s] [line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s', 4 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 5 filename='myapp.log', 6 filemode='w') 7 8 logging.debug('This is debug message') 9'This is info message') 10 logging.warning('This is warning message') 11 logging.error('error message') 12 logging.critical('critical message')
1 [root]:[2015-07-03 13:37:40] [|<module>] [line:13] DEBUG : This is debug message 2 [root]:[2015-07-03 13:37:40] [|<module>] [line:14] INFO : This is info message 3 [root]:[2015-07-03 13:37:40] [|<module>] [line:15] WARNING : This is warning message 4 [root]:[2015-07-03 13:37:40] [|<module>] [line:16] ERROR : error message 5 [root]:[2015-07-03 13:37:40] [|<module>] [line:17] CRITICAL: critical message
1 logging分为4个模块: loggers, handlers, filters, and formatters 2 ● loggers: 提供应用程序调用的接口 3 ● handlers: 把日志发送到指定的位置 4 ● filters: 过滤日志信息 5 ● formatters: 格式化输出日志 6 Logger 7 Logger.setLevel() 设置日志级别 8 Logger.addHandler()和Logger.removeHandler() 增加和删除日志处理器 9 Logger.addFilter()和Logger.removeFilter() 增加和删除过滤器 10 Logger.debug(),, Logger.warning(), Logger.error(), and Logger.critical() 创建不同的级别的日志 11 getLogger() 获取日志的根实例 12 Handler 13 setLevel() 设置日志级别 14 setFormatter() 设置输出格式 15 addFilter() and removeFilter() 增加和删除过滤器 16 Formatter 17 默认形式为: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. 18 格式为: %()s
- logging.getLogger函数
1 import logging 2 log = logging.getLogger('yinjia') 3 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, 4 format='[%(name)s]:[%(asctime)s] [%(filename)s|%(funcName)s] [line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s', 5 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 6 filename='myapp.log', 7 filemode='w') 8 9 log.debug('This is debug message') 10'This is info message') 11 log.warning('This is warning message') 12 log.error('error message') 13 log.critical('critical message') 14 输出结果: 15 [yinjia]:[2015-07-03 14:14:07] [|<module>] [line:12] DEBUG : This is debug message 16 [yinjia]:[2015-07-03 14:14:07] [|<module>] [line:13] INFO : This is info message 17 [yinjia]:[2015-07-03 14:14:07] [|<module>] [line:14] WARNING : This is warning message 18 [yinjia]:[2015-07-03 14:14:07] [|<module>] [line:15] ERROR : error message 19 [yinjia]:[2015-07-03 14:14:07] [|<module>] [line:16] CRITICAL: critical message 20 返回一个logger对象,如果没有指定名字将返回root logger
- logging.getLogger函数
1 import logging 2 log = logging.getLogger('yinjia') 3 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, 4 format='[%(name)s]:[%(asctime)s] [%(filename)s|%(funcName)s] [line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s', 5 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 6 filename='myapp.log', 7 filemode='w') 8 9 try: 10 raise Exception,'This is a exception' 11 except: 12 log.exception('This is debug message') #异常信息被自动添加到日志消息中 13 14 输出结果: 15 [yinjia]:[2015-07-03 14:24:43] [|<module>] [line:15] ERROR : This is debug message 16 Traceback (most recent call last): 17 File "D:/PycharmProjects/untitled/", line 13, in <module> 18 raise Exception,'This is a exception' 19 Exception: This is a exception
- 其它函数
1 import logging 2 log = logging.getLogger('yinjia') 3 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, 4 format='[%(name)s]:[%(asctime)s] [%(filename)s|%(funcName)s] [line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s', 5 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 6 filename='myapp.log', 7 filemode='w') 8 9 # 再创建一个handler,用于输出到控制台 10 console = logging.StreamHandler() 11 # 定义handler的输出格式formatter 12 console.setLevel(logging.INFO) 13 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') 14 console.setFormatter(formatter) 15 # 给logging添加handler 16 logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) 17'Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.') 18 19 log.debug('This is debug message') 20'This is info message') 21 log.warning('This is warning message') 22 log.error('error message') 23 log.critical('critical message') 24 25 控制台输出结果: 26 root : INFO Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. 27 yinjia : INFO This is info message 28 yinjia : WARNING This is warning message 29 yinjia : ERROR error message 30 yinjia : CRITICAL critical message 31 文件输出结果同上例,只多了一行root用户记录。
1 import logging 2 # 创建一个logger 3 logger = logging.getLogger('yinjia') 4 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) 5 6 format = '[%(name)s]:[%(asctime)s] [%(filename)s|%(funcName)s] [line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s' 7 fmt = '[%(asctime)-12s] [%(filename)s][line:%(lineno)d] [%(levelname)8s]: %(message)s' 8 9 # 创建一个handler,用于输出到控制台 10 console = logging.StreamHandler() 11 12 # 创建一个handler,用于写入日志文件 13 fp = logging.FileHandler('D:\PycharmProjects\untitled\myapp.log') 14 15 # 定义handler的输出格式formatter 16 formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) 17 fpmatter = logging.Formatter(format) 18 console.setFormatter(formatter) 19 fp.setFormatter(fpmatter) 20 21 # 给logging添加handler 22 logger.addHandler(console) 23 logger.addHandler(fp) 24 25 # 记录日志 26 logger.debug('This is debug message') 27'This is info message') 28 logger.warning('This is warning message') 29 logger.error('error message') 30 logger.critical('critical message') 31 以上可以同时输出到控制台和LOG日志文件。 32 流程:创建logger->创建handler->定义handler输出格式->给logging添加handler->记录日志
- 生成XML文件
1 from xml.dom import minidom 2 import os 3 import os.path 4 5 filename = os.getcwd() + os.path.sep 6 print filename 7 8 doc = minidom.Document() 9 doc.appendChild(doc.createComment("This is a simple xml.")) 10 booklist = doc.createElement("booklist") 11 doc.appendChild(booklist) 12 13 def addBook(newbook): 14 book = doc.createElement("book") 15 book.setAttribute("id",newbook["id"]) 16 17 title = doc.createElement("title") 18 title.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(newbook["title"])) 19 book.appendChild(title) 20 21 author = doc.createElement("author") 22 name = doc.createElement("name") 23 firstname = doc.createElement("firstname") 24 firstname.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(newbook["firstname"])) 25 lastname = doc.createElement("lastname") 26 lastname.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(newbook["lastname"])) 27 name.appendChild(firstname) 28 name.appendChild(lastname) 29 author.appendChild(name) 30 book.appendChild(author) 31 32 pubdate = doc.createElement("pubdate") 33 pubdate.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(newbook["pubdate"])) 34 book.appendChild(pubdate) 35 36 booklist.appendChild(book) 37 38 addBook({"id":"1001","title":"An apple","firstname":"Peter","lastname":"Zhang","pubdate":"2012-1-12"}) 39 addBook({"id":"1002","title":"Love","firstname":"Mike","lastname":"Li","pubdate":"2012-1-10"}) 40 addBook({"id":"1003","title":"Steve.Jobs","firstname":"Tom","lastname":"Wang","pubdate":"2012-1-19"}) 41 addBook({"id":"1004","title":"Harry Potter","firstname":"Peter","lastname":"Chen","pubdate":"2012-11-11"}) 42 43 f = file(filename + "book.xml","w") 44 doc.writexml(f) 45 f.close()
1 生成XML文件如下: 2 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 3 <!--This is a simple xml.--> 4 <booklist> 5 <book id="1001"> 6 <title>An apple</title> 7 <author> 8 <name> 9 <firstname>Peter</firstname> 10 <lastname>Zhang</lastname> 11 </name> 12 </author> 13 <pubdate>2012-1-12</pubdate> 14 </book> 15 16 <book id="1002"> 17 <title>Love</title> 18 <author> 19 <name> 20 <firstname>Mike</firstname> 21 <lastname>Li</lastname> 22 </name> 23 </author> 24 <pubdate>2012-1-10</pubdate> 25 </book> 26 27 <book id="1003"> 28 <title>Steve.Jobs</title> 29 <author> 30 <name> 31 <firstname>Tom</firstname> 32 <lastname>Wang</lastname> 33 </name> 34 </author> 35 <pubdate>2012-1-19</pubdate> 36 </book> 37 38 <book id="1004"> 39 <title>Harry Potter</title> 40 <author> 41 <name> 42 <firstname>Peter</firstname> 43 <lastname>Chen</lastname> 44 </name> 45 </author> 46 <pubdate>2012-11-11</pubdate> 47 </book> 48 </booklist>
- 解析XML文件
1 方法: 2 minidom.parse(filename):加载读取XML文件 3 doc.documentElement:获取XML文档对象 4 node.getAttribute(AttributeName):获取XML节点属性值 5 node.getElementsByTagName(TagName):获取XML节点对象集合 6 node.childNodes :返回子节点列表。 7 node.childNodes[index].nodeValue:获取XML节点值 8 node.firstChild:访问第一个节点,等价于pagexml.childNodes[0] 9 返回Node节点的xml表示的文本: 10 doc = minidom.parse(filename) 11 doc.toxml('UTF-8') 12 访问元素属性: 13 Node.attributes["id"] 14 #就是上面的 "id" 15 a.value #属性的值
1 XML文件: 2 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 3 <users>1 4 <user id="1000001"> 5 <username>Admin</username> 6 <email></email> 7 <age>23</age> 8 <sex>男</sex> 9 </user> 10 <user id="1000002"> 11 <username>Admin2</username> 12 <email></email> 13 <age>22</age> 14 <sex>男</sex> 15 </user> 16 <user id="1000003"> 17 <username>Admin3</username> 18 <email></email> 19 <age>27</age> 20 <sex>男</sex> 21 </user> 22 <user id="1000004"> 23 <username>Admin4</username> 24 <email></email> 25 <age>25</age> 26 <sex>女</sex> 27 </user> 28 <user id="1000005"> 29 <username>Admin5</username> 30 <email></email> 31 <age>20</age> 32 <sex>男</sex> 33 </user> 34 <user id="1000006"> 35 <username>Admin6</username> 36 <email></email> 37 <age>23</age> 38 <sex>女</sex> 39 </user> 40 </users>
1 from xml.dom import minidom 2 3 4 def get_attrvalue(node, attrname): 5 return node.getAttribute(attrname) if node else '' 6 7 def get_nodevalue(node, index = 0): 8 return node.childNodes[index].nodeValue if node else '' 9 10 def get_xmlnode(node,name): 11 return node.getElementsByTagName(name) if node else [] 12 13 def xml_to_string(filename='D:\PycharmProjects\untitled\wxfrom\user.xml'): 14 doc = minidom.parse(filename) 15 return doc.toxml('UTF-8') 16 17 def get_xml_data(filename='user.xml'): 18 doc = minidom.parse(filename) 19 root = doc.documentElement 20 21 user_nodes = get_xmlnode(root,'user') 22 user_list=[] 23 for node in user_nodes: 24 user_id = get_attrvalue(node,'id') 25 node_name = get_xmlnode(node,'username') 26 node_email = get_xmlnode(node,'email') 27 node_age = get_xmlnode(node,'age') 28 node_sex = get_xmlnode(node,'sex') 29 30 user_name =get_nodevalue(node_name[0]).encode('utf-8','ignore') 31 user_email = get_nodevalue(node_email[0]).encode('utf-8','ignore') 32 user_age = int(get_nodevalue(node_age[0])) 33 user_sex = get_nodevalue(node_sex[0]).encode('utf-8','ignore') 34 user = {} 35 user['id'] , user['username'] , user['email'] , user['age'] , user['sex'] = ( 36 int(user_id), user_name , user_email , user_age , user_sex 37 ) 38 user_list.append(user) 39 return user_list 40 41 def test_xmltostring(): 42 print xml_to_string() 43 44 def test_laod_xml(): 45 user_list = get_xml_data() 46 for user in user_list : 47 #print user['sex'] 48 print '-----------------------------------------------------' 49 if user: 50 user_str='编 号:%d\n用户名:%s\n性 别:%s\n年 龄:%s\n邮 箱:%s\n ' % (int(user['id']) , user['username'], user['sex'] , user['age'] , user['email']) 51 print user_str 52 print '=====================================================' 53 54 if __name__ == "__main__": 55 test_xmltostring() # 打印输出XML文件 56 test_laod_xml() # 解析读取数据
解析输出结果: ----------------------------------------------------- 编 号:1000001 用户名:Admin 性 别:男 年 龄:23 邮 箱 ===================================================== ----------------------------------------------------- 编 号:1000002 用户名:Admin2 性 别:男 年 龄:22 邮 箱 ===================================================== ----------------------------------------------------- 编 号:1000003 用户名:Admin3 性 别:男 年 龄:27 邮 箱 ===================================================== ----------------------------------------------------- 编 号:1000004 用户名:Admin4 性 别:女 年 龄:25 邮 箱 ===================================================== ----------------------------------------------------- 编 号:1000005 用户名:Admin5 性 别:男 年 龄:20 邮 箱 ===================================================== ----------------------------------------------------- 编 号:1000006 用户名:Admin6 性 别:女 年 龄:23 邮 箱 =====================================================
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 2 <!--This is a simple xml.--> 3 <booklist> 4 <book id="1001"> 5 <title>An apple</title> 6 <author> 7 <name> 8 <firstname>Peter</firstname> 9 <lastname>Zhang</lastname> 10 </name> 11 </author> 12 <pubdate>2012-1-12</pubdate> 13 </book> 14 15 <book id="1002"> 16 <title>Love</title> 17 <author> 18 <name> 19 <firstname>Mike</firstname> 20 <lastname>Li</lastname> 21 </name> 22 </author> 23 <pubdate>2012-1-10</pubdate> 24 </book> 25 26 <book id="1003"> 27 <title>Steve.Jobs</title> 28 <author> 29 <name> 30 <firstname>Tom</firstname> 31 <lastname>Wang</lastname> 32 </name> 33 </author> 34 <pubdate>2012-1-19</pubdate> 35 </book> 36 37 <book id="1004"> 38 <title>Harry Potter</title> 39 <author> 40 <name> 41 <firstname>Peter</firstname> 42 <lastname>Chen</lastname> 43 </name> 44 </author> 45 <pubdate>2012-11-11</pubdate> 46 </book> 47 </booklist>
1 from xml.dom import minidom,Node 2 3 class bookscanner: 4 def __init__(self,doc): 5 for child in doc.childNodes : 6 if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and child.tagName == "book" : 7 bookid = child.getAttribute("id") 8 print "*"*20 9 print "Book id : " , bookid 10 self.handle_book(child) 11 12 def handle_book(self,node): 13 for child in node.childNodes : 14 if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE : 15 if child.tagName == "title": 16 print "Title : " , self.getText(child.firstChild) 17 if child.tagName == "author": 18 self.handle_author(child) 19 if child.tagName == "pubdate": 20 print "Pubdate : " , self.getText(child.firstChild) 21 22 def getText(self,node): 23 if node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE : 24 return node.nodeValue 25 else: return "" 26 27 def handle_author(self,node): 28 author = node.firstChild 29 for child in author.childNodes: 30 if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: 31 if child.tagName == "firstname" : 32 print "Firstname : ", self.getText(child.firstChild) 33 if child.tagName == "lastname" : 34 print "Lastname : " , self.getText(child.firstChild) 35 36 doc = minidom.parse("D:\PycharmProjects\untitled\wxfrom\\book.xml") 37 for child in doc.childNodes : 38 if child.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE: 39 print "Conment : " , child.nodeValue 40 if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: 41 bookscanner(child) 42
1 Conment : This is a simple xml. 2 ******************** 3 Book id : 1001 4 Title : An apple 5 Pubdate : 2012-1-12 6 ******************** 7 Book id : 1002 8 Title : Love 9 Pubdate : 2012-1-10 10 ******************** 11 Book id : 1003 12 Title : Steve.Jobs 13 Pubdate : 2012-1-19 14 ******************** 15 Book id : 1004 16 Title : Harry Potter 17 Pubdate : 2012-11-11