Intelligence may be somewhat innate, but wisdom can most certainly be learned. Here’s how to wise up at any age.innate:先天的,固有的,与生俱来的 wise up:使知道,使了解,健脑Wisdom vs. IntelligenceAlthough people value intelligence—understanding, reasoning, the ability to learn—they also respect wisdom, or the knowle... 阅读全文
HONG KONG — China continues to lead the Olympic medal standings, just ahead of the United States, as the country tries to repeat its breakout performance at the 2008 Beijing Games.fever:发烧,发热,狂热 Despite its success, or perhaps because of it, China is also vigorously debating whether it’s overly o... 阅读全文
我们在计算机视觉相关的实验中都需要视频与图片序列之间相互转换,在平时的实验中,经常需要将视频保存为一帧一帧的图片,以获取实验结果;另一方面,很多标准的算法测试数据库都是图片序列(文件名以帧号+图片扩展名),我们可能需要将其转换为视频,因此视频与图片之间的转换是很常见的操作。在网上找到比较好的测试程序,一方面将其封装为函数,方便调用;另一方面,视频转图片可以任意设定图片输出目录,函数会自动创建相关目录;图片序列转视频可以设定更多的参数,也就可以更好的控制,而且可以自行设定视频输出的目录,函数自动检测并创建相关目录。适合windows平台+OpenCV;代码如下:View Code 1 // .. 阅读全文
There is no event more obviously tailored to the internet's capabilities than the Olympics. It combines an enormous number of statistics derived from a vast array of sports, and sets them before an actively engaged worldwide population to discuss, tweet, like and recommend. It allows for fetishi 阅读全文
YOUNGSTERS enter the office of Inspiring Interns through what looks like a wardrobe door. The reference to C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is deliberate: the company wants them to feel transported into a magical new world where they might actually find a job.recruit:招募,招聘,补充 i... 阅读全文
C++/C学习笔记(八) ——C++编译预处理1.文件包含(1)基本定义和方式#include伪指令用于包含一个头文件,头文件中存放的一般是模块接口,编译预处理器在扫描到该伪指令后就用对应的文本内容替换它。文件包含有两种语法形式:①#include<头文件名称> ——一般用来包含开发环境提供的库头文件,它指示编译预处理器在开发环境设定的搜索路径中查找所需的头文件。②#include"头文件名称" ——一般用来包含自己编写的头文件,它指示编译预处理器首先在当前工作目录下搜索头文件,如果找不到的话再到开发环境设定的路径中... 阅读全文
C++/C学习笔记(七)1.联合(union)联合也是一种构造数据类型,它提供了一种使不同成员之间共享存储空间的方法,同时可以实现不同类型数据成员之间的自动类型转换。但与结构不同的是,联合对象在同一时间只能存储一个成员的值(即只有一个数据是活跃的)。联合的内存大小取决于其中字节数最多的成员,而不是累加,联合也会进行字长对齐,与位域不同的是,使用联合不会带来任何额外的运行时开销。联合中存储的数据的值完全取决于对它的解释方式。在定义联合变量时可以指定初始值,但是只能指定一个初始值,而且该初始值的类型必须与联合的第一个成员的类型匹配。可以取一个联... 阅读全文
Is the mass political party on its way out? And does it matter?BELONGING to a political party has never been cheaper. It costs just €20 ($25) a year to be a member of the Socialist Party in France. Britain’s Conservatives ask you to stump up only £25 ($39). New political movements set you back 阅读全文
American swim coach John Leonard stirred the controversy over Ye Shiwen’s incredible 400 IM describing it as “unbelievable”, “suspicious” and “disturbing” (as reported in the Guardian). Of course the suspicion, given China’s history and secretive nature, is that Ye Shiwen has been aided by performan 阅读全文
C++/C学习笔记(六)1.结构(struct)(1)定义C语言支持把基本数据类型组合起来形成更大的构造数据类型,这就是C语言的struct,有时也称为用户自定义数据类型(UDT)。构造数据类型还可以嵌套(对象嵌入)和引用(对像关联)。构造数据类型是一个递归的定义:①由若干基本数据类型组合而成的类型是构造数据类型;②由若干基本数据类型和构造数据类型组合而成的类型是构造数据类型;③由若干构造数据类型组合而成的类型是构造数据类型;语言本身的这种能力使我们能够定义非常复杂的数据结构,例如树(tree)、链表(list)、映射(map)等.(2)关键字struct与... 阅读全文