The mobile-apps industry is still in its infancy, but it is already taking on giants.infancy:婴儿期,幼年 Apps are cheap to make and easy to distribute, forcing many old-line industries to rethink the way they do business.With a single click, millions of Americans are comparing prices, hailing taxis an... 阅读全文
Memory allows for a kind of mental time travel, a way for us to picture not just the past but also a version of the future, according to a growing body of research.The studies suggest that the purpose of memory is far more extensive than simply helping us store and recall information about what has 阅读全文
Four years ago, Gao Shangming was convinced that his son Yueqing needed to remain in the family's one-room apartment and help harvest corn rather than go to college. 'Our financial situation wasn't good,' the 50-year-old peasant farmer says.But Gao Yueqing was determined to escape th 阅读全文
A wave of recent research has pointed to the risks of overpraising a child. But for parents, drawing the line between too little praise and too much has become a high-pressure balancing act.overpraise:过度夸奖 Cara Greene, a mother of three children ages 1 to 8, is wary of deliberately pumping up her... 阅读全文
1.AliBorji,LaurentItti,ExploitingLocalandGlobalPatchRaritiesforSaliencyDetection,CVPR20121)系统框架:2)算法思路:① 图像表示:本文通过1500张图像中,在各通道提取出的8*8的patch,学到了一个自然图像的字典。使用这个字典以及一系列的系数α就可以重组任何一个patch。各通道分别进行。因此,在学习了字典,并且使用Matlab中的LARS算法进行了稀疏编码系数α的估计之后,每个patch通过系数表示成一个矢量。② 显著度计算:在这些矢量上进行局部和全局显著度的计算。局部显著度为两个图像块系数向量在特 阅读全文
American women may be starting to outearn American men, but personal investing is a different matter: Many of them, even powerhouse female executives, hate dealing with it.powerhouse:精力旺盛的人,经济体 Darline Jean, president and chief executive of the About Group (which owns About.com), says that she does. 阅读全文
For years, America's childhood obesity crisis was viewed as an insurmountable problem, one that was too complicated and too entrenched to ever really solve. According to the conventional wisdom, healthy food simply didn't sell─the demand wasn't there and higher profits were found elsewhe 阅读全文
Too much work, too little money and not enough opportunity for growth are stressing us out on the job, according to a new survey from the American Psychological Association.stress out:过度劳累,紧张 One-third of employees experience chronic stress related to work, the survey found. Women report higher leve 阅读全文
1.MingmingCheng,GlobalContrastbasedSalientRegionDetection,CVPR20111)HC:基于直方图对比度的方法,每一个像素的显著性值是由它与图像中所有其他像素的颜色差异来确定,得到全分辨率显著性图像;2)RC:基于局部对比度的方法,先将图像分割成小区域,采用的分割方法是基于图的分割,基本分割思想是将每个像素点作为无向图的顶点,两个像素点之间的不相似度作为边的权重,要求连接相同区域内的两个顶点的边的最大权重要小于连接不同区域的顶点的边的最小权重,在迭代过程中进行顶点归纳与区域合并,具体参见论文Efficientgraph-basedimages 阅读全文
There's a technology revolution in the auto business, and it involves more than streaming radio apps and voice-activated Facebook updates.streaming:流媒体,流动 exotic:异国的,外来的Consumers who haven't shopped for a new car for five or more years -- and that's a lot of people, since the average U.S 阅读全文