07 2013 档案
摘要:To understand how much television could soon change, it helps to visit an Intel Corp. division here that runs like a startup.Erik Huggers, a Dutch-born former British Broadcasting Corp. executive, has assembled a 350-person team with talents beyond computer chips -- including programmers, industrial
摘要:Chinese companies build iPads, high-speed trains and world-class telecom gear, but they can't seem to make their own fancy handbag.gear:齿轮,装置,工具It's true that global giants from Prada to Apple source goods from China, but it is difficult to name a single Chinese brand that is known for its q
摘要:You've probably heard the baleful reports. The number of college students majoring in the humanities is plummeting, according to a big study released last month by the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. The news has provoked a flood of high-minded essays deploring the development as a symp
摘要:It's a familiar scenario in many households: Hours after dinner, the stomach growls and the refrigerator beckons. Some diet experts suggest bedtime snacking leads to weight gain and poor-quality sleep. But is it always a no-no? One registered dietitian, Sharon Hoerr, a professor at Michigan Stat
摘要:在matlab图像处理中,为了标识出图像的目标区域来,需要利用plot函数或者rectangle函数,这样标识目标后,就保存图像。一般saves保存的图像存在白边,可以采用imwrite对图像进行保存,保留原始图像大小。代码如下: set(gca,'units','pixels','Visible','off'); axes('position', [0 0 1.0 1.0]); [rows cols]=size(img); imshow(img); hold on s = regionprops(logicmap
摘要:Why is the first day on the job often the worst?New employees tend to be greeted with stacks of benefits paperwork, technology hassles and dull presentations about company culture.hassle:激战,争辩,麻烦事 But some companies -- hoping to create a first impression that really counts -- are turning to orien...
摘要:Typically in transportation — and most social arenas, for that matter — laws promoting safety precautions lead to an increase in public health. Legislation on speed limits, drunk driving, and seatbelt are a few of the most obvious examples. Even bans on the relatively new phenomenon of driver-textin
摘要:The typical honeymoon doesn't last too long before the hard work of marriage begins. And so it normally is with new corporate chief executives and their shareholders. Lucky for Marissa Mayer, as well as Yahoo shareholders, growth at Alibaba Group is extending the vacation.Yahoo's second-quar
摘要:Americans aren't washing their hands nearly as often and as thoroughly as they should, according to a recent study. But the recommendations they are defying aren't squeaky clean.squeaky:发出吱吱响的 inconspicuous:不显眼的,不引人注意的 groom:打扮,新郎,马夫For the study, 12 researchers fanned out across public bath
摘要:The sudden death of a street vendor in Hunan province on Wednesday provoked outrage chengguan, or urban management officers.vender:卖主,小贩 outrage:愤怒,愤慨,暴行 Deng Zhengjia was selling watermelons with his wife in Linwu county, Hunan province, when several chengguan said that they were at the wrong...
摘要:I know what you should do and here's my advice.How many times have you heard that (and groaned)?groan:呻吟,抱怨 Advice giving, especially unsolicited, is tricky. Being on the receiving end can be annoying and make us defensive. But giving advice can be frustrating, as well, particularly when the int
摘要:China unveiled a litany of bribery and misconduct allegations against GlaxoSmithKline GSK.LN -0.26% PLC, a move that industry experts said could presage a broader crackdown in a lucrative market for pharmaceutical and medical companies.a litany of:一连串 bribery:贿赂,行贿 misconduct:行为不检 presage:预...
摘要:In Asia, middle managers such as department heads make more than 14 times as much as operational employees such as clerical workers--the biggest such pay disparity in the world, according to a report by global management consulting firm Hay Group.department heads:部门主管,部门领导 clerical:办事员,牧师 The ...
摘要:China's newly revised elder-care law has come as good news for a handful of entrepreneurs who specialize in outsourcing those now-mandated visits to grandma and grandpa.revised:修改的,改进的 outsourcing:外包,外购 mandated:强制性的,托管 The new law, which requires adults to offer their parents mental and fi...
摘要:As the head of the entertainment division of a major public-relations firm in New York, Janelle was in charge of no fewer than 15 junior publicists. She knew that she shouldn't play favorites, but she couldn't help it. Some employees were just better than others.But what defined 'better&
摘要:In a country as obsessed with education as China, it makes sense that online teaching has huge potential.obsessed with:着迷于,非常喜欢Wealthy Chinese spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to send their children abroad for what they perceive as a better education. And China's scale means online-educati
摘要:Getting up the nerve to order in a coffee shop used to be difficult for 16-year-old Georgiann Steely. Speaking in front of classmates was unthinkable.The high-school sophomore overcame a crippling case of social anxiety as a patient in the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders program at the Mayo C
摘要:A Chinese agricultural official's unsupported claims about the carcinogenic risks of consuming genetically modified soybeans have rekindled a fervent debate about the use of genetically modified crops in a country with ever-expanding food needs.carcinogenic:致癌的 rekindle:重新点燃 fervent:热心的,强烈的 ...