05 2013 档案
摘要:China has the world's largest number of billionaires and 700 million peasants. In between is a surprisingly thin and unhappy middle class, which poses a big social and economic challenge.Among the 3,000 delegates of the 2013 National People's Congress, the percentage of blue-collar workers a
摘要:It was 7:30 a.m., and I was groggily pulling on a bathrobe when the doorbell rang.'Who could that be?' I murmured to my husband.'It's the painters,' he answered, darting downstairs to open the door. I soon heard him chatting with them in Spanish on the front porch. That's whe
摘要:A year of seemingly intractable Asian diplomatic crises has raised fears of Chinese assertiveness. Behind the brinksmanship in the South China Seas and North Korea, the thinking goes, lies an emboldened Beijing that seeks to use newfound military and economic power to change the state of play.intrac
摘要:Officials in southern China tested more rice and closed some local mills after the discovery of tainted rice for sale in Guangzhou, which sent some consumers scurrying over the border to Hong Kong to stock up on the staple.tainted:污染的 scurry:急赶,急跑 stock up:备货,囤货Food-safety officials in the sou...
摘要:Kate Matheny isn't exactly someone who shies away from stress. Throughout her career, the Aurora, Colo., certified public accountant has pursued a progression of high-pressure management jobs. 'I'm hard core,' says the 44-year-old wife and mother of two. 'I wanted to be on top of
摘要:The computer game's concept is relatively simple. Find the matching motor vehicle and road sign amid a series of increasing distractions. Succeed and the challenge gets quicker and harder.amid:在...之中 distraction:注意力分散,分心,干扰Cognitive-training games like this one, Double Decision, are designed to
摘要:If P.T. Barnum had ever opened a restaurant, it might look a lot like Hai Di Lao, the popular chain of 75 Chinese eateries planning its first foray into the U.S. market this fall.eatery:小饭馆 foray:突袭,侵略Talk about a three-ring circus: Diners pass the time in the waiting area with Internet terminals...
摘要:As investors, we chase financial gains with zeal. We are believers in the old axiom that time is money and that even if money can't buy happiness, it's a pretty good start.zeal:热情,热心 axiom:公理,格言 There is certainly truth in that. Money provides us with the ability to experience many things: e
摘要:Stop for a second and notice the way you are sitting. Back curved, shoulders slumped, maybe legs crossed? For people who spend the day staring at a computer screen, this position is fairly typical. But what is it doing to your spine, if anything? Do we need to sit up straight to focus, like that mea
摘要:For the last 20 years neuroscientists have shown us compelling pictures of brain areas 'lighting up' when we see or hear, love or hate, plan or act. These studies were an important first step. But they also suggested a misleadingly simple view of how the brain works. They associated specific
摘要:Corporate directors kept CEO pay largely flat in 2012, for a second consecutive year.But chief executives still took home more money last year, as the bull market swelled the value of prior stock-based pay, including some particularly profitable awards made during the financial crisis, when stock pr
摘要:The humble twig is finding its way into high-end lighting. The sticks suggest rustic luxury -- think barn weddings and ski resorts -- but can also be found in modern interiors, giving spaces a clean, natural look.twigs:细枝,小树枝 high-end:高档的 rustic:乡村的,村野的 barn:谷仓,车库While materials could come ...
摘要:At Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, doctor's orders can include an unlikely prescription: meditation.'I recommend five minutes, twice a day, and then gradually increase,' said Aditi Nerurkar, a primary-care doctor and assistant medical director of the Cheng & Tsui Cent
摘要:China's new leaders are counting on urbanization to remake the economy but have tried to limit the flow to the country's largest cities, fearing that a surge in migration could turn them into Latin American-style slums.urbanization:都市化,城市化 surge:浪涌,汹涌,激增 slums:贫民窟Some urbanization specialist
摘要:Smartphone makers who went on the offensive in the industry's patent wars are learning a tough lesson: The courts aren't buying it.The nearly $300 billion industry has been roiled by more than three years of expensive litigation in courts from California to South Korea. But a string of rulin
摘要:Fearful of accidentally chomping down on cardboard-stuffed dumplings or toxic chicken, Chinese consumers may soon be able to run safety tests on their food before putting it in their mouths.toxic:有毒的,中毒的 According to a report from the official Xinhua news agency, scientists at the Tianjin Univers...
摘要:The number of deaths caused by suicide has risen precipitously in the last decade, surpassing those caused by car crashes and even some of the most fatal diseases, according to a government report released Thursday.precipitously:陡峭地,出乎意料地 surpass:超越,胜过 The number of suicides in a year rose 31%...
摘要:While an economic crisis results in untold misery for countries and their people, a new study of health in Cuba has suggested there could be a silver lining during lean times .austerity:朴素,紧缩 misery:痛苦,悲惨 untold:数不清的,未透露的 silver lining:一线希望 lean times:拮据时期Researchers appear to have implied...
摘要:Chinese property buyers have made splashes in the world's best-known cities. But as their focus shifts toward enjoyment from pure investment, their next stops are likely to be closer to home.splashes:色斑,散点 One in eight Chinese families own more than one home, according to a recent report by Zhej
摘要:For 15 years, Cui Haifeng worked in China's manufacturing industry, stitching together leather to make soccer balls before working her way up to warehouse manager at a wood-flooring factory.stitching:缝合,针脚 warehouse:仓库Last month the coal miner's daughter traded a past of factory uniforms for
摘要:China's Red Cross is scrambling to help rebuild after another disaster -- only this time it's their own reputation they need to reconstruct.Self-Inflicted:自找的,自己造成的 scramble:争夺,抢夺 The Red Cross Society of China is vowing to restore its sagging image, which has buckled under the weight of all