11 2012 档案
摘要:Ever wondered why Chinese kids are so good at math? DNA? Are they born smart or is it just practice? We moved to China in 2009 and were warned about how tough the schooling would be. Chinese parents, anxious to help, dropped a few hints. At farewell dinners the conversation would eventually turn to
摘要:1.傅里叶变换1)简介数字图像处理的方法主要分成两大部分:空域分析法和频域分析法。空域分析法就是对图像矩阵进行处理;频域分析法是通过图像变换将图像从空域变换到频域,从另外一个角度来分析图像的特征并进行处理。频域分析法在图像增强、图像复原、图像编码压缩及特征编码压缩方面有着广泛应用。如果一个信号f(t)在上满足:① f(t)在任一有限区间上满足狄氏条件;② f(t)在上绝对可积即就可以通过傅里叶变换把时域信号f(t)转化到频域进行处理:然后再通过傅里叶反变换把频域信号转化到时域:傅里叶变换是线性系统分析的有力工具,提供了一种把时域信号转换到频域进行分析的途径,时域和频域之间是一对一的映射关系。图
摘要:1.推荐/引用 博客SIFT算法研究:http://underthehood.blog.51cto.com/2531780/658350SIFT特征提取算法总结:http://www.cnblogs.com/cfantaisie/archive/2011/06/14/2080917.html图像特征提取与匹配之SIFT算法:http://blog.csdn.net/v_JULY_v/article/details/6186942一些公式推导来自实验室师兄的笔记,感谢。论文:David G. Lowe, "Distinctive image features from scale-in
摘要:1.链接推荐关于理解PCA的推荐链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/LeftNotEasy/archive/2011/01/08/lda-and-pca-machine-learning.html关于理解SVD的推荐链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/LeftNotEasy/archive/2011/01/19/svd-and-applications.html2.PCA简介 主成分分析 ( Principal Component Analysis , PCA )是一种掌握事物主要矛盾的统计分析方法,它可以从多元事物中解析出主要影响因素,揭示事物的本质,简化复.
摘要:转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/ryanlaw/archive/2012/02/05/2339250.htmlHOG descriptors 是应用在计算机视觉和图像处理领域,用于目标检测的特征描述器。这项技术是用来计算局部图像梯度的方向信息的统计值。这种方法跟边缘方向直方图(edge orientation histograms)、尺度不变特征变换(scale-invariant feature transform descriptors) 以及形状上下文方法( shape contexts)有很多相似之处,但与它们的不同点是:HOG描述器是在一个网格密集的大小统一的细胞
摘要:1.算法简介 LBP是一种简单,有效的纹理分类的特征提取算法。LBP算子是由Ojala等人于1996年提出的,主要的论文是"Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns", pami, vol 24, no.7, July 2002。LBP就是"local binary pattern"的缩写。 关于论文的讲解可参考链接 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_916b71bb01
摘要:1综述结合论文[1]和Rob Hess的开源SIFT代码(发现OpenCV2.3的源码里也是用的Rob Hess的SIFT代码)对SIFT算法进行了研究,下面是小结:在计算机视觉的领域中,图像匹配是很多问题最重要的一个方面,包括物体和场景识别,通过多幅图像进行3D重构,立体匹配和运动跟踪。SIFT特征对于图像的旋转和尺度变化具有不变性,对于光照改变和摄像机角度变化具有部分的不变性。SIFT算法生成图像特征的主要步骤有以下几个:(1)尺度空间极值检测:搜索所有尺度上的图像位置。通过高斯微分函数来识别潜在的对于尺度和旋转不变的兴趣点。(2)关键点的定位:在每个候选的位置上,通过一个拟合精细的模型来
摘要:Guitar teacher Erich Andreas works from a basement studio in Nashville, Tenn. His classroom, though, is the world itself.Across one hour, Mr. Andreas may be giving free video lessons to up to 1,500 people who stream his yourguitarsage.com broadcasts to points across the globe -- Chicago, London, Buc
摘要:Government officials, economists and retailers have long worked to get thrifty Chinese consumers to spend. China’s online retailers this weekend tried appealing to their loneliness.Chinese media on Monday was filled with articles about a surge in online shopping on Sunday, Nov. 11, for Singles Day 1
摘要:目的¶从真实世界中获取数字图像有很多方法,比如数码相机、扫描仪、CT或者磁共振成像。无论哪种方法,我们(人类)看到的是图像,而让数字设备来“看“的时候,则是在记录图像中的每一个点的数值。比如上面的图像,在标出的镜子区域中你见到的只是一个矩阵,该矩阵包含了所有像素点的强度值。如何获取并存储这些像素值由我们的需求而定,最终在计算机世界里所有图像都可以简化为数值矩以及矩阵信息。作为一个计算机视觉库, OpenCV 其主要目的就是通过处理和操作这些信息,来获取更高级的信息。因此,OpenCV如何存储并操作图像是你首先要学习的。Mat¶在2001年刚刚出现的时候,OpenCV基于 C
摘要:1.要生成C++动态链接库,在matlab命令窗口中输入:>> mcc -W cpplib:ColorHarris -T link:lib ColorHarris -d F:\zhangying\xieyulin\cfile\结果出现:Depfun error: 'Unable to locate ColorHarris as a function on the MATLAB path'原因:当前编译路径没有修改,错误已经提示了,将当前matlab路径改到你这个m文件所在的路径下,(点击运行按钮会出现 change directory,选择即可)再进行编译!2.在V
摘要:The worries and challenges of workers in this southern Chinese car-making city illustrate the risks Beijing faces as its dispute with Japan over a group of islands drags on.The local economy is feeling the effects of a drop in demand for Japanese-brand cars. Work in the factories has slowed and empl
摘要:As overnight temperatures fell to the 40s, power crews in more than a dozen states navigated a tangle of fallen trees, downed power lines and dangerous floodwaters in the painstaking, house-by-house work of reconnecting millions of customers left in the dark by Sandy.Power was restored by late Thurs
摘要:Chinese has a word for the people whose names don't make it into the history books - the Laobaixing or "old 100 names". They have witnessed history, even if they have only played a bit part. They have also inherited their community's folk memory and will pass it on to their childre