


/*创建综合评估表[pr_create_quality_board 循环遍历-游标[createALTER ]*/

 create PROCEDURE  [dbo].[pr_create_Evaluation]
 @objectID nvarchar(2000) --/%生成的评估对象%/
,@type int --/%区分是用户ID:1,还是部门ID:2%/
,@reason nvarchar(1000)   --/%发启评估理由%/
,@evaType int  --/%发启评估的方式1:自动,0:手动 %/
,@endTime datetime   --/*评估截止时间*/
,@range int /*发启评估范围1,主管,2,部门经理*/

 declare @hisPost varchar(50);
 declare @curPoset varchar(50);
 declare @userId varchar(50);
 declare @manageId varchar(50);
    declare @autId varchar(50);
 declare @evaId int ; /*评估ID*/
    declare @count int;
 declare @deptName varchar(50);/*部门名称*/
    declare @pos int
 declare @oldPos int
 declare @tempstr varchar(100)
 create table #temp_id
   id int

 set @pos=1
 set @oldPos=1
 while @pos<len(@objectID)
  set @pos=charindex(',',@objectID,@oldpos)
  if @pos>0
   set @tempstr=substring(@objectID,@oldpos,@pos-@oldpos)
   set @oldpos=@pos+1
   set @tempstr=substring(@objectID,@oldpos,len(@objectID)-@oldpos+1)
   set @pos=len(@objectID)
  insert into #temp_id select @tempstr

if @evaType=1 /*自动发启的评估*/

 declare evaluation_cur scroll cursor for

 select  a.appointmentId,a.appointmentId as curpost,a.userid,b.fdept_manageid,dbo.autid(a.userid) as autid
    from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
    where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
 and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
 order by a.username asc
 open evaluation_cur
 fetch next from evaluation_cur into @hisPost,@curPoset,@userId,@manageId,@autId
 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
   INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_evaluation]
     VALUES(getdate(),@endtime ,@hisPost,@curPoset,'',0,'',1,1,'',@userId,@manageId,@autId,1,getdate())

           SELECT @evaId  = @@IDENTITY  --  评估ID
     INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_evaluationDetail]
           ,[score_value],[score],[description] ,[sort],[createTime])
   select @evaId,[modelName],[type],[score_value],0,'',[sort],getdate()
   from  fp_evaluationModel
  fetch next from evaluation_cur into @hisPost,@curPoset,@userId,@manageId,@autId

 close evaluation_cur
 deallocate evaluation_cur


/* 向部门经理发送待办事宜 */
INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_UndoMission]
select  convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在15天内完成评估!',
userid,0,'',getdate(),12,null,null from FP_USER where userid in
( select fdept_manageid from dbo.fp_comp_dept where fdeptid not in(1,2,4)) and ftype=0

/* 向部门经理发短信通知  */
INSERT  tb_smlog([IO], mobile, message, status,sender,addtime)
       SELECT  0,tel,
                   convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在15天内完成评估!',
                    0,'system', GETDATE()
       FROM   dbo.FP_USER
       where userid in
       (select fdept_manageid from dbo.fp_comp_dept where fdeptid not in(1,2,4)) and ftype=0   

insert dbo.mailmsg(address,title,msg,status,sender,toname)
        select  Email, '公司网站员工综合评估',
                convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在15天内完成评估!',
        FROM    dbo.FP_USER
        where userid in
       (select fdept_manageid from dbo.fp_comp_dept where fdeptid not in(1,2,4)) and ftype=0   

else if @evaType=0
 if @type=1 /*用户ID*/

     declare evaluation_cur scroll cursor for

  select  a.appointmentId,a.appointmentId as curpost,a.userid,b.fdept_manageid,dbo.autid(a.userid) as autid
  from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
  where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
  and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
  and a.userid in(select id from #temp_id where id is not null)
  order by a.username asc

 open evaluation_cur
 fetch next from evaluation_cur into @hisPost,@curPoset,@userId,@manageId,@autId
 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
   INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_evaluation]
           SELECT @evaId  = @@IDENTITY  --  评估ID
     INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_evaluationDetail]
           ,[score_value],[score],[description] ,[sort],[createTime])
   select @evaId,[modelName],[type],[score_value],0,'',[sort],getdate()
   from  fp_evaluationModel
  fetch next from evaluation_cur into @hisPost,@curPoset,@userId,@manageId,@autId

 close evaluation_cur
 deallocate evaluation_cur


 /* 向部门经理发送待办事宜 */
 INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_UndoMission]
 select  convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在'+ convert(varchar(10),Year(@endtime))+'-'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(@endtime))+'-'+convert(varchar(10),DAY(@endtime))+'之前完成评估!',
 userid,0,'',getdate(),12,null,null from FP_USER where userid in
    select userid from fp_user where userid in(
  select  b.fdept_manageid from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
  where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
  and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
  and a.userid in(select id from #temp_id where id is not null))

 ) and ftype=0

 if @range=2 /*部门经理*/

  select @deptName=fname from  fp_comp_dept where fdeptid  in
     (select deptid from fp_user where userid in(select top 1 id from #temp_id))
   INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_UndoMission]
    select  convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月——'+@deptName+'的综合评估已经产生,请查看!',
    userid,0,'',getdate(),12,null,null from FP_USER where userid in
     select distinct [dbo].[autid](id) as userid from #temp_id
     where [dbo].[autid](id) is not null
    ) and ftype=0



 /* 向部门经理发短信通知  */
  INSERT  tb_smlog([IO], mobile, message, status,sender,addtime)
    SELECT  0,
      convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在'+ convert(varchar(10),Year(@endtime))+'-'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(@endtime))+'-'+convert(varchar(10),DAY(@endtime))+'之前完成评估!',

      FROM    dbo.FP_USER
  where userid in
  select userid from fp_user where userid in(
  select  b.fdept_manageid from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
  where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
  and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
  and a.userid in(select id from #temp_id where id is not null))
  )and ftype=0   

 insert dbo.mailmsg(address,title,msg,status,sender,toname)
   select  Email,
     convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在'+ convert(varchar(10),Year(@endtime))+'-'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(@endtime))+'-'+convert(varchar(10),DAY(@endtime))+'之前完成评估!',
   FROM    dbo.FP_USER
   where userid in
    select userid from fp_user where userid in(
    select  b.fdept_manageid from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
    where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
    and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
    and a.userid in(select id from #temp_id where id is not null))

   ) and ftype=0   
  drop table #Temp_id
 else if @type=2 /*部门ID*/
    declare evaluation_cur scroll cursor for

     select  a.appointmentId,a.appointmentId as curpost,a.userid,b.fdept_manageid,dbo.autid(a.userid) as autid
     from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
  where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
  and a.userid not in( SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
  and a.deptid in( select id from #temp_id where id is not null)
  order by a.username asc
 open evaluation_cur

 fetch next from evaluation_cur into @hisPost,@curPoset,@userId,@manageId,@autId

 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
   INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_evaluation]
   SELECT @evaId  = @@IDENTITY  --  评估ID
   INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_evaluationDetail]
   ,[score_value],[score],[description] ,[sort],[createTime])
   select @evaId,[modelName],[type],[score_value],0,'',[sort],getdate()
   from  fp_evaluationModel
   fetch next from evaluation_cur into @hisPost,@curPoset,@userId,@manageId,@autId

 close evaluation_cur
 deallocate evaluation_cur


 /* 向部门经理发送待办事宜 */
 INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_UndoMission]

 select  convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在'+ convert(varchar(10),Year(@endtime))+'-'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(@endtime))+'-'+convert(varchar(10),DAY(@endtime))+'之前完成评估!',
 userid,0,'',getdate(),12,null,null from FP_USER where userid in
    select userid from fp_user where userid in(
  select  b.fdept_manageid from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
  where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
  and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
  and a.deptid in(select id from #temp_id where id is not null))

 ) and ftype=0

 if @range=2 /*部门经理发起的评估,向主管领导发送待办事宜*/

  select @deptName=fname from  fp_comp_dept where fdeptid in
     (select top 1 id from #temp_id)

    INSERT INTO [FPCOM].[dbo].[fp_UndoMission]
  select  convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月——'+@deptName+'的综合评估已经产生,请查看!',
  userid,0,'',getdate(),12,null,null from FP_USER where userid in
   select distinct [dbo].[autid](userid) as userid  from fp_user where userid in(
    select  b.fdept_manageid from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
    where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
    and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
    and a.deptid in(select id from #temp_id where id is not null)
  ) and ftype=0
 /* 向部门经理发短信通知  */
  INSERT  tb_smlog([IO], mobile, message, status,sender,addtime)
    SELECT  0,tel,
     convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在'+ convert(varchar(10),Year(@endtime))+'-'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(@endtime))+'-'+convert(varchar(10),DAY(@endtime))+'之前完成评估!',
      FROM    dbo.FP_USER
  where userid in
  select userid from fp_user where userid in(
  select  b.fdept_manageid from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
  where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
  and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
  and a.deptid in( select id from #temp_id where id is not null))
  )and ftype=0   

 insert dbo.mailmsg(address,title,msg,status,sender,toname)
   select  Email,
        convert(varchar(10),Year(getdate()))+'年'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(getdate()))+'月'+'员工综合评估已经产生,请在'+ convert(varchar(10),Year(@endtime))+'-'+ convert(varchar(10),Month(@endtime))+'-'+convert(varchar(10),DAY(@endtime))+'之前完成评估!',
   FROM    dbo.FP_USER
   where userid in
    select userid from fp_user where userid in(
    select  b.fdept_manageid from fp_user a , fp_comp_dept  b
    where a.deptid=b.fdeptid and  a.ftype=0 and a.fisassMag=0
    and a.userid not in(SELECT fdept_manageid FROM dbo.fp_comp_dept)
    and a.deptid in( select id from #temp_id where id is not null ))

   ) and ftype=0   









posted on 2009-09-28 08:52  poop  阅读(342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报