1、标题 一级标题 二级标题 三级标题 四级标题 五级标题 六级标题 展示效果: 一级标题 二级标题 三级标题 四级标题 五级标题 六级标题 2、列表 无序列表(用 或者 ) 简介 第一章 结束语 展示效果: 简介 第一章 结束语 有序列表(用1. 2. 3.) 1. 第一条 2. 第二条 3. 第 阅读全文
1、最近提交app时候遇到如下问题,解决方案:Everything has come to its usual state now. Simply upload your binary as you've been doing this while, and broadly classify IDF... 阅读全文
The very last suggestion is all I needed to fix this issue. Close & re-open Xcode. 阅读全文
Antand theADTPlugin for Eclipse are packing the.apkfile in a different build chain and temp generation folders.Crunchis created by theADT. Best to do is to start every step with acleanif you switch between the tools. useant cleanif you used theADTfrom eclipse before. UseProjects -> clean ...in Ec 阅读全文
dns换8.8.8.8 试一下 阅读全文
最近要对一款游戏进行多语言本地化,在网上找了一些方案,加上自己的一点点想法整理出一套方案和大家分享!多语言在应用程序中一般有两种做法:一、程序中提供给用户自己选择的机会;二、根据当前用户当前移动设备的语言自动将我们的app切换对应语言。第一种做法比较简单完全靠自己的发挥了,这里主要讲第二种做法,主要分一下几点:1.本地化应用程序名称2.本地化字符串3.本地化图片4.本地化其他文件1.本地化应用程序名称(1)点击“new file”然后在弹出窗口左侧选择IOS的resource项,在右侧就可以看到“String File”的图标。创建这个文件,命名为“InfoPlist”(一定是这个文件名) 就 阅读全文
在项目开发中,我们经常会遇到在这样一种情形:在一个UILabel 使用不同的颜色或不同的字体来体现字符串,在iOS 6 以后我们可以很轻松的实现这一点,官方的API 为我们提供了UILabel类的attributedText, 使用不同颜色和不同字体的字符串,我们可以使用NSAttributedText 和 NSMutableAttributedText 类来实现。现实代码:.h 文件@interface ViewController : UIViewController@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UILabel *attrLabel;- (I 阅读全文
View animations on the iPhone are wonderful. Used properly they will delight your users and help your application stand out. The iOS provides a suite of methods for animating your interface, including the excellent UIView class method+ (void)animateWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration animations:(v 阅读全文
It looks like the view hierarchy changed slightly in ios7 for table view cells.You can try setting the clips to bounds on the contentView's superview:[cell.contentView.superview setClipsToBounds:NO];If you add the following to your sample code and run on ios7 vs ios6, you'll see there's 阅读全文
The program being debugged is not being run.Everyone sees this once in a while during Xcode development for iPhone apps. And there are a million reasons and hacks that make it go away.Here is the definitive one:You cannot debug an iPhone app signed with an Ad Hoc Distribution cert.Let me say this ag 阅读全文