06 2016 档案
摘要:Description Little Joty has got a task to do. She has a line of n tiles indexed from 1 to n. She has to paint them in a strange pattern. An unpainted
摘要:Description The girl Taylor has a beautiful calendar for the year y. In the calendar all days are given with their days of week: Monday, Tuesday, Wedn
摘要:Description Johny likes numbers n and k very much. Now Johny wants to find the smallest integer x greater than n, so it is divisible by the number k.
摘要:Description While walking down the street Vanya saw a label "Hide&Seek". Because he is a programmer, he used & as a bitwise AND for these two words re
摘要:Description Vanya smashes potato in a vertical food processor. At each moment of time the height of the potato in the processor doesn't exceed h and t
摘要:Description Vanya and his friends are walking along the fence of height h and they do not want the guard to notice them. In order to achieve this the