USE [szmj] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Par_ProductDownLoad] Script Date: 05/26/2014 17:46:32 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description:] -- ============================================= create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Par_ProductDownLoad] @TemporaryInsertSql text, @shopid int AS BEGIN if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb..#TempDownload') and type='U') begin drop table #TempDownload end create table #TempDownload ( OnLineProductId varchar(50), OnLineSkuId varchar(50), ShopId int ) exec(@TemporaryInsertSql) update [PlatformSku] set SaleStatus='instock',SkuIsSync=0 where Id in(select p.ID from [PlatformSku] p where p.Id not in (select p.ID from [PlatformSku] p inner join #TempDownload t on p.ShopId=t.ShopId where p.OnLineProductId=t.OnLineProductId and p.OnLineSkuId=t.OnLineSkuId and p.ShopId=@shopid) and ShopId=@shopid) and ShopId=@shopid --select 1 from #TempDownload t where p.OnLineProductId=t.OnLineProductId and p.OnLineSkuId=t.OnLineSkuId and p.ShopId=t.ShopId and p.ShopId=@shopid --select p.Id from [PlatformSku] p where not exists (select 1 from #TempDownload t where p.OnLineProductId=t.OnLineProductId and p.OnLineSkuId=t.OnLineSkuId and p.ShopId=t.ShopId and p.ShopId=@shopid) --update [PlatformSku] set SaleStatus='instock',SkuIsSync=0 where Id in(select p.Id from [PlatformSku] p where not exists (select 1 from #TempDownload t where p.OnLineProductId=t.OnLineProductId and p.OnLineSkuId=t.OnLineSkuId and p.ShopId=t.ShopId and p.ShopId=@shopid)) and END
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