public Document appendDocument(Document mainDoc, Document addDoc, boolean isPortrait) {
//设置书签,指定文档拼接的位置 String bookmark = "插入的位置"; DocumentBuilder builder = null; try { builder = new DocumentBuilder(mainDoc); BookmarkCollection bms = mainDoc.getRange().getBookmarks(); Bookmark bm = bms.get(bookmark); if (bm != null) { builder.moveToBookmark(bookmark, true, false); builder.writeln(); Node insertAfterNode = builder.getCurrentParagraph().getPreviousSibling(); insertDocumentAfterNode(insertAfterNode, mainDoc, addDoc); }
//设置纸张大小 builder.getPageSetup().setPaperSize(PaperSize.A4); if (isPortrait) { //纵向纸张, builder.getPageSetup().setOrientation(Orientation.PORTRAIT); builder.insertBreak(BreakType.SECTION_BREAK_NEW_PAGE); } else { //横向 builder.getPageSetup().setOrientation(Orientation.LANDSCAPE); builder.insertBreak(BreakType.SECTION_BREAK_NEW_PAGE); } //builder.insertBreak(BreakType.PAGE_BREAK); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return mainDoc; }
/** * @Description 向书签后插入文档 * @param mainDoc 主文档 * @param tobeInserted 拼接的文档 * @param bookmark 书签 * @Return com.aspose.words.Document * @Author Mr.Walloce * @Date 2019/7/27 18:33 */ private static Document insertDocumentAfterBookMark(Document mainDoc, Document tobeInserted, String bookmark) throws Exception { if (mainDoc == null) { return null; } else if (tobeInserted == null) { return mainDoc; } else { //构建新文档 DocumentBuilder mainDocBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(mainDoc); if (bookmark != null && bookmark.length() > 0) { //获取到书签 BookmarkCollection bms = mainDoc.getRange().getBookmarks(); Bookmark bm = bms.get(bookmark); if (bm != null) { mainDocBuilder.moveToBookmark(bookmark, true, false); mainDocBuilder.writeln(); //获取到插入的位置 Node insertAfterNode = mainDocBuilder.getCurrentParagraph().getPreviousSibling(); insertDocumentAfterNode(insertAfterNode, mainDoc, tobeInserted); } } else { appendDoc(mainDoc, tobeInserted, true); } return mainDoc; } } /** * @Description TODO * @param insertAfterNode 插入的位置 * @param mainDoc * @param srcDoc * @Return void * @Author Mr.Walloce * @Date 2019/7/27 14:51 */ private static void insertDocumentAfterNode(Node insertAfterNode, Document mainDoc, Document srcDoc) throws Exception { if (insertAfterNode.getNodeType() != 8 & insertAfterNode.getNodeType() != 5) { throw new Exception("The destination node should be either a paragraph or table."); } else { CompositeNode dstStory = insertAfterNode.getParentNode(); while (null != srcDoc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph() && !srcDoc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph().hasChildNodes()) { srcDoc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph().remove(); } NodeImporter importer = new NodeImporter(srcDoc, mainDoc, 1); int sectCount = srcDoc.getSections().getCount(); for (int sectIndex = 0; sectIndex < sectCount; ++sectIndex) { Section srcSection = srcDoc.getSections().get(sectIndex); int nodeCount = srcSection.getBody().getChildNodes().getCount(); for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; ++nodeIndex) { Node srcNode = srcSection.getBody().getChildNodes().get(nodeIndex); Node newNode = importer.importNode(srcNode, true); dstStory.insertAfter(newNode, insertAfterNode); insertAfterNode = newNode; } } } } /** * @Description 文档拼接 * @param dstDoc * @param srcDoc * @param includeSection * @Return void * @Author Mr.Walloce * @Date 2019/7/27 14:53 */ private static void appendDoc(Document dstDoc, Document srcDoc, boolean includeSection) throws Exception { if (includeSection) { Iterator<Section> var3 = srcDoc.getSections().iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { Section srcSection = (Section); Node dstNode = dstDoc.importNode(srcSection, true, 0); dstDoc.appendChild(dstNode); } } else { Node node = dstDoc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph(); if (node == null) { node = new Paragraph(srcDoc); dstDoc.getLastSection().getBody().appendChild(node); } if (node.getNodeType() != 8 & node.getNodeType() != 5) { throw new Exception("Use appendDoc(dstDoc, srcDoc, true) instead of appendDoc(dstDoc, srcDoc, false)"); } insertDocumentAfterNode(node, dstDoc, srcDoc); }