* Indicates the annotated class assists a "Controller".
* <p>Serves as a specialization of {@link Component @Component}, allowing for
* implementation classes to be autodetected through classpath scanning.
* <p>It is typically used to define {@link ExceptionHandler @ExceptionHandler},
* {@link InitBinder @InitBinder}, and {@link ModelAttribute @ModelAttribute}
* methods that apply to all {@link RequestMapping @RequestMapping} methods.
* @author Rossen Stoyanchev
* @since 3.2
也就是把@ControllerAdvice注解内部所有的@ExceptionHandler,@ InitBinderhe @ ModelAttribute应用到所有的@RequestMapping注解的方法里面去。
public class ExecptionHanlerController {
public String handleException(Exception e){
return "不要慌张,系统出现故障,请联系管理员!"+e.getMessage();
public void addAttribute(Model model){
model.addAttribute("mess", "world");
public class HelloController {
public String home(@ModelAttribute("mess")String message){
return "hello!"+message;
public String getexception(){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("真的不知道说什么.....");
启动String Boot就可以访问了。