




# 安装命令:
apt-get install httpd-tools

# 检查是否安装成功
ab -V

# ab参数说明
ab -h
-n  在测试会话中所执行的请求个数。默认时,仅执行一个请求。

-c  一次产生的请求个数。默认是一次一个。

-t  测试所进行的最大秒数。其内部隐含值是-n 50000,它可以使对服务器的测试限制在一个固定的总时间以内。默认时,没有时间限制。

-p  包含了需要POST的数据的文件。

-P  对一个中转代理提供BASIC认证信任。用户名和密码由一个:隔开,并以base64编码形式发送。无论服务器是否需要(即, 是否发送了401认证需求代码),此字符串都会被发送。

-T  POST数据所使用的Content-type头信息。

-v  设置显示信息的详细程度-4或更大值会显示头信息,3或更大值可以显示响应代码(404,200等),2或更大值可以显示警告和其他信息。

-V  显示版本号并退出。

-w  以HTML表的格式输出结果。默认时,它是白色背景的两列宽度的一张表。

-i  执行HEAD请求,而不是GET。

-x  设置<table>属性的字符串。

-X  对请求使用代理服务器。

-y  设置<tr>属性的字符串。

-z  设置<td>属性的字符串。

-C  对请求附加一个Cookie:行。其典型形式是name=value的一个参数对,此参数可以重复。

-H  对请求附加额外的头信息。此参数的典型形式是一个有效的头信息行,其中包含了以冒号分隔的字段和值的对(如,"Accept-Encoding:zip/zop;8bit")。

-A  对服务器提供BASIC认证信任。用户名和密码由一个:隔开,并以base64编码形式发送。无论服务器是否需要(即,是否发送了401认证需求代码),此字符串都会被发送。

-h  显示使用方法。

-d  不显示"percentage served within XX [ms] table"的消息(为以前的版本提供支持)。

-e  产生一个以逗号分隔的(CSV)文件,其中包含了处理每个相应百分比的请求所需要(从1%到100%)的相应百分比的(以微妙为单位)时间。由于这种格式已经“二进制化”,所以比'gnuplot'格式更有用。

-g  把所有测试结果写入一个'gnuplot'或者TSV(以Tab分隔的)文件。此文件可以方便地导入到Gnuplot,IDL,Mathematica,Igor甚至Excel中。其中的第一行为标题。

-i  执行HEAD请求,而不是GET。

-k  启用HTTP KeepAlive功能,即在一个HTTP会话中执行多个请求。默认时,不启用KeepAlive功能。

-q  如果处理的请求数大于150,ab每处理大约10%或者100个请求时,会在stderr输出一个进度计数。此-q标记可以抑制这些信息。


  • 吞吐率(Requests per second)



    Request per second=Complete requests/Time taken for tests


  • 并发连接数(The number of concurrent connections)

  • 并发用户数(Concurrency Level)

  • 用户平均请求等待时间(Time per request)
    Time per request=Time taken for tests/(Complete requests/Concurrency Level)

  • 服务器平均请求等待时间(Time per request:across all concurrent requests)
    Time taken for/testsComplete requests
    Time per request/Concurrency Level


ab -n 1000 -c 10

This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1843412 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/

Benchmarking (be patient)
Completed 100 requests
Completed 200 requests
Completed 300 requests
Completed 400 requests
Completed 500 requests
Completed 600 requests
Completed 700 requests
Completed 800 requests
Completed 900 requests
Completed 1000 requests
Finished 1000 requests

Server Software:        Werkzeug/2.0.3  # 软件版本
Server Hostname:  # 请求地址
Server Port:            65500  # 请求端口

Document Path:          /ngdataserver3/d0461ca0c331b735769a886505bd0bbb/customize/layerInfo?username=
Document Length:        3197 bytes  # 页面长度

Concurrency Level:      10  # 并发数
Time taken for tests:   3.689 seconds  # 共使用了多长时间
Complete requests:      1000  # 请求数
Failed requests:        0  # 失败请求
Total transferred:      3345000 bytes  # 总共传输字节数 包含http头信息等
HTML transferred:       3197000 bytes  # html字节数 实际页面传递的字节数
Requests per second:    271.08 [#/sec] (mean)  # 吞吐量 (每秒请求多少)
Time per request:       36.889 [ms] (mean)  # 用户平均等待时间
Time per request:       3.689 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)  # 服务器平均处理时间
Transfer rate:          885.52 [Kbytes/sec] received  # 每秒获取的数据长度

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    0   0.2      0       2
Processing:     6   36  14.9     34     177
Waiting:        4   35  14.9     34     175
Total:          7   37  14.9     35     177

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%     35  # 50%的请求在35s内返回
  66%     38  # %66的请求在38s内返回
  75%     40
  80%     41
  90%     45
  95%     49
  98%     56
  99%    157
 100%    177 (longest request)



版权声明:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。

posted @   一枚码农  阅读(71)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
  1. 1 Sold Out Hawk
  2. 2 光辉岁月 Beyond
Sold Out - Hawk
00:00 / 00:00
An audio error has occurred, player will skip forward in 2 seconds.

作词 : Jon Steingard

作曲 : Jon Steingard

I ain't like no one you met before

I'm running for the front

When they're all running for the door

And I won't sit down won't back out

You can't ever shut me up

Cause I'm on a mission

And I won't quit now

In a world full of followers

I'll be a leader

In a world full of doubters

I'll be a believer

I'm stepping out without a hesitation

Because the battle's already been won

I'm sold out

I'm no longer living

Just for myself

Running after Jesus

With my whole heart

And now I'm ready to show

I am sold out

I'm sold out

With every single

Step that I take now

With every drop of blood

Left in my veins

I'm gonna be making it count

I am sold out

This ain't just some temporary phase

You can't face this kind of grace

And leave the way you came

This is permanent with intent

And there won't be no stopping it now

I'm on a mission and it's heaven sent

In a world full of followers

I'll be a leader

In a world full of doubters

I'll be a believer

I'm stepping out without a hesitation

Cause my soul is like a stadium

I'm sold out

I'm no longer living

Just for myself

Running after Jesus

With my whole heart

And now I'm ready to shout

I am sold out

I'm sold out

With every single

Step that I take now

With every drop of blood

Left in my veins

I'm gonna be making it count

I am sold out

No trials coming against me

Could put a dent in my passion

They're just an opportunity

To put my faith into action

In a world full of followers

I'll be a leader

In a world full of doubters

I'll be a believer

I'm stepping out without a hesitation

I ain't got nothing left to be afraid of

I'm sold out

I'm no longer living

Just for myself

Running after Jesus

With my whole heart

And now I'm ready to show

I am sold out

I'm sold out

With every single

Step that I take now

With every drop of blood

Left in my veins

I'm gonna be making it count

I am sold out