Delphi Excel操作类
{**************************************************** // Description : 把一个表或Query或StringGrid中的数据保存到一个Execl文件中 Function List : 创建接口 procedure CreateExcelInstance; 把表内容放到Excel文件中 procedure TableToExcel( const Table: TTable ); 把Query内容放到Excel文件中 procedure QueryToExcel( const Query: TQuery ); 把StringGrid内容放到Excel文件中 procedure StringGridToExcel( const StringGrid: TStringGrid ); 保存为Execl文件 procedure SaveToExcel( const FileName: String); 调用实例如下: OLEExcel1.CreateExcelInstance; OLEExcel1.QuerytoExcel((CurRep.DataSet as TQuery)); OLEExcel1.SaveToExcel(SaveDlg1.FileName); ****************************************************} Unit OleExcel; Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, comobj, DBTables, Grids, OleCtnrs, OleServer, Excel2000, Variants; Type FileCheckResult = (fcrNotExistend, fcrNotXSLFile, fcrValidXSL); //文件不存在,不是XSL文件,合法的XSL文件 TOLEExcel = Class(TComponent) Private FExcelCreated: Boolean; FVisible: Boolean; FExcel: Variant; //Excel程序对象 FWorkBook: Variant; //Excel工作簿对象 FWorkSheet: Variant; //Excel工作簿 工作表对象 FCellFont: TFont; //单元格字体对象 FTitleFont: TFont; // FFontChanged: Boolean; FIgnoreFont: Boolean; FFileName: TFileName; //********************************************自己添加*****************************// FCreateFromFile: Boolean; //指示是否打开已有文件 FExcelCaption: String; //用程序打开Excel的窗体标 //*********************************来自U_Report*****************************// FRCPrePage: Integer; //每页显示的记录数 FMax: Integer; //最大的数组个数 Procedure SetExcelCellFont(Var Cell: Variant); Procedure SetExcelTitleFont(Var Cell: Variant); Procedure GetTableColumnName(Const Table: TTable; Var Cell: Variant); Procedure GetQueryColumnName(Const Query: TQuery; Var Cell: Variant); Procedure GetFixedCols(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid; Var Cell: Variant); Procedure GetFixedRows(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid; Var Cell: Variant); Procedure GetStringGridBody(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid; Var Cell: Variant); Protected Procedure SetCellFont(NewFont: TFont); Procedure SetTitleFont(NewFont: TFont); Procedure SetVisible(DoShow: Boolean); Function GetCell(ARow, ACol: Integer): String; Procedure SetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; Const Value: String); Function GetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): TDateTime; Procedure SetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; Const Value: TDateTime); //*********************************************自己添加************************************// Procedure SetCaption(ACaption: String); //设置打开文件后,Excel主程序的窗体标题 Function GetCapiton: String; //返回打开文件后,Excel主程序的窗体标题 Public Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); Override; Destructor Destroy; Override; Procedure CreateExcelInstance; Property Cell[ACol, ARow: Integer]: String Read GetCell Write SetCell; Property DateCell[ACol, ARow: Integer]: TDateTime Read GetDateCell Write SetDateCell; Function IsCreated: Boolean; Procedure TableToExcel(Const Table: TTable); Procedure QueryToExcel(Const Query: TQuery); Procedure StringGridToExcel(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid); Procedure SaveToExcel(Const FileName: String); //*********************************来自U_Report*****************************// Function GetRepRange(x, y: integer): String; //将(x,y)坐标形式改为Excel区域(A1:B1)形式 Procedure CellMerge(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); //合并指定单元格 Procedure SetRepLine(x1, x2, y1, y2: Integer); //加边框线 Procedure CellWrite(RepData: String; x, y: Integer); //单元格写数据 Procedure CellFormat(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); //指定单元格格式 Procedure CellGS(x1, y1, x2, y2, f: integer); //灵活单元格格式 Procedure CreatRepSheet(SheetName: String; PageSize, PageLay: Integer); //给当前工作表重命名、进行页面设置 Procedure SetAddMess(H_Mess1, H_Mess2, H_Mess3, F_Mess1, F_Mess2, F_Mess3: String); //设置附加信息 Procedure SetRepBody(x, ch: Integer; cw: Double; cf: String); //设置整体各列数据格式 Procedure CreatTitle(TitleName: String; y: Integer); //设置标题 Procedure CreatSubHead(SubTitle: Array Of String); //设置常规子表头 Procedure SubHeadFormat(y, r: Integer); //设置子表头格式 Procedure DTSubHeadGS(x, y, r: Integer); //设置动态子表头格式 Procedure WriteData(RepData: String; x, y: Integer; flag: Integer = 0); //写入数据 Procedure RepPageBreak(x, y, r: Integer); //分页、复制表头 Procedure RepSaveAs(FileName: String); //保存为*.xls文 Procedure RepPrivew; //预览 //*********************************************自己添加************************************// Function FileCheck: FileCheckResult; //检查文件 Function GetRowCount: Integer; Published Property TitleFont: TFont Read FTitleFont Write SetTitleFont; Property CellFont: TFont Read FCellFont Write SetCellFont; Property Visible: Boolean Read FVisible Write SetVisible; Property IgnoreFont: Boolean Read FIgnoreFont Write FIgnoreFont; Property FileName: TFileName Read FFileName Write FFileName; //*********************************来自U_Report*****************************// Property RCPrePage: Integer Read FRCPrePage Write FRCPrePage; Property MaxAC: Integer Read FMax Write FMax; //*********************************************自己添加************************************// Property CreateFromFile: Boolean Read FCreateFromFile Write FCreateFromFile; Property Caption: String Read GetCapiton Write SetCaption; End; Procedure Register; Implementation Constructor TOLEExcel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); FIgnoreFont := True; FCellFont := TFont.Create; FTitleFont := TFont.Create; FExcelCreated := False; FVisible := False; //暂时不显示Excel窗体 FCreateFromFile := False; //默认不是打开已有xls文件 FFontChanged := False; FFileName := ''; //默认文件名为空 End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CreateExcelInstance; Var myFileCheckResult: FileCheckResult; Begin If Not FCreateFromFile Then //启动Excel,打开一个空Excel表格 Begin Try FExcel := CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'); If FExcel.WorkBooks.Count = 0 Then FWorkBook := FExcel.WorkBooks.Add Else FWorkBook := FExcel.WorkBooks[1]; //FWorkSheet := FWorkBook.WorkSheets.Add; If FExcel.Sheets.Count = 0 Then FWorkSheet := FWorkBook.WorkSheets.Add //如果没有工作表,则创建一个 Else //FWorkSheet := FExcel.ActiveSheet;//否则使用当前工作表 FWorkSheet := FExcel.worksheets[1]; //否则使用当前工作簿第一个工作表 FWorkSheet.Activate; //FWorkSheet := FExcel.WorkBooks[1].Sheets[1]; FExcelCreated := True; Except MessageDlg('打开Exce失败,请确定您的机器里已安装MicrosoftExcel后,再使用本功能!', mtError, [mbOk], 0); ; FExcelCreated := False; End; End Else //根据FFileName指定的文件名,打开文件 Begin myFileCheckResult := FileCheck; Case myFileCheckResult Of fcrNotExistend: Begin ShowMessage('指定的文件不存在,无法打开,请重新选择文件!'); End; fcrNotXSLFile: Begin ShowMessage('指定的文件不是合法的Excel格式文件,请重新选择文件!'); End; fcrValidXSL: Begin Try FExcel := CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'); FWorkBook := FExcel.WorkBooks.Open(FFileName); If FExcel.Sheets.Count = 0 Then FWorkSheet := FWorkBook.WorkSheets.Add //如果没有工作表,则创建一个 Else //FWorkSheet := FExcel.ActiveSheet;//否则使用当前工作表 FWorkSheet := FExcel.worksheets[1]; //否则使用当前工作簿第一个工作表 //FWorkSheet := FExcel.WorkBooks[1].Sheets[1]; FWorkSheet.Activate; FExcelCreated := True; Except MessageDlg('打开文件失败,可能是您的电脑没有安装Excel软件,请先安装Excel软件!', mtError, [mbOk], 0); ; FExcelCreated := False; End; End; End; End; End; Destructor TOLEExcel.Destroy; Begin FCellFont.Free; FTitleFont.Free; Try FExcel.Quit; Finally FExcel := Unassigned; End; Inherited Destroy; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetExcelCellFont(Var Cell: Variant); Begin If FIgnoreFont Then exit; With FCellFont Do Begin Cell.Font.Name := Name; Cell.Font.Size := Size; Cell.Font.Color := Color; Cell.Font.Bold := fsBold In Style; Cell.Font.Italic := fsItalic In Style; Cell.Font.UnderLine := fsUnderline In Style; Cell.Font.Strikethrough := fsStrikeout In Style; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetExcelTitleFont(Var Cell: Variant); Begin If FIgnoreFont Then exit; With FTitleFont Do Begin Cell.Font.Name := Name; Cell.Font.Size := Size; Cell.Font.Color := Color; Cell.Font.Bold := fsBold In Style; Cell.Font.Italic := fsItalic In Style; Cell.Font.UnderLine := fsUnderline In Style; Cell.Font.Strikethrough := fsStrikeout In Style; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetVisible(DoShow: Boolean); Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; If DoShow Then FExcel.Visible := True Else FExcel.Visible := False; End; Function TOLEExcel.GetCell(ARow, ACol: Integer): String; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; result := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; Const Value: String); Var Cell: Variant; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Value; End; Function TOLEExcel.GetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): TDateTime; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then Begin result := 0; exit; End; result := StrToDateTime(FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]); End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetDateCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; Const Value: TDateTime); Var Cell: Variant; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[ARow, ACol]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := '''' + DateTimeToStr(Value); End; Function TOLEExcel.IsCreated: Boolean; Begin result := FExcelCreated; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetTitleFont(NewFont: TFont); Begin If NewFont <> FTitleFont Then FTitleFont.Assign(NewFont); End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetCellFont(NewFont: TFont); Begin If NewFont <> FCellFont Then FCellFont.Assign(NewFont); End; Procedure TOLEExcel.GetTableColumnName(Const Table: TTable; Var Cell: Variant); Var Col: integer; Begin For Col := 0 To Table.FieldCount - 1 Do Begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Table.Fields[Col].FieldName; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.TableToExcel(Const Table: TTable); Var Col, Row: LongInt; Cell: Variant; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; If Table.Active = False Then exit; GetTableColumnName(Table, Cell); Row := 2; With Table Do Begin first; While Not EOF Do Begin For Col := 0 To FieldCount - 1 Do Begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Fields[Col].AsString; End; next; Inc(Row); End; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.GetQueryColumnName(Const Query: TQuery; Var Cell: Variant); Var Col: integer; Begin For Col := 0 To Query.FieldCount - 1 Do Begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Query.Fields[Col].FieldName; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.QueryToExcel(Const Query: TQuery); Var Col, Row: LongInt; Cell: Variant; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; If Query.Active = False Then exit; GetQueryColumnName(Query, Cell); Row := 2; With Query Do Begin first; While Not EOF Do Begin For Col := 0 To FieldCount - 1 Do Begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := Fields[Col].AsString; End; next; Inc(Row); End; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.GetFixedCols(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid; Var Cell: Variant); Var Col, Row: LongInt; Begin For Col := 0 To StringGrid.FixedCols - 1 Do For Row := 0 To StringGrid.RowCount - 1 Do Begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row + 1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[Col, Row]; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.GetFixedRows(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid; Var Cell: Variant); Var Col, Row: LongInt; Begin For Row := 0 To StringGrid.FixedRows - 1 Do For Col := 0 To StringGrid.ColCount - 1 Do Begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[Row + 1, Col + 1]; SetExcelTitleFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[Col, Row]; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.GetStringGridBody(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid; Var Cell: Variant); Var Col, Row, x, y: LongInt; Begin Col := StringGrid.FixedCols; Row := StringGrid.FixedRows; For x := Row To StringGrid.RowCount - 1 Do For y := Col To StringGrid.ColCount - 1 Do Begin Cell := FWorkSheet.Cells[x + 1, y + 1]; SetExcelCellFont(Cell); Cell.Value := StringGrid.Cells[y, x]; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.StringGridToExcel(Const StringGrid: TStringGrid); Var Cell: Variant; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; GetFixedCols(StringGrid, Cell); GetFixedRows(StringGrid, Cell); GetStringGridBody(StringGrid, Cell); End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SaveToExcel(Const FileName: String); Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FWorkSheet.SaveAs(FileName); //FExcel.Application.quit; //FExcel:=Unassigned; End; Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents('OleExcel', [TOLEExcel]); End; Function TOLEExcel.GetRepRange(x, y: integer): String; {将(x,y)坐标形式改为Excel区域(A1:B1)形式} Var fX, fY: String; Begin If y <= 0 Then fX := 'A'; If y <= 26 Then fX := chr(64 + y); If y > 26 Then fX := chr(64 + (y Div 26)) + chr(64 + (y Mod 26)); fY := IntToStr(x); Result := fX + fY; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CellMerge(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); {合并指定单元格} Var RepSpace: String; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; RepSpace := GetRepRange(x1, y1) + ':' + GetRepRange(x2, y2); FExcel.Range[RepSpace].Select; FExcel.Selection.Merge; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetRepLine(x1, x2, y1, y2: Integer); {加边框线} Var RepSpace: String; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; RepSpace := GetRepRange(x1, y1) + ':' + GetRepRange(x2, y2); FExcel.ActiveSheet.Range[RepSpace].Borders.LineStyle := xlContinuous; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CellWrite(RepData: String; x, y: Integer); Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FExcel.cells(x, y) := RepData; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CellFormat(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); {指定单元格格式} Var RepSpace: String; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; RepSpace := GetRepRange(x1, y1) + ':' + GetRepRange(x2, y2); FExcel.Range[RepSpace].Select; FExcel.Selection.NumberFormat := 'G/通用格式'; FExcel.Selection.Font.Bold := True; FExcel.Selection.HorizontalAlignment := 3; //水平方向对齐方式:居中 End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CellGS(x1, y1, x2, y2, f: integer); {灵活单元格格式} Var RepSpace: String; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; RepSpace := GetRepRange(x1, y1) + ':' + GetRepRange(x2, y2); FExcel.Range[RepSpace].Select; FExcel.Selection.NumberFormat := 'G/通用格式'; FExcel.Selection.HorizontalAlignment := f; //水平方向对齐方式:居中 End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CreatRepSheet(SheetName: String; PageSize, PageLay: Integer); {给当前工作表重命名、进行页面设置} Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FExcel.ActiveSheet.Name := SheetName; //重命名当前工作表 //设置页面 If PageSize = 1 Then FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PaperSize := xlPaperA3; //纸张大小:A3 If PageSize = 2 Then FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PaperSize := xlPaperA4; //纸张大小 :A4 If PageSize = 3 Then FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PaperSize := xlPaperB5; //纸张大小 :B5 If PageLay = 1 Then FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation := xlportrait; //页面放置方向:纵向 If PageLay = 2 Then FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation := xlLandscape; //页面放置方向:横向 //设置页宽自动适应 FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Zoom := False; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide := 1; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.FitToPagesTall := False; //设置页眉、页脚(即:页标题、页号) FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightFooter := '打印时间: ' + '&D &T'; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter := '第&''&P&''页,共&''&N&''页'; //设置页边距: FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.TopMargin := 1.5 / 0.035; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin := 1.5 / 0.035; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin := 1 / 0.035; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightMargin := 1 / 0.035; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin := 0.5 / 0.035; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.FooterMargin := 0.5 / 0.035; //设置页面对齐方式 FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally := True; //页面水平居中 //FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterVertically := True; //页面垂直居中 //设置整体字体格式 FExcel.Cells.Font.Name := '宋体'; //字体 FExcel.Cells.Font.Size := 12; //字号 FExcel.Cells.RowHeight := 16; //行高 FExcel.Cells.VerticalAlignment := 2; //垂直方向对齐方式:居中 End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetAddMess(H_Mess1, H_Mess2, H_Mess3, F_Mess1, F_Mess2, F_Mess3: String); //用户自定义页眉、页脚(即:页标题、页号) Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader := H_Mess1; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader := H_Mess2; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader := H_Mess3; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetRepBody(x, ch: Integer; cw: Double; cf: String); //设置整体各列数据格式 Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FExcel.ActiveSheet.Columns[x].ColumnWidth := cw; //列宽 FExcel.ActiveSheet.Columns[x].NumberFormat := Cf; //单元格数据格式 FExcel.ActiveSheet.Columns[x].HorizontalAlignment := ch; //水平方向对齐方式 End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CreatTitle(TitleName: String; y: Integer); {设置标题} Var RepSpace: String; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; CellMerge(1, 1, 1, y); FExcel.cells(1, 1) := TitleName; RepSpace := 'A1' + ':' + GetRepRange(1, y); FExcel.Range[RepSpace].Select; FExcel.Selection.NumberFormat := 'G/通用格式'; FExcel.Selection.Font.Size := 22; FExcel.Selection.Font.Name := '黑体'; FExcel.Selection.Font.Bold := True; FExcel.Selection.HorizontalAlignment := 3; //水平方向对齐方式:居中 FExcel.Rows[1].RowHeight := 28; End; Function TOLEExcel.FileCheck: FileCheckResult; //检查文件 Begin If Not (FileExists(FFileName)) Then Begin Result := fcrNotExistend; Exit; End Else Begin If UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FFileName)) <> '.XLS' Then Result := fcrNotXSLFile Else Result := fcrValidXSL; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SetCaption(ACaption: String); Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FExcel.Caption := ACaption; End; Function TOLEExcel.GetCapiton: String; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; Result := FExcel.Caption; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.CreatSubHead(SubTitle: Array Of String); {设置常规子表头} Var i, j: Integer; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; j := 0; For i := Low(SubTitle) To High(SubTitle) Do Begin Inc(j); FExcel.cells(2, j) := SubTitle[i]; End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.SubHeadFormat(y, r: Integer); {设置子表头格式} Var RepSpace: String; n: Integer; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; RepSpace := 'A2' + ':' + GetRepRange(1 + r, y); FExcel.Range[RepSpace].Select; FExcel.Selection.NumberFormat := 'G/通用格式'; FExcel.Selection.HorizontalAlignment := 3; //表头水平对齐方式:居中 FExcel.Selection.Font.Bold := True; For n := 1 To r Do Begin FExcel.Rows[1 + n].RowHeight := 18; SetRepLine(1 + n, y, 1 + n, y); End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.DTSubHeadGS(x, y, r: Integer); {设置动态子表头格式} Var RepSpace: String; n: Integer; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; RepSpace := GetRepRange(x, 1) + ':' + GetRepRange(x + r - 1, y); FExcel.Range[RepSpace].Select; FExcel.Selection.NumberFormat := 'G/通用格式'; FExcel.Selection.HorizontalAlignment := 3; //表头水平对齐方式:居中 FExcel.Selection.Font.Bold := True; For n := 0 To r - 1 Do Begin FExcel.Rows[x + n].RowHeight := 18; SetRepLine(x + n, y, x + n, y); End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.WriteData(RepData: String; x, y: Integer; flag: Integer = 0); {写数据} Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; If flag = 1 Then //flag = 1 表示写入日期型数据 FExcel.cells(x, y) := StrToDate(RepData) Else FExcel.cells(x, y) := RepData; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.RepPageBreak(x, y, r: Integer); //分页、复制表头 Var RepSpace: String; n: Integer; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FExcel.ActiveSheet.Rows[x].PageBreak := 1; RepSpace := 'A1' + ':' + GetRepRange(r + 1, y); FExcel.ActiveSheet.Range[RepSpace].Copy; RepSpace := 'A' + IntToStr(x); FExcel.ActiveSheet.Range[RepSpace].PasteSpecial; FExcel.Rows[x].RowHeight := 28; For n := 2 To r Do FExcel.Rows[x + n].RowHeight := 18; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.RepSaveAs(FileName: String); {保存为*.xls文件} Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; Try FWorkBook.saveas(FileName); Except MessageDlg('不能访问文件,请关闭Microsoft Excel后再运行本程序!', mtError, [mbOk], 0); End; End; Procedure TOLEExcel.RepPrivew; {打印预览当前工作簿的当前工作表} Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then exit; FExcel.ActiveSheet.PrintPreview; End; Function TOLEExcel.GetRowCount: Integer; Begin If Not FExcelCreated Then Result := 0 Else Result := FWorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; End; End.
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