
 1 count = 0
 2 user_info = {'yileye': 123, 'root': 123}
 4 user_msg = '''
 5 --------------------User info-----------------
 6 user_name: %s
 8 check_status: %s
 9 --------------------------------------------
10 '''
12 with open('user_info.log', 'r') as rf:
13     lock_user =
14 while True:
15     user_name = input('user_name: ')
16     if user_name == lock_user:
17         print('账号被锁定')
18         break
19     if user_name not in user_info:
20         print('无效用户名,请重试')
21         continue
23     if count == 3:
24         print('超出重试次数,账号被锁定')
25         with open('user_info.log', 'w') as f:
26             f.write(user_name)
27         break
28     user_pwd = input('user_pwd: ')
29     if int(user_pwd) != user_info[user_name]:
30         print('密码错误请重试')
31         count += 1
32         continue
33     print(user_msg % (user_name, '登录成功'))
34     break

35 36 # ------------------------------------------------- 37 38 # 猜龄游戏 39 40 age = 26 41 42 age_scope = 5 43 44 count = 0 45 46 flag = True 47 48 while True: 49 50 while flag: 51 52 while flag: 53 try: 54 guess_age = int(input('猜猜我的年龄?\n')) 55 except ValueError: 56 print('请输入有效年龄') 57 flag = False 58 break 59 count += 1 60 if guess_age == age: 61 if count == 1: 62 print('真厉害,1次就猜对了') 63 flag = False 64 break 65 else: 66 print('不怎么样嘛,' + str(count) + '次才猜对') 67 flag = False 68 count = 0 69 break 70 elif abs(age - guess_age) <= age_scope: 71 print('很接近了,加油') 72 73 print('还可以猜' + str(3 - count) + '') 74 if count == 3: 75 flag = False 76 if count == 3: 77 continue_or_quit = input('是否还想继续玩? y|n \n') 78 if continue_or_quit.lower() == 'y': 79 count = 0 80 flag = True 81 continue 82 else: 83 break 84 break


posted @ 2017-07-05 22:50  byrony  阅读(85)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报