!address -summary报错"The current target does not provide full memory information. No meaningful summary available. "
今天分析一个dmp文件时,想看下内存的使用情况,于是执行!address -summary,结果却有如下输出:
0:000> !address -summary
The current target does not provide full memory information. No meaningful summary available.
Use !address with no arguments to display the available virtual memory map of the target.
用Windbg加载,并执行!address -summary
0:000> !address -summary
Mapping file section regions...
Mapping module regions...
Mapping PEB regions...
Mapping TEB and stack regions...
Mapping heap regions...
Mapping page heap regions...
Mapping other regions...
Mapping stack trace database regions...
Mapping activation context regions...
--- Usage Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
Free 123 75782000 ( 1.835 GB) 91.78%
<unknown> 124 5954000 ( 89.328 MB) 53.04% 4.36%
Image 306 3c17000 ( 60.090 MB) 35.68% 2.93%
Heap 42 c96000 ( 12.586 MB) 7.47% 0.61%
Stack 18 600000 ( 6.000 MB) 3.56% 0.29%
Other 8 5c000 ( 368.000 kB) 0.21% 0.02%
TEB 6 e000 ( 56.000 kB) 0.03% 0.00%
PEB 1 3000 ( 12.000 kB) 0.01% 0.00%
--- Type Summary (for busy) ------ RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_MAPPED 57 5497000 ( 84.590 MB) 50.22% 4.13%
MEM_IMAGE 327 3c83000 ( 60.512 MB) 35.93% 2.95%
MEM_PRIVATE 121 1754000 ( 23.328 MB) 13.85% 1.14%
--- State Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_FREE 123 75782000 ( 1.835 GB) 91.78%
MEM_COMMIT 447 8197000 ( 129.590 MB) 76.94% 6.33%
MEM_RESERVE 58 26d7000 ( 38.840 MB) 23.06% 1.90%
--- Protect Summary (for commit) - RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
PAGE_READONLY 188 3f7c000 ( 63.484 MB) 37.69% 3.10%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READ 68 2f22000 ( 47.133 MB) 27.98% 2.30%
PAGE_READWRITE 144 11be000 ( 17.742 MB) 10.53% 0.87%
PAGE_WRITECOPY 29 111000 ( 1.066 MB) 0.63% 0.05%
PAGE_READWRITE|PAGE_GUARD 12 1e000 ( 120.000 kB) 0.07% 0.01%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE 4 a000 ( 40.000 kB) 0.02% 0.00%
PAGE_NOACCESS 2 2000 ( 8.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
--- Largest Region by Usage ----------- Base Address -------- Region Size ----------
Free 7eb0000 56d90000 ( 1.357 GB)
<unknown> 4e00000 2000000 ( 32.000 MB)
Image 75231000 54d000 ( 5.301 MB)
Heap 7a79000 376000 ( 3.461 MB)
Stack 37e0000 fd000 (1012.000 kB)
Other 7fcc0000 33000 ( 204.000 kB)
TEB e19000 3000 ( 12.000 kB)
PEB e16000 3000 ( 12.000 kB)