深入解析pure virtual function call
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 | /** * "pure virtual function call" on win32 platform * filename: testWin32PVFC.cpp */ #include <iostream> #define PI 3.1415926 using namespace std; class Shape { private : double ValuePerSquareUnit; protected : Shape( double valuePerSquareUnit): ValuePerSquareUnit(valuePerSquareUnit) { //error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual double __thiscall Shape::area(void)const " (?area@Shape@@UBENXZ) //std::cout << "creating shape, area = " << area() << std::endl; std::cout << "creating shape, value = " << value() << std::endl; //indirectly call pure virtual function in constructor } public : virtual double area() const = 0; double value() const { return ValuePerSquareUnit * area(); } virtual ~Shape() { printf ( "Shape::~Shape() is called" ); } double getPerSquareUnit() { return ValuePerSquareUnit; } }; class Rectangle : public Shape { private : double Width; double Height; public : Rectangle( double width, double height, double valuePerSquareUnit): Shape(valuePerSquareUnit),Width(width),Height(height) { } virtual ~Rectangle() //can be removed { } virtual double area() const { return Width * Height; } }; class Circle: public Shape { double Radius; public : Circle( double radius, double valuePerSquareUnit): Shape(valuePerSquareUnit),Radius(radius) { } virtual ~Circle() //can be removed { } virtual double area() const { return PI * Radius * Radius; } }; int main() { Rectangle* pr = new Rectangle(30, 20, 10); Circle* pc = new Circle(15, 10); //invoke Rectangle::area() printf ( "rectangle: area = %.2f, PerSquareUnit = %.2f, value = %.2f/n" , pr->area(), pr->getPerSquareUnit(), pr->value()); //invoke Circle::area() printf ( "circle : area = %.2f, PerSquareUnit = %.2f, value = %.2f/n" , pc->area(), pc->getPerSquareUnit(), pc->value()); Shape* shape; shape = pr; printf ( "rectangle: area = %.2f, PerSquareUnit = %.2f, value = %.2f/n" , shape->area(), shape->getPerSquareUnit(), shape->value()); shape = pc; printf ( "circle : area = %.2f, PerSquareUnit = %.2f, value = %.2f/n" , shape->area(), shape->getPerSquareUnit(), shape->value()); return 0; } |
double value() const { 004118F0 push ebp 004118F1 mov ebp,esp 004118F3 sub esp,0CCh 004118F9 push ebx 004118FA push esi 004118FB push edi 004118FC push ecx 004118FD lea edi,[ebp-0CCh] 00411903 mov ecx,33h 00411908 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh 0041190D rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] 0041190F pop ecx 00411910 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],ecx return ValuePerSquareUnit * area(); 00411913 mov eax,dword ptr [this] //eax = 0x003b5fc0, move ‘this’ pointer to eax 00411916 mov edx,dword ptr [eax] //edx = 0x00417800, move vfptr to edx 00411918 mov esi,esp 0041191A mov ecx,dword ptr [this] //ecx = 0x003b5fc0, move ‘this’ pointer to ecx 0041191D mov eax,dword ptr [edx] //eax = 0x004111f4, the address of __purecall, move the first virtual function address to eax 0041191F call eax //call this virtual function 00411921 cmp esi,esp 00411923 call @ILT+500(__RTC_CheckEsp) (4111F9h) 00411928 mov ecx,dword ptr [this] 0041192B fmul qword ptr [ecx+8] } 0041192E pop edi 0041192F pop esi 00411930 pop ebx 00411931 add esp,0CCh 00411937 cmp ebp,esp 00411939 call @ILT+500(__RTC_CheckEsp) (4111F9h) 0041193E mov esp,ebp 00411940 pop ebp 00411941 ret

00411005 jmp _setdefaultprecision (413E80h)
0041100A jmp _setargv (413F20h)
0041100F jmp std::ios_base::good (41283Ah)
00411014 jmp DebugBreak (414B78h)
00411019 jmp _RTC_GetErrDesc (413BE0h)
0041101E jmp Rectangle::area (411BD0h)
00411023 jmp __p__fmode (413F94h)
00411028 jmp __security_check_cookie (412870h)
0041102D jmp IsDebuggerPresent (414B6Ch)
00411032 jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::sentry::operator bool (412630h)
00411037 jmp type_info::operator= (412BA0h)
0041103C jmp _RTC_Terminate (413F60h)
00411041 jmp WideCharToMultiByte (414B7Eh)
00411046 jmp _RTC_AllocaHelper (412940h)
0041104B jmp _RTC_GetErrorFuncW (413CA0h)
00411050 jmp _RTC_NumErrors (413BD0h)
00411055 jmp std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >::rdbuf (412810h)
0041105A jmp __setusermatherr (413F04h)
0041105F jmp Sleep (414B48h)
00411064 jmp type_info::_type_info_dtor_internal_method (414B12h)
00411069 jmp Circle::`scalar deleting destructor' (411DC0h)
0041106E jmp Rectangle::Rectangle (4119A0h)
00411073 jmp std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >::setstate (4127ECh)
00411078 jmp GetModuleFileNameW (414BD2h)
0041107D jmp __security_init_cookie (414120h)
00411082 jmp Shape::getPerSquareUnit (411960h)
00411087 jmp Circle::`scalar deleting destructor' (411DC0h)
0041108C jmp SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (414B66h)
00411091 jmp _cexit (41428Ch)
00411096 jmp Shape::`scalar deleting destructor' (411AF0h)
0041109B jmp _CrtDbgReportW (414504h)
004110A0 jmp VirtualQuery (414BD8h)
004110A5 jmp atexit (4140E0h)
004110AA jmp MultiByteToWideChar (414B84h)
004110AF jmp FatalAppExitA (414BBAh)
004110B4 jmp std::endl (4127E6h)
004110B9 jmp _RTC_SetErrorType (413C00h)
004110BE jmp _except_handler4 (414520h)
004110C3 jmp _lock (414B30h)
004110C8 jmp std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Unlock (412852h)
004110CD jmp GetProcAddress (414B90h)
004110D2 jmp std::char_traits<char>::length (412828h)
004110D7 jmp _RTC_CheckStackVars (4128C0h)
004110DC jmp operator delete (412858h)
004110E1 jmp std::char_traits<char>::eq_int_type (4127FEh)
004110E6 jmp type_info::_type_info_dtor_internal_method (414B12h)
004110EB jmp std::uncaught_exception (412846h)
004110F0 jmp __report_gsfailure (4130E0h)
004110F5 jmp terminate (414B0Ch)
004110FA jmp _exit (414280h)
004110FF jmp GetCurrentThreadId (414BA8h)
00411104 jmp _initterm (41450Ah)
00411109 jmp std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >::tie (412834h)
0041110E jmp std::ios_base::width (4127F2h)
00411113 jmp GetCurrentProcess (414B5Ah)
00411118 jmp Circle::~Circle (411E30h)
0041111D jmp std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >::sputc (41280Ah)
00411122 jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::operator<< (4127E0h)
00411127 jmp _encode_pointer (414100h)
0041112C jmp std::ios_base::width (412822h)
00411131 jmp _RTC_UninitUse (413A80h)
00411136 jmp _RTC_Shutdown (412AD0h)
0041113B jmp type_info::`vector deleting destructor' (412B10h)
00411140 jmp _FindPESection (414320h)
00411145 jmp Rectangle::`scalar deleting destructor' (411C20h)
0041114A jmp _configthreadlocale (413E78h)
0041114F jmp _RTC_InitBase (412A90h)
00411154 jmp _RTC_StackFailure (413700h)
00411159 jmp LoadLibraryA (414B96h)
0041115E jmp RaiseException (414B72h)
00411163 jmp _crt_debugger_hook (414550h)
00411168 jmp _ValidateImageBase (4142A0h)
0041116D jmp Shape::value (4118F0h)
00411172 jmp InterlockedCompareExchange (414B4Eh)
00411177 jmp Rectangle::~Rectangle (411C90h)
0041117C jmp Shape::Shape (411A30h)
00411181 jmp std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Lock (41284Ch)
00411186 jmp std::char_traits<char>::eof (412804h)
0041118B jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::sentry::~sentry (412560h)
00411190 jmp Shape::~Shape (411B60h)
00411195 jmp GetProcessHeap (414BCCh)
0041119A jmp _RTC_SetErrorFuncW (413C60h)
0041119F jmp _onexit (413FA0h)
004111A4 jmp NtCurrentTeb (412FF0h)
004111A9 jmp HeapFree (414BC0h)
004111AE jmp std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (411E90h)
004111B3 jmp _RTC_SetErrorFunc (413C30h)
004111B8 jmp _invoke_watson_if_error (413ED0h)
004111BD jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::operator<< (4127DAh)
004111C2 jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Sentry_base::~_Sentry_base (412730h)
004111C7 jmp TerminateProcess (414B54h)
004111CC jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::flush (41282Eh)
004111D1 jmp mainCRTStartup (412CF0h)
004111D6 jmp QueryPerformanceCounter (414B9Ch)
004111DB jmp __p__commode (413F8Eh)
004111E0 jmp _unlock (414B24h)
004111E5 jmp GetCurrentProcessId (414BAEh)
004111EA jmp _RTC_CheckStackVars2 (412980h)
004111EF jmp __set_app_type (414106h)
004111F4 jmp _purecall (412BB4h)
004111F9 jmp _RTC_CheckEsp (412890h)
004111FE jmp main (4115B0h)
00411203 jmp Rectangle::`scalar deleting destructor' (411C20h)
00411208 jmp _RTC_Initialize (413F30h)
0041120D jmp _controlfp_s (414B18h)
00411212 jmp GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (414BB4h)
00411217 jmp _decode_pointer (414B36h)
0041121C jmp _invoke_watson (414B1Eh)
00411221 jmp _RTC_GetSrcLine (414560h)
00411226 jmp _CRT_RTC_INITW (413CA6h)
0041122B jmp GetTickCount (414BA2h)
00411230 jmp std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >::sputn (4127F8h)
00411235 jmp _IsNonwritableInCurrentImage (4143B0h)
0041123A jmp __CxxFrameHandler3 (41286Ah)
0041123F jmp HeapAlloc (414BC6h)
00411244 jmp _amsg_exit (41410Ch)
00411249 jmp operator new (412864h)
0041124E jmp _XcptFilter (414286h)
00411253 jmp _CrtSetCheckCount (414298h)
00411258 jmp InterlockedExchange (414B42h)
0041125D jmp UnhandledExceptionFilter (414B60h)
00411262 jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::sentry::sentry (412400h)
00411267 jmp type_info::type_info (412AF0h)
0041126C jmp printf (41285Eh)
00411271 jmp Circle::Circle (411CF0h)
00411276 jmp _except_handler4_common (414B3Ch)
0041127B jmp _matherr (413F10h)
00411280 jmp std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >::fill (412816h)
00411285 jmp __getmainargs (414112h)
0041128A jmp __ArrayUnwind (413D90h)
0041128F jmp Circle::area (411D70h)
00411294 jmp lstrlenA (414B8Ah)
00411299 jmp _RTC_Failure (413300h)
0041129E jmp std::ios_base::flags (41281Ch)
004112A3 jmp _RTC_AllocaFailure (413870h)
004112A8 jmp Shape::`scalar deleting destructor' (411AF0h)
004112AD jmp DebuggerKnownHandle (413230h)
004112B2 jmp exit (414292h)
004112B7 jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Sentry_base::_Sentry_base (412670h)
004112BC jmp __dllonexit (414B2Ah)
004112C1 jmp FreeLibrary (414BDEh)
004112C6 jmp `eh vector destructor iterator' (413CB0h)
004112CB jmp _initterm_e (414510h)
004112D0 jmp std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Osfx (412840h)
004112D5 jmp _RTC_GetErrorFunc (413C90h)
00412BB4 jmp dword ptr [__imp___purecall (41B418h)]


void __cdecl _purecall( void ) { 102527F0 push ebp 102527F1 mov ebp,esp 102527F3 push ecx _purecall_handler purecall = (_purecall_handler) _decode_pointer(__pPurecall); 102527F4 mov eax,dword ptr [___pPurecall (10313144h)] 102527F9 push eax 102527FA call _decode_pointer (10204900h) 102527FF add esp,4 10252802 mov dword ptr [purecall],eax if(purecall != NULL) 10252805 cmp dword ptr [purecall],0 10252809 je _purecall+1Eh (1025280Eh) { purecall(); 1025280B call dword ptr [purecall] /* shouldn't return, but if it does, we drop back to default behaviour */ } _NMSG_WRITE(_RT_PUREVIRT); 1025280E push 19h 10252810 call _NMSG_WRITE (10202AA0h) 10252815 add esp,4 /* do not write the abort message */ _set_abort_behavior(0, _WRITE_ABORT_MSG); 10252818 push 1 1025281A push 1025281C call _set_abort_behavior (10218780h) 10252821 add esp,8 abort(); 10252824 call abort (10218640h) } 10252829 mov esp,ebp 1025282B pop ebp 1025282C ret
源代码如下:D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\crt\src\purevirt.c
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The global variable: // extern _purecall_handler __pPurecall; /*** *void _purecall(void) - * *Purpose: * The compiler calls this if a pure virtual happens * *Entry: * No arguments * *Exit: * Never returns * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ void __cdecl _purecall( void ) { _purecall_handler purecall = (_purecall_handler) _decode_pointer(__pPurecall); if(purecall != NULL) { purecall(); /* shouldn't return, but if it does, we drop back to default behaviour */ } _NMSG_WRITE(_RT_PUREVIRT); /* do not write the abort message */ _set_abort_behavior(0, _WRITE_ABORT_MSG); abort(); }
//file: src/rterr.h #define _RT_PUREVIRT 25 /* pure virtual function call attempted (C++ error) */
//file: src/cmsgs.h #define EOL "/r/n" #define _RT_PUREVIRT_TXT "R6025" EOL "- pure virtual function call" EOL
//file: src/crt0msg.c
* struct used to lookup and access runtime error messages */ struct rterrmsgs { int rterrno; /* error number */ char *rterrtxt; /* text of error message */ }; /* runtime error messages */ static struct rterrmsgs rterrs[] = { /* 2 */ { _RT_FLOAT, _RT_FLOAT_TXT }, /* 8 */ { _RT_SPACEARG, _RT_SPACEARG_TXT }, /* 9 */ { _RT_SPACEENV, _RT_SPACEENV_TXT }, /* 10 */ { _RT_ABORT, _RT_ABORT_TXT }, /* 16 */ { _RT_THREAD, _RT_THREAD_TXT }, /* 17 */ { _RT_LOCK, _RT_LOCK_TXT }, /* 18 */ { _RT_HEAP, _RT_HEAP_TXT }, /* 19 */ { _RT_OPENCON, _RT_OPENCON_TXT }, /* 22 */ /* { _RT_NONCONT, _RT_NONCONT_TXT }, */ /* 23 */ /* { _RT_INVALDISP, _RT_INVALDISP_TXT }, */ /* 24 */ { _RT_ONEXIT, _RT_ONEXIT_TXT }, /* 25 */ { _RT_PUREVIRT, _RT_PUREVIRT_TXT }, /* 26 */ { _RT_STDIOINIT, _RT_STDIOINIT_TXT }, /* 27 */ { _RT_LOWIOINIT, _RT_LOWIOINIT_TXT }, /* 28 */ { _RT_HEAPINIT, _RT_HEAPINIT_TXT }, ///* 29 */ //{ _RT_BADCLRVERSION, _RT_BADCLRVERSION_TXT }, /* 30 */ { _RT_CRT_NOTINIT, _RT_CRT_NOTINIT_TXT }, /* 31 */ { _RT_CRT_INIT_CONFLICT, _RT_CRT_INIT_CONFLICT_TXT}, /* 32 */ { _RT_LOCALE, _RT_LOCALE_TXT}, /* 33 */ { _RT_CRT_INIT_MANAGED_CONFLICT, _RT_CRT_INIT_MANAGED_CONFLICT_TXT}, /* 34 */ { _RT_CHECKMANIFEST, _RT_CHECKMANIFEST_TXT}, ///* 35 - not for _NMSG_WRITE, text passed directly to FatalAppExit */ //{ _RT_COOKIE_INIT, _RT_COOKIE_INIT_TXT}, /* 120 */ { _RT_DOMAIN, _RT_DOMAIN_TXT }, /* 121 */ { _RT_SING, _RT_SING_TXT }, /* 122 */ { _RT_TLOSS, _RT_TLOSS_TXT }, /* 252 */ { _RT_CRNL, _RT_CRNL_TXT }, /* 255 */ { _RT_BANNER, _RT_BANNER_TXT } }; /* number of elements in rterrs[] */ #define _RTERRCNT ( sizeof(rterrs) / sizeof(struct rterrmsgs) )
//file: src/crt0msg.c /*** *__NMSG_WRITE(message) - write a given message to handle 2 (stderr) * *Purpose: * This routine writes the message associated with rterrnum * to stderr. * *Entry: * int rterrnum - runtime error number * *Exit: * no return value * *Exceptions: * none * *******************************************************************************/ void __cdecl _NMSG_WRITE ( int rterrnum ) { int tblindx; DWORD bytes_written; /* bytes written */ for ( tblindx = 0 ; tblindx < _RTERRCNT ; tblindx++ ) if ( rterrnum == rterrs[tblindx].rterrno ) //in rterrs array, find the mapped message break; if ( tblindx < _RTERRCNT ) { #ifdef _DEBUG /* * Report error. * * If _CRT_ERROR has _CRTDBG_REPORT_WNDW on, and user chooses * "Retry", call the debugger. * * Otherwise, continue execution. * */ if (rterrnum != _RT_CRNL && rterrnum != _RT_BANNER && rterrnum != _RT_CRT_NOTINIT) { if (1 == _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_ERROR, NULL, 0, NULL, rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt)) _CrtDbgBreak(); } #endif /* _DEBUG */ if ( (_set_error_mode(_REPORT_ERRMODE) == _OUT_TO_STDERR) || ((_set_error_mode(_REPORT_ERRMODE) == _OUT_TO_DEFAULT) && (__app_type == _CONSOLE_APP)) ) { HANDLE hStdErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (hStdErr && hStdErr!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WriteFile( hStdErr, rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt, (unsigned long)strlen(rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt), &bytes_written, NULL ); } } else if (rterrnum != _RT_CRNL) { #define MSGTEXTPREFIX "Runtime Error!/n/nProgram: " static char outmsg[sizeof(MSGTEXTPREFIX) + _MAX_PATH + 2 + 500]; // runtime error msg + progname + 2 newline + runtime error text. char * progname = &outmsg[sizeof(MSGTEXTPREFIX)-1]; size_t progname_size = _countof(outmsg) - (progname - outmsg); char * pch = progname; _ERRCHECK(strcpy_s(outmsg, _countof(outmsg), MSGTEXTPREFIX)); progname[MAX_PATH] = '/0'; if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, progname, MAX_PATH)) _ERRCHECK(strcpy_s(progname, progname_size, "<program name unknown>")); #define MAXLINELEN 60 if (strlen(pch) + 1 > MAXLINELEN) { pch += strlen(progname) + 1 - MAXLINELEN; _ERRCHECK(strncpy_s(pch, progname_size - (pch - progname), "...", 3)); } _ERRCHECK(strcat_s(outmsg, _countof(outmsg), "/n/n")); _ERRCHECK(strcat_s(outmsg, _countof(outmsg), rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt)); __crtMessageBoxA(outmsg, "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library", MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TASKMODAL); } } }
class Shape { ... public: virtual double area() const = 0 { std::cout << "pure virtual area() called" << std::endl; return 0; } ... };
没有编译器错误,但会提示“pure virtual function call”
本文通过一个典型的例子,详细说明了在win32平台的构造函数/析构函数中直接/间接调用纯虚函数时的程序本身。列出了一些msvc-crt源代码,分析了purecall函数及其反汇编代码。此外,我们还介绍了该程序的跳转表,以及提示消息的来源,该跳转表是在数组(rterrs)和一些宏中定义的,例如_RT_PUREVIRT和_RT_PUREVIRT_TXT。最后,我们给出了纯虚函数的两个实现来验证它是否工作,从结果中我们发现,即使有纯虚函数的实现,编译器也会显式忽略实现的代码,仍然会调用pure call,并提示“pure virtual function call”。
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