dynamic_cast,static_cast repreint_cast const_cast

dynamic type:



class A {


class B : public A { };

B l;
A& k = l;

Here k is a reference to an object of type A, but the real type of the referred object, its dynamic type, is B.

Here "dynamic" has the meaning of "known only at run-time".




  dynamic_cast 可以classes up, down, and sideways along the inheritance hierarchy.

  B* a = dynamic_cast <B*>l; // correct

  B b = B;

  B* a = dynamic_cast <B*>; // return null


static_cast 就像c风格的强制类型转换(int)一样,repreint_cast用于指针转换,也和c风格很相似,const_cast用于将类型的const性去掉或装上,但是将原本是const的对象转成const的行为是未定义的,由程序员自己把控。

posted @ 2017-12-01 00:45  shinymood  阅读(164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报