//操作系统任务初始化 void osalInitTasks( void ) { uint8 taskID = 0; // 分配内存,返回指向缓冲区的指针 tasksEvents = (uint16 *)osal_mem_alloc( sizeof( uint16 ) * tasksCnt); // 设置所分配的内存空间单元值为0 osal_memset( tasksEvents, 0, (sizeof( uint16 ) * tasksCnt)); // 任务优先级由高向低依次排列,高优先级对应taskID 的值反而小 macTaskInit( taskID++ ); //macTaskInit(0) ,用户不需考虑 nwk_init( taskID++ ); //nwk_init(1),用户不需考虑 Hal_Init( taskID++ ); //Hal_Init(2) ,用户需考虑 #if defined( MT_TASK ) MT_TaskInit( taskID++ ); #endif APS_Init( taskID++ ); //APS_Init(3) ,用户不需考虑 #if defined ( ZIGBEE_FRAGMENTATION ) APSF_Init( taskID++ ); #endif ZDApp_Init( taskID++ ); //ZDApp_Init(4) ,用户需考虑 #if defined ( ZIGBEE_FREQ_AGILITY ) || defined ( ZIGBEE_PANID_CONFLICT ) ZDNwkMgr_Init( taskID++ ); #endif //用户创建的任务 SampleApp_Init( taskID ); // SampleApp_Init _Init(5) ,用户需考虑 } //用户创建的任务 void SampleApp_Init( uint8 task_id ) { SampleApp_TaskID = task_id; //osal分配的任务ID随着用户添加任务的增多而改变 SampleApp_NwkState = DEV_INIT;//设备状态设定为ZDO层中定义的初始化状态 SampleApp_TransID = 0; //消息发送ID(多消息时有顺序之分) // Device hardware initialization can be added here or in main() (Zmain.c). // If the hardware is application specific - add it here. // If the hardware is other parts of the device add it in main(). #if defined ( BUILD_ALL_DEVICES ) // The "Demo" target is setup to have BUILD_ALL_DEVICES and HOLD_AUTO_START // We are looking at a jumper (defined in SampleAppHw.c) to be jumpered // together - if they are - we will start up a coordinator. Otherwise, // the device will start as a router. if ( readCoordinatorJumper() ) zgDeviceLogicalType = ZG_DEVICETYPE_COORDINATOR; else zgDeviceLogicalType = ZG_DEVICETYPE_ROUTER; #endif // BUILD_ALL_DEVICES //该段的意思是,如果设置了HOLD_AUTO_START宏定义,将会在启动芯片的时候会暂停启动 //流程,只有外部触发以后才会启动芯片。其实就是需要一个按钮触发它的启动流程。 #if defined ( HOLD_AUTO_START ) // HOLD_AUTO_START is a compile option that will surpress ZDApp // from starting the device and wait for the application to // start the device. ZDOInitDevice(0); #endif // Setup for the periodic message's destination address 设置发送数据的方式和目的地址寻址模式 // Broadcast to everyone 发送模式:广播发送 SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)AddrBroadcast;//广播 SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr.endPoint = SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT; //指定端点号 SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = 0xFFFF;//指定目的网络地址为广播地址 // Setup for the flash command's destination address - Group 1 组播发送 SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)afAddrGroup; //组寻址 SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr.endPoint = SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT; //指定端点号 SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_GROUP;//组号0x0001 // Fill out the endpoint description. 定义本设备用来通信的APS层端点描述符 SampleApp_epDesc.endPoint = SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT; //指定端点号 SampleApp_epDesc.task_id = &SampleApp_TaskID; //SampleApp 描述符的任务ID SampleApp_epDesc.simpleDesc = (SimpleDescriptionFormat_t *)&SampleApp_SimpleDesc;//SampleApp简单描述符 SampleApp_epDesc.latencyReq = noLatencyReqs; //延时策略 // Register the endpoint description with the AF afRegister( &SampleApp_epDesc ); //向AF层登记描述符 // Register for all key events - This app will handle all key events RegisterForKeys( SampleApp_TaskID ); // 登记所有的按键事件 // By default, all devices start out in Group 1 SampleApp_Group.ID = 0x0001;//组号 osal_memcpy(, "Group 1", 7 );//设定组名 aps_AddGroup( SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT, &SampleApp_Group );//把该组登记添加到APS中 #if defined ( LCD_SUPPORTED ) HalLcdWriteString( "SampleApp", HAL_LCD_LINE_1 ); //如果支持LCD,显示提示信息 #endif } enum { AddrNotPresent = 0, //间接传送 AddrGroup = 1, //组寻址 Addr16Bit = 2, //单点传送 Addr64Bit = 3, AddrBroadcast = 15 //广播传送 }; //用户应用任务的事件处理函数 开始操作系统是不断查询是否有事件产生 uint16 SampleApp_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events ) { afIncomingMSGPacket_t *MSGpkt; (void)task_id; // Intentionally unreferenced parameter if ( events & SYS_EVENT_MSG ) //接收系统消息再进行判断 { //接收属于本应用任务SampleApp的消息,以SampleApp_TaskID标记 MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_receive( SampleApp_TaskID ); while ( MSGpkt ) { switch ( MSGpkt->hdr.event ) { // Received when a key is pressed case KEY_CHANGE://按键事件 SampleApp_HandleKeys( ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->state, ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->keys ); break; // Received when a messages is received (OTA) for this endpoint case AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD://接收数据事件,调用函数AF_DataRequest()接收数据 SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( MSGpkt );//调用回调函数对收到的数据进行处理 break; // Received whenever the device changes state in the network case ZDO_STATE_CHANGE: //只要网络状态发生改变,就通过ZDO_STATE_CHANGE事件通知所有的任务。 //同时完成对协调器,路由器,终端的设置 SampleApp_NwkState = (devStates_t)(MSGpkt->hdr.status); //if ( (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_ZB_COORD)//实验中协调器只接收数据所以取消发送事件 if ( (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_ROUTER) || (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_END_DEVICE) ) { // Start sending the periodic message in a regular interval. //这个定时器只是为发送周期信息开启的,设备启动初始化后从这里开始 //触发第一个周期信息的发送,然后周而复始下去 osal_start_timerEx( SampleApp_TaskID, SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT, SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_TIMEOUT ); } else { // Device is no longer in the network } break; default: break; } // Release the memory 事件处理完了,释放消息占用的内存 osal_msg_deallocate( (uint8 *)MSGpkt ); // Next - if one is available 指针指向下一个放在缓冲区的待处理的事件, //返回while ( MSGpkt )重新处理事件,直到缓冲区没有等待处理事件为止 MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_receive( SampleApp_TaskID ); } // return unprocessed events 返回未处理的事件 return (events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG); } // Send a message out - This event is generated by a timer // (setup in SampleApp_Init()). if ( events & SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT ) { // Send the periodic message 处理周期性事件, //利用SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage()处理完当前的周期性事件,然后启动定时器 //开启下一个周期性事情,这样一种循环下去,也即是上面说的周期性事件了, //可以做为传感器定时采集、上传任务 SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage(); // Setup to send message again in normal period (+ a little jitter) osal_start_timerEx( SampleApp_TaskID, SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT, (SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_TIMEOUT + (osal_rand() & 0x00FF)) ); // return unprocessed events 返回未处理的事件 return (events ^ SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT); } // Discard unknown events return 0; } //接收数据,参数为接收到的数据 void SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pkt ) { uint16 flashTime; byte buf[3]; switch ( pkt->clusterId ) //判断簇ID { case SAMPLEAPP_PERIODIC_CLUSTERID: //收到广播数据 osal_memset(buf, 0 , 3); osal_memcpy(buf, pkt->cmd.Data, 2); //复制数据到缓冲区中 if(buf[0]=='D' && buf[1]=='1') //判断收到的数据是否为"D1" { HalLedBlink(HAL_LED_1, 0, 50, 500);//如果是则Led1间隔500ms闪烁 #if defined(ZDO_COORDINATOR) //协调器收到"D1"后,返回"D1"给终端,让终端Led1也闪烁 SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage(); #endif } else { HalLedSet(HAL_LED_1, HAL_LED_MODE_ON); } break; case SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_CLUSTERID: //收到组播数据 flashTime = BUILD_UINT16(pkt->cmd.Data[1], pkt->cmd.Data[2] ); HalLedBlink( HAL_LED_4, 4, 50, (flashTime / 4) ); break; } } //分析发送周期信息 void SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage( void ) { byte SendData[3]="D1"; // 调用AF_DataRequest将数据无线广播出去 if( AF_DataRequest( &SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr,//发送目的地址+端点地址和传送模式 &SampleApp_epDesc,//源(答复或确认)终端的描述(比如操作系统中任务ID等)源EP SAMPLEAPP_PERIODIC_CLUSTERID, //被Profile指定的有效的集群号 2, // 发送数据长度 SendData,// 发送数据缓冲区 &SampleApp_TransID, // 任务ID号 AF_DISCV_ROUTE, // 有效位掩码的发送选项 AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS ) == afStatus_SUCCESS ) //传送跳数,通常设置为AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS { } else { HalLedSet(HAL_LED_1, HAL_LED_MODE_ON); // Error occurred in request to send. } }
操作系统初始化任务分配内存(tasksEvents)以及任务ID号taskID------》用户创建的任务void SampleApp_Init( uint8 task_id )---->开始操作系统,提取需要处理的事件events=tasksEvents[idx])-------->用户应用任务的事件处理函数SampleApp_ProcessEvent(uint8 task_id, uint16 events )------->SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( MSGpkt )以及SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage();