
Sub 插入孔()
    Call sw初始化("")
    总数 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
    Set 边线1阵列方向 = Nothing
    For i = 1 To 总数
        Set 对象 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(i, -1)
        nSelType = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(i, -1)
        Select Case nSelType
             Case swSelFACES
                Set 放置面 = 对象
             Case swSelEDGES, swSelEXTSKETCHSEGS
                If 边线1阵列方向 Is Nothing Then
                    Set 边线1阵列方向 = 对象
                    Set 边线2 = 对象
                End If
        End Select
    If 边线1阵列方向 Is Nothing Then
        Dim s As Double
        Dim e As Double
        Dim Curve As SldWorks.Curve
        Set 面边界 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        vEdges = 放置面.GetEdges
        i = 1
        For EachIn vEdges
            If i <= 2 Then
                Set Curve = 边.GetCurve
                If Curve.IsLine Then
                    bRet = Curve.GetEndParams(s, e, False, False)
                    线长度 = Curve.GetLength3(s, e) * 1000
                    If 线长度 > 11.5 Then
                        vLineParam = Curve.LineParams
                        If Abs(vLineParam(3)) = 1 Then
                            Set 面边界("x") =ElseIf Abs(vLineParam(4)) = 1 Then
                            Set 面边界("y") =ElseIf Abs(vLineParam(5)) = 1 Then
                            Set 面边界("z") =End If
                        i = i + 1
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        If 面边界.Exists("x") And 面边界.Exists("y") Then
            Set 面边界("") = 面边界("x")
            Set 面边界("") = 面边界("y")
        ElseIf 面边界.Exists("y") And 面边界.Exists("z") Then
            Set 面边界("") = 面边界("z")
            Set 面边界("") = 面边界("y")
            Set 面边界("") = 面边界("x")
            Set 面边界("") = 面边界("z")
        End If
        Set 边线1阵列方向 = 面边界("")
        Set 边线2 = 面边界("")
    End If
    swModel.ClearSelection2 True
    numAdded = SelMgr.AddSelectionListObject(放置面, selData)
    库特征全名 = Range("库特征路径") & "\" & Range("库特征名称") & ".sldlfp"
    boolstatus = swModel.InsertLibraryFeature(库特征全名)
    Set 当前库特征 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    Dim LibraryFeatureData As SldWorks.LibraryFeatureData
    Set LibraryFeatureData = 当前库特征.GetDefinition
    Status = LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections(swModel, Nothing)
    Dim vLibRefs(1) As Object
    Set vLibRefs(0) = 边线1阵列方向
    Set vLibRefs(1) = 边线2
    LibraryFeatureData.SetReferences (vLibRefs)
    Status = 当前库特征.ModifyDefinition(LibraryFeatureData, swModel, Nothing)
'    LibraryFeatureData.ReleaseSelectionAccess
    If 解散库特征 Then swModel.DissolveLibraryFeature
End Sub
Sub GetEdges_cs()
    Call sw初始化("")
    Set 对象 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    nEdgeCount = 对象.GetEdgeCount
    vEdges = 对象.GetEdges
    Dim s As Double
    Dim e As Double
    Dim Curve As SldWorks.Curve
    For j = 0 To (nEdgeCount - 1)
        Set Curve = vEdges(j).GetCurve
        If Curve.IsLine Then
            vEdges(j).Display 2, 0, 0, 1, True
'            vLineParam = Curve.LineParams
'            Debug.Print "Root point = (" & vLineParam(0) * 1000# & ", " & vLineParam(1) * 1000# & ", " & vLineParam(2) * 1000# & ") mm"
'            Debug.Print "Direction = (" & vLineParam(3) & ", " & vLineParam(4) & ", " & vLineParam(5) & ")"
            bRet = Curve.GetEndParams(s, e, False, False)
            Debug.Print Curve.GetLength3(s, e)

            vEdges(j).Display 2, 0, 0, 0, True
        End If
    Next j
End Sub
Sub 插入孔cs()
    Call sw初始化("")
    Set 拟重装组件 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set 坐标参考对象 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set 选择的组件对象 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set 放置面 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    If 放置面 Is Nothing Then
'        AppActivate ThisWorkbook.Name
        MsgBox "没有选择 放置面  !", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    boolstatus = swModel.InsertLibraryFeature("D:\企业模板\库特征\光孔.sldlfp")
    Set 当前库特征 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    Debug.Print 当前库特征.Name
'    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("光孔<1>", "BODYFEATURE", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
End Sub

Sub 插入孔cs2()
    Call sw初始化("")
    总数 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
    Set 边线1阵列方向 = Nothing
    For i = 1 To 总数
        Set 对象 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(i, -1)
        nSelType = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(i, -1)
        Select Case nSelType
             Case swSelFACES
                Set 放置面 = 对象
             Case swSelEDGES
                If 边线1阵列方向 Is Nothing Then
                    Set 边线1阵列方向 = 对象
                    Set 边线2 = 对象
                End If
        End Select
    Dim LibraryFeatureData As SldWorks.LibraryFeatureData
    Dim swFeature As SldWorks.Feature
    Set LibraryFeatureData = swFeatMgr.CreateDefinition(swFmLibraryFeature)
    库特征全名 = Range("库特征路径") & "\" & Range("库特征名称") & ".sldlfp"
    Status = LibraryFeatureData.Initialize(库特征全名)
    nRefCount = LibraryFeatureData.GetReferencesCount
    vRefs = LibraryFeatureData.GetReferences2(swLibFeatureData_FeatureRespect, vRefTypes)
'    If Not IsEmpty(vRefTypes) Then
'        Debug.Print "Types of references required (edge = 1): "
'        For Each refType In vRefTypes
'            Debug.Print "   " & CStr(refType)
'        Next
'    End If
'    LibraryFeatureData.ConfigurationName = "默认"
    swModel.ClearSelection2 True
    numAdded = SelMgr.AddSelectionListObject(放置面, selData)
    Set swFeature = swFeatMgr.CreateFeature(LibraryFeatureData)
    Set swFeature = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1) '上一步可能返回nothing
    Set LibraryFeatureData = Nothing
    Set LibraryFeatureData = swFeature.GetDefinition
    Status = LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections(swModel, Nothing)
    Dim vLibRefs(1) As Object
    Set vLibRefs(0) = 边线1阵列方向
    Set vLibRefs(1) = 边线2
    LibraryFeatureData.SetReferences (vLibRefs)
    Status = swFeature.ModifyDefinition(LibraryFeatureData, swModel, Nothing)
'    LibraryFeatureData.ReleaseSelectionAccess
End Sub
Sub 获取库特征数据()
    Call sw初始化("")
    Set 库特征 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    Set LibraryFeatureData = 库特征.GetDefinition
    boolstatus = LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections(swModel, Nothing)
    ' Get the references
     vRefs = LibraryFeatureData.GetReferences3(swLibFeatureData_e.swLibFeatureData_PartRespect, vRefType, vRefName)
     If Not IsEmpty(vRefType) Then
         Debug.Print "Reference types and names: "
         For i = LBound(vRefType) To UBound(vRefType)
             Debug.Print "  " & vRefType(i) & ", " & vRefName(i)
             vRefs(i).Select False
         Next i
     End If
     'Release the selections that define the library feature

End Sub
Sub 插入零件或装配体(ByVal 文件后缀, ByVal 清单排除, ByVal 虚拟)
    Call sw初始化("")
    Set swConf = swConfigMgr.ActiveConfiguration
    Debug.Print swConf.Name
    配置名 = swConf.Name
    If Not 虚拟 Then
        名称 = FilenameWHZ & "=" & Range("零件名称后缀")
        If 文件后缀 = ".SLDPRT" Then
    '        模板 = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue(swDefaultTemplatePart)
            模板 = Range("文件模板路径") & "\" & Range("零件模板") & ".PRTDOT"
    '        模板 = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue(swDefaultTemplateAssembly)
            模板 = Range("文件模板路径") & "\" & Range("装配体模板") & ".ASMDOT"
        End If
        目标 = FilePath & 名称 & 文件后缀
        Debug.Print 目标
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        On Error Resume Next
        fso.CopyFile 模板, 目标
        Set fso = Nothing
        目标 = IIf(文件后缀 = ".SLDPRT", "D:\企业模板\外部参考.SLDPRT", "D:\企业模板\外部参考.SLDASM")
    End If
    Call 类型判断(目标)
    Set swModelkk = swApp.OpenDoc6(目标, swFileTYpe, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", lErrors, lwarnings)
    swModelkk.Visible = False
    SaveOk = swModelkk.Save3(1, lErrors, lwarnings)

'    Set swModel = swApp.ActivateDoc3(sw全名, False, 0, lErrors)
    Set 对象 = swModel.AddComponent5(目标, 0, "", False, "", 0, 0, 0)
    Debug.Print 对象.GetSelectByIDString
    对象ID = 对象.GetSelectByIDString
    原点2 = "Point1@原点@" & 对象.GetSelectByIDString
    swModel.ClearSelection2 True
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Point1@原点", "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(原点2, "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
    Set myMate = swModel.AddMate5(20, -1, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, False, 0, lstatus)
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(对象ID, "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
    boolstatus = swModel.CompConfigProperties4(2, 0, True, True, "", 清单排除)
    If 虚拟 Then
        stat = 对象.MakeVirtual2(False)
        kk = 对象.Name
        SaveOk = swModel.Save3(1, lErrors, lwarnings)
        对象.Name2 = Range("零件名称后缀")
    End If
    Call 激活窗口

End Sub
Sub 插入外部参考(ByVal 清单排除, ByVal 零件)
    Call sw初始化("")
    目标 = IIf(零件, "D:\企业模板\外部参考.SLDPRT", "D:\企业模板\外部参考.SLDASM")
    Call 类型判断(目标)
    Set swModelkk = swApp.OpenDoc6(目标, swFileTYpe, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", lErrors, lwarnings)
    swModelkk.Visible = False
    SaveOk = swModelkk.Save3(1, lErrors, lwarnings)

    Set 对象 = swModel.AddComponent5(目标, 0, "", False, "", 0, 0, 0)
    Debug.Print 对象.GetSelectByIDString
    对象ID = 对象.GetSelectByIDString
    原点2 = "Point1@原点@" & 对象.GetSelectByIDString
    swModel.ClearSelection2 True
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Point1@原点", "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(原点2, "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
    Set myMate = swModel.AddMate5(20, -1, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, False, 0, lstatus)
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(对象ID, "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
    boolstatus = swModel.CompConfigProperties4(2, 0, True, True, "", 清单排除)
    stat = 对象.MakeVirtual2(False)
    kk = 对象.Name
    SaveOk = swModel.Save3(1, lErrors, lwarnings)
    对象.Name2 = "外部参考"
    Call 激活窗口

End Sub

Sub cs()
Call sw初始化("")
Set ModelDocExtension = swModel.Extension
value = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue(swDefaultTemplatePart)
Debug.Print value
value = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue(swDefaultTemplateAssembly)
Debug.Print value

End Sub


Sub cs()
Call sw初始化("")
Set swDisplayDim = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
swDisplayDim.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, "42x50(="
swDisplayDim.SetText swDimensionTextSuffix, ")"
'swDisplayDim.GridBubble = True
End Sub
Sub cs2()
Call sw初始化("")
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.EditDimensionProperties(swTolBASIC, 0, 0, "", "", True, 9, swDimArrowsFollowDoc, _
True, swSLASH_ARROWHEAD, swSLASH_ARROWHEAD, "", "", True, "", "kk", "lower text", True, swThisConfiguration, "")

End Sub
Sub cs3()
'    Dim holeVariables As Variant
    Dim swDisplayDimension As Object
    Call sw初始化("")
    'Get the selected hole callout
    Set swDisplayDimension = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    holeVariables = swDisplayDimension.GetHoleCalloutVariables
    Debug.Print "Number of hole callout variables = " & UBound(holeVariables) + 1
    Debug.Print ""
    'Determine type of hole callout variable and get and set some values
    For i = 0 To UBound(holeVariables)
        Set swCalloutVariable = holeVariables(i)
        str1 = "  Callout variable name = " & swCalloutVariable.VariableName
        str2 = "  Callout variable name as it appears in Dimension PropertyManager page = " & swCalloutVariable.UserReadableVariableName
        vType = swCalloutVariable.Type
        If vType = swCalloutVariableType_e.swCalloutVariableType_Length Then
            Set swCalloutLengthVariable = swCalloutVariable
            Debug.Print "Callout variable(" & i & ")'s" & " type = length"
            Debug.Print str1
            Debug.Print str2
            Debug.Print "  Length = " & swCalloutLengthVariable.Length
            Debug.Print "  Precision = " & swCalloutLengthVariable.precision
            Debug.Print "  Tolerance precision = " & swCalloutLengthVariable.TolerancePrecision
            swCalloutLengthVariable.precision = swCalloutLengthVariable.precision - 1 - i
            Debug.Print "  Changed precision = " & swCalloutLengthVariable.precision
            swCalloutVariable.ToleranceType = swTolType_e.swTolBILAT
        ElseIf vType = swCalloutVariableType_e.swCalloutVariableType_Angle Then
            Set swCalloutAngleVariable = swCalloutVariable
            Debug.Print "Callout variable(" & i & ")'s" & " type = angle"
            Debug.Print str1
            Debug.Print str2
            Debug.Print "  Angle = " & swCalloutAngleVariable.Angle
          ElseIf vType = swCalloutVariableType_e.swCalloutVariableType_String Then
            Set swCalloutStringVariable = swCalloutVariable
            Debug.Print "Callout variable(" & i & ")'s" & " type = string"
            Debug.Print str1
            Debug.Print str2
            Debug.Print "  String = '" & swCalloutStringVariable.String & "'"
        End If
End Sub
Sub cs4()
    Dim swDisplayDimension As Object
    Call sw初始化("")
    'Get the selected hole callout
    Set swDisplayDimension = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    holeVariables = swDisplayDimension.GetHoleCalloutVariables
    Debug.Print "Number of hole callout variables = " & UBound(holeVariables) + 1
    Debug.Print ""
    'Determine type of hole callout variable and get and set some values
        For Each v In holeVariables
            Debug.Print v.VariableName
End Sub

Sub 孔标注cs5()
    Dim swDispDim As Object
    Call sw初始化("")
    'Get the selected hole callout
    Set swDispDim = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
Debug.Print "    ------------------------------------"

'Debug.Print "      DimFullName                  = " & swDispDim.FullName
'Debug.Print "      DimName                      = " & swDispDim.Name
Debug.Print "      swDimensionParamType_e type  = " & swDispDim.GetType
'Debug.Print "      DrivenState                  = " & swDispDim.DrivenState
'Debug.Print "      ReadOnly                     = " & swDispDim.ReadOnly
'Debug.Print "      Value                        = " & swDispDim.GetSystemValue2("")
Debug.Print ""
Debug.Print "      Arrowside                    = " & swDispDim.ArrowSide
Debug.Print "      TextAll                      = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextAll)
Debug.Print "      TextPrefix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix)
Debug.Print "      TextSuffix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextSuffix)
Debug.Print "      CalloutAbove                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
Debug.Print "      CalloutBelow                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutBelow)

'    Debug.Print "Is a hole callout? " & swDispDim.IsHoleCallout
'    Debug.Print "  Callout portion above text  = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
'    Debug.Print "  Callout portion below text  = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextCalloutBelow)
'    Debug.Print "  Prefix of callout = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextPrefix)
'    Debug.Print "  Suffix of callout = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextSuffix)
End Sub

Sub 其他尺寸cs5()
    Dim swDispDim As Object
    Dim swDim                       As SldWorks.Dimension

    Call sw初始化("")
    'Get the selected hole callout
    Set swDispDim = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    Set swAnn = swDispDim.GetAnnotation
    Set swDim = swDispDim.GetDimension

    Debug.Print "    ------------------------------------"
    Debug.Print "    AnnName = " & swAnn.GetName
    Debug.Print "      DimFullName                  = " & swDim.FullName
    Debug.Print "      DimName                      = " & swDim.Name
    Debug.Print "      swDimensionParamType_e type  = " & swDim.GetType
    Debug.Print "      DrivenState                  = " & swDim.DrivenState
    Debug.Print "      ReadOnly                     = " & swDim.ReadOnly
    Debug.Print "      Value                        = " & swDim.GetSystemValue2("")
    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "      Arrowside                    = " & swDispDim.ArrowSide
    Debug.Print "      TextAll                      = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextAll)
    Debug.Print "      TextPrefix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix)
    Debug.Print "      TextSuffix                   = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextSuffix)
    Debug.Print "      CalloutAbove                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
    Debug.Print "      CalloutBelow                 = " & swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutBelow)
End Sub
Sub 处理孔标注f()
    Dim swDispDim As Object
    Call sw初始化("")
    'Get the selected hole callout
    Set swDispDim = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    TextPrefix = swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextParts_e.swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
    TextPrefix = swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix)
    TextPrefix = Replace(TextPrefix, " ", "")
'    If InStr(1, TextAll, "<hw-thru>", 1) <> 0 Then
'        TextPrefix = Replace(TextPrefix, "<hw-thru>", "")
'        swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, TextPrefix
'        swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextSuffix, "通孔"
'    End If
        swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, "<NUM_INST>-<hw-diam>X<hw-slot-length>"
        swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextCalloutBelow, "通孔"

End Sub
Sub 处理孔标注(ByVal 类别)
    Dim swDispDim As Object
    Call sw初始化("")
    总数 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
    For i = 1 To 总数
        Set swDispDim = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(i, -1)
        Select Case 类别
            Case "腰形孔"
                swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, "<NUM_INST>-<hw-diam>X<hw-slot-length>"
                swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextCalloutBelow, "通孔"
            Case "光孔"
                CalloutPrefix = swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextPrefix)
                If InStr(1, CalloutPrefix, "x", 1) <> 0 Then
                    数量 = "<NUM_INST>-"
                    数量 = ""
                End If
                swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, 数量 & "<MOD-DIAM><hw-diam>" '<NUM_INST> x <MOD-DIAM> <hw-diam> <hw-thru>
                swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextCalloutBelow, "通孔"
            Case "沉头孔"
'                <NUM_INST> x <MOD-DIAM> <hw-thruholedia> <hw-thru>
'                <HOLE-SPOT><MOD-DIAM> <hw-cbdia> <HOLE-DEPTH> <hw-cbdepth>
                CalloutAbove = swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
                If InStr(1, CalloutAbove, "x", 1) <> 0 Then
                    数量 = "<NUM_INST>-"
                    数量 = ""
                End If
                swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextCalloutAbove, 数量 & "<MOD-DIAM><hw-thruholedia>通孔"
                swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, "<HOLE-SPOT><MOD-DIAM><hw-cbdia><HOLE-DEPTH><hw-cbdepth>"
            Case "螺纹孔"
'                <NUM_INST> x  <hw-threaddesc> - 6H <HOLE-DEPTH> <hw-threaddepth>
'                <MOD-DIAM> <hw-tapdrldia> <HOLE-DEPTH> <hw-tapdrldepth>
                CalloutAbove = swDispDim.GetText(swDimensionTextCalloutAbove)
                If InStr(1, CalloutAbove, "x", 1) <> 0 Then
                    数量 = "<NUM_INST>-"
                    数量 = ""
                End If
                If InStr(1, CalloutAbove, "", 1) <> 0 Then
                    swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextCalloutAbove, 数量 & "<hw-threaddesc>"
                    swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextCalloutBelow, "攻通"
                    swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextCalloutAbove, 数量 & "<hw-threaddesc>丝深<hw-threaddepth>"
                End If
                swDispDim.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, ""
        End Select
    Call 激活窗口
End Sub
Sub 阵列标注()
    Dim swDim As SldWorks.Dimension
    Call sw初始化("")
    总数 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)
    For i = 1 To 总数
        Set swDispDim = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(i, -1)
        Set swDim = swDispDim.GetDimension
        Select Case i
            Case 1
                单位间距 = swDim.GetSystemValue2("")
            Case 2
                总间距 = swDim.GetSystemValue2("")
                Set 总间距尺寸 = swDispDim
        End Select
    数量 = Round(总间距 / 单位间距)
    总间距尺寸.SetText swDimensionTextPrefix, 数量 & "x" & Round(单位间距 * 1000, 1) & "(="
    总间距尺寸.SetText swDimensionTextSuffix, ")"
End Sub
Sub 找坐标系零件()
    Set 坐标对象 = Nothing
    For 实例号 = 1 To 9
        坐标对象id = FilenameWHZ & "=坐标-" & 实例号 & "@" & FilenameWHZ
        boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(坐标对象id, "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
        If boolstatus Then Exit For
    If Not boolstatus Then
'            AppActivate ThisWorkbook.Name
        MsgBox "装配体中必须有:装配体名称=坐标  的零件,并且实例号必须小于 9 ", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set 坐标对象 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
'    If 坐标对象 Is Nothing Then
'111:    AppActivate ThisWorkbook.Name
'        MsgBox "装配体中必须有:装配体名称=坐标  的零件,并且实例号必须为 1 ", vbInformation
''        GoTo 110
'        Exit Sub
'    End If
End Sub
Sub 找坐标系零件V2(ByVal 父级选择ID, ByVal 父级WHZ)
    Set 坐标对象 = Nothing
    父级WHZ替换 = Replace(父级WHZ, "^", "_")
    For 实例号 = 1 To 9
        坐标对象id = 父级选择ID & "/坐标^" & 父级WHZ替换 & "-" & 实例号 & "@" & 父级WHZ
        Debug.Print 坐标对象id
        boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(坐标对象id, "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
        If boolstatus Then Exit For
    If Not boolstatus Then
'            AppActivate ThisWorkbook.Name
        MsgBox "装配体中必须有:装配体名称=坐标  的零件,并且实例号必须小于 9 ", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set 坐标对象 = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
End Sub
Sub 插入坐标系(ByVal 坐标参考对象)
    Set 已有坐标系 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set swFeat = 坐标对象.FirstFeature
    Do While Not swFeat Is Nothing
        Debug.Print swFeat.Name&; "==" & swFeat.GetTypeName2
        If "CoordSys" = swFeat.GetTypeName2 And InStr(1, swFeat.Name, "cds", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
            已有坐标系.Add swFeat.Name, ""
        End If
        Set swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature
    numAdded = SelMgr.AddSelectionListObject(坐标对象, selData)
    lstatus = swModel.EditPart2(True, False, lwarnings)
    For Each k In 坐标参考对象.keys
'    Debug.Print k.Name
'    If InStr(1, k.Name, "坐标", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
        组件id = k.GetSelectByIDString
        标志 = 坐标参考对象(k)
        坐标系名称 = "cds" & 标志
        boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(组件id, "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
        If Not 已有坐标系.Exists(坐标系名称) Then
            可能名 = Array("右视基准面", "右视", "Right")
            For Each 元素 In 可能名
                kk = 元素 & "@" & 组件id
                boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(kk, "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, False, 2, Nothing, 0)
                If boolstatus Then Exit For
            可能名 = Array("原点", "Origin")
            For Each 元素 In 可能名
                kk = "Point1@" & 元素 & "@" & 组件id
                boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(kk, "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 1, Nothing, 0)
                If boolstatus Then Exit For
            可能名 = Array("上视基准面", "上视", "Top")
            For Each 元素 In 可能名
                kk = 元素 & "@" & 组件id
                boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(kk, "PLANE", 0, 0, 0, True, 4, Nothing, 0)
                If boolstatus Then Exit For
'            Call 猜基准面(组件id)
            Set 坐标系 = swFeatMgr.InsertCoordinateSystem(False, False, False)
            坐标系.Name = 坐标系名称
            已有坐标系.Add 坐标系名称, ""
        End If
'    End If
'    SaveOk = swModel.Save3(1, lErrors, lwarnings)
End Sub
Sub 重装组件(ByVal 拟重装组件)
    Set 已装组件 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Components = swModel.GetComponents(False)
    已经装入坐标对象 = False
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("配合", "MATEGROUPS", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
    Set swFeature = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
    坐标对象全名 = 坐标对象.GetPathName
    Call 拆分文件名(坐标对象全名)
    坐标对象短名 = FilenameWHZ
    Set swSubFeature = swFeature.GetFirstSubFeature
    Do While Not swSubFeature Is Nothing
'            Debug.Print swSubFeature.Name&; "==" & swSubFeature.GetTypeName2
        If swSubFeature.GetTypeName2 = "MateCoordinate" Then
            Set swMate = swSubFeature.GetSpecificFeature2
            是坐标系配合 = False
            For i = 0 To 1
                Set swComp = swMate.MateEntity(i).ReferenceComponent
                元素全名 = swComp.GetPathName
                If InStr(元素全名, 坐标对象短名) <> 0 Then
                    已经装入坐标对象 = True
                    Set 新坐标对象 = swComp
                End If
                Set swEnt = swMate.MateEntity(i).Reference
                On Error Resume Next
                元素类型 = swEnt.GetTypeName2
                If 元素类型 = "CoordSys" Then
'                    Debug.Print swEnt.Name
                    键名 = Replace(swEnt.Name, "cds", "")
                    已装组件.Add 键名, ""
                End If
        End If
        Set swSubFeature = swSubFeature.GetNextSubFeature
    If Not 已经装入坐标对象 Then
        拟装入零件 = 坐标对象.GetPathName
        Call 类型判断(拟装入零件)
        Set swModelkk = swApp.OpenDoc6(拟装入零件, swFileTYpe, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", lErrors, lwarnings)
        swModelkk.Visible = False
        Set 新坐标对象 = swModel.AddComponent5(拟装入零件, 0, "", False, "", 0, 0, 0)
        numAdded = SelMgr.AddSelectionListObject(新坐标对象, selData)
        对象ID = 新坐标对象.GetSelectByIDString
        原点2 = "Point1@原点@" & 对象ID
        swModel.ClearSelection2 True
        boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Point1@原点", "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
        boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(原点2, "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
        Set myMate = swModel.AddMate5(20, -1, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, False, 0, lstatus)
    End If
For Each k In 拟重装组件.keys
If Not 已装组件.Exists(k) Then
    拟装入零件 = 拟重装组件(k)(0)
    配置名 = 拟重装组件(k)(1)
    Call 类型判断(拟装入零件)
    Set swModelkk = swApp.OpenDoc6(拟装入零件, swFileTYpe, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", lErrors, lwarnings)
    value = swModelkk.ShowConfiguration2(配置名)
    swModelkk.Visible = False
    Set 对象 = swModel.AddComponent5(拟装入零件, swAddComponentConfigOptions_CurrentSelectedConfig, "", False, "", 0, 0, 0)
'    对象.ComponentReference = 拟重装组件(k)(1)
    对象ID = 对象.GetSelectByIDString
'    对象原点全名 = "Point1@原点@" & 对象ID
    坐标对象id = 新坐标对象.GetSelectByIDString
    坐标系全名 = "cds" & k & "@" & 坐标对象id
    boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(坐标系全名, "COORDSYS", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
    可能名 = Array("原点", "Origin")
    For Each 元素 In 可能名
        对象原点全名 = "Point1@" & 元素 & "@" & 对象ID
        boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(对象原点全名, "EXTSKETCHPOINT", 0, 0, 0, True, 0, Nothing, 0)
        If boolstatus Then Exit For
    Set myMate = swModel.AddMate5(20, -1, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, False, 0, lstatus)
End If
    Call 激活窗口
'    SaveOk = swModel.Save3(1, lErrors, lwarnings)
End Sub



posted @ 2018-09-07 11:55  老小鱼  阅读(1168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报