

 检测一个Demo是否被调试  无非就是从四个方面进行入手:

  内存   通过查询窗口、父进程、PEB、DbgPort等标志位检测

  CPU   通过CTX标志位进行判断

  时间   通过比较时间确定是否被调试

  异常 各种类型的异常都会走进调试器的处理  如果调试器的话

 * Anti-DBG is a collection of anti-debugging tricks.
 * gauntlet.c is a sample application you can test under a debugger.
 * The anti-debugging methods are located in antidbg.c

#include "antidbg.h"
#include "gauntlet.h"

 // =======================================================================
// The Gauntlet
// =======================================================================
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    This sample application calls all included anti-debugging methods
    one after the other. Your goal is to start from the entry point,
    and debug your way to the end without the debugger closing on you.
    Good Luck!

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -- Memory Checks --------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent实际上调用了ntdll里面的ZwQueryInformationProcess来检测。这是一个Native API

    mov   eax, fs:18h            // TEB Self指针
    mov   eax, fs:[0x30];        // PEB
    movzx eax, [eax + 0x02];    // PEB->BeingDebugged
    NtGlobalFlag 也是类似于BeingDebugged的一个标志,在Peb中取出。如果是调试状态下,

//    adbg_DebugActiveProcess(argv[1]);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -- CPU Checks -----------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
//    adbg_MovSS();

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -- Timing Checks --------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
//    adbg_RDTSC();
//    adbg_QueryPerformanceCounter();
//    adbg_GetTickCount();

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // -- Exception Checks -----------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
//    adbg_CloseHandleException();
//    adbg_SingleStepException();
//    adbg_Int3();
//    adbg_Int2D();        //这个有惊喜  

    // Your goal is to get here in a debugger without modifying EIP yourself.
    MessageBoxA(NULL, "Congratulations! You made it!", "You Win!", 0);

    return 0;
#include <Windows.h>
#include "antidbg.h"


// =======================================================================
// Debugging helper
// =======================================================================
void DBG_MSG(WORD dbg_code, char* message)
    printf("[MSG-0x%X]: %s\n", dbg_code, message);
    MessageBoxA(NULL, message, "GAME OVER!", 0);

// =======================================================================
// Memory Checks
// These checks focus on Windows structures containing information which 
// can reveal the presence of a debugger. 
// =======================================================================

 * // adbg_BeingDebuggedPEB()
 * // How it works:
 * Checks the Process Environment Block (PEB) for a "BeingDebugged"
 * field which is set when the process launches under a debugger. This
 * method is exactly what IsDebuggerPresent() checks under the hood,
 * it is simply the assembly version of this call.
 * // Indication:
 * Look for PEB references.
 * These references typically start with FS:[0x30h]. FS stands for
 * "Frame Segment" and generally indicates references to an application's
 * own internal header structures. These should not raise red flags,
 * however they should be noted.
 * // Bypass:
 * Once the BeingDebugged byte in the PEB is queried, flip the value
 * from 1 to 0 before it is evaluated by the application logic.
void adbg_BeingDebuggedPEB(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
        xor eax, eax;            // clear eax
        mov eax, fs:[0x30];        // Reference start of the PEB
        mov eax, [eax + 0x02];    // PEB+2 points to BeingDebugged
        and eax, 0x000000FF;    // only reference one byte
        mov found, eax;            // Copy BeingDebugged into 'found'

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_BEINGEBUGGEDPEB, "Caught by BeingDebugged PEB check!");

 * // adbg_CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent()
 * // How it works:
 * ...
 * // Indication: 
 * Look for this imported function or calls to GetProcAddress().
 * CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent is similar to IsDebuggerPresent,
 * except. It allows an applicaion to query the debugging state of
 * another application via a process handle. The BOOL return value
 * is used to determine if the process (hProcess) is being debugged.
 * // Bypass: 
 * Set a breakpoint on CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(), single step, 
 * then switch the return value to 0.
void adbg_CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
    hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
    int a = GetLastError();
    CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(hProcess, &found);

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_CHECKREMOTEDEBUGGERPRESENT, "Caught by CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent!");

* // adbg_CheckWindowName()
* // How it works:
* Checks for a window with a specific Class name. This name is
* not the title of the Window. Use tools like Nirsoft Winlister
* to find this value.
* // Indication:
* Look for FindWindow on the imports list or strings of common
* begugger names. Some exeptions exist, like in the case of IDA
* whose window Class name is "QWidget" and nothing related to IDA.
* // Bypass:
* Set a breakpoint on FindWindow, single step, then
* switch the return value to 0.
void adbg_CheckWindowName(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
    HANDLE hWindow = NULL;
    wchar_t *WindowClassNameIDA = L"Qt5QWindowIcon";    // IDA Pro
    wchar_t *WindowClassNameOlly = L"OLLYDBG";            // OllyDbg
    wchar_t *WindowClassNameImmunity = L"ID";            // Immunity Debugger
    // Check for IDA Pro
    hWindow = FindWindow(WindowClassNameIDA, 0);
    if (hWindow)
        found = TRUE;
    // Check for OllyDBG
    hWindow = FindWindow(WindowClassNameOlly, 0);
    if (hWindow)
        found = TRUE;
    // Check for Immunity
    hWindow = FindWindow(WindowClassNameImmunity, 0);
    if (hWindow)
        found = TRUE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_FINDWINDOW, "Caught by FindWindow!");

 * // adbg_IsDebuggerPresent()
 * // How it works:
 * Checks the PEB structure for the value of BeingDebugged.
 * // Indication:
 * Look for this imported function or calls to GetProcAddress().
 * IsDebuggerPresent is exported from kernel32.dll. The BOOL return value
 * is used to determine if an application is being debugged.
 * // Bypass:
 * Set a breakpoint on IsDebuggerPresent(), single step, then
 * switch the return value to 0.
void adbg_IsDebuggerPresent(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
    found = IsDebuggerPresent();

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_ISDEBUGGERPRESENT, "Caught by IsDebuggerPresent!");

 * // adbg_NtGlobalFlagPEB()
 * // How it works:
 * // Indication:
 * Look for Process Environment Block (PEB) references.
 * These references typically start with FS:[0x30h]. FS stands for
 * "Frame Segment" and generally indicates references to an application's
 * own internal header structures. These should not raise red flags,
 * however they should be noted. 0x68 offset from the PEB is the
 * NtGlobalFlag value. When a process is being debugged, three flags
 * (0x20), and FLG_HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS (0x40).
 * // Bypass:
 * ...
void adbg_NtGlobalFlagPEB(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
        xor eax, eax;            // clear eax
        mov eax, fs:[0x30];        // Reference start of the PEB
        mov eax, [eax + 0x68];    // PEB+0x68 points to NtGlobalFlags
        and eax, 0x00000070;    // check three flags
        mov found, eax;            // Copy result into 'found'

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_NTGLOBALFLAGPEB, "Caught by NtGlobalFlag PEB check!");

 * // adbg_NtQueryInformationProcess()
 * // How it works:
 * ... There are two checks here... (1. xxx, 2. NoDebugInherit)
 * // Indication:
 * ...
 * // Bypass:
 * ...
void adbg_NtQueryInformationProcess(void)
    DWORD found = FALSE;
    DWORD ProcessDebugPort = 0x07;    // 1st method; See MSDN for details
    DWORD ProcessDebugFlags = 0x1F;    // 2nd method; See MSDN for details
    // Get a handle to ntdll.dll so we can import NtQueryInformationProcess
    HMODULE hNtdll = LoadLibraryW(L"ntdll.dll");
    if (hNtdll == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hNtdll == NULL)
        goto CANT_CHECK;

    // Dynamically acquire the addres of NtQueryInformationProcess
    _NtQueryInformationProcess NtQueryInformationProcess = NULL;
    NtQueryInformationProcess = (_NtQueryInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtQueryInformationProcess");

    if (NtQueryInformationProcess == NULL)
        goto CANT_CHECK;

    // Method 1: Query ProcessDebugPort
    hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
    NTSTATUS status = NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessDebugPort, &found, sizeof(DWORD), NULL);

    if (!status && found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_NTQUERYINFORMATIONPROCESS, "Caught by NtQueryInformationProcess, (ProcessDebugPort)!");

    // Method 2: Query ProcessDebugFlags
    status = NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessDebugFlags, &found, sizeof(DWORD), NULL);

    // The ProcessDebugFlags caused 'found' to be 1 if no debugger is found, so we check !found.
    if (!status && !found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_NTQUERYINFORMATIONPROCESS, "Caught by NtQueryInformationProcess, (ProcessDebugFlags)!");


 * // adbg_NtSetInformationThread()
 * // How it works:
 * Hides the main thread from the debugger. Any attempt to control 
 * the process after this call will end the debugging session.
 * // Indication:
 * ...
 * // Bypass:
 * ...
void adbg_NtSetInformationThread(void)
    DWORD ThreadHideFromDebugger = 0x11;

    // Get a handle to ntdll.dll so we can import NtSetInformationThread
    HMODULE hNtdll = LoadLibraryW(L"ntdll.dll");
    if (hNtdll == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hNtdll == NULL)
        goto CANT_CHECK;

    // Dynamically acquire the addres of NtSetInformationThread and NtQueryInformationThread
    _NtSetInformationThread NtSetInformationThread = NULL;
    NtSetInformationThread = (_NtSetInformationThread)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtSetInformationThread");
    if (NtSetInformationThread == NULL)
        goto CANT_CHECK;
    // There is nothing to check here after this call.
    NtSetInformationThread(GetCurrentThread(), ThreadHideFromDebugger, 0, 0);


* // adbg_DebugActiveProcess()
* // How it works:
* ...
* // Indication:
* ...
* // Bypass:
* ...
void adbg_DebugActiveProcess(const char *cpid)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
    STARTUPINFOA si = { 0 };
    si.cb = sizeof(si);
    TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD exitCode = 0;

    CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, L"antidbg");
    if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // If we get here we are in the child process
        if (DebugActiveProcess((DWORD)atoi(cpid)))
            // No debugger found.
            // Debugger found, exit child with a unique code we can check for.

    // parent process
    DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
    GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH);
    char cmdline[MAX_PATH + 1 + sizeof(int)];
    snprintf(cmdline, sizeof(cmdline), "%ws %d", szPath, pid);

    // Start the child process. 
    BOOL success = CreateProcessA(
        NULL,        // path (NULL means use cmdline instead)
        cmdline,    // Command line
        NULL,        // Process handle not inheritable
        NULL,        // Thread handle not inheritable
        FALSE,        // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
        0,            // No creation flags
        NULL,        // Use parent's environment block
        NULL,        // Use parent's starting directory 
        &si,        // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
        &pi);        // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure

    // Wait until child process exits and get the code
    WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);

    // Check for our unique exit code
    GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitCode);
    if (exitCode == 555)
        found = TRUE;

    // Close process and thread handles. 

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_DEBUGACTIVEPROCESS, "Caught by DebugActiveProcess!");

// =======================================================================
// Timing Checks
// These checks focus on comparison of time stamps between a portion
// of code which is likely to be analyzed under a debugger. The goal
// is to determine with high probability that a debugger is allowing
// single step control, or that a breakpoint had been hit between
// the time check locations.
// =======================================================================

 * // adbg_RDTSC()
 * // How it works:
 * ...
 * // Indication:
 * ...
 * // Bypass:
 * ...
void adbg_RDTSC(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;

    UINT64 timeA, timeB = 0;
    int timeUpperA, timeLowerA = 0;
    int timeUpperB, timeLowerB = 0;

        // rdtsc stores result across EDX:EAX
        mov timeUpperA, edx;
        mov timeLowerA, eax;

        // Junk code to entice stepping through or a breakpoint
        xor eax, eax;
        mov eax, 5;
        shr eax, 2;
        sub eax, ebx;
        cmp eax, ecx

        mov timeUpperB, edx;
        mov timeLowerB, eax;

    timeA = timeUpperA;
    timeA = (timeA << 32) | timeLowerA;

    timeB = timeUpperB;
    timeB = (timeB << 32) | timeLowerB;

    /* 0x10000 is purely empirical and is based on the computer's clock cycle
       This value should be change depending on the length and complexity of 
       code between each RDTSC operation. */
    if (timeB - timeA > 0x10000)
        found = TRUE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_RDTSC, "Caught by RDTSC!");

* // adbg_QueryPerformanceCounter()
* // How it works:
* ...
* // Indication:
* ...
* // Bypass:
* ...
void adbg_QueryPerformanceCounter(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;


    // Junk or legit code.
        xor eax, eax;
        push eax;
        push ecx;
        pop eax;
        pop ecx;
        sub ecx, eax;
        shl ecx, 4;


    // 30 is an empirical value            凭经验  哈哈
    if ((t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) > 30) 
        found = TRUE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_QUERYPERFORMANCECOUNTER, "Caught by QueryPerformanceCounter!");

* // adbg_RDTSC()
* // How it works:
* ...
* // Indication:
* ...
* // Bypass:
* ...
void adbg_GetTickCount(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
    DWORD t1;
    DWORD t2;

    t1 = GetTickCount();

    // Junk or legit code.
        xor eax, eax;
        push eax;
        push ecx;
        pop eax;
        pop ecx;
        sub ecx, eax;
        shl ecx, 4;

    t2 = GetTickCount();

    // 30 milliseconds is an empirical value
    if ((t2 - t1) > 30)
        found = TRUE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_GETTICKCOUNT, "Caught by GetTickCount!");

// =======================================================================
// CPU Checks
// These checks focus on aspects of the CPU, including hardware break-
// points, special interrupt opcodes, and flags.
// =======================================================================

 * // adbg_HardwareDebugRegisters()
 * // How it works:
 * ...
 * // Indication:
 * ...
 * // Bypass:
 * ...
void adbg_HardwareDebugRegisters(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
    CONTEXT ctx = { 0 };
    HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread();

    ctx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS;
    if(GetThreadContext(hThread, &ctx))
        if ((ctx.Dr0 != 0x00) || (ctx.Dr1 != 0x00) || (ctx.Dr2 != 0x00) || (ctx.Dr3 != 0x00) || (ctx.Dr6 != 0x00) || (ctx.Dr7 != 0x00))
            found = TRUE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_HARDWAREDEBUGREGISTERS, "Caught by a Hardware Debug Register Check!");

* // adbg_MovSS()
* // How it works:
* ...
* // Indication:
* ...
* // Bypass:
* ...
void adbg_MovSS(void)
    BOOL found = FALSE;
            push ss;
            pop ss;
            test byte ptr[esp + 1], 1;
            jne fnd;
            jmp end;
            mov found, 1;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_MOVSS, "Caught by a MOV SS Single Step Check!");

// =======================================================================
// Exception Checks
// These checks focus on exceptions that occur when under the control of 
// a debugger. In several cases, there are certain exceptions that will
// be thrown only when running under a debugger.
// =======================================================================

 * // adbg_CloseHandleException()
 * // How it works:
 * CloseHandle will throw an exception when trying to close an
 * invalid handle, only when running under a debugger. We pass
 * an invalid handle into CloseHandle to force an exception, 
 * where our own exception handler will close the application.
 * // Indication:
 * Look for possibly invalid handles passed to CloseHandle().
 * The validity of a handle can be difficult to assess, but
 * an application closing shortly after CloseHandle is a great
 * indication.
 * // Bypass:
 * Modify the invalid handle passed into CloseHandle()
 * to be INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, patch the call, or adjust EIP to
 * skip over the invalid CloseHandle. This may be easier said than
 * done if the CloseHandle is called many times with a mix of
 * valid and invalid handles.
void adbg_CloseHandleException(void)
    HANDLE hInvalid = (HANDLE)0xDEADBEEF; // an invalid handle
    DWORD found = FALSE;

        found = TRUE;
    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_CLOSEHANDLEEXCEPTION, "Caught by an CloseHandle exception!");

 * // adbg_SingleStepException()
 * // How it works:
 * ...
 * // Indication:
 * ...
 * // Bypass:
 * ...
void adbg_SingleStepException(void)
    DWORD found = TRUE;

    In this method we force an exception to occur. If it occurs
    outside of a debugger, the __except() handler is called setting
    found to FALSE. If the exception occurs inside of a debugger, the
    __except() will not be called (in certain cases) leading to
    found being TRUE.

            pushfd;                        // save flag register
            or byte ptr[esp + 1], 1;    // set trap flag in EFlags
            popfd;                        // restore flag register
        found = FALSE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_SINGLESTEPEXCEPTION, "Caught by a Single Step Exception!");

* // adbg_Int3()
* // How it works:
* INT 3 is a standard software breakpoint (opcode 0xCC). When
* you set a breakpoint, your debugger replaces the first opcode
* under the breakpoint location with a 0xCC (INT 3). When the
* debugger hits this opcode it breaks and restores the original
* opcode. We add an exeption handler that switches 'found' from
* true to false. Without a debugger, *something must* handle the
* breakpoint exception (which is our handler). If our handler does
* not get hit, it means a debugger attempted to handle the
* exception itself, an in turn, leaving 'found' marked true.
* // Indication:
* Most debuggers go out of their way to hide the fact that they
* have replaced an opcode with 0xCC. In IDA for example, you need
* to specifically set an option to show these replacements. If you
* ever see an INT 3 instruction or a 0xCC (standalone) opcode, 
* red flags should go up.
* // Bypass:
* Most debuggers will give you an option when an exception is 
* thrown - either pass the exception to the application (and
* hope it's equipped to handle it), or discard the exception
* and have the debugger handle it instead. Your debugger is 
* perfectly capacble of handling a breakpoint exception, but
* if your debugger handles this exception, 'found' is never
* marked false, and you're busted. When in doubt, pass
* exceptions to the application.
void adbg_Int3(void)
    BOOL found = TRUE;

            int 3;    // 0xCC standard software breakpoint

        found = FALSE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_INT3CC, "Caught by a rogue INT 3!");

* // adbg_PrefixHop()
* // How it works:
* ...
* // Indication:
* ...
* // Bypass:
* ...
void adbg_PrefixHop(void)
    BOOL found = TRUE;

            __emit 0xF3;    // 0xF3 0x64 is the prefix 'REP'
            __emit 0x64;
            __emit 0xCC;    // this gets skipped over if being debugged

        found = FALSE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_PREFIXHOP, "Caught by a Prefix Hop!");

* // adbg_Int2D()
* // How it works:
* ...
* // Indication:
* ...
* // Bypass:
* ...
void adbg_Int2D(void)
    BOOL found = TRUE;

            int 0x2D;    // kernel breakpoint  VT下有惊喜

        found = FALSE;

    if (found)
        DBG_MSG(DBG_NONE, "Caught by a rogue INT 2D!");


posted on 2017-03-09 16:01  yifi  阅读(635)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
