1. 单例模式(Singleton pattern)
public class Singleton { private static Singleton instance = new Singleton(); private Singleton() {} public static Singleton getInstance() { return instance; } }
public class Singleton { private volatile static Singleton instance = null; private Singleton() {} public static Singleton getInstance() { if (instance == null) { synchronized (Singleton.class) { if (instance == null) { instance = new Singleton(); } } } return instance; } }
public class Singleton { private Singleton() {} private static class SingletonHolder { private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton(); } public static Singleton getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; } }
@Data public class Person { private String name; private int age; } public enum PersonEnum { INSTANCE; private Person instance; private PersonEnum(){ instance = new Person(); } public Person getInstance() { return instance; } } Person person = PersonEnum.INSTANCE.getInstance()
public enum PersonSingleton { INSTANCE; private String name; public String getName() { return name; } }
Person person = PersonSingleton.INSTANCE
2. 原型模式(Prototype)
@Data abstract class Shape implements Cloneable { private String id; protected String type; public abstract void draw(); @Override public Object clone() { Object clone = null; try { clone = super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return clone; } } class Circle extends Shape { public Circle() { type = "Circle"; } @Override public void draw() { System.out.println("Inside Circle::draw() method."); } } class Square extends Shape { public Square() { type = "Square"; } @Override public void draw() { System.out.println("Inside Square::draw() method."); } } class ShapeCache { private static Map<String, Shape> shapeMap = new HashMap<>(); public static Shape getShape(String shapeId) { Shape cachedShape = shapeMap.get(shapeId); return (Shape) cachedShape.clone(); } public static void loadCache() { Circle circle = new Circle(); circle.setId("1"); shapeMap.put(circle.getId(), circle); Square square = new Square(); square.setId("2"); shapeMap.put(square.getId(), square); } } class PrototypePatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ShapeCache.loadCache(); Shape clonedShape = ShapeCache.getShape("1"); System.out.println("Shape : " + clonedShape.getType()); Shape clonedShape2 = ShapeCache.getShape("2"); System.out.println("Shape : " + clonedShape2.getType()); } }
3. 工厂模式(Factory Method)
abstract class Animal { public abstract void sound(); } class Cat extends Animal { @Override public void sound() { System.out.println("喵喵喵"); } } class Dog extends Animal { @Override public void sound() { System.out.println("汪汪汪"); } } // 创建一个工厂类 class AnimalFactory { // 定义一个静态方法,根据传入的参数创建具体的产品类对象 public static Animal createAnimal(String type) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("dog")) { return new Dog(); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("cat")) { return new Cat(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid animal type: " + type); } } } // 客户端代码 class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // 使用工厂类创建不同的 Animal 对象 Animal dog = AnimalFactory.createAnimal("dog"); dog.sound(); Animal cat = AnimalFactory.createAnimal("cat"); cat.sound(); } }
4. 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory)
// 创建一个抽象产品类 abstract class Animal { public abstract void sound(); } class Cat extends Animal { @Override public void sound() { System.out.println("喵喵喵"); } } // 创建具体产品类,继承自 Animal 类 class Dog extends Animal { @Override public void sound() { System.out.println("汪汪汪"); } } abstract class AnimalFactory { // 定义一个抽象方法,用于创建 Animal 对象 public abstract Animal createAnimal(); } class CatFactory extends AnimalFactory { @Override public Animal createAnimal() { return new Cat(); } } // 创建具体工厂类,实现创建 Animal 对象的接口 class DogFactory extends AnimalFactory { @Override public Animal createAnimal() { return new Dog(); } } // 客户端代码 class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建一个 Dog 对象 AnimalFactory dogFactory = new DogFactory(); Animal dog = dogFactory.createAnimal(); dog.sound(); // 创建一个 Cat 对象 AnimalFactory catFactory = new CatFactory(); Animal cat = catFactory.createAnimal(); cat.sound(); } }
5. 建造者模式(Builder)
@Data class Car { private String make; private String model; private int year; private String engine; private int seats; public Car(String make, String model, int year, String engine, int seats) { this.make = make; this.model = model; this.year = year; this.engine = engine; this.seats = seats; } } @Data class CarBuilder { private String make; private String model; private int year; private String engine; private int seats; public Car build() { return new Car(make, model, year, engine, seats); } }
6、适配器模式(Adapter pattern)
// 源接口 class Adaptee { public void specificRequest() { System.out.println("Adaptee's specific request"); } } interface Target { public void request(); } // 适配器类 class Adapter implements Target { private Adaptee adaptee; public Adapter(Adaptee adaptee) { this.adaptee = adaptee; } public void request() { adaptee.specificRequest(); } } // 客户端代码 class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { Adaptee adaptee = new Adaptee(); Target target = new Adapter(adaptee); target.request(); } }
7、组合模式(composite pattern)
interface IComponent { void display(); } // Component.java abstract class Component implements IComponent { protected String name; public Component(String name) { this.name = name; } public abstract void add(IComponent component); public abstract void remove(IComponent component); } // Composite.java class Composite extends Component { private List<IComponent> children = new ArrayList<>(); public Composite(String name) { super(name); } @Override public void add(IComponent component) { children.add(component); } @Override public void remove(IComponent component) { children.remove(component); } @Override public void display() { System.out.println("Composite: " + name); for (IComponent component : children) { component.display(); } } } // Leaf.java class Leaf implements IComponent { private String name; public Leaf(String name) { this.name = name; } @Override public void display() { System.out.println("Leaf: " + name); } } // Client.java class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { Component root = new Composite("root"); Component branch1 = new Composite("branch1"); Component branch2 = new Composite("branch2"); IComponent leaf1 = new Leaf("leaf1"); IComponent leaf2 = new Leaf("leaf2"); IComponent leaf3 = new Leaf("leaf3"); root.add(branch1); root.add(branch2); branch1.add(leaf1); branch2.add(leaf2); branch2.add(leaf3); root.display(); } }
8、装饰者模式(decorator pattern)
interface Pizza { public String getDescription(); public double getCost(); } // 具体组件 class PlainPizza implements Pizza { public String getDescription() { return "薄饼"; } public double getCost() { return 4.00; } } // 装饰器 abstract class ToppingDecorator implements Pizza { protected Pizza pizza; public ToppingDecorator(Pizza pizza) { this.pizza = pizza; } public String getDescription() { return pizza.getDescription(); } public double getCost() { return pizza.getCost(); } } // 具体装饰器 class Cheese extends ToppingDecorator { public Cheese(Pizza pizza) { super(pizza); } public String getDescription() { return pizza.getDescription() + ",马苏里拉奶酪"; } public double getCost() { return pizza.getCost() + 0.50; } } // 具体装饰器 class Pepperoni extends ToppingDecorator { public Pepperoni(Pizza pizza) { super(pizza); } public String getDescription() { return pizza.getDescription() + ",意大利辣香肠"; } public double getCost() { return pizza.getCost() + 1.00; } } // 客户端代码 class PizzaShop { public static void main(String[] args) { Pizza pizza = new PlainPizza(); pizza = new Cheese(pizza); pizza = new Pepperoni(pizza); System.out.println(pizza.getDescription()); System.out.println("成本:$" + pizza.getCost()); } }
9、外观模式(Facade pattern)
class CPU { public void processData() { System.out.println("正在处理数据..."); } } class Memory { public void load() { System.out.println("正在加载内存..."); } } class HardDrive { public void readData() { System.out.println("正在读取硬盘数据..."); } } // 外观类 class ComputerFacade { private CPU cpu; private Memory memory; private HardDrive hardDrive; public ComputerFacade() { cpu = new CPU(); memory = new Memory(); hardDrive = new HardDrive(); } public void start() { System.out.println("启动计算机..."); cpu.processData(); memory.load(); hardDrive.readData(); System.out.println("计算机启动完毕!"); } } // 客户端代码 class FacadePatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ComputerFacade computer = new ComputerFacade(); computer.start(); } }
10、享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)
interface Shape { void draw(); } // 具体享元类 @Data class Circle implements Shape { private String color; private int x; private int y; private int radius; public Circle(String color) { this.color = color; } @Override public void draw() { System.out.println("画了一个" + color + "的圆,半径为" + radius + ",位置为(" + x + "," + y + ")"); } } // 享元工厂类 class ShapeFactory { private static final Map<String, Shape> circleMap = new HashMap<>(); public static Shape getCircle(String color) { Circle circle = (Circle) circleMap.get(color); if (circle == null) { circle = new Circle(color); circleMap.put(color, circle); System.out.println("创建了一个" + color + "的圆"); } return circle; } } // 客户端代码 class FlyweightPatternDemo { private static final String[] colors = {"红色", "绿色", "蓝色", "黄色", "黑色"}; public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Circle circle = (Circle) ShapeFactory.getCircle(getRandomColor()); circle.setX(getRandomX()); circle.setY(getRandomY()); circle.setRadius(100); circle.draw(); } } private static String getRandomColor() { return colors[(int) (Math.random() * colors.length)]; } private static int getRandomX() { return (int) (Math.random() * 100); } private static int getRandomY() { return (int) (Math.random() * 100); } }
11、代理模式(Proxy pattern)
//代理接口 interface IHello { String hi(String key); } //代理接口实现类 class HelloImpl implements IHello { @Override public String hi(String key) { String str = "hello:" + key; System.out.println("HelloImpl! " + str); return str; } } //静态代理类 class HelloStaticProxy implements IHello { private IHello hello; public HelloStaticProxy(IHello hello) { this.hello = hello; } @Override public String hi(String key) { System.out.println(">>> static proxy start"); String result = hello.hi(key); System.out.println(">>> static proxy end"); return result; } } class DemoTest { public static void main(String[] args) { IHello helloProxy = new HelloStaticProxy(new HelloImpl()); helloProxy.hi("world"); } }
//代理接口 interface IHello { String hi(String key); } //代理接口实现类 class HelloImpl implements IHello { @Override public String hi(String key) { String str = "hello:" + key; System.out.println("HelloImpl! " + str); return str; } } //jdk动态代理类 class JdkProxy implements InvocationHandler { private Object target; public JdkProxy(Object target) { this.target = target; } //获取被代理接口实例对象 public <T> T getProxy() { return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.getClass().getClassLoader(), target.getClass().getInterfaces(), this); } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { System.out.println(">>> JdkProxy start"); Object result = method.invoke(target, args); System.out.println(">>> JdkProxy end"); return result; } } class Demo2Test { public static void main(String[] args) { JdkProxy proxy = new JdkProxy(new HelloImpl()); IHello helloProxy = proxy.getProxy(); helloProxy.hi(" jdk proxy !"); } }
//目标类 class HelloImpl { public String hi(String key) { String str = "hello:" + key; System.out.println("HelloImpl! " + str); return str; } } //cglib代理类 class CglibProxy implements InvocationHandler { private Object target; public CglibProxy(Object target) { this.target = target; } //获取被代理接口实例对象 public <T> T getProxy() { //1创建增强器对象 Enhancer e = new Enhancer(); //2设置增强器的类加载器 e.setClassLoader(target.getClass().getClassLoader()); //3设置代理对象父类类型 e.setSuperclass(target.getClass()); //4设置回调函数 e.setCallback(this); //5创建代理对象 return (T) e.create(); } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { System.out.println(">>> cglib start"); Object obj = method.invoke(target, args); System.out.println(">>> cglib end"); return obj; } } class Demo3Test { public static void main(String[] args) { HelloImpl hello = new HelloImpl(); CglibProxy cglibProxy = new CglibProxy(hello); HelloImpl proxy = cglibProxy.getProxy(); proxy.hi(" cglib "); } }
12、桥接模式(Bridge pattern)
// 首先,我们定义一个 Color 接口,它表示颜色: interface Color { void applyColor(); } // 然后,我们定义一个 Shape 抽象类,它包含了一个 Color 对象: abstract class Shape { protected Color color; public Shape(Color color) { this.color = color; } public abstract void applyColor(); } // 接下来,我们定义两个实现了 Color 接口的具体类: class Red implements Color { @Override public void applyColor() { System.out.println("Applying red color"); } } class Blue implements Color { @Override public void applyColor() { System.out.println("Applying blue color"); } } // 最后,我们定义两个实现了 Shape 抽象类的具体类: class Circle extends Shape { public Circle(Color color) { super(color); } @Override public void applyColor() { System.out.print("Circle applying color: "); color.applyColor(); } } class Square extends Shape { public Square(Color color) { super(color); } @Override public void applyColor() { System.out.print("Square applying color: "); color.applyColor(); } } // 现在,我们可以使用这些类来创建出对应的对象并调用它们的方法: class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Shape square = new Square(new Red()); Shape circle = new Circle(new Blue()); square.applyColor(); circle.applyColor(); } }
13、责任链模式(Chain of responsibility pattern)
interface Handler { Handler setNextHandler(Handler nextHandler); void handleRequest(Request request); } // 创建抽象处理器类 abstract class AbstractHandler implements Handler { private Handler nextHandler; public Handler setNextHandler(Handler nextHandler) { this.nextHandler = nextHandler; return this.nextHandler; } public Handler getNextHandler() { return nextHandler; } } // 创建具体的处理器类 class ConcreteHandler1 extends AbstractHandler { public void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getType().equals("Type1")) { System.out.println("ConcreteHandler1 handles request " + request); } else { getNextHandler().handleRequest(request); } } } class ConcreteHandler2 extends AbstractHandler { public void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getType().equals("Type2")) { System.out.println("ConcreteHandler2 handles request " + request); } else { getNextHandler().handleRequest(request); } } } class ConcreteHandler3 extends AbstractHandler { public void handleRequest(Request request) { if (request.getType().equals("Type3")) { System.out.println("ConcreteHandler3 handles request " + request); } else { getNextHandler().handleRequest(request); } } } // 创建请求类 class Request { private String type; public Request(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getType() { return type; } public String toString() { return "Request [type=" + type + "]"; } } // 客户端代码 class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { Handler handler1 = new ConcreteHandler1(); Handler handler2 = new ConcreteHandler2(); Handler handler3 = new ConcreteHandler3(); handler1.setNextHandler(handler2) .setNextHandler(handler3); handler1.handleRequest(new Request("Type1")); handler1.handleRequest(new Request("Type2")); handler1.handleRequest(new Request("Type3")); } }
14、命令模式(Command pattern)
interface Command { void execute(String[] args); } // 定义具体命令 class CreateFileCommand implements Command { public void execute(String[] args) { // 根据给定的名称和内容创建文件的代码 System.out.println("创建文件 : " + String.join(", ", args)); } } class DeleteFileCommand implements Command { public void execute(String[] args) { // 根据给定的名称删除文件的代码 System.out.println("删除文件 : " + String.join(",", args)); } } // 定义命令执行者 class CommandExecutor { private Map<String, Command> commands = new HashMap<>(); public CommandExecutor() { // 将具体命令与命令名称关联起来 commands.put("create", new CreateFileCommand()); commands.put("delete", new DeleteFileCommand()); } public void executeCommand(String commandName, String[] args) { // 查找对应的命令并执行 Command command = commands.get(commandName); if (command != null) { command.execute(args); } else { System.out.println("Unknown command: " + commandName); } } } // 使用命令执行者执行命令 class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { CommandExecutor executor = new CommandExecutor(); executor.executeCommand("create", new String[]{"file.txt", "Hello World!"}); executor.executeCommand("delete", new String[]{"file.txt"}); executor.executeCommand("unknown", new String[]{}); } }
15、解释器模式(Interpreter pattern)
interface Expression { int interpret(Context context); } // 终结符表达式 class NumberExpression implements Expression { private int value; public NumberExpression(int value) { this.value = value; } public int interpret(Context context) { return value; } } // 非终结符表达式 class AddExpression implements Expression { private Expression left; private Expression right; public AddExpression(Expression left, Expression right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } public int interpret(Context context) { return left.interpret(context) + right.interpret(context); } } // 上下文 class Context { private Map<String, Integer> variables = new HashMap<>(); public void setVariable(String name, int value) { variables.put(name, value); } public int getVariable(String name) { return variables.get(name); } } // 解释器 class Interpreter { private Expression expression; public Interpreter(Expression expression) { this.expression = expression; } public int interpret(Context context) { return expression.interpret(context); } } // 使用解释器执行表达式 class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建上下文 Context context = new Context(); context.setVariable("a", 10); context.setVariable("b", 20); // 创建表达式 Expression expression = new AddExpression( new NumberExpression(context.getVariable("a")), new NumberExpression(context.getVariable("b")) ); // 创建解释器并执行表达式 Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter(expression); int result = interpreter.interpret(context); System.out.println("Result: " + result); } }
16、迭代器模式(iterator pattern)
interface Iterator<T> { boolean hasNext(); T next(); } // 具体迭代器实现类 class ArrayIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { private T[] array; private int currentIndex; public ArrayIterator(T[] array) { this.array = array; this.currentIndex = 0; } public boolean hasNext() { return currentIndex < array.length; } public T next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } T element = array[currentIndex]; currentIndex++; return element; } } // 使用迭代器遍历数组 class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer[] array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Iterator<Integer> iterator = new ArrayIterator<>(array); while (iterator.hasNext()) { System.out.println(iterator.next()); } } }
17、观察者模式(observer pattern)
// 抽象主题接口 interface Subject { void registerObserver(Observer observer); void removeObserver(Observer observer); void notifyObservers(); } // 具体主题实现类 class WeatherStation implements Subject { private List<Observer> observers; private float temperature; private float humidity; private float pressure; public WeatherStation() { this.observers = new ArrayList<>(); } public void registerObserver(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } public void removeObserver(Observer observer) { observers.remove(observer); } public void notifyObservers() { System.out.println(">> 通知所有观察者 <<"); for (Observer observer : observers) { System.out.println("------观察者:" + observer.name() + "-----------"); observer.update(temperature, humidity, pressure); } } public void setMeasurements(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { this.temperature = temperature; this.humidity = humidity; this.pressure = pressure; notifyObservers(); } } // 抽象观察者接口 interface Observer { void update(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure); String name(); } // 具体观察者实现类 class Display implements Observer { private float temperature; private float humidity; private float pressure; private String name; @Override public String name() { return this.name; } public Display(String name) { this.name = name; } public void update(float temperature, float humidity, float pressure) { this.temperature = temperature; this.humidity = humidity; this.pressure = pressure; display(); } public void display() { System.out.println("Temperature: " + temperature); System.out.println("Humidity: " + humidity); System.out.println("Pressure: " + pressure); } } // 使用观察者模式实现气象站 class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { WeatherStation weatherStation = new WeatherStation(); Display display1 = new Display("01"); Display display2 = new Display("02"); weatherStation.registerObserver(display1); weatherStation.registerObserver(display2); weatherStation.setMeasurements(25.0f, 60.0f, 1013.0f); weatherStation.removeObserver(display2); weatherStation.setMeasurements(26.0f, 65.0f, 1012.0f); } }
18、状态模式(State pattern)
interface State { void handle(); } // 具体状态类1 class ConcreteState1 implements State { public void handle() { System.out.println("ConcreteState1 is handling."); } } // 具体状态类2 class ConcreteState2 implements State { public void handle() { System.out.println("ConcreteState2 is handling."); } } // 环境类 class Context { private State state; public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } public void request() { state.handle(); } } // 使用状态模式实现的客户端代码 class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Context context = new Context(); State state1 = new ConcreteState1(); State state2 = new ConcreteState2(); context.setState(state1); context.request(); context.setState(state2); context.request(); } }
19、模板方法模式(Template pattern)
在一个方法中定义一个算法的骨架,而将一些步骤延迟到子类中。模板方法使得子类可以在不改变算法结构的情况下, 重新定义算法中的某些步骤。
abstract class Game { abstract void initialize(); abstract void startPlay(); abstract void endPlay(); // 模板方法 public final void play() { // 初始化游戏 initialize(); // 开始游戏 startPlay(); // 结束游戏 endPlay(); } } class Cricket extends Game { @Override void endPlay() { System.out.println("Cricket Game Finished!"); } @Override void initialize() { System.out.println("Cricket Game Initialized! Start playing."); } @Override void startPlay() { System.out.println("Cricket Game Started. Enjoy the game!"); } } class Football extends Game { @Override void endPlay() { System.out.println("Football Game Finished!"); } @Override void initialize() { System.out.println("Football Game Initialized! Start playing."); } @Override void startPlay() { System.out.println("Football Game Started. Enjoy the game!"); } } class TemplatePatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Game game = new Cricket(); game.play(); System.out.println(); game = new Football(); game.play(); } }
20、中介者模式(Mediator pattern)
// Mediator接口定义了send()方法,用于处理对象之间的交互。 interface Mediator { void send(String message, Colleague colleague); } // Colleague抽象类表示对象,它包含一个Mediator对象,用于处理对象之间的通信。 abstract class Colleague { protected Mediator mediator; public Colleague(Mediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; } public abstract void receive(String message); public abstract void send(String message); } // ConcreteColleague1和ConcreteColleague2是具体的对象实现类,它们实现了Colleague抽象类中的方法。 class ConcreteColleague1 extends Colleague { public ConcreteColleague1(Mediator mediator) { super(mediator); } @Override public void receive(String message) { System.out.println("Colleague1 received message: " + message); } @Override public void send(String message) { System.out.println("Colleague1 sends message: " + message); mediator.send(message, this); } } class ConcreteColleague2 extends Colleague { public ConcreteColleague2(Mediator mediator) { super(mediator); } @Override public void receive(String message) { System.out.println("Colleague2 received message: " + message); } @Override public void send(String message) { System.out.println("Colleague2 sends message: " + message); mediator.send(message, this); } } // ConcreteMediator是具体的中介者实现类,它负责协调对象之间的通信。 class ConcreteMediator implements Mediator { private ConcreteColleague1 colleague1; private ConcreteColleague2 colleague2; public void setColleague1(ConcreteColleague1 colleague1) { this.colleague1 = colleague1; } public void setColleague2(ConcreteColleague2 colleague2) { this.colleague2 = colleague2; } @Override public void send(String message, Colleague colleague) { if (colleague == colleague1) { colleague2.receive(message); } else { colleague1.receive(message); } } } class MediatorPatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { ConcreteMediator mediator = new ConcreteMediator(); ConcreteColleague1 colleague1 = new ConcreteColleague1(mediator); ConcreteColleague2 colleague2 = new ConcreteColleague2(mediator); mediator.setColleague1(colleague1); mediator.setColleague2(colleague2); colleague1.send("Hello, Colleague2."); colleague2.send("Hello, Colleague1."); } }
21、备忘录模式(Memento pattern)
// Originator类表示原始对象,它包含需要保存的状态。 @Data class Originator { private String state; // createMemento()方法创建备忘录对象,并将当前状态保存到备忘录对象中。 public Memento createMemento() { return new Memento(state); } // restore()方法用于从备忘录对象中恢复先前的状态。 public void restore(Memento memento) { state = memento.getState(); } } // Memento类表示备忘录对象,它包含需要保存的状态。 @Data class Memento { private String state; public Memento(String state) { this.state = state; } } // Caretaker类负责管理备忘录对象,它包含一个Memento对象。 @Data class Caretaker { private Memento memento; } class MementoPatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Originator originator = new Originator(); Caretaker caretaker = new Caretaker(); // 保存原始对象的状态到备忘录对象中 originator.setState("State 1"); caretaker.setMemento(originator.createMemento()); // 修改原始对象的状态 originator.setState("State 2"); // 从备忘录对象中恢复先前的状态 originator.restore(caretaker.getMemento()); System.out.println("Current state: " + originator.getState()); } }
22、访问者模式(visitor pattern)
interface Expression { void accept(Visitor visitor); } class NumberExpression implements Expression { private int value; public NumberExpression(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this); } } // 定义具体的元素类:加法表达式 class AdditionExpression implements Expression { private Expression left; private Expression right; public AdditionExpression(Expression left, Expression right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } public Expression getLeft() { return left; } public Expression getRight() { return right; } public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this); } } interface Visitor { void visit(NumberExpression expression); void visit(AdditionExpression expression); } // 定义具体的访问者类:打印访问者 class PrinterVisitor implements Visitor { public void visit(NumberExpression expression) { System.out.print(expression.getValue()); } public void visit(AdditionExpression expression) { System.out.print("("); expression.getLeft().accept(this); System.out.print("+"); expression.getRight().accept(this); System.out.print(")"); } } class CalculatorVisitor implements Visitor { private int result; public void visit(NumberExpression expression) { result = expression.getValue(); } public void visit(AdditionExpression expression) { expression.getLeft().accept(this); int leftValue = result; expression.getRight().accept(this); int rightValue = result; result = leftValue + rightValue; } public int getResult() { return result; } } class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { // 构建表达式树:1 + (2 + 3) Expression expression = new AdditionExpression( new NumberExpression(1), new AdditionExpression( new NumberExpression(2), new NumberExpression(3) ) ); // 计算表达式的值 CalculatorVisitor calculator = new CalculatorVisitor(); expression.accept(calculator); System.out.println("Result: " + calculator.getResult()); // 打印表达式的字符串表示 PrinterVisitor printer = new PrinterVisitor(); expression.accept(printer); } }
23、策略模式(strategy pattern)
PaymentStrategy 接口定义了一种支付方式,并包含一个 pay 方法,该方法接受一个金额参数。我们创建了三个实现该接口的类,分别代表信用卡支付、PayPal支付和现金支付。 PaymentProcessor 类接受一个 PaymentStrategy 实例作为参数,并使用它来执行支付操作。在 main 方法中,我们创建了一个 PaymentProcessor 实例,并使用不同的支付方式来进行支付。
interface PaymentStrategy { void pay(double amount); } class CreditCardPayment implements PaymentStrategy { private String cardNumber; private String cvv; private String expiryDate; public CreditCardPayment(String cardNumber, String cvv, String expiryDate) { this.cardNumber = cardNumber; this.cvv = cvv; this.expiryDate = expiryDate; } public void pay(double amount) { System.out.println("Paying " + amount + " using credit card."); } } class PayPalPayment implements PaymentStrategy { private String email; private String password; public PayPalPayment(String email, String password) { this.email = email; this.password = password; } public void pay(double amount) { System.out.println("Paying " + amount + " using PayPal."); } } class CashPayment implements PaymentStrategy { public void pay(double amount) { System.out.println("Paying " + amount + " using cash."); } } class PaymentProcessor { private PaymentStrategy strategy; public PaymentProcessor(PaymentStrategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } public void setStrategy(PaymentStrategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } public void processPayment(double amount) { strategy.pay(amount); } } class PaymentSystem { public static void main(String[] args) { PaymentProcessor processor = new PaymentProcessor(new CreditCardPayment("1234 5678 9012 3456", "123", "12/23")); processor.processPayment(100.0); processor.setStrategy(new PayPalPayment("example@example.com", "password")); processor.processPayment(50.0); processor.setStrategy(new CashPayment()); processor.processPayment(25.0); } }
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