SQL> drop table testrp;
SQL> create table testrp(a number(10), b varchar2(10))
  2  partition by range(a)(
  3  partition testrp1 values less than (51),
  4  partition testrp2 values less than (81)
  5  )
  6  tablespace tp_p1;
SQL> insert into testrp values(1,'1');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> insert into testrp values(50,'50');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> insert into testrp values(51,'51');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> insert into testrp values(80,'80');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> insert into testrp values(81,'81');
insert into testrp values(81,'81')
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-14400: 插入的分区关键字未映射到任何分区

SQL> insert into testrp values(null,null);
insert into testrp values(null,null)
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-14400: 插入的分区关键字未映射到任何分区
SQL> alter table testrp add partition testrp3 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace tp_p3;
SQL> insert into testrp values(81,'81');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> insert into testrp values(null,null);
已创建 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> select * from testrp;
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
        51 51
        80 80
        81 81

SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp1);
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp2);
         A B
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp3);
         A B
---------- ----------
        81 81

SQL> update testrp partition(testrp1) set a = 11 where a is null;
SQL> update testrp partition(testrp3) set b = '81_new' where a = 81;
已更新 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp3);
         A B
---------- ----------
        81 81_new
SQL> update testrp partition(testrp3) set a = 2 where a is null;
update testrp partition(testrp3) set a = 2 where a is null
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-14402: 更新分区关键字列将导致分区的更改

SQL> delete from testrp partition(testrp3);
SQL> select * from testrp;
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> rollback;
SQL> select * from testrp;
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
        51 51
        80 80
        81 81_new

SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp1);
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp2);
         A B
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp3);
         A B
---------- ----------
        81 81_new

SQL> alter table testrp merge partitions testrp2, testrp3 into partition testrp2;
alter table testrp merge partitions testrp2, testrp3 into partition testrp2
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-14275: 不能将下界分区作为结果分区重用

SQL> alter table testrp merge partitions testrp2, testrp3 into partition testrp3;
SQL> select * from testrp;
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
        51 51
        80 80
        81 81_new

SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp1);
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp2);
select * from testrp partition(testrp2)
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-02149: 指定的分区不存在

SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp3);
         A B
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
        81 81_new

SQL> alter table testrp split partition testrp3 at(81) into (
  2  partition testrp2 tablespace tp_p2,
  3  partition testrp3 tablespace tp_p3
  4  );
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp2);
         A B
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp3);
         A B
---------- ----------
        81 81_new

SQL> alter table testrp drop partition testrp3;
SQL> select * from testrp;
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp1);
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp2);
         A B
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp3);
select * from testrp partition(testrp3)
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-02149: 指定的分区不存在
SQL> alter table testrp rename partition testrp2 to testrp02
SQL> select * from testrp;
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp1);
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp2);
select * from testrp partition(testrp2)
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-02149: 指定的分区不存在

SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp02);
         A B
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> alter table testrp truncate partition testrp02;
SQL> select * from testrp;
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp1);
         A B
---------- ----------
         1 1
        50 50
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp02);
--9.1 用法
SQL> insert into testrp values(51, '51');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> insert into testrp values(80, '80');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> create table testrp_ex as select * from testrp where 1 = 0;
SQL> insert into testrp_ex values(70, '70');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> alter table testrp exchange partition testrp02 with table testrp_ex;
SQL> select * from testrp_ex;
         A B
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp02);
         A B
---------- ----------
        70 70
--9.2 我们把数据交换回去,再测试一下交换分区的限制
SQL> alter table testrp exchange partition testrp02 with table testrp_ex;
SQL> insert into testrp_ex values(30,'30');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> select * from testrp_ex;
         A B
---------- ----------
        70 70
        30 30
SQL> alter table testrp exchange partition testrp02 with table testrp_ex;
alter table testrp exchange partition testrp02 with table testrp_ex
ERROR 位于第 1 行:
ORA-14099: 未对指定分区限定表中的所有行

SQL> delete from testrp_ex where a = 30;
已删除 1 行。
SQL> commit;
--9.2.2 要交换的表和分区列数必须相同,但列名可以不同
SQL> alter table testrp_ex add c varchar2(10);
SQL> alter table testrp exchange partition testrp02 with table testrp_ex;
alter table testrp exchange partition testrp02 with table testrp_ex
ERROR 位于第 1 行:

SQL> desc testrp
 名称                                      是否为空? 类型
 ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------
 A                                                  NUMBER(10)
 B                                                  VARCHAR2(10)
SQL> drop table testrp_ex;
SQL> create table testrp_ex ( aa number(10), bb varchar2(10));
SQL> insert into testrp_ex values(70,'70');
已创建 1 行。
SQL> commit;
SQL> alter table testrp exchange partition testrp02 with table testrp_ex;
SQL> select * from testrp_ex;
        AA BB
---------- ----------
        51 51
        80 80
SQL> select * from testrp partition(testrp02);
         A B
---------- ----------
        70 70
posted on 2008-06-14 14:09  Alex.Zhang  阅读(834)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报