Android SurfaceView绘制错位


这个问题找 好久,最终是在stackoverflow上找到的答案:

How do I correctly translate pixel coordinates to canvas coordinates in Android?

I am capturing a MotionEvent for a long click in an Android SurfaceView using a GestureListener. I then need to translate the coordinates of the MotionEvent to canvas coordinates, from which I can generate custom map coordinates (not Google Maps).

From what I have read, I take that given MotionEvent ee.getX() and e.getY() get pixel coordinates. How can I convert these coordinates to the SurfaceView's canvas coordinates?

If i understand correctly you have a canvas View inside surfaceview. If so try VIEW.getLeft() | getTop() that returns the left | top position of the view relative to it's parent.

float x= e.getX() - canvasView.getLeft();float y= e.getY() - canvasView.getTop();






posted @ 2017-02-07 21:11  益达915  阅读(637)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报