基于已知点云数据的最小外接圆matlab函数 – MATLAB中文论坛 (ilovematlab.cn)
%该函数是在其他网站看到的,以此共享。有两种方法(函数)实现。 %第一种比较费时: function [xc,yc,r] = smallestcircle(x,y) % This finds the circle of smallest area containing all % the points of vectors x and y. The center is (xc,yc) % and the radius is r. RAS - 2/28/05 if any(size(x)~=size(y)) | min(size(x))>1 error('Args must be vectors of equal length.') end n = length(x); if n == 1, xc = x(1); yc = y(1); r = 0; else bestr2 = inf; for i = 1:n-1 x1 = x(i); y1 = y(i); for j = i+1:n x2 = x(j); y2 = y(j); x0 = (x1+x2)/2; y0 = (y1+y2)/2; w = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2); if w==0, break, end A = (x2-x1)/w; B = (y2-y1)/w; C = (x1*y2-y1*x2)/w; h = w/2; h2 = h^2; pmax = -inf; pmin = inf; for k = [1:i-1,i+1:j-1,j+1:n] x3 = x(k); y3 = y(k); o = A*y3-B*x3+C; if o==0, o = 2^(-1074); end p = ((x3-x0)^2+(y3-y0)^2-h2)/(2*o); if o > 0, if p > pmax, pmax = p; uk = k; end else if p < pmin, pmin = p; lk = k; end end if pmax > pmin, break, end end if pmax <= pmin if pmax > 0, p = pmax; k = uk; elseif pmin < 0, p = pmin; k = lk; else xc = x0; yc = y0; r = h; return end r2 = p^2+h2; if r2 < bestr2, bestr2 = r2; si = i; sj = j; sk = k; end end end end a = x(si); b = x(sj); c = x(sk); d = y(si); e = y(sj); f = y(sk); t = 2*(a*e+b*f+c*d-b*d-c*e-a*f); xc = ((a^2+d^2)*(e-f)+(b^2+e^2)*(f-d)+(c^2+f^2)*(d-e))/t; yc = ((a^2+d^2)*(c-b)+(b^2+e^2)*(a-c)+(c^2+f^2)*(b-a))/t; r = sqrt(((b-a)^2+(e-d)^2)*((a-c)^2+(d-f)^2)*((c-b)^2+(f-e)^2))/abs(t); end 第二种比较优化: function testcircumcircle %% Test the CIRCUMCIRCLE function % Generate random data x = randn(20, 1); y = randn(20, 1); % Call CIRCUMCIRCLE [c, r] = circumcircle(x, y); % Plot the data as red + symbols plot(x, y, 'r+'); % Wait for the next plot ... hold on; % Create a vector of theta values dtheta = 0.1; theta = 0:dtheta:(2*pi+dtheta); % Plot the circle whose center is [c(1), c(2)] and whose radius is r plot(r*cos(theta)+c(1), r*sin(theta)+c(2), 'g-') function [c, r] = circumcircle(x, y) %% The CIRCUMCIRCLE function % Generate a feasible random guess % The last elemeent of p0 is the maximum distance from the origin to a % point in our data set. All points must be within that distance from the % origin, so we're guaranteed that the nonlinear constraint in TestIfInside % will be satisfied p0 = [0; 0; sqrt(max(x.^2+y.^2))]; % Creating an options structure options = optimset('Display', 'iter'); % Call FMINCON P = fmincon(@(p) p(3), p0, [], [], [], [], [-Inf;-Inf;0], [], ... @(p) TestIfInside(p, x, y), options); % Note that for versions of MATLAB prior to MATLAB 7.0 (R14), you would % need to replace the anonymous functions @(p) p(3) and % @(p) TestIfInside(p, x, y) with inline functions or regular function % handles % Extracting the elements of the P vector; the first two are the center of % the circle, the third is the radius c = P(1:2); r = P(3); function [c, ceq] = TestIfInside(p, x, y) %% Nonlinear constraint function for CIRCUMCIRCLE % The squared distance between our points and the center of the circle is % less than the radius squared c = (p(1)-x).^2 + (p(2)-y).^2 - p(3).^2; % No nonlinear equality constraint ceq = []; %最主要的就是后两个函数了,第一个只是测试。