

Dimension is a noun.

A measurable extent of a particular kind, such as lengthbreadthdepth, or height:

Length is a dimension in this system.

Transforming a noun into an adjective with -al denotes relating to or kind of:

The noun dimension + -al produces the adjective dimensional:

relating to dimension.

The Y axis is a dimensional reference for length in the system.

Forming a noun with -ity denotes a quality or condition:

The adjective dimensional + -ity produces the noun dimensionality:

the condition of relating to dimension.

An additional axis changes the dimensionality in the system.

  1. The noun dimension refers to the actual thing.

  2. The adjective dimensional refers to relating to the actual thing.

  3. The noun dimensionality refers to the condition of relating to the actual thing.

posted on 2021-08-15 10:37  一杯明月  阅读(653)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报