20230120 常用动词

If you look carefully you can see that the painting represents a human figure. 如果仔细看,就会看出画上是一个人形。
Gina covered her eyes, afraid to look. 吉娜捂住眼睛,不敢看。
‘It’s time we left, ’ Ian said, looking at his watch. “我们该走了。” 伊恩看了看表说。
Could you help me look for my contact lens? 你帮我找一下隐形眼镜好吗?
The future’s looking good. 前途看似一片光明。
It looks as if it might rain later . 看来一会儿可能要下雨。
thinkgs look,,people look ,you're looking for.
look around, look a bit, look fine, look forward.
look around, down ,up ,over, out ,at, across.
look around 游览;到处察看;到处寻找
Let’s look round the shops./castle 我们去逛逛商店吧。
look for 寻找
I’m sorry, we’re really looking for someone with no family commitments. 对不起,我们其实在寻找没有家庭负担的人。
look up 检查,查阅 from book/computer
I’ll just look up the train times. 我来查一下火车时刻表。
Look the word up in your dictionary. 翻翻词典查一下这个词。
look forward 期待
I look forward to your valuable advice. 我期待您的宝贵建议。

look through 浏览/look up 查阅/look into 调查/look on 旁观/look out 当心,小心
She got loads of presents . 她收到了许多礼物。
We got a letter from Pam this morning. 今天早上我们收到了帕姆的来信。

We need to get help quickly! 我们需要马上得到帮助!
It would be a good idea to get professional advice. 征求专业人士的意见,这个主意很好。

Where did you get that jacket? 你那件夹克衫是哪里买的?
While you’re out, could you get me some batteries? 你出去时给我买几节电池好吗?
I usually get vegetables from the supermarket. 我一般在这家超市里买蔬菜。
You don’t get enough exercise. 你锻炼得不够多
I never get time to read these days. 这些日子我根本没有时间看书。
We might get the chance to go to America this year. 今年我们可能有机会去美国。
1. Can you get me the menu, please?
2. Can I get some thing to drink?

I went back into the office to get a pen. 我回办公室拿了一支钢笔。
She’s just gone to get the kids from school. 她刚去学校接孩子了。
I’ll get you a chair. 我给你搬把椅子来。
What time will we get there? 我们什么时候可以到那里?
We didn’t get home until midnight. 我们半夜才到家。
We got to Paris that evening. 那天晚上我们到了巴黎。
get home/here/there /nowhere/across
get to work/school/office/store
Don’t get upset. 别难过。
It’s getting to be a problem . 这将是个问题。
get married /ready /cleaned up
got a cold /get sick
I get it
I don't get it
Do you get what i'm saying?
Several of the books had fallen onto the floor. 这些书有几本掉到了地上。
The rain was falling steadily. 雨不停地下着
The house looked as if it was about to fall down. 房子看起来好像就要倒塌似的
Prices continued to fall on the stock market today. 今天股票市场价格继续下跌
Lizzie fell down and hurt her knee. 莉齐跌伤了膝盖
The rate of inflation was falling. 通货膨胀率正在下降
Advertising revenue fell from $98.5 million to $93.3 million. 广告收益从9,850万美元跌至9,330万美元
I’ll stay with her until she falls asleep. 我会一直陪着她,直到她睡着。
I think that I’ve fallen in love with Angela. 我觉得我爱上安杰拉了。
the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler 秋天,秋季
fall through
if an agreement, plan, sale etc falls through, it is not completed successfully 〔协议、计划、销售等〕失败,告吹
The studio planned to make a movie of the book but the deal fell through. 电影公司计划把那本书拍成电影,但是没有谈成。
fall down
Rob fell down the stairs. 罗布从楼梯上跌了下来
fall into He fell into despair. 他陷入绝望
fall off
1. 落下,跌落
part of something falls off, it becomes separated from the main part
2. if the amount, rate, or quality of something falls off, it decreases 〔数量、比率或质量〕下降,减少 SYN fall OPP rise

My baby gets upset when I leave the room. 我一离开房间宝宝就会不安
The plane leaves at 12.30. 飞机于12点30分起飞。
Over the past two years, 20 staffers have left. 在过去两年里,有20名员工离职。
My daughter got a job after she left school. 我女儿毕业后找了一份工作。
Oh, just leave me alone, will you? 噢,你就别来烦我了好不好?
Leave the boy alone, he can make up his own mind. 不要去打扰这孩子,他会自己作决定的。
Are you leaving the kids with Grandma on Saturday? 你打算星期六把孩子们留在奶奶那里吗?
As soon as I’d shut the door, I realized I’d left the keys inside. 我刚关上门,就想起钥匙留在里面了。
You’ve left your lights on. 你忘了关灯。
I wish you’d stop leaving the door open. 我希望你别老开着门。
The trial left many questions unanswered. 这次试验留下了许多未解决的问题
Leave the door open, please. 请把门开着吧
You can leave the cooking to me. 你可以把做饭的事交给我。
She left her assistant in charge. 她委托助手来负责。
We didn't leave early enough. 我们离开得不够早。

I had to break a window to get into the house. 我只得打破一扇窗户进屋。
He broke the biscuit in half and handed one piece to me. 他把饼干掰成两半,递了一块给我。
The frames are made of plastic and they tend to break quite easily. 这些框架是塑料做的,很容易碎裂。
Don’t mess about with my camera – you’ll break it. 别乱动我的照相机,你会把它弄坏的。
Someone’s broken the TV. 有人把电视机弄坏了。
If you break the rules, you will be punished. 违反规定要受到惩罚。
The cameras catch motorists who break the speed limit. 摄像头会拍下超速的司机。
I never break my promises. 我从不食言。
You betrayed me. You broke your word. 你出卖了我,你说话不算数。
war/fire/riot/fight broke out, the news/record/ground broke.
broke the record/law,broken ground/bones/news/rules/windows/glass, a broken heart.
broken down/through/out/off/up/away from
She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces . 她把盘子掉在地上打碎了。
I think I've broken the washing machine. 我可能把洗衣机弄坏了。
The weekend break was just the tonic I needed. 周末休息正是我所需要的养精蓄锐的机会。
The frames are made of plastic and they tend to break quite easily. 这些框架是塑料做的,很容易碎裂。

Did you bring an umbrella? 你带伞了吗?
Is it OK if I bring some friends to the party? 我带几个朋友来参加聚会行吗?
Can you bring me another beer? 你再给我拿一杯啤酒好吗?
efforts to bring peace to the region 给这个地区带来和平的种种努力
change/year/century/god/even/season/world war/day/storm brought
bring home/peace/people/suit ,bring an end to,change brought,case brought
brought along/up/down/in/out
Can you bring me another beer? 你再给我拿一杯啤酒好吗?
Stephen leapt up and caught the ball in one hand. 斯蒂芬跳起来一手接住了球。
‘You can’t catch me!’ she yelled, running away. “你抓不到我的!”她大声叫着跑开了。
I caught the 7.15 train to London. 我赶上了7点15分的火车去伦敦。
There’s a train in now. If you run, you’ll just catch it. 现在有一班火车,如果你跑过去正好能赶上。
I have to hurry – I have a bus to catch. 我得赶紧了,我要赶一班公共汽车。
to get an infectious disease 患上〔传染病〕,感染上…
Anton caught malaria in Mali, and nearly died. 安东在马里染上疟疾,差点丢了性命。
caught by surprise,eye/camera/fisherman/touchdown catch,
caught a pass,fire,a glimpse,the eye of,the attention of ,the ball.
caught up/on/out
Let me know when they come. 他们来了就告诉我。
What time will you be coming home? 你什么时候能回家?
I’ve come to see Philip. 我来看看菲利普。
I asked Rosie if she’d like to come with us. 我问了罗茜是否愿意和我们一起去。
Will you be coming by train? 你打算乘火车来吗?
At last the day came for us to set off. 我们出发的日子终于来到了
I knew he’d be able to take care of himself, come what may (=whatever happens).
She had blonde hair which came down to her waist. 她留着齐腰长的金发。
The water came up as far as my chest. 水涨到我胸口那么高。
time has come/people/man/day/light/things/change/word/money come
come home/in the coming months or weeks or days decades /come round/come close to
come out/up with/down/along/across/through/ over/off/on
Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?
a. to be at a concert, party, meeting etc 参加〔音乐会、聚会、会议等〕
I first went to a rock concert when I was 15. 我15岁时第一次去听了摇滚音乐会。
Right, let’s go! 好了,我们走吧!
It’s late! I must get going .已经晚了!我得走了。

a) to intend to do something 打算做某事
I’m going to tell Dad what you said. 我要把你的话说给爸爸听。
b) used to talk about what will happen in the future 将要发生某事
It’s going to rain later. 一会儿要下雨了。
I need to go shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我得去购物。
thing/people/time/something/everything/team/money/man go
go home/a long way/around/shopping/ hand in hand/ the extra mile/a step/fishing
go on/through/down/out/along with/off/up/over/away
Gina was carrying a small bunch of flowers. 吉娜拿着一小束花。
The waiter carried our drinks to the table. 服务员把我们的饮料端到桌上来。

The ship was carrying drugs. 这艘船上载有毒品。
3.The aim is for one wire to carry both television and telephone calls. 目的是用一根电线来传送电视和电话两种信号。
This stretch of water carries a lot of shipping. 这段水域承载了大量的船运。
I don’t carry a handbag. I just carry money in my pocket. 我不带手提包,我就把钱放在口袋里
I can’t find the car keys. 我找不到汽车钥匙。
Hold on while I find a pen. 别挂电话,我找支笔。
We found a nice pub near the hotel. 我们在宾馆附近发现一家不错的酒吧。
I’m sure we’ll find her hard at work when we get home. 我确信我们到家时会发现她在努力用功。
He tried the door and found it unlocked. 他推了推门,发现没锁。
study/researchers/report found that
find a way/evidence/solution/job/place
Could you hold my bag for me? 你能帮我拿着包吗?
I held the baby in my arms. 我把宝宝抱在怀里。
This year’s conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel. 今年的会议将在希尔顿酒店召开。
In April, the president held talks with Chinese leaders. 4月,总统和中国领导人举行了会谈。
We used rolled-up newspapers to hold the windows open. 我们用卷起的报纸抵住窗户让它们开着。
She was the first woman to hold the office of Australian state premier.
The programme still holds the record for the longest running TV series.
a ring which was given to him by his mother 他母亲送给他的一枚戒指
I didn’t steal it! Maria gave it to me! 我不是偷的!是玛丽亚给我的!
Give me the letter, please. 请把信给我。
He finally gave us permission to leave. 他最后还是允许我们离开。
These meetings give everyone a chance to express their opinions. 这些会议给每个人发表意见的机会
My secretary will be able to give you more details. 我的秘书会告诉你更详细的情况。
Let me give you some advice. 我给你一些建议吧
give a smile/laugh/grin/frown/yawn etc
give a wave/movement/signal
Joel gave me a smile as I walked in. 我走进去的时候乔尔对我笑了笑。
He gave her a big hug. 他给了她一个大大的拥抱。
God/ovement/ woman, people, mother ,doctor , gave
gave birth to ,give rise to ,gave way to ,give opportunity to ,information give ,pression.
give up, give away ,give off , give over, give it in
I’m going to show you how to make a box for your tools. 我来教你怎么做一个箱子存放工具。
A family of mice had made their nest in the roof. 一窝老鼠在屋顶上安了家。
She made her own wedding dress. 她的婚纱是自己做的。

He made her a toy horse, using just some straw and bamboo twigs. 他仅用了些稻草和竹枝就给她做了个玩具马。
Paper is made from wood. 纸是用木材制成的。
Anyone can make a mistake. 任何人都可能犯错。
I can’t make a decision just yet. 我还没法作出决定。
I need to make a quick phone call. 我需要很快地打个电话。
You could have made more effort to talk to him. 你其实可以再想想办法和他谈谈。
He made no attempt to apologize. 他没有去道歉。
Could I make a suggestion? 我能提个建议吗?
There are a few points I’d like to make. 有几点我想说明一下。
John was making breakfast in the kitchen. 约翰在厨房做早餐。
Who’s going to make the tea? 谁去泡茶?
Its beautiful beaches make this a highly popular area with tourists. 美丽的海滩使这里成为游客云集的地方。
His attitude made him very unpopular with colleagues. 他的态度使他很不受同事欢迎。
The use of computers has made it possible for more people to work from home.
The president has made it clear that he is not going to change his mind. 总统已经明确表示他不会改变主意。
My parents always make me do my homework before I go out.
She makes her own clothes. 她自己做衣服。
Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄做的。
The stone made a dent in the roof of the car. 石头把车顶砸了个坑
I keep making the same mistakes . 我总是犯同样的错误。
He made it clear that he objected. 他明确表示反对。
The full story was never made public . 全部情况从未公之于世。
This dress makes me look fat. 这衣服我穿着显胖。
This isn't very important—I don't want to make an issue of it . 这不太重要—我不想把它当回事儿。
Don't make a habit of it . 别养成习惯。
I'm sorry I couldn't make your party last night. 很抱歉,昨晚没能参加你们的聚会。
Please keep the doors closed while the train is moving. 火车行驶时请保持车门关闭。
The plane moved slowly along the runway, then stopped. 飞机沿着跑道慢慢滑行,然后停了下来
He moved closer to her. 他走近她。
Becca moved down the steps and into the yard. 贝卡走下台阶,来到院子里。
The bar was so crowded you could hardly move. 酒吧很挤,人都难以挪动。
We’ve moved seven or eight times in the last five years.
When are you moving to Memphis?
My parents kept moving house because of my dad’s job.
Neither side is willing to move on the issue of territory. 双方都不愿意在领土问题上让步
She won’t be moved – it doesn’t matter what you say to her. 她是劝不动的——不管你对她说什么
Things moved quickly once the contract was signed. 合同一签,事情进展就很快了。
The negotiations seem to be moving in the right direction. 谈判好像正在朝着正确的方向发展。

Students have to pick three courses from a list of 15. 学生必须从15门课中选修3门。
I don’t know which colour to pick. 我不知道要选哪个颜色。
He was picked to run in the 100 metres. 他被选中参加100米赛跑
Amy picked a small bunch of wild flowers. 埃米采了一小把野花。
a dish of freshly picked peas 一盘新摘的豌豆
Ahmed picked the melon pips from his teeth. 艾哈迈德剔去牙缝里的瓜籽。
She was nervously picking bits of fluff off her sweater. 她紧张地择着毛衣上的小绒毛。
He put the coffee on the table . 他把咖啡放在桌上
Don’t put yourself into a situation you can’t handle. 不要让自己陷入无法收拾的局面。
I don’t want to put you in danger. 我不想让你陷入危险。

He put his signature to the contract (=he signed it to show he agreed with it). 他在合同上签了名。
The question was well put. 这问题提得很好。
It is hard to put into words (=express) how I feel now. 我现在的感觉难以用语言描述。
She set the tray down on a table next to his bed.
Mark filled the pan and set it on the stove.
set something down/aside
The workmen set the box down carefully on the floor.
Remove the mushrooms and set them aside.
an alarm button set into the wall beside the door 嵌在门边墙里的警报器按钮
I sat on the shore and looked at the sea. 我坐在岸上看海。
She was sitting in a chair by the fire. 她坐在炉火边的椅子上。
Jean sat at the table writing a letter. 琼坐在桌前写信
a little church sitting on a hillside 坐落在山坡上的一座小教堂
He’s got a computer sitting on his desk, but he doesn’t use it.
The house has sat empty for two years. 这幢房子已经空置两年了
Barney took us to the airport. 巴尼把我们送到机场。
His wife went to Australia, taking the children with her.
I have to take Steve the money tonight. 我今晚得把钱带给史蒂夫。
Would you like to take a look? 你想看看吗?
Mike’s just taking a shower. 迈克正在淋浴。
Sara took a deep breath. 萨拉深深地吸了一口气。
Take your feet off the seats. 把你的脚从座位上挪开。
Someone’s taken a pen from my desk. 有人从我的书桌上拿走了一支钢笔。
Organizing a successful street party takes a lot of energy.
It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dark.
It takes courage to admit you are wrong. 承认错误需要勇气。
Will you take the job? 你接受这份工作吗?
Do you take American Express? 你们接受美国运通信用卡吗?
If you take my advice, you’ll see a doctor. 如果你听我的意见,就去看医生。
That’s the truth – take it from me. 这是事实——相信我。
Ricky turned and walked away. 里基转身走了。
She turned her head in surprise. 她惊讶地转过头来。
turn something around/over/upside down etc
You may turn over your exam papers now. 现在你们可以把考卷翻过来。
I watched until he turned the corner. 我看着他,直到他转过街角。
turn left/right
Turn left at the church. 到了教堂向左拐。
Turning the car around, we headed home. 我们把车掉了个头,朝家的方向开去。
For some reason, the key wouldn’t turn. 不知为什么,钥匙转不动。
She gently turned the handle of the bedroom door. 她轻轻转动卧室门上的把手。
turn (something) red/blue/white etc
Rose’s hair was already turning grey. 罗丝的头发已经开始花白了。
The sun had turned the sky a glowing pink. 太阳把天空染得一片绯红。
the weather turns cold/nasty etc (also it turns cold/nasty etc)
turn nasty/mean/violent etc
She turned the wheel sharply to the left. 她猛地向左打方向盘。
She turned to look at me. 她转过头来看着我。
He turned back to his work. 他回去继续工作
She turned the chair on its side to repair it. 她把椅子翻转过来修理。
I turned the car into the car park. 我转弯把汽车开进了停车场。
He turned the gun on himself. 他把枪口对准了自己。
The leaves were turning brown. 叶子变了黄色。
The weather has turned cold. 天气变得寒冷了。
Where do you work? 你在哪里上班?
He works for a law firm. 他在一家律师事务所工作。
I work part-time in a library. 我在一家图书馆兼职
Sally isn’t working tomorrow. 萨莉明天不上班。
We’re sometimes expected to work twelve-hour days. 我们有时候需要一天工作12小时。
Are you working late again tonight? 你今晚又要加班吗?
I’ve been working in the garden all afternoon. 我一下午都在花园里干活。
We’re working together to develop a new system. 我们正在合作开发一种新系统。
You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly. 你应该检查一下烟雾警报器运转是否正常。
The delete key doesn’t work. 删除键失灵了。
Doctors often work very long hours. 医生经常长时间工作
I go to work at 8 o'clock. 我8点钟去上班。
She earned her grades through sheer hard work . 她的学习成绩完全是靠刻苦用功得来的。
The phone isn't working. 这部电话坏了。
My plan worked, and I got them to agree. 我的计划奏效了,我让他们同意了。


posted on 2023-01-20 09:14  xinlin163  阅读(683)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
