2022 11 14 VAN Technical Proposal A

Far away.
Good morning.
I don't know.
Yeah, do you think we have everybody in the call from each side to get started? I think we are completed. So, if the cross die has community, maybe we can start meeting.
Yeah. I think we are at least most of the people out there and, since I'm, anyway, starting with some introduction. So I wish, Sharon, some of you probably know me already.
My name is Catherine. So I'm currently the proxies for Dominic. Probably mentioned the received baby over the weekend and he will be.
Yeah, maybe the next two and a half or three weeks he will be out of office. So I will try to support from my best whenever you have questions. So please let me know.
And I will try to.
Um, can you see my screen already? Yes. So then first of all things for your interest into this business.
So you receive these documentation already how I hope last Friday and maybe you had already a chance to take a look through this documentation.
So today we wanted to deep dive into these information, we shared already upfront.
So our agenda looks like this that we I would shortly start with an introduction of the scope and some some minor points and regards to the schedule.
And then I will hand over to the experts for the system, say the mechanical hardware software and validation.
And at the end we have a short exchange about the pressure sensor concept and then we do a closure and that we how we proceed if there are other questions so that we need to have a follow up,
I would also suggest if you have questions and that we dial directly discuss this in each single domain.
Since then we have the expert and the content right directly on hand. Nevertheless, I will look a little bit to the time schedule to ensure that we also can discuss all the coins at the endurance.
This meeting, right? If there are no questions or comments, I would start it.
Can you three is a big enough for you to go into presentation mode?
So what? Okay yeah. Um so what what's included in the project is called this in January? Yeah, of this review MS components, the BCs use his MNC as so right now we are discussing optional.
he additional pressure center for the thermal event detection.
And from the, for one battery pack, we consider right now. Six CSCs one BC, C11 CSM plus the pressure sensor, which is required the acceleration sensor.
This is currently not included in part of the offer.
So we are working on that request and we would like to have this done edit to the next offer which is the binding of the leakage water sensor.
The this one can't be provided by version. Our current assumption is that each wishes?
And it looks like that will be from Ampharone for the BDU and general the EVE as responsible.
So we are assuming that it will be a kind of a simple video with only the eaten breaker and which is requiring.
Then the BMS functionality for the control and monitoring according to other bractor.
Safety manual. We also assume for this, non-binding price information that we consider all BMS components as the same.
So we using same part numbers for all those three variants.
The only difference we write now have in this ABC, variant is the software and calibration difference.
Um, since we received three or four different pack variants, ABC and D, we currently only created and checked the AVC barium.
The D variant is currently not considered at all, because there is not.
Not yet. A battery concept available nevertheless based on this price information.
We gave right now we only have included one variant related to the software and calibration for the requirements analysis.
So it's it has been started but it's currently just limited to the BMS relevance requirements.
And we inform you here that with the full requirements analysis, it can be impossible that we will have further technical.
Yeah, changes or adaptions been required, which will lead or which can lead to a change, which also has an impact to the commercial situation.
And so we are working on the full requirements.
Elicitation, and our goal is to have the full picture provided with the next offer, which is yeah, so far expected within December at this year And last but not least.
Currently we cannot confirm the project time language was shared by EVE, UC here, the link to the exact project plan and there's further alignment between EVERY and Mercedes-Benz required to define a common and aligned project plan.
So this is the general scope.
Do you have any questions to this common? All right. Yeah, about the last one. You win our time brand. You can confirm I didn't I have share the time.
Branch your Dominique. Yeah. Why do you think this times get you?
It's not confirmed, I think there are still open topics in regards to the single milestones, if all of them can be enriched according to current required timeline, and depending on the detailed requirements engineering.
Some of the milestones has to be in a line more in detail, but if someone from the team wants to add for the information, so please support me here, otherwise, they can also take this as an open question again, to, to take it back.
Which exactly cannot get in confirm.
First, thank you. All right.
If they're no further questions or comments, I would head over to system and I think that's cool.
Right. This exactly, this is what speaking the responsible for for the system side and leaving the project there from group system scope.
So, as you can see, we have here, an overview of the, of the system overall and decorations.
What is it? What are the main functions of the object component here? Coming from ECU to CSM?
And to the CSC, as you can see, in the left side of the picture and the video architecture ABC, you has the main functions there, described is connected to the vehicle VCU and then connected via Daisy change to the CSCs and CSM the main features.
There are isolation monitoring according to the line use cases, right? And HV interlock signal generation and evaluation as well as the family event detection.
That we had some discussions with you together to align the pressure.
Sensor pressure sensor features, you'll be considered within the BCU but the pressure sensor will be external with the beams as discussed with.
So this is considered here as a feature within the BC, then we have t, 30 80, 30c measurements, and as well as the readout capability for the water, leakage sensor.
And what is yet not included. There's the mechanical shock sensor there. We are. In preparation for the binding offer. So this is, this is yet, not considered. So there we need.
Also, some some preparation and discussions regarding the the functionalities.
There going to the CSM to the current sensing module. We have a single shunt there current measurement and the targeting there, the the usage of a breaker, the complete system.
So the CSM should be capable to interact with the brake and with their, over current ranges to show the shutdown capability.
And there, we also have the future 18 measurements for the qualities, for pack voltage. As a sum of all cell wall voltages, the iso measurements with open and close switch as required.
And also, what is important here is that we have to align your thermal interface regarding regarding the temperatures in terminal thermal measurements there together with you.
So, going further to the CSC, this is the left side. The picture is a next temporary architecture for the battery and A to C.
So we can see here up to 68 as CSCs for up to 198 sells, which fits up to your system, and each CSC contains two A680 channels and the only change could be the battery very deep from system.
Side will be the amount of CSCs that we we should consider here but this is not included in the non-binding operators country, it has the shown you in the previous slide but just keep in mind if it's battery.
Very indeed that here from system side.
We just have to consider the amount of CSCs.
We consider here a single daisy, chant the BCU within 30 milliseconds, sample rate, as well as the cell voltage measurement, the accuracies we need to, we need to clarify there.
We need to get into an exchange and the next next days with you, same for cell temperature, the are considered we can deliver up to nine or we can consider up to nine measurements of the CSC.
Also they are the accuracies there is clarification, you sell balancing as we have discussed before. This is considered as features considered in the CSC and but it's important to remember here.
That's the resistors are not included in the CSC. They are going to be in the separate flexible. This is our assumption here as discussed and the flexible, and the resistors are not going to be within the delivery scope.
The new writing model eating breakdown that's but not least.
This is not in scope of RB of Bosch up delivery but nevertheless our HGBMS will be able to interact with the breaker so also the BCU and CSM 30s functions. So we considered so that the functionality will work and the sure.
But we have to remark here, that's we don't do any component testing of the character.
Any break the validation within the RP school and also the mechanical integration of the rectifier will be done in your responsibility. Sorry, for interruption. I have a question.
About that real sorry. Sorry embassy has a at the new requirement about at the ABH connector. Do you have a variety of functions a page network? Yeah.
It if they add this function maybe be honest need to be working like 900 and 908 thousand hours. Maybe.
Yeah. So maybe if they end this function, famous need to work night hundred and ninety eight thousand hours.
So you need to evaluate the VMS can fulfill this decide life? Yeah, good question. I by myself. I'm not sure if you're aware of the same requirement.
Maybe from hard side presenters. Do you, are you aware of of this HB?
ABH connector requirements and I think we're not discussed until now this topic but maybe you can give us some more details about that,
that we can consider internalize this by and also maybe we didn't send this requirement to us to you to you.
So any maybe after this meeting I will send this equal to you and be. Maybe let this to do some evaluation for this function. Thank you perfect!
Yes, thank you. So be careful to the to our evaluation for the binding over there perfectly hello this is simple speaking for the CSM. Yes I'm part. I think NBC sign requirement.
Also required a numbers. So I can see in, I can't see in your system, block included, this are double rifles. Iteration consent.
Yes you have, you have your, right? So this is this information is included in into the hardware slides. So this is only a half of a few of the system concept.
But this array first installation is considered in our design. So you missed you you have a great design. Yes, yes. This is included in the non-pending golfer.
The rain first is relation to, and you can see it later in the referee description for its component and we in this topic is included there, but I can confirm it.
It's included in this number link over. Okay, another question for us.
Yes, this side are.
Sell wattage and share temperature.
Accuracy actually KU provide your existing concept of other discharge voltage and cell temperature accuracy by your existing PS.
Yes, I think this will come later into the present becomes exactly become higher. Maybe your current voltage current accuracy and current temperature accuracy are your odd.
PS profound simple. This will be shared in the next slides you can if not we can provide you, okay? So, I would but ask you to wait for the next slide and it's not pleasing enough after.
For sure.
We can provide you more detail, okay?
Thank you. I connect no question from my side here but it's right. Okay.
If there are no better questions, nothing we can switch to five five. Perfect. Since as country mentioned, we are not finally done with the requirements of evaluation here.
Regarding mission profile there.
Further alignment is needed between eve and events and RB. We are preparing here for the binding of also points to discuss with you. But this is not the way that we get for.
There is no say for available yet. Regarding the service time. No, yeah, and subscribe yet.
So there is an alignment needed and this will happen for sure. Regarding me part exchange and security concept that we have premises that we want to want to provide you here the exchangeable units.
We assume that our CSC BCU and CSM will be exchangable by theirselves, the complete component each and also, we consider that the system will be designed to consider an exchange of breakdown.
When exchanging the rector is needed.
Then we assume that this exchange or we design our system so that the exchanges also very possible.
But it's important to to mention that the traceability of the product exchange at the correct, installation and functionality and reset is, is not within the responsibility of about posh, since we are not there and exchange happens.
And so this is important to mention it.
The design will be acceptable, but the correct installation and part exchange.
This is we have a memory considered the DCU in this current offer and CSC and CSM has no memory considered.
So there we have to state that the current MB request for redundant memory is not fulfilled with the current concept in the non-binding offer.
This is, this is also because consider that the security concept. So this means a threat regarding manipulation of physical access will be ensured that at pack level. So that there at the ecompartment level.
So there is no security concept regarding manipulation of the age.
HVAC considered in the offer regarding the handling of concepts. ABSC variants. Same BCU. CSM CSC will be used as a described and slide four for all three pack barriers and it may be required.
That the wiring harness is, will be will differ will differ between the components. But this is, since the wire harnesses is not in our delivery scope. This is not considered here, but for you, importance doesn't matter.
If AB or C pack variants the components of stage, same identification initialization will be handled via account my software.
Elastancy. Okay. I think this was the priority in regards to the system concept. Yep.
Any further general questions comments to the content. All right, and I said, even if you have a little questions, so we have probably time.
We can also go and draw more detail, so that yeah. Thank you. Okay. Then I would hand over to the safety concept. Yes. This is given speaking crystal and I are responsible for the project safety.
And as you can see, our team is a major and experience, safety organization, including safety competence management and our safety processes are integrated in process library field.
Certificates up to easy, the probability to develop safety relevant products, which compliance with ISO 26262 are conformed by independent safety outage, and the independent safety assessment.
I need questions. No. Then please go to the next slide. Please, thank you.
As you can see here, this is the overview of the safety concept concept symbol has just asked about the sale voltage and set temperature, so you can see here,
it comes in it, consists mini of three parts application monitoring and activation with different easier integrity.
According to the customer requirements and concepts of the pack variant handling and the chemist message, integrated and the microcontroller integrated also part of the safety features.
And just two points, as we have already, discussed the sales warly, monetary is not part of the offer since this is not required for the cylinder equals sales.
So the safety code, we're not implemented, and the safety current limit is only temperature dependent, not as SOC.
Depending so that's all for the safety and the questions, right?
Yes, I have question about the high voltage analog operation. The osteo level is the same beach, but the photo of monetary high voltage interlock monitoring. The level is a silly.
I wondering whether you have two conditions or something about that.
Oh, that's important question together.
Yeah, I need to talk to the concept owner about it because these are from the different concept owners.
So, maybe offer the details later, is it okay?
Okay. All right then I would say we jump into the next a project which would be the mechanical concept. Hello, cook as oh my side.
Yeah, I want to spend a couple of minutes for the mechanical aspects on the right side. You see the pictures?
How the CSC CSMBCU are looking like, also with the correct installation. Orientation is a connectable approach.
We are planning to build it up as a sandwich housing with IP 40 and our recommendation as discussed is to put an additional plastic cover over the PMS components to avoid a conversation protection set.
No water pops into the wildness or connect the areas.
Then in the overall battery pack we are using plastic housing plastic cover as already and no balancing cost our plan. On CSC.
The background is a summer behavioral all CSCs. If we have six CSCs are identical, they will be shipped under one part, number two, your location.
nd so with an initiation, we are software. When you have installed overall system together then first different pack variants, we use the same part number so we ship it under the same.
Yeah, yeah. Identical. And then connect those are straight upwards based on basically tiger, MCP,
and impressed connectors and then we are planning to use SBI signal pins and integration of the headline into the housing, no, active cooling plant.
That means also from your side no cooling plate or something like that in.
And so over all of his possibility for the connector system is on the other side.
Since we have basically a limited access on who is the supplier and how you install the wire harness in your location.
And however, honest itself is designed. So let's look in to slide number nine. Oh, do you have any questions at this point of time? Sorry for interruption and for yours caucasian scope. Do you also include the sun?
I didn't see the sun in your CSM.
So the sun is included after size, okay? And another question is about a holiday for now.
Your, your solution just based on your the balancing resistor is integrated into these, right? It's responsible for our EVS.
But for now, this concept from, it's very new for us. So we didn't have to say, we didn't confirm this considerable, you'll be fixed in the future.
So I, if I would write your side to also do another person like after occurring, pray something like this if we use this concepts.
So for BMS time, maybe need to add resistor comes and and maybe the product the sale of the CSC, and the maybe has some change, right? So average, your you also need to consider this concept.
Yeah. Currents, you mean what?
Change that we include the balancing, resistors into the CSC, you said to your request and yeah.
Because, yes, I would write to you and your you need to consider the first and resistor integrate integrity into the CSC. And the course, of course there.
If there are parents, things your sister integrates to us at PC, just a responsible for our side. But from our side, this concert is new, right?
So it's not it's not very maturity.
So we were right, just still, keep their, keep the current prey at the cream, frame into the chamber, and like thing as the unknown. Could you bring for this to both die?
Of course, I didn't not only among yeah. For it is very important for me.
Personally it's a local step for us is never used in the massive production so I guess it has some potential risk and for the concept but only there are user production process.
Other also user app validation test so that you could Google for supplier in local Germany to integrated currency, resistor into the classic or foyer, okay? At least people SOP.
So after SOP we're very approved away proofreader maturity over concept and we put the number four applicator but that's it says we saw two points and did I got it?
I in my words, the one point is and let's say the two, let's say to support you on your side said, it's a balancing resistors to place it on the HPC of places to bring the chocolate board sets.
One topic set. I mean, let's say we could support you and make you some proposals who can do it and how we can do it on the other side. I think, as a scope of the FPC is not considered up to now from both sides.
That means FPC is not planned to be part of the first delivery school, but on the other side, we still can support every some information which we have let's say based on our experience available one topic.
She said that's one topic on the other side to make it clear.
I mean, if it puts a valentine's resistors on the CSC, that means we need to cooling. Cool.
Active cooling feature, which was not planned in the technical discussions. So it's a moment that's part of the office. Quote, we are planning not to have the balancing resistors in the CSE.
He said, machine is your expectation, or do you want to have it back up solution?
This balance in resistance on seriously ID, sorry for Chinese and we need to internal discussion.
Yeah, right.
And take me think you shut up all.
Just roll water. Was it? You can't?
How much you're coming in, basketball?
Just a woman of these handles sorry.
We have, we have internet started about the topic. That means that Carlton and Wilkudant proved maturity of the concept to put their to put in their balancing register in PC in CSS.
So we need to keep the balancing resistor in their success as a backup as a backup solution because if we even with a new,
if the concept is feared to enter implement during the validation tests and we can keep the, our original status original concept as a backup solution.
Okay, I would suggestion regards to the time and to give everybody the chance to bring up here the content.
So I know that there are weekly technical exchange between EV and RB and I would place this to the agenda on the on the top one.
And so that we discussed this in the next technical exchange, there was the right experts to go more into the details.
About the next steps and strategy here, right? So okay for you. That's okay, but let me just show this some work, please be aware.
If you put the balance in consist of onto the CSC, then we need cooling concept and also from our side, as well as from your side, and up to.
Now, the that's what happens at in the technical meeting. We said that we don't have is a cooling from your side or outside but let's discuss it into technical meeting once more.
Okay, then we can go on to slide number 9, obedience.
That's basically some pictures and some dimensions of of the parts that you see that, you see how it looks like. And you have some key dimensions are how how it's designed.
Then you see here that you have here, basically two shells and in the middle of the, in the middle of the PCB and on the left side, as you see, already, is that the shunt is included on the CSC.
Yeah, so that's, you know, that's basically someone from eyes item, any questions, or any comments against one question for myself?
Yeah, blow yeah we can. Yeah. Okay so yeah.
Okay, from my side I want to craft that that's for this CSM unit so it is including the isolation something as well as the hardware.
Otherwise high voltage diagnostic function. Okay, send, let's say, you honest, can you?
Yes, I think the in the next slide, we're gonna present you the concepts of ECU CSM and CSE, yes in the CSM and part of them in the PCU.
The isolation monitoring is included and and for the high voltage diagnostic, I think there is a concept with a breakdown. Correct.
So there are some some signals where the status of the high world that's contacts can be diagnosed.
Okay by can communication or what kinds of interests is, this is a small presentation or included into this next slide.
Okay. Okay, okay. I think if we are now done with the mechanical presentation, we can go on to high level hardcore presentation of the yearly texture.
So when I'm excited to see a nucleus and together with Johannesburg water in the hardware team and hardware BMS for the high high voltage PMS. Sorry just our on one second about we are yeah four four. Okay.
Give some explanation for it.
For this means basically, as it is shown that you basically assemble the single pins first onto the PCB. And then you assemble, basically, it's a PCB including the pins into the housing. It's by pressing or what kinds of. Okay. Okay.
Okay. Okay, then it's just cast.
So we will follow up the technical discussion and one of the exchange meetings and then I would say thank you to Yens and then hint over to Chris for the hard work topics.
And for the comments of questions. Think of it? Let's start. Yeah. Maybe.
Can you please switch the next page? Thank you. Okay, let me spend some quotes for the hardware concept of the battery control unit in the arrive in very requirements from from the spins once and from your requirements.
So, the microcontroller and the SPC are set and would follow these.
This requirement we're using the infinium TC38, it's family and the SPC also from infinite 35585 and the same order for for the communication where using the NXP can transfer of 1043.
So the complete hardware layer as defined by ampere OS, is is used?
Yeah, then regarding is relation monitoring. We are providing isolation monitoring at Parkside and link,
aside means it is possible by open contractors to the termination at back and link side at the same time. And this functionality is in our concept is distributed between the battery controlling and CSM.
So then the hardware functionality is included as a current source concept.
Regarding the thermal evented action. As already discussed, we provide the interface for the pressure sensor where Mr. Habibi will keep some overview in the next slide and if a higher monitoring frequency is required.
So a little bit more complex interface will be required maybe in SPA based interface with higher communication speed, but this is not part of this NPO,
but in my understanding to the during our technical excess and discussion and the higher monitoring frequency, it is not required based on the current based on your current concept.
So, seems that this interface is sufficient. I regard to the water, like a liquid sensor as discussed. We're providing the interface to evaluate.
The sensor currently interface would be similar to aggregate sensors similar, like, the unknown sensor, you have provided into the technical discussions.
And furthermore he thirty and he said to see voltage measurements are included with required accuracies and also there interface for the break tour with high side control and also evaluating the safety mechanisms with included within the breakthrough case.
Then I think it was a questions before regarding that rainforest insulation.
As a rainforest is a lesson is it's realized to in order to feel the high voltage safety.
Requirement. So as you can show it before the PCU is offered in plastic housing, so top and cover. So regarding EMC concept, we need the much more detailed discussion,
but it will be a provision that the EMC connection from PCU to ground in the battery and be there.
So that you can provide you the attenuation with this required to pass the past standard tests. So what would would like to point out that currently in our concept?
No, coaching is for scene and we apply for a pollution degree to.
Okay, So if there are no questions, I would say we can go to the next slide. No, just up for this case. I want to clarify the isolation measurement.
Consider with your yes. Yeah. Just from my study. So you saw you mentioned in the, in the, in the left picture that isolation measurement module. Yeah, interesting. Showing the future that I want.
So this is just means the calculation and the the control for the for the object, all the circuit is the Audi on the, on the on this spot from is currently, it's somehow distributed.
We have the, let's say the resistor chains are using switch resistor concept for this election measurement for the high voltage relation measurement and part of them means the high voltage resistor says that are including into the CSM,
but the switch system must fit switches and the control logic and also, the ATC is included in the BCU. And there is a connection between PCU and CSM. So sorry. Okay, so just the, the most value means that is referred to the object capital.
Yes. Would we're using gorgeous or something?
Like a combination with the photo for the most high voltage with rainforest isolation between primary and secondary in order to to drive the signals from the low voltage.
But having a good decal, okay?
Okay. Okay. Thank you. No more for a normal question for myself. Okay.
Thank you. Okay.
Go to the next slide. Okay. So the CSC, the sell subdivision secret we have in one as in one box.
In one CSE we have two connectors and for its connector one, AC with can handle up to 18 cells is as simple but at the end the whole CC can can serve 33. So there are connected to the connector.
So there are two a6 in its CC box. We're using the Texas instrument family of the Asics the latest one so BQ79718.
And so and then these two connectors there are also as the headset, there are pokay.
That means you cannot connect by accident then one connector to the other one. But but for sure all CSCs, they have the same to connect to, that means we have to make sure that not the exchange.
They are connectives of their CSC at the first two with a second CC and as all the CCs have the same mechanical concept.
Use then based on the Texas current performance. We have to say this a very, very good async and very, very good performance. It's more like something like a benchmark.
We can have a two, millivolt at QM and up to six point. Five milli vol for the AC with, which has to be confirmed. But it's, it's a very, very good accuracy.
Yeah, the basic itself provides 180c per channel and one sigma, delta means, you can have continuous continuous monitoring of the cell we found without any alizing allizing problems.
It's, it's a very, very good quality of CSE acid. So for the cell temperature measurement, it's a CSC, can provide.
Now up to nine NTCs are connected to the connectors bins. If you provide two, providing, two CSCs per your module, that means you can provide up to 18 entities permutal and I have understood you need 16 entities per module.
So this is this is covered by our CSC here. Discussed the cell parenting, resistors are not included in the CSC bar outside of the box. And for sure, we have to support you and you have to discuss the how can we support you.
But I think with this concept, as already discussed, we have very good benefitial for the CC design and for the cooling concepts.
So then can they say we have inductive isolation from the input and the output of the CSC and within the internal interface we have to A6, we have a capacitive solution and then what is also in this non-bending offer included,
will include for each CSCAC, his own dedicated DC converter in order to reduce the power consumption and the current consumption of this issue during driving and there is a linear regulator in order to reduce the quiz,
can current in the sleep mode.
In this design is it's more or less optimized to have less a participation for heating reasons, and have also less current consumption for efficiency.
For the battery.
Both circuit. Yes, it was. So, what's the relationship between this DTC under the cell regulators? It's it's for backup regular relationship, or it are both very much in the same.
I'd included in the design, in the sleep mode that this is deactivated that only the linear regulator is active and during operation the diseases activated. So the means you have reduction of the input current under the input.
I input bot input voltage from for the DTC from the current same audio of for from what is from the cells from the cells.
I mean without without this edition module to give you a rough overview.
You have maybe 20 to 30 milliamp current consumption, you have because of the linear mot during active operation. And if you have a DCDC, then the current consumer will period. Used to three to four milliamps.
So, this is a huge reduction of of efficiency also of power.
Dissipation as increasing of efficiency, reduction of current consumption or reduction of our dissipation.
Okay? So the output of this is easy is a eyes fixed venue for the for the power supply of by all the icic on, what kind of okay yesterday will require the voltage of about six, seven volts.
This will be the output of the DCDC and the output of the DCDC is the let's say 18 or 16.
16 volt module light would be up to 60 70 volt the input. Okay, we have used another cans of I, I see acid chips from from front diapers that just a little bit different for all this. Seven nine, seven one eight.
Okay, okay. And I know also, one more question for the VC, so it means there's no that so says there's no multiplexing for for VC.
One 180c converter for one cell channels. Yes, yes, there is no multiplexing. Only the secondary sum will. The second would sit used for the aisle key.
A monitoring here as this is multiplexed, the secondary channel. So but the secondary channel has nothing to do with the rear liqueur thing.
So for the QR Mercury itself, has its own sermon. A sigma delta is dedicated to and the sigma that. Let's continuously continuously running all the time.
That means you have no interruptions for sure. For sure, if you have a balancing during operation. Yeah.
Then small interruption must be there in order to stop balancing and then you can measure and then continue balancing again. So maybe the yeah you have to reduce the acquisition rate.
But if you want to stop balancing and then act for, I think with this concept we don't have any licensing complaints. Correct.
Yeah. So there are other concepts, the market where 180c is multiplexed by a multiplexer and in case of you have some noise into the signal and so on, it might be getting a DC offset, which will not be the case here with this acic.
Okay, thank you. And what's your consideration for the stair balancing resistance in the CCS is any benefit or for it.
And with this architecture, yes, as discussed the resistor we have aligned to have a 2020 ohms per person. Also two times 20 ohms in parallel, and as discussed, we are preparing a concept where balancing can't be also activated.
So this for example is how another customer is doing. That can be also activated here in charge thing or during driving.
And in this case, you are to reduceing the voltage measurement to a little bit lower frequency and will stop balancing measure, the voltage and continue balancing again and this can't be done in.
Let's Philip to have this value. It is with 50 millisecond, correct. But I think this is a little bit different. Yeah, they can take it into the technical name.
Yeah. Okay. So the bit to the timing. So if you like, I can also get the next technical discussion.
Now, we can dive more into this topic, so I made it short note. So, okay, let's leave it open here. All right. Thank you so much.
Okay. Okay, okay, and everything. Then we can go to the last regarding the CSM. The current measurement and voltage measurement.
We're using the same family of PQ79731 with an ACLC for sand, measurement up to $1,000, amps as required.
We have a hardcore voltage measurement with a link fold that's with an 0.9% accuracy.
And as pack voltage we're using the sum of the cell wall that is.
So this is how they're not bandiculous offered and as already shows for the isolation measurement,
this is distributed functionality and can measure the isolation between a link and global that's content between Parkside and global ads around during a breakdown contacts are open.
And is that's all from my side. I'm not sure if you have any questions. If not, I would say, then we can go on to the next day.
Yeah. What's a normal normal family durations for the isolation if yes I think typical people are. Why capacitor value?
Yeah, I think we will go for a target of 30 seconds, something like that.
Yeah because depending on depending on who have the sweet thing resistor concept and depending on their yes, why capacitors and so on.
You have to wait until five five five that and yeah and to get stamped results you have already good accuracy.
Some about 30 or 40 seconds.
So typically, looks like Secret higher 30 or 40 second. I think if you need a fast measurement, we can have with lower accuracy a faster measurement,
but for a high accuracy measurement, you can need some like 30 second, 40 seconds

posted on 2022-11-21 08:27  xinlin163  阅读(28)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
