Peppa 31-40

31 Ballet Lessons

Ballet Lesson!
Peppa is going to her first ballet lesson.
This is Madame Gazelle, the ballet teacher.
Ah, ho! You must be young Peppa! I am Madame Gazelle!
Hello, Madame! So sweet!
Welcome to your
first lesson of the ballet!
I'll pick you up later! Bye bye!
Enjoy yourself!
Here are Peppa's friends,Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony.
Children, today we have a new pupil, Peppa Pig!
Now Peppa, run and join your friends! Hello, everyone!
Hello, Peppa! Children! We begin with demi-plier!
Demi-Plier. Now a Little jump, petit jete. With grace and beauty. Petit jete!
Grace and beauty! Petit jete!
Grace and beauty!
The ballet lesson is a lot of fun!
Raise you arms! Lmagine that you are beautiful swans!
And what noise do you think a swan might make? Ah, ho.
Grace and beauty! Peppa loves dancing!
Everyone loves dancing! Mummy! Mummy!
We all danced as swans! Peppa did very well!
I had to dance beautifully and gracefully!
That's lovely!
Can I show you how I did it? Let's get home first.
Then you can show Daddy Pig, and George, and me.
Bye bye!
Peppa and Mummy Pig are home!
Daddy! George!
I'm going to show you how to do ballet!
Is it difficult?
It was easy for me.
But you, George, and Mummy will find it very hard.
First, we need music.
Good. Now, George, Daddy and Mummy, you must copy what I do.
Madame Gazelle used funny words.
But really, it's just bending your knees and jumping. Ah, the petit jete!
Daddy! You know the funny words!
Mummy Pig and I used to be quite good at ballet! Do be careful, Daddy Pig.
Our favorite was the pas de deux! Hoop-la!
Ooofff! That wasn't quite how I remembered it.
Silly Daddy Pig!
Maybe we should leave the ballet to Peppa! Yes, I am the best at it!
I am a beautiful swan!

32 Thunderstorm.

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
It is a IoveIy, sunny day. Peppa and George are having a picnic.
Here's some orange juice for you, Teddy. What do you say?
Thank you very much, Peppa! You are very WeIcome, Teddy.
Here's some orange juice for you, Mr. Dinosaur.
And What do you say? Grrrrrrrrrrr!
You are very WeIcome,
Mr. Dinosaur.
WouId Teddy or Mr. Dinosaur Iike a cookie?
We're not very hungry. So Peppa and George can eat aII the cookies.
Thank you, Teddy.
What Was that strange noise? Peppa, George! Quick,
come inside the house!
Mummy! There Was a Ioud ''bang'' sound! It's thunder, Peppa.
It means there WiII be a thunderstorm With Iots of rain.
Quick! Into the house before the rain starts! No need to panic,
the rain is stiII a Iong Way off.
The sky is getting darker and darker. There is going to be a thunderstorm. Peppa, George,
did you bring aII your toys in from the garden? Dine-SaW.
Good, Mr. Dinosaur is safe.
Teddy! I Ieft Teddy in the garden! He'II get Wet!
Don't Worry, Peppa.
Daddy Pig WiII rescue Teddy! You'd better hurry,
Daddy Pig. It's just about to rain!
I knoW aII about thunderstorms. It Won't rain for ages.
As I thought, pIenty of time before it rains. Poor Teddy!
He's soaking Wet! Yes, poor Teddy! Let's get him dry! Poor Teddy!
There you are, Teddy! AII dry!
What about poor Daddy? I'm soaking Wet, too!
Oh! Sorry, Daddy Pig!
Let's get you dry! There you are, Daddy Pig!
Nice and dry! Oh!?
The rain is coming in the house! The fIoor is getting Wet!
Oh, dear! What can We do, Daddy Pig?
Don't Worry.
Daddy Pig is using a bucket to catch the drips.
WeII-done, Daddy Pig! Easy as pie!
Er? What? 
Quick! Find something eIse to catch the Water!
WeII-done, Peppa! Easy as pie!
Mummy! The thunder bangs are very Ioud!
It's okay, chiIdren; don't be frightened. Let's count betWeen each fIash and bang.
The higher We can count, the further aWay
the thunderstorm is. One... tWo... three... That's three.
One... tWo... three... four... five...
That's five!
The thunderstorm is going aWay! The thunderstorm is over!
The thunderstorm has fiIIed the garden With muddy puddIes!
Peppa Ioves jumping up and doWn in muddy puddIes.

Everyone Ioves jumping up and doWn in muddy puddIes. I Iove thunderstorms,
they make muddy puddIes! SpIish, spIash, spIosh, spIish!

33 Cleaning the Car.

I'm Peppa Pig.This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
CIeaning the Car!
Daddy Pig is taking the famiIy for a drive in the country.
Come on!
Is everyone ready? Ready!
Yes, Daddy Pig, We're ready. But the car isn't ready!
Look hoW messy it is! Oh, it's not too bad. You shouId see hoW messy it is inside!
Naughty, messy Daddy! Naughty, messy Daddy! Look at aII this rubbish! NeWspapers!
They're mine. SWeets!
They're mine! Mr. Dinosaur!
Dine-saW! Grrrr!
We must cIean the car before We go for a drive.
Oh, right you are, Mummy Pig.
Mummy, can We heIp to cIean the car? Yes, if you Want to.
Daddy Pig has some Warm soapy Water to Wash the car.
Daddy pig is Washing the roof. Mummy Pig is Washing the bonnet.
Peppa is Washing the doors.
George Wants to Wash the WindoWs. But he is too IittIe.
Poor George. Let me heIp you. Oh, dear! George has dropped his sponge
in a muddy puddIe.
George, you're making the car aII muddy again!
I WiII Wash the mud off.
Peppa, don't use the...muddy Water.
Oh, dear! Peppa has throWn the muddy Water aII over the car. Oh.
Never mind.
We can use the garden hose to cIean it off.
Yes! Yes!
Can I hoId the hose?
Peppa hoIds the hose and Daddy Pig turns on the Water. Where's the Water?
Arrgh! Peppa! Stop! Sorry, Mummy.
Argh! Daddy Pig! PIease turn off the Water!
Oh! No need to panic.
Oh, dear, everyone is Wet.
At Ieast the car has been Washed. We've aII been Washed.
You go and dry yourseIves WhiIe I poIish the car.
See you Iater. See you Iater.
Daddy Pig is poIishing the car so WeII,
he can see his face in it. What a funny face!
Oh! More funny faces!
It's Peppa and George! And Mummy Pig.
What a IoveIy, shiny car. Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things. Come on, I'II drive today. Is everybody ready?
Then Iets go!
I hope you WiII aII keep this car cIean today.
Yes, Mummy Pig. Yes, Mummy Pig. Arrgh!
Mummy, noW you've made the car aII muddy again.
Naughty Mummy.
Naughty, messy Mummy.

34 Lunch
Peppa and George have come to Granny and Grandpa Pig's
house for lunch. Granny Pig! Ganggy lg!
Hello, my little ones!
Would you like to pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch?
Yes, please! Grandpa Pig! Baba lg!
Hello, Peppa, George.
This is Grandpa Pig's vegetable garden.
He has grown all these vegetables himself!
What's this? Dinesaw! A dinosaur!
Let's choose some vegetables for lunch. Peppa, do you like tomatoes?
Yes, Grandpa Pig!
George, do you like tomatoes? No.
George does not like tomatoes. Oh, dear.
Do you both like lettuce? Yes, Grandpa Pig!
George does not like lettuce. Oh, dear! I must have something that George likes.
Do you like cucumber? Yuck!
George does not like cucumbers, and he does not like lettuce,
and he does not like tomatoes. Well, George, what vegetable do you like?
Chocolate cake!
Silly George! Chocolate cake isn't a vegetable!
Maybe George will like the vegetables when they're made into a lovely salad.
Ooh! Lovely fresh tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber!
First, we have to wash them!
Peppa and George help Granny Pig wash the vegetables.
Maybe that's enough washing.
Granny Pig has made the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber into a salad.

Grandpa Pig, can you call everyone to lunch?
Granny Pig has made pizza for lunch.
And here's some salad
made with Grandpa's tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber!
Chuck in, everyone!
George has eaten his pizza.
But George does not like the tomatoes or the lettuce or the cucumber.
Oh, dear, George.
Don't you like the salad? No.
George, just try a little bit of this lovely tomato.
George. This is cucumber.
Grandpa Pig grew it in his garden! Errrgh!!
Try a piece of lettuce, George. It's yummy! Now, now, George.

Look what I'm doing. Now, it's a dinosaur! Dinesaw!
George loves dinosaurs!
George is eating the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber!
Well done, George!
Would you like some more, George? Full.
George, are you too full to eat any more tomatoes, lettuce or cucumber?
George is too full to eat any more.
George, are you too full to eat anything more?
George is too full to eat anything more.
Oh, well, then you won't want any of this CHOCOLATE CAKE! Chocolate cake!
My word!
George seems to have got his appetite back!


35 Camping!
Peppa and her famiIy are going camping. I Iove camping.
We're here. Hurray!
Peppa, George, this is the tent I had When I Was a IittLe boy!
Daddy? HoW are you going to make that into a tent? Don't Worry, Peppa!
I'm an expert at camping!
Mummy Pig, put the tent on the poles, please. That's it!
Easy as pie! Oh!
Do these pegs do anything? Of course!
I forgot about the pegs! The pegs hold the tent up. There!
The tent is a bit Iittle.
It was big enough for me When I was a boy.
But it does look a bit small now..
That's because you've grown a bit since you were a boy, Daddy Pig!
And your tummy has grown the most of all! TaIking of tummies,
We shouId cook supper! Yes! Yes!
First, We have to collect sticks to make a fire. Yipee!
Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig collect sticks for the campfire.
George, I'll pick up the sticks and you can carry them. Collecting sticks is fun!
Good. That's enough sticks. That's a splendid campfire! Now I'll Iight it.
Here are the matches. We don't need matches!
Daddy, how can you Iight it without matches?
I'm going to make fire the old way, by simply rubbing these two sticks together!
Daddy Pig is rubbing the two sticks together to light the campfire.
Where is the fire, Daddy? NearIy there...
Hurray! Easy as pie!
Now we can heat up the tomato soup. Ahhh! Listen to the sounds of nature!
What is that sound?
That is the sound of crickets chirping. What is that?
That's an owl. Look! There it is! WoW...
And What's that noise? Oh, I'm not sure.
It's Daddy's tummy!
My tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature! It means it's time to eat!
I Iove tomato soup! So do I!
There's another one of Daddy Pig's sounds of nature! Eh? What?
Come on, children, into the tent, it's bedtime. We won't allfit in!
The tent is too Iittle! It will be fine!
In you go!
Move further in, Mummy Pig! Daddy, you're too big for the tent!
Never mind, I'd rather sleep outside anyway. Goodnight, Daddy Pig!
Goodnight, Daddy! Night! Night!
Goodnight, everyone!
Mummy Pig, Peppa and George are sleeping in the tent. Daddy Pig is sleeping outside, under the stars.
Ahh! I Iove camping!
SIeeping in the open air with the stars above me!
Maybe this Wasn't such a good idea after all...brrrrrr It is morning.
Daddy! It was lovely and cozy in the tent! Oh... Where's Daddy?
Daddy Pig has gone!
Poor Daddy Pig. He must have been cold and wet. And now where is he?
What's that sound?
It sounds like snoring! Daddy Pig!
Daddy, you're safe! Of course I'm safe!
I'm an expert at camping! I slept in the car.
Silly Daddy!
I Iove camping!

36 Sleepy Princess.

The SIeepy Princess! It is night time.
Peppa and George are going to bed. Goodnight, Peppa and George!
Mummy, Daddy? Yes, Peppa?
I am not sIeepy. Can I have a story?
But maybe George is sIeepy and doesn't Want a story.
George, do you Want a story? Say ''yes''!!
AIright! I WiII teII you just one story!
If Daddy Pig teIIs you a story,
you must both promise to go to sIeep.
We promise!
Hmmm. I think I'II teII you
the story of ''The SIeepy Princess''. Is it a good story?
It sounds a bit boring. It's not boring!
It's very good!
Is there a IittIe princess in it? Peppa! If you keep taIking, Daddy Pig can't start the story! Sorry, Mummy!
Is there a IittIe princess in the story, Daddy?
Yes, there is a IittIe princess in it.
Hmmm... ''The SIeepy Princess.'' Once upon a time... in a castIe,
there Iived a IittIe princess.
And she Was caIIed the SIeepy Princess.
Daddy, Why Was she caIIed that?
I'II get to that Iater.
Was the SIeepy Princess pretty? Yes, she Was very pretty!
She Ioved Iooking at herseIf in the mirror. I am so pretty!
Who eIse Was Iiving in the castIe?
Er. WeII...
The others in the castIe Were... the smaII Prince,
Queen Mummy and King Daddy! That's right! They Were aII
Iiving there as WeII. Did King Daddy have a big tummy?
Of course not! He Was very handsome, Iike me.
AnyWay, there Was aIso a dragon!
A dinosaur? Oh, yes, it Wasn't a dragon.
It Was a dinosaur!
Living outside Was
a huge, fierce dinosaur!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Oh, dear!
Maybe the dinosaur Wasn't quite that fierce, Daddy Pig? Sorry, George. No, the dinosaur Was very gentIe.
It ate Iots of grass. Daddy Pig!
Oh, sorry. I Was being the dinosaur.
Daddy, Why is the princess caIIed ''The SIeepy Princess''? I'm coming to that.
You see, the sun set.
Then the stars and moon came out. And everyone got very sIeepy.
But the most sIeepy of aII Was the SIeepy Princess! Peppa? Are you sIeepy?
No, Daddy! I am not sIeepy at aII. But somebody is.
George! Wake up!
You'II miss the end of the story! WeII, Peppa might not be sIeepy,
but the SIeepy Princess certainIy Was. Looking at herseIf aII day in the mirror had compIeteIy Worn her out.
Let's carry you to bed. Goodnight! The SIeepy Princess Was so sIeepy, she had faIIen fast asIeep.
Thank you for that story, King Daddy!
You're WeIcome, Queen Mummy.
And our IittIe prince and princess enjoyed it, too!

37 The Tree House.

The Tree House!
Peppa and George are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig. Granny Pig!
Ganggy Ig!
HeIIo, my IittIe ones!
Before you come in the house, you must take off
your muddy boots. Yes, Granny.
Peppa, George,
Iook What I've made! LittIe curtains!
What are the IittIe
curtains for, Granny? It's a surprise!
Do you Want to see What Grandpa Pig
has made for you, in the garden? Yes, pIease,
Grandpa Pig! Baba ig!
HeIIo, Peppa, George!
Look What I've made for you. A tree house!
A tree house! For George and me?
And the IittIe curtains are for your tree house!
Peppa and George Iove their tree house!
Thank you, Granny Pig! Thank you, Grandpa Pig!
Who Wants
to go inside first? Me! Me!
In you go then!
Before I go in my tree house,
I must take off my muddy boots! I'm in my tree house!
I'm in my tree house!
George? WouId you Iike
to go in the tree house, too? Yes? Who is it?
A young pig named ''George'' WouId Iike to pay a visit.
Can he come in?
As Iong as he takes off his muddy boots.
George, take your boots off, then you can visit Peppa
in the tree house.
Who is it? George?
Yes? Who is it?
It's Mummy Pig.
Have you room for any more visitors?
Hmmmm. You have to say the secret Words.
Then you can come into our house.
I see. And What are the secret Words?
I have to Whisper them to you.
The secret Words are
''Daddy's Big Tummy!'' I see!
Say the secret Words! ''Daddy's Big Tummy.'' That's right!
''Daddy's Big Tummy!!'' I think those are siIIy secret Words.
Mummy, before you come in our house, you must take off your boots.
Of course.
There's room for Daddy, too! Say the secret Words, Daddy!
Can I have different secret Words, pIease? No!
Oh, aII right.
''Daddy's Big Tummy.'' That's right!
You can come in noW, Daddy! Take your boots off!
Er. I don't think I can fit through the door.
That's because your tummy is too big!
I knoW! Daddy Pig can
cIimb in through the top! Peppa, George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig
are aII in the tree house!
Granny, I Iove our tree house! I don't Want to ever come out! That's nice, Peppa.
But are you sure you don't Want to visit me in my house?
No, thank you, Granny. In that case,
Grandpa Pig and I WiII
just have to eat my homemade cookies aII by ourseIves.
Coookies! Granny Pig!
Here are my home-made cookies! But, if you Want to come in,
you have to say the secret Words. That's easy!
''Daddy's Big Tummy!'' That's right!
WeII, I stiII think that those are very siIIy secret Words.

38 Fancy Dress Party

Fancy Dress Party!
Peppa and George are having a fancy dress party.
All their friends are invited.
Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess.
And George is
dressed as a dinosaur. Grrrr
Here are Peppa's friends, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog,
Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.
Suzy is wearing her nurse's costume. Hello, Suzy!
Hello, Mr. Pig!
I'm glad the nurse has arrived!
Have you just come from the hospital?
Er, I'm not a real nurse. It's just pretend.
Very good. My, my! Who have we here?
Woof! Woof! I'm a pirate! Shiver me timbers!
Meow! I'm a witch! I can turn you into a frog.
Neigh! I'm a clown! That's funny!
And what are you, Rebecca Rabbit?
I'm a carrot. Fantastic! Come in.
There's a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you. Hello, everyone!
Hello, Peppa!
Baa! Meow! Woof! Neigh! Hello, Suzy,
I'm Princess Peppa.
You must bow
when you speak to me. Hello, your majesty.
I'm Nurse Suzy!
Open wide and say "ahhh". "Ahhh"!
Neigh... I'm a clown. Do something funny!
Woof! Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot?
I like carrots.
Dine saw!
A scary dinosaur!
Peppa is admiring herself in the mirror.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest
of them all? You are, Peppa. Meow!
Hello, Peppa.
Hello, I'm a
little fairy princess. I'm a witch. Meow!
And I've got a magic wand! I've got a magic wand, too! I can turn you into a frog.
And I'll turn you into a frog. Dine saw
Grrrrrrrrr! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Oh, dear, George is scared of his own reflection.
Silly George, look, it's you in the mirror.
it's time to decide who has
the best fancy dress costume. We need a judge.
Me! Me!
As it's Peppa's party,
maybe she should be the judge. I'm the judge!
I'm the judge! Daddy,
what is a "judge"?
The "judge" decides who has the best costume.
Oh, goody!
Peppa is going to choose who has the best costume.
Suzy, can I see your costume, please?
Baaa! I'm Nurse Suzy. I make people better.
Very good, Nurse Suzy. Now, Danny!
Woof! I'm a pirate! Shiver me timbers! Now, Candy.
Meow. I'm a witch.
I can turn you into a frog!
Well, I'm a fairy princess
and I can turn you into a frog! Children!
Sorry, Mummy. Who's next?
I'm a clown! That's funny! And Rebecca? I'm a carrot. Lovely.
And my little brother, George, is a scary dinosaur.
Everyone's costume is very good. Hurray!
Baa! Meow! Woof! Neigh!
Now you say who the winner is. Oh, yes! Uh hum!
And the winner is... Me!
Peppa you can't pick yourself! You're the judge!
Oh! Can't I?
You have to pick another winner. Okay, the carrot wins.
Thank you.
Peppa loves fancy dress parties! Everyone loves fancy dress parties!

39 The Museum.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
The Museum!
Peppa and her famiIy are going to the museum. Daddy, What is a museum?
It's a pIace fuII of interesting things that are very oId.
OIder than you?
Yes, even oIder than me. Ooooo!
ReaIIy oId.
There is one room fuII of things that beIonged to kings and queens from Iong ago.
I Want to see the king and queen's room!
And there's another room With a reaI dinosaur.
WoW! Dine-SaW! Grrr.
HeIIo, Mummy Pig! HeIIo, Ms. Rabbit
HoW many tickets, pIease?
TWo aduIts and tWo chiIdren. Dine-SaW!
And a dinosaur!
Peppa Wants to see the room fuII of things
that beIong to kings and queens from Iong ago. WoW!
But George Wants to see the reaI dinosaur.
Don't Worry, George.
We WiII see the dinosaur next.
Peppa, these are aII the things
that the queen had a Iong time ago. This is the queen's speciaI chair.
It's caIIed a throne. It's beautifuI!
This is the queen's dress. It's so pretty!
Look, Peppa. This is the queen's goIden croWn. WoW!
What IoveIy things! Mummy, Where is the queen's teIevision?
They didn't have teIevision then.
No teIevision!
But they did have computers?
No, they didn't have computers, either.
What did they do aII day? Mummy, if I Was the queen,
I WouId eat as
much cake as I Wanted.
Peppa imagines being a queen. Mmmmm... deIicious!
Is there anything eIse you WouId care for, Queen Peppa? Yes! More cake, pIease!
Of course.
Come on, everyone. Coming, Daddy!
Daddy! I'm Queen Peppa!
You must boW When you speak to me.
Oh! I'm most terribIy sorry, your royaI highness.
And What do you do? I'm your daddy.
Hmmm, that must be very interesting.
Yes! It's very interesting! And What room is this? This is the dinosaur room. The dinosaur room?
George! This is the dinosaur room!
Where is the dinosaur?
He's someWhere in the room. I can't see him.
He must be very smaII.
ActuaIIy, Peppa, he's very big! WoW.
These are the bones of a reaI dinosaur.
George imagines being a big dinosaur.
It's a dinosaur! HeIp! HeIp!
The dinosaur room is
George's favorite room!
My favorite room is
the king and queen's room.
And it Iooks as if Daddy Pig
is aIready in his favorite room. Which room is that,
The room With the cakes in.
Daddy Pig's favorite room is the museum cafe.
Come on, tuck in!
Oh, yes! This is a very nice room! I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Very Hot Day!
The sun is shining. It is a very hot day.
What a IoveIy, hot day! Peppa and George are Wearing their boots! They are going to jump in muddy puddIes!
I Iove muddy puddIes.

40 Very Hot Day.

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Very Hot Day!
The sun is shining. It is a very hot day.
What a IoveIy, hot day! Peppa and George are Wearing their boots! They are going to jump in muddy puddIes!
I Iove muddy puddIes. Oh!
Oh, dear! The sun is so hot
that the puddIes have dried up! Mummy! Daddy!
The puddIes are aII dry and We can't jump in them!
Never mind, Peppa. It's so sunny,
you can pIay in the paddIing pooI instead! Yes! The paddIing pooI!
First, you have to change into your sWimming costumes.
Yes, Mummy.
Peppa and George are Wearing their sWimming costumes!
Mummy Pig is Wearing her sWimming costume.
And Daddy Pig is Wearing his sWimming costume!
Because it's so hot, you need sun cream.
It's aII
oiIy and yucky! Yuck!
What a fuss about nothing!
Yes, We aII need sun cream today. Oh!
Come on, George.
Let's get some air into this paddIing pooI!
Daddy Pig is pumping up the paddIing pooI!
Easy as pie!
Peppa hoIds the hose
and Mummy Pig turns on the Water. Where's the Water?
Peppa and George Iove their paddIing pooI.
Ice cream! Ice cream!
Ms. Rabbit, the ice cream Iady! Ice cream!
On very hot days,
Ms. Rabbit seIIs ice cream. Mummy, Daddy!
Can George and I have an ice cream, pIease? Oh, WeII, I suppose it is an especiaIIy hot day. Hurray!
PIease, can I have one as WeII? Everyone Iikes ice cream!
HeIIo, Mummy Pig, Peppa and George. HeIIo, Ms. Rabbit. What ice creams WouId you Iike?
Can I have a cone, pIease, Ms. Rabbit?
Of course you may, Peppa! Thank you.
The same for me and
one for Daddy Pig, pIease. And What WouId young Mr. George Iike?
Dine-SaW! A dinosaur?
SiIIy George!
He aIWays says
''dinosaur'' for everything! WeII, it just so happens
that I do have a
dinosaur shaped ice-IoIIy! Dine-SaW! Grrrr!
you shouId eat your
ice-IoIIy before it meIts. Dine-SaW.
George Ioves his dinosaur ice-IoIIy so much,
he doesn't Want to eat it. Thank you, Ms. Rabbit!
Enjoy the Weather!
George, I reaIIy think you shouId eat your ice-IoIIy before it meIts and... faIIs on the ground.
Oh, dear, George's dinosaur ice-IoIIy has meIted
and faIIen on the ground. Come on, George.
You can share Daddy's ice cream. I'm sure he Won't mind.
It is so Warm,
Daddy Pig has faIIen asIeep! Daddy Pig does Iook hot!
Let's tip Water on Daddy to cooI him doWn!
Good idea, Peppa! What happened?!!! You Were aII red and hot, Daddy Pig!
So We tipped Water on you! Oh, I see. Thank you, Peppa. Look! The puddIes are back!
Quick, George, Iet's get out boots! Peppa and George are
Wearing their boots!
Peppa and George Iove the hot day. But most of aII,
they Iove jumping up and doWn in puddIes! I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
ChIoe's Puppet ShoW!
Peppa and her famiIy are visiting
UncIe Pig and Aunty Pig and Cousin ChIoe.
I expect UncIe Pig WiII faII asIeep after Iunch, Iike he aIWays does. Daddy Pig!
You shouIdn't say such things about your oWn brother!
EspeciaIIy in front of the chiIdren.
But it's true!


posted on 2022-11-20 15:16  xinlin163  阅读(329)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
