Penelope 44-54

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第44集是The Autumn Harvest Party。

旁白:Today, they’re having an autumn harvest party at grandpa’s house.
Wow, potatoes.
Yes, potatoes.
Yes, pears.
These are chestnuts. I love them.
Hey, Penelope. Look.
We picked these pumpkins in the field.
Wow. Amazing. Pumpkins, pumpkins. They’re big.
I should bake a pie with the pumpkin.
Pumpkin pie?
And I will make mashed potato.
Penelope, do you want to come along with us and help?
Help you?
We are going to pick grapes.
Grapes, grapes. Look how many things are grown here. Are these grapes?
Grandpa, can I pull it up?
Yes, go ahead.
旁白:Are you sure those are really grapes? What do you think everyone?
Oh, it’s a carrot.
旁白:Yes, it’s a carrot, Penelope.
Penelope, the grapes are over there.
Wow. Grapes, so many of them.
What is it, grandpa?
You can pick it just like this, as a whole bunch.  
You see.
Hooray! Grapes!
Will you put them in the basket for me?
Penelope, let’s have a competition to see who can pick the most.
You can help me compete against your Dad.
Dad, I’m going to win.
Get ready.
Yes? Yes.
Shh! Keep it secret from Dad.
Alright. It is a secret.
Oh, wow, it smells delicious.
Hello, Penelope. It's freshly baked. Here is my pumpkin pie.
And the mashed potato is ready too.
Grandpa and I picked so many grapes. We competed against Dad.
Right. Let’s count them.
Let’s see who picked the most.
Nine, ten, eleven…
That’s it.
Penelope and grandpa have eleven, then you have the same number.
It’s a draw.
No, there are more in my tummy. So I won.
That’s right. I forgot about that. Penelope won.
Did you really eat so many?
And I didn’t see you.
Oh, Penelope, you must be full up.
旁白:They are having a feast with all the freshly picked autumn harvest.  
Happy harvest.
Happy harvest.
旁白:The juice is made from the grapes Penelope picked.
旁白:The autumn harvest party has so much delicious food, isn’t it fun, Penelope?
Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第46集是:Penelope Helps Dad。

旁白:Penelope, you look very happy today.
Hello, Dad, what are you doing?
I’m going to plant these flowers.
Plant flowers? Wow, pretty! Can I help you? Please, please.
OK, then, will you get me the yellow trowel?
The yellow trowel?
旁白:Well,  Penelope, which one is the yellow trowel. Can you tell?
This is a bucket. This is a watering can, for watering flowers. This is a trowel, but it’s blue. This is… ah, a yellow trowel. This is the one. Dad, here.
Thank you, Penelope.
Dad, can I help you some more?
OK, could you go to the shed and bring me my pair of black gardening gloves?
Yes, your black gloves, I know.
And your red gloves too.
Let me see, where are they?
These are wellies. This isn’t, then. This isn’t the pair of gloves.
旁白:That’s a cap.
Oh, are these gloves?
旁白:What do you think everyone?
These aren’t quite right.
旁白:You wear those when you go diving in the sea.
Are they in this box?
Wow, what a funny face!
Ah, a scooter. Hooray!
Erm, yes, I was helping dad. What was I supposed to be finding?
旁白:Do you remember what it was?
Let me see. Oh, yes, I came to get his black gloves. I found them. Dad, I found them.
旁白:Oh, is that everything you need?
Here, the gloves.
Thank you. Well done, Penelope. A black glove, but there should be another one for a pair.
Another one for a pair?
Yes, this glove is for the right hand, there should be another one for the left hand.
Yes, I forgot.
旁白:Yes, you did, Penelope.
And Penelope, your red gloves too.
A glove, a glove, another one to make a pair. Ah, what shall I do? Polly, will you wake up?
I’m helping Dad. Please.
Polly, it’s time for some food.
Meow! Meow!
Penelope, did you find the other glove?
Look, I found mine too. My red gardening gloves.
That’s good. Why don’t you put them on and help me plant some flowers?
White flowers.
Yellow flowers. Pink flowers.
Wow, aren’t they pretty?
Mum, I help too, didn’t I, dad?
Yes, thank you, Penelope, you are very helpful.
旁白:It was fun helping Dad, wasn’t it, Penelope?

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第47集是Penelope Catches a Cold。


旁白:Hello, everyone, have you ever caught a cold?
Gather around everyone.
Do you know there’s a cold going around at the moment?
I caught a cold a few days ago.
Me too.
I felt dizzy when I had a fever.
Fever? Dizzy?
Penelope, have you ever had a cold?
When you have a cold or a fever, your head might feel heavy or dizzy.
Your head gets heavy and you feel dizzy?
I got really cold and shivered and shivered a lot.
I sweated a lot.
Feeling cold and shivering? You sweat a lot. I don’t understand.
I wonder if froggy has ever caught a cold.
Oh, dear, Penelope, it’s started raining. You might catch a cold if you get wet.
Oh, dear. You have a little fever.
A fever?
I think you’ve caught a cold.
A cold?
Have some medicine, Darling.
Does it taste nice?
旁白:How about you? Have you had medicine?
Don’t worry, here you are. Open wide.
It’s sweet. It tastes good. Mum, I want some more medicine.
No, Darling. You have to take medicine little by little. Now, you need to go to bed.
Oh? Do I have to go to bed now? It’s still light outside. I want to go on the swing today.
But it’s raining outside, you have to stay still, or your fever might get worse.
It’s no fun, I’m not at all sleepy, and I feel fine. See, I can do this, I won’t tell mum about this. Oops, Oops, I feel dizzy, I feel strange.
旁白:I think her mum is right. It looks like Penelope has a fever.
Oh, Penelope.
Mum, I feel dizzy.
Don’t worry, Penelope, Mummy is here now. Now you’d better get some sleep.
What is it, Darling?
When my cold is better, can I go on the swing?        
Yes you can.
Can I have chocolate ice-cream?
Will you stay with me?
Yes, I’ll be with you all the time. Shall I sing your favorite song?
LuLa Lula Lula
LuLaLa Lei
Let’s come into the dream.
LuLa Lula Lula Lu
旁白:Look. Penelope is better now. Her cold is gone.
The medicine didn’t taste nasty at all.
旁白:I'm glad you're better, Penelope.

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第48集是Penelope Goes into town。

Hurry, hurry, Mum, Dad.
旁白:It’s a bank holiday today.
Don’t rush so much.
Don’t go too far ahead by yourself.
旁白:Penelope is going out with Mum and Dad.
An ice-cream shop.
A hat shop.  
What shop is that?
That’s a book shop.
Ah, there's a toy shop.
Wow! Mum, Dad, can we go in?
A little monkey. A trumpet.
Wow, this is great fun.
Oh, a picture book! Dad, thank you.
We can read this before you go to bed.
So many colors, what color is this?
Can you guess what my favorite color is?
Red, that bus is orange.
This is pink, isn’t it?
Look here.
Aha! Red. I found something red!
So many colors, what color is this?
Can you guess what my favorite color is?
Can you find something green?
Green. Green.
Erm? Aha! Green!
It's the menu board for the café.
Something smells good.
Mum, I’m getting hungry, aren’t you?  
Yes, I’m hungry.
Then I think we should have some lunch.
Yes, please.
Mashed potato, sandwiches, spaghetti.
What would you like to eat?
Mashed potato, but spaghetti sounds nice too.
Cake and chocolate mousse. I can eat them all. Hooray! Hooray! Wonderful. Great!
But can you eat that much?
Mmm, it’s good.
My tummy is full.
Where shall we go next?
How about the amusement park?
The amusement park!
Oh, Penelope, where’s Max gone?
Oh, Max! Where’s Max?
Max? You’ve left him behind somewhere.
旁白:Where did she leave Max? Do you know?
No, he isn’t here.
Why don’t we go back to where we started?
I can’t see him.
He is not here.
Don’t worry, Darling. We’ll find him.
旁白:This is the toy shop where Penelope played earlier around.   
Look, look in, Mum, Dad!
旁白:She left him in the toy shop. But you found him, Penelope. Max is safe now; you have fun going out together, don’t you Penelope?

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第49集是Penelope Exchanges Some Letters。


Dad, the postman’s here.
Hello, I have some letters for you.
Thank you.
Letters. We've got some letters.
旁白:Hello, everyone, have you ever received any letters?
Mum, we've got some letters.
This is for Mum.
It’s from a friend of mine.
This is for me.
Have I got any letters?
Oh, this is for you, Penelope.
For me?
Oh, you've got a letter from Grandpa.
Please read it, read it to me.
Dear Penelope, how are you? Today I went to the beach and went surfing.
Wow, Grandpa is great. Yes, I’m going to write a letter to Grandpa.
So you’re going to write back.
Yes, I am. Let me see. Oh! Polly. Yes. Grandpa, I played with Polly.
Ah, it’s from Penelope. It seems Penelope and Polly are good friends. OK. I’ll write another letter to her.
Mum, have I got any letters? Is there a letter for me?
Yes, you have one. It’s from Grandpa.
Dear Penelope, I played the guitar today.
Listen to what Grandpa did today.  
Let me see, I wonder what Penelope’s been doing. I see. It seems Penelope can have fun even on a raining day.
Oh, did you get another letter from Grandpa?
Yes. Look. Grandpa collected some seashells.
He wrote to Penelope to say he found lots of seashells on the beach.
I wonder what the seashells look like. I’d like to see them.
旁白:Oh, Penelope looks sad. I wonder why.
No letters for me today. I didn’t get any yesterday either.
I wrote back to him, I wonder why Grandpa hasn’t sent me a letter.
Oh, we have a visitor.
I wonder who it is.
Ah, Grandpa.
Hello, Penelope. I’ve come to show you the seashells.
Wow, big seashells, there is a pink one too.
This one is rainbow color.
A seashell necklace.
You look lovely, Penelope. You look like a mermaid princess.
A mermaid princess. Thank you, Grandpa.
旁白:It’s fun to write letters, isn’t it? Let’s write letters again, Penelope.

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第51集是Penelope and Her Friends in the Summertime。


旁白:It’s the summer holidays. Penelope and her Mum and Dad have come to the mountains.
There is a dragonfly.
Dragonfly! Dragonfly!
What is that? Who is that?
That’s my baby sister. Her name is Alice. I’m Ulysses.
I’m Penelope, that’s my Dad and my Mum.
Hello. Penelope, come and play with us.
Alice and I are in the middle of a treasure hunt.
A treasure hunt?
I’ve hidden my treasure in a secret place.
What’s your treasure?
Something that stretches and shrinks.
Something that stretches and shrinks?
Can you guess what it is?
旁白:Well everyone, do you know something that stretches and shrinks?
Something that stretches and shrinks?
A caterpillar. It stretches and shrinks.
That’s not it. My treasure sparkles when the sun reflects on it.
It sparkles? Yes, a puddle. Your treasure is the puddle.
No, that’s not it. My treasure is in a red box. And it’s hidden in a place which you can see from here.
Somewhere I can see from here?
Will you search for it with me?
Yes, let’s look together.
There, I found it, I found the treasure box.
旁白:Are you sure that’s the treasure box, Penelope?
I wonder what’s inside.
No, this is our lunch.
旁白:Oh, Penelope.
Hey, over here.
Guess where it is. The red treasure box is around here.
The red treasure box? This is a red flower. That’s a red boat. Wow, it’s moving fast, it’s moving very fast.
Are you all right?
I found it. The treasure box.
What is this?
I’ll show you.
It stretches and shrinks. And look.
It sparkles.
This is a telescope.
A telescope?
When you look into it, things in the distance seem larger.
Wow. Mum and Dad look bigger.
Mum! Dad!
Wow, the moon looks very big.
旁白:You’ve made some new friends. It was a fun day, wasn’t it Penelope?

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第52集是:Mum's Birthday。


旁白:It’s a beautiful day today.
Hey, Penelope, would you like to help me prepare a party?
A party?
It’s your Mum’s birthday today.
Mum’s birthday today?
Shh… Let’s keep it a secret.
A secret.
Oh, what are you talking about?
Ah, Mum.
I’m just going to take these flowers I picked to Grandma’s.
Have a good time.
See you later.
Let’s surprise her. Let’s buy the ingredients to cook something delicious.
Something delicious?  What are we going to cook?
Mum’s favorite, beef stew.
Beef stew!
Here you go.
Look, Penelope, now we have the ingredients, let’s go home and start cooking.
Beef stew!
Oh, what’s the matter, Dad?
I forgot to buy some beef.
旁白:Oh dear.
Onion, onion, onion, onion. Chop, chop, chop.
Dad, why are you crying? Is something hurting you?
Chopping onions makes me cry.
Nearly done, Dad.
Now, sprinkle salt over the beef and coated it in flour.
Mmm, I wonder where the flour is.
Let me see, it’s not here.
How about this? Is this flour, or sugar? Yuck, salty, it’s salt.      
Here is the flour.
旁白:Dad is frying the beef.
Now, let it all stew together.
If we stew it for a long time, it will be delicious.
Let’s cast the magic spell on it.
Be delicious. Be delicious.
Be delicious. Be delicious.
And, I want to give Mum some flowers and cards.
You can pick some flowers from the garden.
Yes. Mum’s favorite flowers — red flowers.
It’s done; I hope Mum will like it.
I’m home.
Mum’s here. Mum, happy birthday.
Thank you so much. What a beautiful bunch of flowers.
Penelope, did you draw this for me?
Thank you.
We would like to invite you to an excellent restaurant today. We have a table for you.
A restaurant?
Please come in.
This way, please.
Oh, how lovely.
Well, we only serve one dish in this restaurant.
Beef stew.
Then I’d like to have beef stew, please.
Enjoy your meal.
Enjoy your meal.
Thank you both.
Do you like it, Mum?
Mmm, yes, it’s really delicious.
Hurray. She likes it, Dad.
What a lovely surprise, thank you.
Me and Dad cast a spell: Be delicious. Be delicious.
Well, let’s all enjoy the meal.
旁白:So everyone, when is your Mum’s birthday?

Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第54集是:Penelope at the Pool。

旁白:It’s a very hot summer’s day. Penelope is happy and having fun.
Wow, it’s pretty. Mum, a rainbow! I can see a rainbow.
Oh, yes, it is pretty.
Saw the rainbow? It’s pretty.
Dad, what are you doing?
Just watch, you’ll find out soon.
旁白:What’s Dad doing? Can you tell?
It’s getting bigger.
It will be even bigger soon.
A lot bigger. Erm? Hooray! Hooray!
Now, it’s ready.
What is this?
This is a pool.
A pool?
You put water in like this. Lily Rose and Stromboli are coming to play with you today, aren't they?
Why don’t you play in the pool together?
The pool, the pool. What do I need to play in the pool? A picture book, and a cuddly animal.
旁白:Are you sure about that, Penelope? What do you think everyone?
Ah, and this, a swimming ring.
旁白:That’s right. You need a swimming ring.
The next thing is…a little duck and a water pistol.
旁白:Now you are all ready.
Penelope! Penelope!   
Lily Rose. Stromboli
A swimming pool.
Pool. Pool.
Little duck is swimming. Boat.
Swimming. Swimming. Swimming. Swimming.
Boo! Boo!
It’s fun.
Yes, it is fun. If the swimming pool is filled with orange juice, it will be more fun. And, if I add some crushed ice, it will be orange crush. It’s nice and cold.
It’s nice and cold.
Great. Wonderful.
Penelope, what did you bring?
I’ve got the drink.
Come on, everyone, time for a break. I’ve made some orange ice-cream.
Orange ice-cream. Hooray!
Yummy, let’s play after we've eaten this.
旁白:It’s fun to play in the pool, isn’t it Penelope?

posted on 2022-11-02 20:37  xinlin163  阅读(145)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
