20220928 Jeff

How are you? It's very nice to meet you. My name is Jeff. I grew up in the United States and I now live in Brazil. How about you? I'm fine, I'm from China.
I mean quantum province Congo. Province. Yeah. Okay so I see you have a lesson open here.
Did you want to work on this lesson today? A what the moment as in the pause? It's, it's no data. I don't know why it's opens the slider.
Yeah, could be slow internet. Well, while waiting for that you can tell me a little bit about yourself. Tell me, you know, your were things.

You're interested in. Yeah, I'm from China and the Navy and condom promise. No, I'm an electrical engineer.
I'm studying English about one years mostly and use the English and working languages.
Most as a business host.
Maybe I need them. Got it, got it. Okay. So you're electrically here. So are you working with companies from other countries or something like that?
Or how do you, how do you have to utilize it at work?
Yeah, I want to communication with other with the UK engineer engineer.
And because now I'm an unachical engineer and I have some problem, the communication with other countries mostly is from the UK and the American, and the, you use the impeach and the most we use.
All our allaminty, it is it's very little face to face to meeting. Mm-hmm. And so I needed to improve my independence calls in this English and maybe my grandma is also handsome problem.

Well, I'm just meeting you for the first time so you know, I'm still getting sort of a feel for it. But I mean you're you're basic skills seem to be pretty good.

You're, you're pronunciation. Sounds good. I mean, I don't have any difficulty understanding you. So that's, that's nice. So this is probably better than you think.

There's some people terms related to work or you know, obviously, if you're dealing with native speakers sometimes.

They tend to speak rapidly and maybe don't take into account that. You know, they're dealing with people whose English is not their first language, so, maybe they need to slow down a little bit.
I'm not sure. I'm just I'm just meeting you for the first time, but, you know, you're still pretty okay.
My first impression, I'm not sure all this day because most of the time we should use English and describe as a question that example in the yesterday and encountered a problem.
But I described the question and it's not very clear.
And exactly. Okay, but in the halls in the in the UK's engineer and the hands are Chinese engineer, but if I use the Chinese talk with that, with our languages,

talk with Chinese engineer, it's all program and we hand the money little time to this to legs the program. Clear. And exactly.

But we use the English. Maybe we need a more time to describe the question. Maybe I'm single. I'm vocabulary.
It's also has a program and and don't know if and I think I have the other programs because I'm listening abilities.

Mm-hmm. And yeah, because I started annoying English about six months. Maybe I need the more time, and there's a more, and to my best to improve my English.

Mm-hmm. Got it. So, it looks like you're fairly new to Camber, you've had a couple of conversations on Cambly, maybe you're about 130 minutes here. And what else are you doing?

Like, I simply learn English in school. Like, he clearly you have these schools beyond someone who's only studied six months.

Like you probably had some I assumed background in your school and then what else are you doing to practice? I have money.
All I mean is everything. Yeah yeah. And after the meeting I'm and should I read those are ready? I read as a conversation. Yeah. Yeah.
I have read some news and from the coming to this refiner. Got it.
Okay. Okay. Well you know if if this evening is one of the problems, one of the things that you can do is, you know, watch videos, that's a good one.

That's one of the things I do. I I live in Brazil so I I try to watch anything I'm watching on Netflix or YouTube in Portuguese.
I hope I can watch them without any subtitles at all, but I still need subtitles but just trying to, you know, get more familiar with just listening to people, speak conversationally.
But mmm I have the some I have some brown primer and the mostly, if I open the subtitle I can see the eyes, everything and yeah understanding is low problem or if I'm and close the subtitle and unseen and understanding it very slow.

Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Yeah.
Because I if we imposes the first to face meeting and it's also it's very important to me and understand the others meetings. Yeah, I understand. Yeah. All right. So what's the situation with the slide you can't?
Are you not able to download the slides and see them open?
It's not you open maybe I'm as simply slaughtered.
Satisfied me. Let's try the next one here.
Yeah, see what happens.
I might be able to just read them to you if that can you still can't see it? Yes, I can say. Okay good. Very good. All right, so did you want to work on this lesson today? I should make sure. No, it's not either.
We can talk about others and I maybe his mom is tired and then when opens are subpoenas this subpoena is don't wear.
I want to deal maybe next.
So you you prefer different lesson?
You know, which one you'd like to do?
Or do you want me to just choose a different one?
Yes, maybe which we should wish should use a business.
Course the next season score.
Yeah, we need a business course.
Let me see what I can find.
I have questions because I think it's maybe next.
15 minutes maybe because yeah, usually hard to get through these in 30 minutes, honestly.
Like I oftentimes some students book an hour I guess it's just depends on what you're comfortable.
I was yeah, these less you can see here, there's 17 slides. So there's a lot of material. We'll never get through all of this in 20 minutes.

So if you want to do it all, I would book more or you can also like do part of one and then you know, restart it.
Another time it's sort of depends on your comfort level.
I think and yes because we use 15 times about one or two three times, but I think it's very rich short and I don't have the enough time to talk about what I want to talk. Yes about but if I'm a bookstore, it's no problem.
But if I'm kind of cold and and because of I choose the and it's it's most to the don't have the enough time.
It's always displays because 15 times, it's busy after 15 times. It's busy after 20 times, it's busy, most of the time, don't?

Yeah, I understand my suggestion is 30 minutes is a pretty good, good time for both tutors and students typically that's that's most of the students I work with.

They do 30 minutes so that would be probably okay. Plus restaurant, I think is suitable to me.
Maybe last time I'm more.
I need the books and then yeah I mean it just it depends on what you need. Like I have third. I'm happy to work with you now for the next 20 minutes, you booked 30 minutes. I have 30 minutes, no problem. You know, I need the multimedia.
All these. Yeah.
So how much how much time do you need?
Maybe and as print this two or three hours to nanny English.
So having is our is an intertime for me as soon.
Setting settings is no problem but we should win to choose the to the maybe and I use the company is not very long and both are not to the one models.
That's, it's many problem because and choose that a boxer resource.
And I and forgot people.
Yeah, you know it's it's it's very honey in China about six pm and book calls and maybe I have a letter and made that anchor answers.
Of course, all accounts and books. Mm-hmm. I mean, I would suggest taking some notes every time you're on here, I do.

I take notes with every student I talk to because my challenge is not to remember the language, but to remember the students, like, I have had over 2,000 students,

I've talked about here, so a lot of times I have difficulty remembering details from the conversation, right? So I always take notes so that, you know, if you call me back Jason,

I will have a record that you live in Guangzhou, your electrical engineer, and you study English for about six months and, you know, etc, etc. You know, so I would do the same thing.
If I were you with whatever you're doing to learn, I would take some notes and you know trying back on it in.

Refresh your memory, you know. Yeah. I would need a little everything and I need a pepper. I don't know. Yeah, I have a coke. It's good. It's yeah. Maybe I need a note, I racing.
I think it's no problem. So let's give this a try. This lesson is about a meetings. We won't get through all of it, as I say, but since you're doing meetings with your work,

I thought maybe this one would be useful. So the first question asks, you Jason to describe the last business meeting that you attended. This could also be a phone call, right?
Doesn't have to be an actual meeting but talk about what you encountered in your last business meeting or conversation at this curable.
My agenda and the almighty. Yeah yeah, just talk about what happened a little bit.
A little program and and yeah.
And whether it's nice and adrenal and it's low is the debate has to plan schedule. And the second year, is the hour production program.
Maybe and we we income we face the time with our program and is most about the production and the designs and the tester program.
And and as other is schedule, and what's time we starts a test and there was time, we're finished the start and what time we shipment the the production to the hour supply is that says for the most only,

we talk about the most scenes about the problem.
And the way we find a new program in our test or in the past in the half terms are post orings of vehicles.
Exactly. And but our call of the meeting is to fund our solution to resolve the program.
All we have scheduled.
It's a clear and was time.
We should finish the program. Yeah. Now you'll have to give me because I'm not entirely clear what an electrical engineer does all day.

You know, I assume you'll have to correct me but like you probably are dealing with buildings that are being constructed and you're dealing with how the electrical wiring is connected throughout the building and probably dealing with the, maybe the architect. And where everything is placed inside, the building is being constructed.
Is that right?
Mmm way.
I'm a natural engineer, but we in actual vehicle vehicle. Oh, for vehicles. Okay. Sorry. Yeah, yeah vehicle.
It's not supporting, but so same idea. You are dealing with where different electrical wiring and connections are placed inside the plan of the vehicle.

Then I can make sure everything is working correctly. I it's, it's not like seven as your sink. It's maybe the you have seen a, it's like a vehicle. It's it's a. And in the production I it's not product in the development point.
It's it's face man in program because we need to do many tests to verify the vehicle is okay.
All the hands are problem but most of these enhance the mining program we need to resolve the program.
And now we put, what demand are available with the gender and the robot are you, okay?
And they hope new and so on, maybe in my describe and my express is as I think it's mining program and money.
Grandma arrows, part of it said that I don't understand electrical engineering. You're I mean and that's okay.

You're talking about things that are very technical so yeah you know it's probably the problems on my end. So tell me about a common problem that you might experience.

You you mentioned several times that you have these meetings to speak to other engineers and you're there to solve problems on these vehicles.
So what is a problem that you might encounter and a data program and a month?
It's perfect for express proborne.
What kind of problems? Yeah, mmm.
I input programming is described and expression and the describer and no clear.
No, the exactly mmm, maybe, maybe money.
Maybe mining grandma arrow. Mm-hmm now you're doing fine. I was just asking like what kind of problem with the vehicle is what I meant.
Like you're you have described your meaning.
The other that you are looking at the vehicle and you're trying to solve problems with the electricity in the vehicle. So I just curious what kind of problem with the vehicle. Are you trying to solve, for example?
Maybe the lights aren't working correctly or the, that's the way that we party, and that's not the example, because our production to the test, to the performance tester, and the vehicle to the work and the battery high type temperature.
That's 18 temperature.
Maybe at this time.
It's it's it's display program and you and the display and the screen.
It's have program and that says, and others.
Mostly is about the battery. Yep. It was because more computerized as you say there there's a lot of displays on the front, you know,

the temperature and the gasoline gauge and the miles on the car or kilometers of car. All that's computerized. So you're dealing with the connections between all these things. Yes we yeah.
What should the analyze and the table a solution and how to I got a results of program. I got it.
But it's technical program but it's a multi-scriber is it's a lot of clear. No, you're doing great, you're doing great. Like I said, a lot of this is technical terms, you're talking about things in your industries.
So, that's probably something that, you know, if it were me, I would look for opportunities to practice that talk about the different.
Mmm words and vocabulary, within your industry. You know. Yeah. All the truth. You need that. That's it's in your vehicle's. I would study those in.

Yeah, in English, you know, most people don't feel special, they call it. Yeah, it's again, doctor, like, I've had this same similar conversations with doctors. Yeah, medical.

Oh, you like most people don't use those things regularly. So it's, it's very specialized. You'll need to practice those, those terms, you know.
Yeah. Okay so next one, just for practice.
This one asks you to talk about a goal that you want to achieve.
And when you want to do it, and you can see there's an example here. The example reads a goal is start my own business. So first, I will start business school.

As soon as I graduate, I will see what money. Once I have enough money, I will look for office days. So there is a sequence of time here. First, you have this step second.
I have this step next. And finally, so sort of trying to describe different steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal.
So can you go that you want to achieve a specific goal with a with a timeline?
Yeah, maybe it's no, it's no program for me because most of me, you know, we use the online meetings we should prepare and slide and understand is very clear and we should what's topical and the after the meeting,

we should prepare the slide and the and the emails are more customer and the total and talk with same and that today's topic and what's the topic today really to talk about?

It's to be a terrifying and I start standing calls. And example, we have two topical. And the first is our, what program? And the second year is what program and the study is a problem and force is awards program.
It's very clear.
But and if not, if no slide, and if you don't prepare them as baby has some program, but no note about mostly.
If you don't prepare the meeting is, it's not mm-hmm.
Yeah, if we don't want to talk about it, maybe the meeting were canceled, I understand. Yeah. So it's your job in these meetings to talk about certain topics that are related to the the vehicles, the vehicle.
I, the topic is very clear and after the meeting we talk with email, and if we confirm the topic, we should start meeting.
They look. Yeah, it's some.
It might be, it's mostly it's mostly sometimes, it's kind of the program and the next, somebody kind of attended the meeting and the problem is not to resolve them, maybe we should just answer the meeting. Yeah, I got it.
All right.
Great job the computer, right?
And trying to collegiate this email through the bank, professor task, refer the family, and don't understand how he is the son of great, which one, which one the family and that's it.

And then this one and don't use very frankly. So she has elaborate yeah.
What another person or problem is to work with another person.
Anyone you are working with there at your office, your collaborating?
When I are collaborating right now on learning English right together, all right maybe and I need the two such, it's not, I'm maybe next time, we talk about things other.

I use the company and as simply, it's very useful for both aids and has some problem. I'm bored and we should prepare and and from the slider, all the others to improve my interview.
Do you have any suppressor and how to prepare? Well, I would I would know what's lesson you want to do before you start you know the tutors are here to help you like whatever you need for your English.

We will do. So if you have it ready you have material ready we can work on it right some people like to do conversation topic. Some people like to do in our article, some people like to do a lesson, it's really your choice.
How you want to spend your time?
We're just here to help you. Yeah, because my my goal is to improving English and I use and all I meetings about and control whole and changes are the topic and so library section the like the library section on your,

on your page will have all of the different lessons that you can use and you if you have that ready for your class, whatever you choose the tutor will go through that with you. Anything you want.
There's quite a most most motor student chooses. The choose the library from the, from the library. Most people, honestly, just like to practice conversation, they like to talk about whatever they're interested in that day. Could be the weather. It could be sports. Yeah, you know, they just they like to use English. They like to practice having, you know.
Yeah, conversate with a native speaker.
But everyone's a little. Yeah, I already hit the front. Maybe baby up. It's ruleham. And I'm up for today and some people thanks for calling. Good luck. See you. Okay bye.
Okay, bye, bye

posted on 2022-09-28 15:33  xinlin163  阅读(25)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
