220921 Ellis

My name is Jason. Hey Jason, I'm so sorry for the delay.

I had another student and it this is over. Yeah, yeah it's hard. When the you have one less than and then another one begins immediately. 

If it runs over a little bit there's difficult. No and thank you for adjusting the time as well.

I appreciate it but he has circular. And how are you today?

I'm fat.

Yeah, is yeah.

And night time where you are.

I'm from China. Okay so it's what maybe 9pm yes it's it's not here. Okay? Okay, okay. Yeah. Have you had a good day? Yes.

And what I'm off work about 7 o'clock. Okay. Okay yeah that's the time. That's the time you normally finish.

Yes, and I have some questions and studying English, because I'm studying English and this year.

And and then and for a long time I didn't study English and this year and and I walk on a new program and they actually yeah, 

and shows the I should use the ink as an English and a communication with other with a UK engineer.

So maybe I use studying, so got it.

Okay. And so most of your communication then is around business methods, right?

 Yes, you said and engineers. Is it engineering or is it? Yeah.

Yeah, I'm in natural all to engineer.

Who say that again in actual auto vehicle enough to go vehicle. Oh no. I don't know. Could you type it please?


In that.

Convertible vehicle. Electrical vehicle engineer. Wow, so your developing electric cars, yes.

And we would do the that's true. My actually learning about yeah. Okay. How interesting.

 Yeah. Interesting to me. And maybe for the battery is the most as a Chinese and company and always a place battery for the UK's for the Americans, especially, and this year at the last year.

So with many progress and the communication with other 49 engineers and the money.

Yeah. Okay. Well that's interesting. So okay, there are a few things that we can do. 

Then can be has a business related classes that can help you to learn some vocabulary that you can use in your daily life with your work.

 And or if you're your goal is to be able to to converse more casually with your colleagues.

And we can also work on that too.

Do you have a preference on where you would like to start Jason? Yes.


Yeah, but do you what would you like to start with with some business English?

Or with more.

Casual conversational English. Which one do you think? You need made me more help with right now.

We need a most of the business information because it's not yeah now we mostly use the English and working languages for the online meeting online meetings. 

Okay, okay, so maybe we can start with that then. So here is a lesson plan about meeting's. So we'll learn some vocabulary around meetings.

Also, some idioms that are used.

How does that sound? Yes, some good. Yeah. Okay. All right, so to begin with as a warmer, could you describe for me the last business meeting that you attended these?

 And there are some things here that you can mention. What was on the agenda.

What was the goal and who was at the meeting? Yeah. And have our example and the today's meeting and let's meet him.

And the adrenaline is about the past problem.

And okay, yeah, we'll hand found the program during the test and the willing to talk when you talk with our, and, with our supply engineer, and and who had the meeting.

And I, and our work complaints engineer.

And as a customer custom engineer and the management and most every time our customer leaders are meeting and on the core of the meeting is to was is in the past, right?

A past. Yes. I will call of the BT is to resolve. The process was was to.

 Yeah. Because the meeting the meeting was now in the past. 

Yes. So we need to speak in the past tense. Oh yes. And yes tattoo.

I have last time I have also has some program and there's actually my proper. 

Oh yes, yeah, it's fine. It's an easy fix. Just have to I'll just correct you each time and yeah you get used to it.

Yeah, but mostly and expressed my meaning. It's not clear. And exactly. And essentially, it's my vocabulary, it's enough.

 Maybe I'm and I need a listen to your otherwise, for our computer, and the grandma and the ratings are relations and okay.

Yeah, and yeah. So those those are really just things that come from a bit of time and an investment of time, right? 

So if you are consistent and regular with your English, you will learn quickly, so that involves daily activities. For example. Do you read in English every day?

And, and not read as a book, or the other examples, but every time I attended the meetings and and I needed to answer the program. 

Sure. Yeah. So that's good. The only thing is it limits your very carefully somewhat because you're a vocabulary is only about your job.

 So what I would suggest is it doesn't need to be a book. It can be anything, even just a news article, but if you can every day,

read something and read out loud with your voice, not not in your head. Yeah. Just to yourself five to 10 minutes, at least minimum every day.

Yeah, so five to ten minutes, reading out loud.

And if you do that every day, it will help you. And when you are reading, you can just take maybe three or four words that you don't that you don't understand.

And those can be your new words for the day. Hmm. Yeah. You understand, yes, understand that I'm,

 but every time I tell the amazing and that where I'm well open the subtitle and I'm I remember the all the people already, 

but if I'm found about computer and and I don't close the meaning, I'm well rate it or and doesn't, I'm well.

And what I can't remember, I'm to my right, okay, so you try and learn it later, okay? But for the money, what kind of funeral and didn't know? 

Yes? Yeah. You what you will? You will, when you're at this level of English, everything is new.

So you you have to, if you have to have a measured approach, right? You can't learn everything that you hear is better to learn two words.

Well then to learn 10 words poorly. Yes. Yeah, I'm understand because I'm talk with other two girls and they say that give us a question and you. 

Yeah, and not before, and example and Saturday on Sunday, I only do the one since to increase vocabulary about, and readers are reader and learning about vocabulary, and one days about 1000. But after winning, I'm father, most of the vocabulary, I forgot. It's okay.

Yes, these are all the way. Yeah, you're not, you're not gonna remember everything and but don't don't worry. 

It's all part of the process, okay? And just keep, don't don't let it discourage you. Okay? 

Just keep trying. Another thing you can do is, if you write some of those words and then bring them to Camley and then we can talk about those words and I can or another tutor can help you to know how we use it in English because it's one thing to learn and word. It's another thing to use the word, right? 

Yeah, mostly. And should I, maybe I need to increase the rating and I'm writing. And speaking, I'm guilty.

Other mostly when you were only use your English and our online meetings other mostly I reading is an inter is my is more or leaning as a email and it's absolutely email and I didn't write anything using English.

I say I say okay, yeah, that's okay. You you will through work, you will learn a little by little and what we want to do is to supplement that. 

Yeah, we want to help you to improve as quickly as you can. So I think you, you should focus. Focus less on vocabulary, because vocabulary comes naturally.

Yeah, focus more on being able to listen this and respond in very simple ways, don't don't try to speak about your level, your current level.

And because what I've noticed is many students.

They they're thinking to much about what they should say and they're not thinking about what they are listening to.

And my listeners ability is not very is is not older because most time we should attend the professional meetings. 

But most engineer is from the European American and this they say the faster and speak than they speak. 

Yeah, it's exactly. Yeah, let's be quickly and most of me.

I know we can open the subtitle and from the, from the subfederal, and I know the minty, but if we're open the subtitle and more, I didn't listen the most after that many, exactly, yeah. 

Subtitles then not super helpful for learning. They will help you to understand. And but ideally, you want to stop using subtitles. 

But obviously in your job, it's different because you really need to understand. So you can practice that, right?

So maybe things like podcasts, or YouTube, or videos, whatever you have access to, 

in China and, and try to listen to English every day as well, no subtitles, those other. 

Yeah, don't don't, don't worry about understanding everything. Just just understand what you can boy. 

Yeah. What you what? You can? Yeah. Take what you can.

And as you as you keep doing that, you will understand more and more you can look for British English, 

American English, whatever you feel you struggle with the most. But and that's something we can do in in the class

if you want and we can listen to or watch English videos and I can ask you about the video and we can practice listening as well.

We can do that too. Or yeah. Because in the last stage we attended the meetings is not. It's not all our meetings,

we're face to face but our next yeah, those are funny. It's very difficult to me people because they use the profession vocabulary and the skank very faster. So yeah, our own can our own hands, understand them very needle many.

So, I as in subtitles, also has problem for me to improve my English. Okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, Jason.

It's really is going to be a little painful for a while.



Maybe. Yeah, maybe I need a spending ball.

Time to increase my listening ability.

Yeah, I I would prioritize that because you being able to speak fluently is not shouldn't be your current goal either.

I don't think personally English is a tool right? It languages a tool and you need to just view it as a tool. 

Can I do what I need to do? Can I reach my goal with this tool? Yeah. So when you're in a meeting or you need to do, 

is understand what you are being told and be able to do or respond appropriately. That's the basic right. How you say that is not important as long as you can express yourself. It's very simply. 

That's the most important and you can do that. You're already speak a basic level of English.

So what you need to work on is being able to understand what you are hearing and respond. 

Yes, yes. Most most of the time we attend professional meetings, and the answers and the supply engineer is also a professional engineer.

 Because yeah. We attended our old meeting and 19% is all I'm eating.

 And the only little meeting is that the face to face but all I'm making and my my speaking ability is not very well but I'm kind expressed and what want to experience and there's other kinds of. Yeah.

And they maybe the and understand and the what and also I want to experience, 

it's no problem, but if we face to face, and I think it's, it's very difficult, but and is most a subtle and listening is not very cold product. So, it's yeah, it's difficult to me button.

It's also has some program because I'm my experience, it's not very flawed and, and has many problems and the grandma programs and and the vocabulary and the water is not exactly. 

So maybe, yeah.

Okay, so that that that's where reading comes in.

I would worry less about your your grammar and vocabulary.

And more about being clearly understood and English speakers. We can understand when a word is not grammatically. Correct?

Or when it's not quite the right vocabulary, what many English speakers don't understand. Is accents. We're not good with accents. So reading is the best way for that.

So just try to practice your accent, try to practice speaking calmly, had a good pace protest. Yeah, and so this is just to show you an example. Yeah, there's a website, many students use.

Maybe you've used it before.

It's called ngoo and send you the link and real estate, share my screen with you as well.

So this website has lots of different articles every day and so I'm just gonna ask you to read just these firsts. This first part.

Please draw. The father is required from profession, pennies a 141, the IT the 13 tons, general salmon campings.

And the peace stripes operation over the last two years and has not completed the same waste done in July 1321.

Okay, so try again but I want you to pay really close attention to the words, okay? So try this line again please.

But go very slow. I don't know the first and the second name. Yes, so yeah. But this is this is a common English words. So yeah. Okay. Is retiring from profit penis age.

14 one. Okay this word again good professional. No Chinese age of 141 good. So when you read it slowly you read it more accurately. 

Yeah. And this is what we want to do. We want to make sure it's not doesn't matter how fast you read it.

The most important thing is clarity. Yeah, and so, let's try this again again.

Read it slowly the 13 times broader campaigns. Okay, so let's try that. Again, this word, please random grand. Yes, that was better.

And this word I don't love me some slam yet. It's a place or was so many slime and grand slam.

It's it's a type of competition. Awesome name. Yeah. Another these are computation that and others how to use price. 

Use English. So Islam, the word the meaning is to hit something very hard. It's like he slammed slammed it to the ground, right? 

To hit something so grand slam, it's tennis. So you're slamming the ball. I think that's the meaning. Yeah.

So Christ, the slam champagne hands on the street team operation, okay?

So make sure to be very clear with the pronunciation has had three the knee.

The up operations of other two years and has not competed.

Same ways since sense.

Same golden way about done whiteboard then and gray hunting 21, okay? Yeah, right. Yeah, well done.

 So you see when you take time your, yeah, your pronunciation improves and you see how valuable reading can be if you just keep it up and you make sure to take the time you're reading, 

your speaking will improve along with your reading because yeah, go ahead. Yeah. And and so first, we wasn't about prolongations and the first, we should improve improved my provisions. 

And, and other than I increased by what computer and grammar. And it's, and the speaking of energy button from the online meetings, communication with other collegiate.

And there's a language on and we sing and we found them and pronunciation is not the problem for me.

And okay, but most of me they plan on understanding, what's the meaning? I want to experience. So that's so a single first, we actually improve my experience.

And as a speaking ability. Okay yeah. I don't know it's rates or is it or whether it's right? Or is not rich.

 Yeah, it's the thing is they all collective, right? It is difficult to work on one specific thing because they all come together,

right? So as you read, for example, you learn new vocabulary. You see grammar in action and you're able to work on pronunciation.

So what I would suggest then is if you with Kamley, we you can go through a lesson plan.

It gives you the opportunity to speak and to learn new things and we can use the, the business English. The one that we were doing before, right?

I mean, stop sharing so that I can this one. For example, you have grammar time, conjunctions.

We have vocabulary here. Agenda, colleague decision.

Is idioms to. Yeah, so there's lots of different and things you can learn in these. They're pretty good.

And as you go you're tutor can help you with pronunciation and other little things to because honestly I don't think that Camley is the best place for you to work on grammar and verb.

 I think that's things that you can do in your time and things that will just come. 

Yes. As a simple beham grammar and other things I can and Christaki by myself. But prolongation I think it's a very attention.

It's more difficult, especially for me.

But yeah, it's hard to do on your own because always eat and in my high school and the middle school I internationally is daughter, example and has many aspects has many problems. So okay. 

Yeah. So I tell you what, what we can do is each time. And if you want to continue each time, we can start the class by reading something.

 I will correct your pronunciation. And then after reading, we will, then go into a lesson, a business lesson and we combine those two things and see how that goes.

And whether you feel that it's helping you okay? Yeah, I think he's based away into improved the visa easier pause and the problem essay,

okay? Okay, good. All right, Jason and well done, keep up the good work. 

I know that. It's I know that it's, it can be frustrating sometimes with language, right?

 And you want you want to be here but you feel like it's slow. But it just takes time. 

Just keep going every day. Right. Reading and listening and you will improve. Yeah. Maybe I think that. What do you I need to spend the most time to die.

 Make a schedule. Yeah, some people. Yeah. Okay. All right. Jason but evening. Yeah.



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