220919 Mary Nadia

Hello there. Hi. Hello. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you Jason. Is that correct? Jason. Yeah you can call me Jason.

I'm from China. Okay, my name is Mary. I'm originally from London in England, but now I'm living in Spain.

 Oh, you'll need be inspired for the sunshine. For the sunshine. Yes. Oh, what's up of the sun? That's why very nice today. 

It's very nice today. Nice and safe. Yeah, the thing you guys because of the hot weather, we we are expecting storms later in the week.

 We have thunderstorms when the weather gets very hot guys, very hard and leaving quantum promise, it's very hot today. 

Yeah, we're sorry a condom province, I'll come don't promise. Okay.

Okay. Okay so it's hot. There too, is it? Yeah, it's very hot. 

Oh okay, okay, so tell me you can tell me about you. Do you want to do this workshop lesson today?

 I know it's not. It's not either maybe and don't know why. It's just okay. Let me let me take it away. 

Let me get rid of it in a minute then you can concentrate. Okay. There you are. Okay. So what would you like to talk about today?

 Anything's? Because I maybe I have some problems because strategies it's always display connecting and the whole arm maybe under control. 

Why maybe I need the books? Of course first maybe that's come and well you can focus on a course can't believe has some courses.

Have you looked at the library though? I in my home but I don't know why. I mean kindly library not the book library books.

I mean, can't believe library that listen, that was there is one of them. What's the meaning of that?

What's the meaning of the library library? Is different courses. Let me show you. 

That one that came up with you, then is a workshop course.

 And but you can have what kind of thing interests you do you like the internet?

Do you like that will be in TVs movie and TV? And and, and I don't chose that the topic from the library, okay?

 Because no, am I in actual engineer and study work? It's all enforce out what languages? Okay.

Yeah. So you speak English. But mainly with electrical engineering voluntary. 

Yeah, am I enough to find in? Yeah. Okay. Most malls, we have some programs need to connect with that. 

He always a foreigner and does that look, okay, engineer. And the speaker is the English. So I needed to study English, okay?

But mostly when we use English from, I is for the online meeting, okay?

 Okay, so speaks with with you k, engineers with on online meeting, okay? I got it.

Okay, the most important thing so that you understand each other is to make sure you speak slowly. 

And clearly, I always advise all my students from every country you must speak slowly and clearly. 

So the other person understands you especially from a foreign country because sometimes people speak too quickly and their words get jumbled up.

 So you need to pronounce every syllable. That's the first thing to make sure they understand what each other is saying. 

Okay. Yeah, so what subjecture we picked today?

I tell you what, let's do, let's do one of these.

This one here will go for the basic one first and we're going to do your job, okay, my problem. 

Yeah, okay so we can talk about that. Okay, so go to the lesson, it's just basic, it may be easy but it's nice to start off with an easy one, then you don't feel, you know, to worry about it, okay? 

So this is all about the cabinetry in the office, simple future tense, I will, or I'm going to. Okay? Right, so here we go.

So if you would like to read the questions, it's good practice for your pronunciation, you understand. Yeah, maybe I sent my prolongation.

Maybe has stopped us some program because I encourage you to from the collegiate about sixteen years and I didn't do this speaking and not English and for a long time.

 That's okay, that's okay, that's okay. Don't worry, this is not a test, it's just to relax you and get you talking a little bit more naturally. Okay?

So pronunciation, your pronunciation does need a little bit of work and lots of people in Asia.

The problem is usually are and L so you need to make sure you put you pronounce your arms in your elves so I can do that.

As you go along the promising are maybe I have the same program. Okay? Yeah, no okay. I mean we can we can do minimal pairs.

If you like if you want if you don't want to do a lesson, we can do some pronunciation practice if you want to.

 Yeah. Maybe next time I need a course to improve my information. Then let's do, let's do minimal pairs, let's two minimal pairs. It's a little bit of fun.

Okay, let's have a look at and it helps you practice pronunciation to see which ones here is where they put the hardest.

Now listen minimal pants. There we are, got it. Okay, right. So now let's go with some different letters. 

So, do you think sometimes your vowels, or do you think, let's try Eleanor? Let's try Eleanor.

Okay, so these are sometimes words. We don't have to read all this. It's all about pronunciation. 

This is what we're going to be looking at here. Okay, so this one here.

Oh, this one.

Okay, so that's the one we're going to be looking at, right?

I'm going to take that off a minute because I'm just drawn all over it. Right? So the owl sound lice, nice. The back of your tongue. 

Goes into the back of your top teeth lice.

Thanks rice. Nice rice.

Good and time for entire speaker as a language.

The other one long long wrong, not long wrong. Yes.

And long la la no long good. What our method with our momentum and I need a that model children, use our other room. Okay, that's great. Oh no problem.


I'm sorry, no problem. No problem. Yeah.

Problem, maybe they needed to go to a good fighter and her mommy is a is thinking way and watching TV, maybe hey they never want to go to bed when you them to go to bed. 

This is this is this is just kids. Yeah, that's how you can use our board because you don't maybe. Oh wow. Okay, so yeah, they should be in bed.

Okay, so long wrong.

Now wrong. Yeah, the W is silent.

Silent wrong one. Yeah. Wrong rover. Not one.

No one. Maybe I need a this topic. I needed to prepare for a non-time about law. I have a question. Okay. Yes. Yeah.

And because I want first and learning English. In this year, I want to pronunciate a production and I've always think it's a faster topic first, 

I think in the last time, but one and talk with foreign and engineer about a long time, I think it's not the first because I mean, many times I speak the understanding the meaning but yes, 

but maybe I and I speak is virus, no and many times my experience is not very clear.

 I think it's not the poor nation, maybe the computery and the grammar I think so things together. So you need to do everything there is.

You do need, do need to work on your pronunciation.

You do need to do that but I think because you're speaking slowly, the engineer is understanding you. I don't know you.

I have a met you before and I can understand everything you're saying. Yeah.

Because most of the time with common location with professional problem and we use the slider and the presentation, 

and if they can see the picture and that is viable, they know the most meaning, but I but after the end, my design,

my describer on the water on the other, is they the most thing they did, they know that the meaning what I want to experience but many times and kind of and this and a reason, 

a recently ability is not very old and has accented this context. Press yourself with the words, you want to express yourself with you. 

Can't express yourself enough, this comes with vocabulary, you need to learn vocabulary, this comes with time, 

this comes with looking at books, looking at dictionaries, talking with other people reading, listening to to different things. 

Finding new words so vocabulary. Again, I think pronunciation would help you.

I think it's nice to speak with a good pronunciation but your pace is very good. You speak nice and clearly.

So they are understanding you at the moment but as some words would be better.

If you were saying Lala and these are recent.

Yeah, these are classical every country in the world has a problem with another country's pronunciation because they don't have those sounds in their native language.

Everybody can make every sound. There's no reason why you can't do that. But you just have to be taught how to position your math. It's like some words in Chinese.

I would never be able to to pronounce them unless you talk me how to pronounce them. 

Yes. And you understand? So L and R are quite difficult in Chinese Japanese time and all around the Asian oriental area. 

Eleanor, is not in, not, in, not in the language. So, yeah. So you need to la la la, it's an art and out.

 It's very difficult for me because in my middle school, and as a high school and not mining times.

 I from even from is the high school and the college and I didn't know that different. 

There are and everybody everybody's the same, don't worry. It's not just you, it's not just you.

In in England, we have trouble with some of the the guttural sounds from other languages like Russian or German or Arabic or Turkish, you know. 

We we're not used to that in our language. So it's difficult for us I'm living in Spain where when they have two hours together. 

So I'm what I'm saying is everybody has a problem if it's not their language, it's just training just training.

 Now in Spanish if you have two hours together, okay? Like this word pair, bro, you have to roll the arm. 

You have to. Now, we don't have that in English. We don't have to learn to do that. We don't have that in English doesn't exist. That means dogging, Spanish.

Hey, and no in Spanish. Okay, so everybody has to learn something and also th is very hard, but you can probably do th there this those I think in enzyme is a, in mind connection in my communication, pause.

 I think the personal action is not the main problem, and maybe in my vocabulary, is not a valid looking enough. 

But in the teaching vocabulary, I have many questions on. Okay, you go. 

Because, and I talk with other teacher and then just the problem and they told me, maybe I need to study, and my computer rate is about fixed fast or ten every day and you should.

You understand, the in, and the one who knew how to experience use the vocabulary. You not everyday. Yes.

But I'm starting about a six a times and and not another one and it will give you. 

I've got one in Spanish somewhere on here. I can't remember somewhere and it gives me new words every day.

 So sometimes if I only do 10 minutes I may only learn five words, if I'm well, too much. 

Yeah, yeah. There's a matter every day in your learning, another word, you know what it means and you know,

where to put it in the sentence. So every day you're getting better, even if it's only one word, every day, one word is is, you know, at the end of the week, you got seven, seven new words, you know?

Maybe imagine if you if you only did three words a day at the end of the week, you would have 20 new words, finding your watch.

Yeah, at the end of the week, three weeks, three days, I'm sorry, three words a day is 20 21 words that the end of the week. 

Don't don't set yourself goals that are up here because you won't remember, I mean, unless you're very, very brilliant memory. 

I couldn't remember a hundred words a day that would I wouldn't be able to remember a hundred words a day. 

I couldn't do that. Yeah, maybe all even remember the meanings under the pronunciation but after one week and don't know what's I will forgive all the things. 

Yeah because you need to use them, you need to practice with them. So keep looking at them every day and most of most of language training or any training actually is repetition.

You must repetition that petition and not repetition over over again.

And it's a proven fact that when we go over and over, it's very boring, but it does stay in there, you know, you keep going over. You can't always learn something.

Reading it once. Sometimes you have to read it and then read it again the next day, and the next day. 

And eventually, I think, oh, I know that I don't need to read that. Today, I'll do a new one today.

I'm doing a new one, so yeah, I think maybe rather than focusing on lots of different things, try to choose one of the camberly courses.

because it will show you some grammar and it will show you some vocabulary in each lesson from one of the courses and it gives you exercises to do to show that you are getting used to the new vocabulary. 

It will give you different words for the same word and you can put them together. 

So it gives you lots of exercises and lots of practice and with the different tutors, you know, you can phone any of us, all the tutors it will come through.

Or you can say I'm doing or ever in the library, let's have a look at them. You can do the basic you can do intermediate, you can start with an easy one which will boost your an easy one would boost your confidence.

So basic questions.

The first one, like I said, I was going to do your job and the first ones actually foods, you love foods, you love. 

And you can talk about food, okay? So food, talking about food. So the grammar here is, would like the vocabulary is different types of food, so you get vocabulary and grammar. In each lesson? 

I have a question at all. Yeah, I talk with a was with other children and no, I want to use a English and so, my working number. 

So yes. And the last time we talk with other topics and that's family and education at the sport but okay. Well then why don't you try?

You can is English. Let's try businessing. Yeah. And what we talk about and maybe I need to focus on the business.

 And okay, let's have a look business English, and we're already business English English English English up.

 Not that one, sorry it jumped. He jumps. Not that one, not that one and hide that. Right?

 So we want business English which is yeah keep talking, I'm listening, keep talking. I have a question and the ones who and and need your help. 

Because I'm and because I know we don't most to use the English when I insert online calls meetings.

Yeah, I have the mmm have money and cause and meetings from about the meeting and talk with other people powers.

So I want to use this use and this as a cause as a whole video, as of course, so as simply it's very but I think it's the more useful for my improvement by English.

The same conversation for because if you do one of the crumbly courses, it will have everything in it. 

Together. Lots of the tutors, we've all got different material on top of the camberly library. 

We've all got, we can do articles, we can do grammar, we can do the cabinetry, these are ones, I've got the top, we can do discussion questions. 

All different kinds of things, but if you want to focus initially on doing your business conversation, something like this business English. 

And the second one is meetings. The first one is phone conversations.

So when you go into this, it will do time, conjunctions meeting productivity structure and phrases meeting preparing for meetings meeting mannerisms. 

It will give you some vocabulary for meetings to.

 Yeah, maybe I maybe you should just try one of these you know you've got to try something otherwise you're going to be wasting your minutes, trying to find what you should do. Do some try some things if you don't like them, don't do them. If you like them and they work for you. 

Then carry on. Yeah. Oh you can play. You can play around on camera because have to do the whole course you can miss lessons. You can choose another one. 

This is the joy of Camberley. You can do whatever you like, any course you like, and you don't have to finish it.

You can pick another topic from another course. So describe the last business meeting that you attended, probably on line. What was the agenda? 

What was the goal of the meeting? Who attended? It, who led it, what happened? Okay? Yeah, yes. You understand those questions? Yeah, I understand.

So first, I want you communication with our and son and I'm kind of starting from the radio and the meet him video

I think is very useful for us but yes it is yes from the video mostly I want to start is about convertering

because because you know maybe and every time I have two meetings with and with with our workout come brothers, 

most of me. The meetings are the meetings and same as the today's meeting is assemblers yesterday. Okay? 

Yeah. Maybe I need the knows different, the needle, maybe the little scenes unconscious on is very fast.

 Yeah, it's lots of things. There's lots of things you can do to help your English, all of your English. So, try to do some reading.

If you don't have time, read some of your moon and technical things that you are going to present in your meetings.

 That's good reading good. Practice read them out loud for pronunciation. If you want to listen, look at some of you. 

Do you get YouTube or Billy Billy? Can you get YouTube videos? Yeah. Are you the YouTube and the baby? 

Yeah, okay. So you look at those in English and they will give you example, you can even shadow some of my students shadow, they copy the video's, stop them, and then copy, and then play again, and then stop them.

 And so they get to know the new vocabulary and they get to understand what the person is saying because they're very clear English speakers. So this is good practice.

So listening reading speaking on Camberley, you can practice all your new vocabulary with Camberley tutors and ask them what it means. Can we do some examples? 

Where do I put the words procrastinate? Where do I put? That word procrastinate is in is is a verb? 

If somebody procrastinates, their putting of making a decision, they're not making a decision quickly. 

So sometimes we have procrastinating in business, people procrastinate. They, they don't make a decision quickly, okay?

From a words like this will come up in your lessons, then you can practice them with your tutors and I'm not afraid for the rainings. 

Do you have any other wise or successful for me?

Oh, are you going? Yeah, and hold both.

What news articles what about news articles? They're quite good? You can actually do news articles with the tutors on Camberley Engine.

 To put off making decision. You just write that definition for you procrastinate to cut off making a decision.

Slow to decide on it. Okay, so that's what procrastinate means.

Now, you can also, if you go into engoo. com daily news and good daily news, and that will give you some short world worldwide news articles that you can read and you can bring them to the lesson

if you want to you can take the link and bring it to your tutor. We only got 40 seconds but I can give you an example here in good news. Okay?


Here we go. So this is an article about this one here. So this is the article. Yes. So you can read an article.

 It gives you the tabulary, okay? And then you read the article and you can answer questions with your tutor. 

That's another very popular thing on Camberley. Yeah. Yeah, you can go into engoos, you don't pay any money. 

Don't pay any money. You go into England. You can get it free. The daily news articles. Yeah. Maybe next time we can communicate. Thank you. Bye. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Bye!



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