with the vda 320 failure if you're okay with that
uh yes and let's basically i'm after three
okay okay
it's coming up
i see only a grey screen jason okay wait a moment
we talked about the three topic and the first is the path yes yeah and
the second is 85 degree and degree and humidity issue
and sorry let's let's go let's go in this order no problem
yeah and the third is the video yeah yeah
this is the first topic and you can see and the type of vibration i have particular
arrow i know um
in the ebay that will take to the assembly heater and the possible heat we found the servo heater is
zero zero point one degree voltage and the part okay yeah
uh other than we were dismantling to the pms and we found
those up 48 side and 18 and the 48 to the
micro uh battle
is short circuit uh wait a moment
and you can see and this point is it's a small solar ball
yeah um and so this is commendable and you have
seen maybe and start buying either the gnd is a short first circuit
yeah why it happened um because
maybe you'll know use the sigma example
you can sing and you know in the we change the
dial at the transistor at this point and all the yeah it also
has the problem because and after we change the dial maybe
the pcb don't have enough clean process
so maybe it has a small board so the ball
maybe are you saying that you used pre-worked bms sample for validation
um no because in the in the 3.1 all all the sample also has the
problem because
3.3 c 1.1 sample
we change the tvs [Music]
but my question is why are you using manually soldered samples for validation purposes
i think for that patch i would say one point one all the tvs mounted in the
round tab so we change the component there you know the d36 maybe you already
know the issue which have a case in genocide also so in this case next test we change it
to a red component to do the validation
i i got it there was an issue with c 1.1 pcbs
but then i'm i'm shocked to understand that you're using manually soldered
bms for validations that shouldn't be the case in
under any circumstances right because how do you know that if it is
manually soldered and how do you know the uh
the properties of the soldering in the in the in the manufacturing line
yeah jacob i agree with you yeah
right yeah korean what's up
so uh how many such bms's are in are under validation
you mean for the total test items yes okay let me check the
okay let me calculate you can proceed i'll tell you the result later
so now this is the problem uh rig so how can be 100 sure that the solder balls
are from the manual soldering and not from the manufacturing process now how are we going to differentiate it
yeah actually i don't know let's see 1.1 has been used to do this kind of
validation yeah but then now
we have we have a problem now and you started your investigation and you found that
solder balls are causing the issue and now how can we certain that the solder bolts are not from
the manufacturing process but it is from the manual soldering process
and that's exactly why it is uh
the requirement is to use the the bms samples the pcbs from the manufacturing
line you understand my my point
yeah totally understood now in this case how are we going to
prove that the solder bolts are not from the manufacturing line
i think we kind of got a conclusion here
okay jack i think we total for the tv test we used
98 samples 98
yes but i think for the c 1.1 and
maybe i remember we only used one two this for the backup
because in that time we lack of that pms so we
maybe we to
just for backup backup samples
i i don't know what you're saying by backup so presenter do me in the delay there
are only two sample that is c 1.1
i think for the pms there was more clear about that yes
so the c one point one simple actually is the backup simple but uh have been
used in the vibration test because for the vibration test we have to do
two tabs first time we have we have six samples anderson we do a lot of batch to six samples that
is why we have used the backup bms is not right uh no
not that case because the test facility had the limitation of the sample test so we
we separate the two all test samples to two patches
okay yes and out of this 12 how many are c 1.1
i mean the reworked c one c samples as i know only this this symbols
can you please confirm that in writing passing off i i really want to write a written confirmation from your side
um for your information persona i think you you know it better than me that nobody will use a a manually
soldered pcb in a in a validation like this
and it's totally out of standard
and now we have encountered this problem how are we going to prove that it is not from the manufacturing line and it is
from the manual soldering it is your assumption
so so the first action is president please confirm how many
manually soldered pcbs are in validation
okay the total i mean the total how many are there in the total db test
cases okay okay i'll check with steroids about that
if if we are using too many of them i mean we are under a huge risk because
many of our validations are not completed and if you have a problem in any of
those test cases dislikes how are we going to prove something
[Music] okay so that's action from from this uh
failure that we need to understand how many of the manually soldered pcbs are under
test and
please do further investigation on
on the solar boards from where exactly it came from
and how many um do
do you see any more shoulder balls on the pcb [Music]
rochester i think this question for you how many solder balls
occurred are found in the pcb
yes i will do a investigation
and during the start of the test you haven't had this problem right the the battery was working fine
[Music] before the test and during tests and
after test all the functions okay but the pack
is there for some times and then it and the voltage
[Music] so this this is this problem happened
after the the powered vibration test right
yes after yeah after test yeah during yeah sorry for the
during the vibration test there is no problem yes after the vibration test
we have reset the samples then then he started the inspection
yeah but but yeah but that is not making any difference because you know
if it fails during the test or after the test it's all the same it's not making any difference
but so my worry is that
if the solder balls is a result of your manufacturing process
then how are we going to fix that
i think for the other 11 birth is
if it's from a longer manufacturing process there is no such issues
so i need i need a detailed investigation report on this
so now we have discussed too many things like you this is the only
uh reworked sample out of 12 and
all other pcbs are from the manufacturing line and they are all working fine until now
uh and this is the one which is uh manually soldered
and under the assumption that the manually soldered during the manual
soldering process the pcb was not cleaned properly and that's why you have solder balls on the
pcb so i need a comprehensive detailed investigation report on this
please this is not enough
is that clear yes totally honest
yeah okay let's uh move to the next one okay
the next challenge is the 85 degrees and the 85 humidity issues
and you can see the ntc has arrow and there's a silver teacher
and what he just seven and the side has an age and has arrow
and this is the the test we we use it in the
this morning and we found the ifv site maybe has a problem
because uh in the today's test we found the insider
independent independence as a clear fluctuations in the test calls
you can see we connect the the
the ntc and the cell voltage from the champion to the outside and
that connects uh the
independence and then we can see the deep um
the different dependence and the fluctuation between the 85 kilos to the several
milli metro ohms so we think and the maybe the ivs inside
more behind the problem sorry come again
what do you think although i have the ife inside indeed
independence hands flat to action
in the test so so from where does that impedance
comes from is it is it from the sensor are you saying that the sensor impedance
is fluctuating
so afe connector is connected uh to which you connect the battery
right yeah the battery cells and
if you see uh impedance differences um
that means that your cell has got a problem what uh well no the cell is no problem
and there's uh and as a under the fee
and we use the fbe
maybe is a connect problem
and the cell is no problem so what kind of connector problem you are referring to is it a dry soldering
issue corrosion issue
what is it and the high voltage and the high immunity and the
um connector well yeah well well has changed
has changed the property of the soldering and that's where you're seeing a high
impedance is that what you're saying uh i think what jason said is not you know
the afe collector have both male and the female collector they should
compare to each other yeah but during the test i think maybe the collection
isn't not always very good in some cases um
the singular open load that will well yeah so so you mean to say you have
mating issues connector matrix yeah yeah making issues i think so
uh but this test has passed in your b2 sample right
uh i think in the b2 sample actually the collector is another one
you got a different connector yes yes if you can remember yeah there's the change
of the collector and have you done this test on c sample
sometime or is it is this the first time you're
doing this test on this connector uh external fork for component network
i'm not sure but for the bms network i think this should be the first time in
our bms but our manufacturer may have do more tests than we have done
yeah i was referring to bms level so this is the first time you're doing this test on a bms level with this
connector implemented
brook do you love this
yes this is the first time on the bmx network we use this collector to do the
test okay so i wanted to understand
so during the test you have got
signal errors and you you bought the bms out
and did you disconnect the
the connector the male and female connection
or did you do it do a test even before doing that
did you get my question
uh sorry could you repeat again yeah sorry so during the test you got
signal errors and you you take the bms out of the
chamber and then did you do a functional test
um even without uh disconnecting the male and
female connection here uh yes we have to check the function of the bms and all the function is good
so once it is out of the chamber everything is okay
yeah once out of the chamber all we make the temperature go down maybe to six or
17 degrees i'm not sure yeah it'll go into good
so this happens only during high temperature uh high temperature and also high
okay so
casino are we done with the high humidity and
high temperature test on the pack level
yes please remind me of yes we already finished the ht test
k24 okay for high temperature endurance already finished under down no problem
found so that is high temperature endurance right it's not high temperature high
humidity do we have a test case for the pack level high temperature high humidity
test let me check the list
we got temperature humidity cycle
but not the exact test yeah this case
we got high temperature operation high temperature explosion
okay yeah i did not form the high temperature high humidity
okay this time we did not form that test
and uh jason after how many hours did you
encounter this problem during the test i know it is a long test so how many uh
after how many days did you did you see this error it's very fast
because if we start under the tap the it will get the height of temperature
and the humidity maybe three or two hours three or two hours
into our east while it will appear the the idol
so uh after starting within two three hours you started getting the errors yeah
is it because the the connection was not proper
uh have you ever checked that point uh connected yeah
it is in our schedule we will repeat this kind of test and try to get a yeah failure conclusion
they're already in a plan but the most uh possibility is that yeah
collected so
uh are you not doubting the connector alone are you also doubting something else i see a list
in the site number five
yeah yeah this is this is called up edge [Music]
so can you when it when you say schedule can you also put your
put a date against each so that we know when are we going to do
what [Music] this is today's morning
and we'll take the test result at the afternoon so maybe update
and but we know and the afternoon we talked with uh connection play about this problem
maybe today tonight all the um also tonight or
the next month next tuesday we will give you send you a detailed schedule
and uh how to fix the clutter program
yeah um we have to be really fast in our investigation jason unfortunately we are
we are close to the end of the tv so uh we have to be very sure
in our investigation and we have to find out the root cause
as quickly as possible and yes so i want to see the the real uh
i don't want to really stick to only the connector i really wanted to understand what exactly is a problem so please go
on with your analysis and we'll discuss it again next week uh
yes maybe i need to end this uh analysis and does uh give you a more information
about how to analyze and about how to analyze the program in the night making
this is a vta and maybe when the
this picture you have seen and this chrome as the replay from the glr
you can see is a 49 and 9 is a preferred interruptions yeah
and the gif told us and the function i but not but with cb open
do you know what's the meaning i'm not very clear
oh okay this is this is a feedback from jayla right yeah
okay uh
brief interruptions applicable for chinese but
with cb open uh because i
yeah god uh
because you know no problem is a cpa open but i don't know whether and the
glr can can admit the cv is open in the test course so i'm not sure
uh yeah i will check this point i know there was a discussion between
the powerpack team and richard and everyone um
oh this feedback was the outcome of that discussion so let me understand
going back to that email and so
yeah i will take it up i'll i will check this point from my side uh but can we explain what what was the
error you faced uh yes
you need to talk uh tokyo about how to fail and
yeah wait a moment and this is a set up
and you can see and the test in the test calls
and the s1 is open and the s1 is closed
and after anderson and you can sing
so so so how
what is the duration of the pulse
100 mini microsecond
yeah that's this one
and there's a kill and it's well no power
100 million microseconds
sorry come again jason sorry i couldn't pay attention
do you have a waveform to
and 100 microseconds
okay yeah 100 microseconds and then uh how long what is t2 how much
is t2 uh t2 is 10 seconds
so why did you choose a 100 microsecond you should have gone for one millisecond
okay 100 microseconds is the best case yeah
okay um so maybe uh about this
topic we need to allow them maybe we need another meeting
because you know and this point yeah i i i'll give that
clarification from my side but i wanted to understand what what is that error you got it
so during this pulse you got the circuit breaker opened is that what you're saying
yeah okay
uh okay and that's all
uh i will send an email to you and the last
um last email you told us will discuss the
this point and i'm [Music] maybe we can talk with you
the jr about this point maybe we need another meeting to talk about this point
and yeah but this we need to uh gi activate
to explain explain to us yeah yeah yeah i will i will do that
um yeah i will give my feedback latest on monday
uh if yeah yeah okay no problem i will send
you a mail after the meeting uh please share this slide also with me
after this meeting um so out of these three
failures i think the second one is the most worrying one
[Music] yes
so please spend more time on that to understand what is a failure and we will have to
discuss that on so as as i understand monday is a holiday for you right
yeah money is a holiday for us okay so probably we can discuss that on tuesday
or wednesday okay okay
thank you all right um
pasino yes uh so i got your email yesterday
regarding the pack level vda 320 testing and you're saying that the test will take
you can start your test only on october that's not right actually because you
can start the test as soon as possible because um the the the bms level vda 320 testing
you don't have to carry out that on six samples rather you can do it on a couple of
samples and if that's fine you can create yeah okay sorry for you interrupt so you mean
for the vta test pack level no need six
a samples level you need six sample but for the bms level you need only two samples so you don't have to wait until
the bms level vda 320 testing is finished right so it takes only a week as i understand
from jason
so my understanding is currently if we got enough samples then we can start now
right no need to wait the bms test result or some deviations aligned with
your site exactly yeah so so when are we expecting the six samples
the bms sorry the batteries yeah actual current is the major
shortage is uh pms so these days i also discussed with sparkle how we manage the
samples so uh uh paco so currently we are aligned uh
together to cut the the worst case we will got the samples
at the 25th right
what september yes 25th yeah worst case i think we can do that
but now we are taking with mia to see
how fast we can prepare the bmx for the assembly
okay and you say that it's a
one month test right
yeah actually for the pga test
[Music] it's uh less than one month
so if you can if you can start your test let's say the last week of september
can you finish it by the third third week of october
it's about 20 20 october right yeah i think it's
roughly that time we can finish the video test so
now you know when are you going to get your bms um
for the vda 320 test can you prepare a time plan for me please
because it needs to be shared with the program managers um i understand
understanding the fact that it is all that the the the tv test is taking more
than the expected time so so we need to inform the program
managers and they will definitely ask if it is a delay what is a delay and there is a time plan
so we have to be prepared with that so i need a time plan for vda 320
testing as well as for the emc testing please
yeah details
yeah i didn't get a chance to go through but uh i need a very detailed time plan on
each day what are you doing and when is the start date and and when is this uh
end date yeah okay
yeah so i i wait for the vdf 320 so that together i can send it to the to the
program managers okay another question is about the vta test
specification i think this specification already aligned with
you or do we resent the vta test specification
for your approval impact level
not really not really i haven't received it so you can send it across
okay you can send it across yeah okay i'm sent to you for your approval
but please before sending it across please check with jason because he has
received the latest information from jlr on
on each test case under vda 320 so yes check your specification
accordingly do the corrections wherever it is required
review it from your side and then send it across to me okay we were aligned internally first
with jason and sent it to you okay yeah
do the review along with jason or rick and then you can send it across to me and
yeah and thank you for your uh signature on the emcee test specification i will take
that forward to the emc engineer in jail okay
yeah so there were a few actions uh already mentioned
from you persona i need the time plans for both gda 320 and amc
and you can also send across the vda 320 to specification after review
and jason for the three failures
i think you are clear about the actions right yes
okay so that's it from my side any any topics
to discuss uh yes uh since amit is here i want to share some
information about the acq yeah actually i don't know whether
it's a it is a good news of bad news yeah we get some feedback from
you uh yeah from some manufacturer yeah
uh currently we have received for different manufactured
reply yeah all of them only have the aecq files
for the component of the sim series but not for the exact type that we need and
i asked them why yeah the replies it's an industrial standard for the tbs the
iecq only need to pick some type of sales not need to do
all of them in the same series yeah
yeah it's learning new launching to me yeah yeah please so you think that they are following the
industry standard where if there is a particular series of the components only one of the type of each series has to be
validated to ac yes yes are required yeah you are right
what is our understanding jacob on that
if that's the standard we have to accept it but then uh then if that's the case why are they doing uh
the testing on that particular one what we are using now yeah because uh jello asks us
zla has this kind of our requirement so we push our supplier to do this kind of
test and they already begin the test actually i get some feedback from vincent
but many of them ask their ongoing yeah which which test is it that they are
doing which which test are they doing uh here's all the items yeah
they have pre conditions and also the high temperatures i think what we
care most is the highly accelerated temperature and the humidity stress test
and this is the one that is very important [Music] yeah but uh if if you ask me
it makes sense to to to wait until they finish it because
anyway we are not going to validate it in our bms right
so actually actually for the bms network we also
have the high temperature and the community stress test actually i think uh
but we skipped right we we are implementing it in the in the
design without validating it right we are going further on a trade even before validated in bms level yes so if you ask
me if you ask me it makes sense to um to get a report actual test report from
the from from the supply because we are anywhere not going to do it in the bms level at least a component level uh
test is required before we implement it but
if we are running late if we are running short of time then it makes sense to ask
your supplier that if if we are allowed to use this component
in our application and if they give their consent in the form of writing
we are okay i i i even said that before also we don't really require
a kind of test report rather we need a consent from the supplier saying that you you you you have the country
know they allow us to use that in our application that's fine yeah i think the pencils already send us
the email you you may already uh have next information that's uh they
recommended the component that can meet the automotive application
okay what might what my question is
so if if the supplier is saying that we can use it with their consent
then we can from the process point of view we can go with that uh
but to have minimum risk let's let's wait until they finish it but if you are
running out of time you can always go with a minimum risk
what is the uh so the the test list that you showed me can you
go back to that place so
where is the start date and the finish date for each of these tests
casino uh sorry sorry sorry i'm mute sorry
sorry uh yeah this doesn't have the uh in the beginning of august yeah
but i think maybe please the following test it says ongoing
we need to see what is the start and finish state against t this is again incomplete information
casino isn't it if you have the test ongoing why there is no start and finish state this is the same question i'm
repeating again more than 10 times what is the start and the finish state
for the test it's good that someone has started the test now my next question is the test
which you're doing this test list that you had is this the final aecq test or is it just
some another test you are trying to do just to give some confidence is this all these tests that you have
listed here is this as per the aecq standard yeah yeah they they see that yes this is
for the ecq standard yeah okay so what when can you provide me with the start and the end date against
each of these lan items the one which are done which is fine but it would be good to know when they were
okay [Music]
when can you provide me with this information please uh uh within next week is that okay for you
no it is not okay i need to see the test date today because this question has been around for more than three weeks
now why do you need another week just to ask simple question about what is a start and end date about the dates or that
they should already have this information right it is not that they need to invent something if there is a test plan they
would have dates against them right
um i think paco and rick uh what amit is saying is also right uh
yeah i think from the pro program point of view we need to understand when are they going to finish that
uh the testing so that we can take that date uh as our you know
accordingly we can plan or run a trade so if you don't have the dates available
how can we manage our runner rate
so so i'm asking you uh rick since you you are from the hardware
um engineering site from ebe so what what is your recommendation
uh can are you okay to go ahead with the same
diode from benson without completing the acq
um testing yes yes or you will he said i think it's
okay because all the others manufacture don't have the easy
and they follow the industrial standard
okay uh sorry for that noise yeah that's fine abs
so if you ask me if you have a consent from the supplier for the usage of this diode
in our application i am fully okay with that
so we we look forward for a aqc certificate every
certification for all components we make sure that all the components are aqc certified
that's our standard but
we never take a the certificate for all the components we never store the certificates for all
the components we believe the data sheet for all the components
but in this case when we started yeah when in this case in this particular case when we started the
alternate component investigation we asked for the qc confirmation from the supplier because
we are not going to validate this particular component in the bms level so we asked to confirm whether we have a
certificate available then they said they haven't validated it specifically on that part number but the
series has already been validated somewhere so that's why we asked for a
certificate for this particular uh part number
but at the same time i also said okay if they have if they have got
enough confidence on their component and if they give their consent
uh to us for the usage of this particular component in our application that is also fine because that data
sheet already said that it is already qualified he acquired qualified
so we have to believe that well then well the data sheet what they say i
think that is interpretation issue that isn't it because when they say the chip
is aecp qualified it is not really they are trying what they are
trying to say is the series one of the component within that series is qualified but that particular chip or
that particular diode is not qualified if i'm looking at it in a black and white way right yeah yeah that's the
question but but the other question is yeah but the question is do they really need to
qualify each part number under the series or not
uh that is up to them i think so that's why i said if you have saying that
that is the industry standard some of these suppliers are following some industry standard okay they are using
some practice best practice but that industry standard is that applicable for automotive usage
uh so we need we need some internal discussion about it um we cannot with with all the information last
minute and surprising information that we receive on this project we don't want to just
rely on some uh hearsay that yeah i believe it is okay because when we will
get sued the authorities will not take our judge because that our supplier said they believed it is okay to use
they will it will it will be our brand and our image which will be at risk so yeah
so i i think uh finance i understand where ev is coming from that the supplier sub supplier is
following so and so industry standard but is jlr as a brand happy to accept
that the way it is so i think we need intern we can catch up in our daily stand up i'll have a uh yeah i i propose
if that's yeah yeah that's okay so if that's the case we can check with our subject uh matter expert yang long
we can involve him and we'll take the final word from him because uh yeah
they they have to authorize it finally and uh
we still need the start and finish date against that test plan casino which you showed us yeah
sorry what's your question yeah okay yeah got a point it's the same question it's the same question i asked
earlier uh so sorry i wasn't i'm not sure who was presenting that test plan
it was rick so okay rick sorry rick yeah rick we need the start and finish date
of the year it's okay i got a point yeah and okay one more there was an
accelerated test which your supplier was doing which was going to start on the 19th of august and was going to finish
on second of september so have we seen the results of that test yet
actually i don't i i will shoot all the information i have got now yeah
but but then see see that's where that you know i'm i'm having those trust issues now you know
and that's why jacob you can you you have also been on the same program for a long time it's hard to just take the word from the
team yeah you said you were gonna your supplier is doing
an accelerated test on this diode which was gonna start on the 19th of august
and will be finished by second of september so where are the test results for those tests today it is 9th of
september it's almost been more than a week now or nearly a week since your test was scheduled to finish
so where are the results for that test uh
are you also referring to the same test uh i don't know who who committed that rick
parker it was neil van there senior senior from
ede he he confirmed the same information in our ll5 review that they are
conducting a test and that has already started on 19th of august and it is due to finish on second
of september so where are the tests is that is that the test which is just presented by
rick or is it a totally different honest it was it was it was by it was in the
direction of uh building up the confidence that they uh to use the diode
that it is uh so it was a accelerated test towards the aecq but it wasn't the
actual ecq but it was just to build up some confidence so where is the test report for that
uh i mean do you carry on with that i need to jump to the next meeting sorry for that
let me know as well i'm done as well but it's just the team isn't answering that parkour
you know that right you were the one to present that during the seniors review
yes and i know about the status yeah so what is the status and when you can
provide us the test report
can you show me the slide paco from what you had presented two weeks ago between you and neil van
can you open those slides please okay please
which one
we should have some test results
yeah accelerated aecq test for diode second september so where is where is
the test report for this test
why are you not telling us that on 2nd of september at least on 3rd of september i should have received an
email from you saying what is the status on this but you don't you you your team does not
give us information until we ask for it yeah that is not that is not a good
communication level yeah at the same time well but how how many times do i have do
you have to say the same thing if you know that is that the case why don't you improve on that communication then
instead of saying sorry all the time why don't you just improve the communication level
uh this is really not giving good this is this is not giving a good impression about the entire team parkour
yes i know that and it seems like you it seems like the team is only hiding the information
all the time yeah hiding information about not having enough parts to do the vda you didn't
tell us for at least for until two weeks until the test was gonna start yeah
i still haven't seen an email from neil van justifying why the test was not started why there was shortage of
samples have you spoken to nilvan about it yes yeah when we are we are
sending an email to his pray for this situation yeah
have you already sent him or uh my question is have you spoken to neil wen about it already
yeah have you already talked about it on your own okay so why we do not see an email with
and with an explanation of what is going
on uh i need a temperature with neon after this meeting whether it's sunny out or not
yeah emmett actually and we also want to yeah yeah actually so i think from ev side we
we don't want to hide anything so maybe some actually there are some
uh misunderstanding understanding so uh in the communication actually we
always want to transparent in project level and the technical level
if we don't want anything yeah
yeah so tell me one thing then why why the vda tests have submediate was gonna
start on the 15th of august and only last week your team told us that you do not have enough samples to
start the test yeah why why was that information not told to us in the beginning of august
yeah actually for this uh sample shortage i i think we we don't uh
uh yeah but you notice this right yeah but you should have told us before
you know you did not have the samples you should have told me you did not tell us until until last week so that is like
hiding the information isn't it
yeah for shortage samples let's sample shortage we should told you first but actually inside
our team even for the even for the part shortage further on a
trade your team kept saying you have shortage of parts on the bms level
yeah and then when i asked you to show me the bomb list for your back level that's when we got to know you have
shortage of part c one on back level right before that no one mentioned that there is a shortage of parts on the pack level
is that right parker uh not 100 right actually so um
as we analyzed we've uh for the runaway material origins we
just prepared 240 pieces from only so
yes but the thing is you still you do not have 240 piece worth of pack even for your pack level support components
do you your pack level sub components are even lesser than their pms level components
uh yes because i mean but and yes but but no one told me upfrontly about
it until i kept asking to show me the bomb list for that right
so please give me an update on this test report today i want to see an email
talk to your supplier what is the timeline we are gonna get this test report i i want to have a confirmation today
whether it's a positive or negative i don't know but i want neil when copied into this email as well the updates
about each of these each of these actions that we agreed send an email with the updates against
each and every action copying neil went into it as well
paco is it okay uh okay we will talk about this new one
about this issue yeah just talk about it it's fine but send us an email with the updates against each
of these actions okay we will pass this requirement to nearby yeah
yeah yeah paco paco you're not listening to the question
what i said is i want to see an email with the updates against each of these actions where you are against each of
these actions yeah and also copy neil went to that email yeah we sent this email to jlrt with the
updates against each of the action we agreed in the senior review a few weeks ago
i i i understood your your part but the email about a easy killer uh
progress this email will publish by union one yeah
okay yes so you are not ready to give us what is
the progress you have made so far in the last three weeks since our last senior review
then we need to speak to your commercial director then simple as that our commercial director and they will
speak to you further escalated further okay i i need to jump to the next
meeting thank you bye everyone bye

posted on 2022-09-17 07:31  xinlin163  阅读(66)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
