PL/SQL 训练08--触发器
--INSTEAD OF:替代触发器,实际上是DML触发器的替代品,是在插入、更新、删除操作将要发生触发的
--触发器的定义 CREATE [OR REPLACE]TRIGGER trigger_name {before | after} {insert|delete | update| update of column_list} on table_name [for each row] [when (...)] [declare ...] begin .... [exception] end [trigger_name]; --trigger_name:触发器名字,表和触发器可以使用相同的名字,不过,一般要避免同名的冲突 --如果指定了FOR EACH ROW,则语句处理的每一行都会集合触发器,如果没有这句,就是语句级别的触发器
create or replace trigger tri_update before update of user_point on ma_users for each row begin if :new.user_point < 0 then raise_application_error(-20001, '积分数不能为零'); end if; end tri_update; / --更新操作前对积分做了判断,如果是负数则抛出异常,事务被自动回滚 update ma_users t set t.user_point = -100 where t.user_name ='乱世佳人'; --日志审计:插入用户表前,记录日志信息使用自治事务 CREATE OR REPLACE trigger tri_user_insert before insert on ma_users for each row declare pragma autonomous_transaction; begin insert into ma_user_log (user_name, trace_mark) values (:new.user_name, '新注册了一个用户'); commit; end tri_user_insert; / begin insert into ma_users (user_name, user_password, user_phone, user_email, user_birth_date) values ('触发器6', 'test1234', '2330033', '', date '1988-10-01'); end; / --注意如果插入时报错了,触发器还是会被执行一遍的,如果是AFTER触发器呢 select * from ma_user_log; --drop trigger tri_user_insert; CREATE OR REPLACE trigger tri_user_insert2 after insert on ma_users for each row declare pragma autonomous_transaction; begin insert into ma_user_log (user_name, trace_mark) values (:new.user_name, '新注册了一个用户2'); commit; end tri_user_insert2; / begin insert into ma_users (user_name, user_password, user_phone, user_email, user_birth_date) values ('触发器8', 'test1234', '233ss33', '', date '1988-10-01'); end; /
--when 子句
CREATE OR REPLACE trigger tri_user_insert before insert on ma_users for each row when (to_char(sysdate,'HH24') between 9 and 14) declare begin :new.user_point := 100; end tri_user_insert; / begin insert into ma_users (user_name, user_password, user_phone, user_email, user_birth_date,REGISTER_DATE) values ('触发器10', 'test1234', '233a343212', '', date '1988-10-01',sysdate); end; /
--不要在OLD和NEW之前加上:,这个冒号在触发器体的PL/SQL代码中是必须的,但不能出现在WHEN 子句中
--使用NEW和OLD伪记录 --每当触发行级触发器时,PL/SQL运行引擎会创建并且填充两个数据结构,功能上类似于记录 --OLD保留的是要处理记录的原始值,new代表的是新的值,跟%ROWTYPE声明的记录结构完全相同 create or replace trigger tri_update before update of user_point on ma_users for each row when (new.user_point - old.user_point > 1000) begin dbms_output.put_line(:new.user_name || '新积分' || :new.user_point || '超过原积分' || :old.user_point || ' ' || (:new.user_point - :old.user_point)); end tri_update; / update ma_users t set t.user_point = 150000 where t.user_name ='乱世佳人';
create or replace trigger tri_update before update of user_point on ma_users for each row when (new.user_point - old.user_point > 1000) begin :new.user_point := :new.user_point - :old.user_point; end tri_update; / update ma_users t set t.user_point = 65000 where t.user_name ='乱世佳人'; select * from ma_users t where t.user_name ='乱世佳人'; --如果在触发器中调用了其它函数或者过程,不能把NEW和OLD两个结构作为记录参数传递 --只能传递伪记录中的个别字段 --在触发器的匿名块中使用NEW和OLD结构时,必须在两个关键字前面加上冒号 --不能对NEW和OLD结构执行记录级别的操作 :new := null ; --可以利用REFERENCING子句改变两个伪记录的名字 create or replace trigger tri_update before update of user_point on ma_users referencing old as ori_data new as new_data for each row when (new_data.user_point - ori_data.user_point > 1000) begin :new_data.user_point := :new_data.user_point - :ori_data.user_point; end tri_update; /
--在触发器中确定DML操作 --INSERTING :如果触发器是由对表的插入引起的则返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE --UPDATING :如果触发器是由对表的更新操作引起的返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE --DELETING :如果触发器是由于对表的删除操作引起的,则返回TRUE否则返回FALSE CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tri_all before insert or delete or update on ma_users for each row begin if inserting then dbms_output.put_line('插入了新用户' || :new.user_name); elsif updating then dbms_output.put_line('更新了用户' || :new.user_name); if updating('USER_POINT') THEN dbms_output.put_line('积分被更新了' || :new.user_point || '新-旧' || :old.user_point); END IF; elsif deleting then dbms_output.put_line('删除了用户' || :old.user_name); end if; end tri_all; / delete ma_users t where t.user_name ='乱世佳人';
--如果对一个表的一个操作类型有多个触发器,建议写成一个触发器,便于维护 --但复杂的逻辑分拆的触发器可以减少解析和执行时间 create or replace trigger tri_update before update of user_point on ma_users for each row when (new.user_point between 10000 and 20000) begin :new.USER_REMARK := '金牌会员'; end tri_update; / create or replace trigger tri_update1 before update of user_point on ma_users for each row when (new.user_point < 10000) begin :new.USER_REMARK := '普通会员'; end tri_update1; / create or replace trigger tri_update2 before update of user_point on ma_users for each row when (new.user_point > 20000) begin :new.USER_REMARK := '钻石会员'; end tri_update2; / create or replace trigger tri_update3 before update of user_point on ma_users for each row begin :new.USER_REMARK := case when :new.user_point < 10000 then '普通会员' when :new.user_point between 10000 and 20000 then '金牌会员' when :new.user_point > 20000 then '钻石会员' end; end tri_update3; / --触发器的执行顺序 ---在ORACLE中可以通过使用FOLLOW子句来保证触发器的执行顺序 create or replace trigger tri_update before update of user_point on ma_users for each row begin dbms_output.put_line('金牌会员'); end tri_update; / create or replace trigger tri_update1 before update of user_point on ma_users for each row begin dbms_output.put_line('普通会员'); end tri_update1; / drop trigger tri_update1; create or replace trigger tri_update2 before update of user_point on ma_users for each row follows tri_update1 begin dbms_output.put_line('钻石会员'); end tri_update2; /
create or replace trigger tri_update before update of user_point on ma_users for each row declare v_point number; begin /*select max(m.user_point) into v_point from ma_users m; if :new.user_point > v_point / 2 then :new.user_point := v_point - 1000; end if;*/ null; end tri_update; /
CREATE TRIGGER tri_compounder for insert or delete or update on ma_users compound trigger v_global_var number := 1; before statement is begin dbms_output.put_line('compound before statement' || v_global_var); v_global_var := v_global_var + 1; end before statement; before each row is begin dbms_output.put_line('compound before each row' || v_global_var); v_global_var := v_global_var + 1; end before each row; after each row is begin dbms_output.put_line('compound after each row' || v_global_var); v_global_var := v_global_var + 1; end after each row; after statement is begin dbms_output.put_line('compound after statement' || v_global_var); v_global_var := v_global_var + 1; end after statement; end tri_compounder; / --ddl触发器 CREATE [OR REPLACE]TRIGGER trigger_name {before | after}{ddl event} on {database | schema} [when (...)] [declare ...] begin .... end [trigger_name];
create or replace trigger tri_create before create on schema begin dbms_output.put_line('created something'); end; / drop table test; create table test(user_name varchar2(1000)); create index idx_tp on test(user_name); create or replace trigger tri_create before create on schema begin dbms_output.put_line('created something '||ora_dict_obj_type||' named '|| ora_dict_obj_name); end; / --可用属性 ora_dict_obj_name ora_dict_obj_type ora_dict_obj_owner .....
{before | after}{DATABASE_EVENT} on {database | schema}
[when (...)]
[declare ...]
end [trigger_name];
--INSTEAD OF 触发器 --INSTEAD OF触发器控制的是视图,可以让本来不可更新的视图变得可以更新 CREATE [OR REPLACE]TRIGGER trigger_name instead of operation on view_name for each row begin .... end [trigger_name]; -- instead of 后面可以跟上INSERT,UPDATE,MERGE或者DELETE来完成 create table ma_orders (id_ma_users varchar2(32),id_ma_orders varchar2(32), order_no number(20),total_price number); create table ma_order_items (id_ma_orders varchar2(32), id_ma_order_items varchar2(32),product_name varchar2(100),product_num number, product_ori_price number,product_new_price number);
--创建视图 create view ma_user_order as select m.user_name, mo.total_price, moi.product_name, moi.product_num, moi.product_ori_price, moi.product_new_price from ma_users m, ma_orders mo, ma_order_items moi where m.id_ma_users = mo.id_ma_users and mo.id_ma_orders = moi.id_ma_orders; create or replace trigger tri_view instead of insert on ma_user_order for each row declare v_user_id varchar2(32); v_order_id varchar2(32); begin select t.id_ma_users into v_user_id from ma_users t where t.user_name = :new.user_name and rownum = 1; select sys_guid() into v_order_id from dual; insert into ma_order_items (id_ma_orders, id_ma_order_items, product_name, product_num, product_ori_price, product_new_price) select v_order_id, sys_guid(), :new.product_name, :new.product_num, :new.product_ori_price, :new.product_new_price from dual; insert into ma_orders (id_ma_users, id_ma_orders, total_price) select v_order_id, sys_guid(), :new.product_num * :new.product_new_price from dual; end tri_view; / insert into ma_user_order(user_name,total_price,product_name,product_num,product_ori_price,product_new_price) values ('乱世佳人',null,'书',2,100,80); select * from ma_orders ; select * from ma_order_items ;
--管理触发器 --启用、禁用、删除触发器 alter trigger TRI_USER_INSERT disable; alter trigger trigger_name enable; drop trigger trigger_name; --创建一个禁用的触发器 CREATE TRIGGER TEST_TRI BEFORE INSERT ON MA_ORDERS DISABLE BEGIN NULL ; END ; / --查看触发器 select * from dba_triggers ;--数据库中的所有触发器 select * from all_triggers; --当前用户可见的全部触发器 select * from user_triggers --属于当前用户的全部触发器 --user_objects 查询触发器的有效性 select * from user_objects t where t.object_name ='TRI_USER_INSERT'
1.已知有用户订单表,现在假设要举行一个活动,如果是在深夜1点-2点之间下单的,所购买的商品可以酌情打折,具体折扣可配置,请大家使用触发器实现这个功能 --配置表 create table discount_config( created_by varchar2(100) default 'system' not null, created_date date default sysdate not null, updated_by varchar2(100) default 'system' not null, updated_date date default sysdate not null, id_discount_config varchar2(32) default sys_guid() not null, discount_starttime date, discount_endtime date, discount_preriod varchar2(20),--hour,day,week,month,year period_start number, period_end number, goods_name varchar2(32), goods_id varchar2(32), discount_mode varchar2(20),--DISCOUNT,CASH_RELIEF discount_value number,--0.9,10 discount_status number--0,1 --discount_type varchar2(20)--MULTIPLE,ONETIME ); comment on table discount_config is '商品打折配置表'; comment on column discount_config.discount_starttime is '打折开始时间'; comment on column discount_config.discount_endtime is '打折结束时间'; comment on column discount_config.discount_preriod is '打折周期类型:hour,day,week,month,year'; comment on column discount_config.period_start is '周期时间'; comment on column discount_config.period_end is '周期结束时间'; comment on column discount_config.goods_name is '打折商品名字'; comment on column discount_config.discount_mode is '打折方式:DISCOUNT 打折率 CASH_RELIEF 现金打折'; comment on column discount_config.discount_value is '打折值按比例或者现金值'; comment on column discount_config.discount_status is '折扣配置状态:0=disable,1=enable'; --comment on column discount_config.discount_type is '折扣类型:商品是一次打折还是多次打折'; insert into discount_config(discount_starttime,discount_endtime,discount_preriod,period_start,period_end,goods_name,goods_id,discount_mode,discount_value,discount_status) values(sysdate-1,sysdate+10,'day',1,2,'iphone 6s 64g','2EAE613749B16DC9E053BD02A8C0DDDF','DISCOUNT',0.9,1); insert into discount_config(discount_starttime,discount_endtime,discount_preriod,period_start,period_end,goods_name,goods_id,discount_mode,discount_value,discount_status) values(sysdate-1,sysdate+10,'day',1,2,'iphone 6s 16g','2EAE613749B26DC9E053BD02A8C0DDDF','DISCOUNT',8.8,1); commit; select * from discount_config; --触发器 create or replace trigger tri_order_dis before insert or delete or update on order_goods for each row declare v_sysdate date default sysdate; v_current_hour varchar(10):=to_char(sysdate,'HH24'); v_period_start number; v_period_end number; v_goods_id varchar2(32); v_discount_mode varchar2(32); v_discount_value number; v_discount number default 0; begin if inserting then begin select period_start,period_end,goods_id,discount_mode,discount_value into v_period_start,v_period_end,v_goods_id,v_discount_mode,v_discount_value from discount_config where :new.goods_id=goods_id and discount_status=1 and discount_preriod='day' and discount_starttime<=v_sysdate and discount_endtime>v_sysdate; v_discount :=1; exception when others then v_discount :=0; -- :new.goods_price end; if v_discount=1 and v_current_hour >=v_period_start and v_current_hour <v_period_end then :new.goods_price :=--:new.goods_price - case when v_discount_mode='DISCOUNT' then nvl(:new.goods_price*v_discount_value,0) when v_discount_mode='CASH_RELIEF' then nvl(v_discount_value,0) end ; end if; end if; end tri_order_dis; / --测试 insert into order_goods(id_order_goods,ORDER_ID,GOODS_ID,GOODS_NAME,GOODS_NUMBER,GOODS_PRICE) values(sys_guid(),sys_guid(),'2EAE613749B16DC9E053BD02A8C0DDDF','iphone 6s 64g',1,6000) commit select * from order_goods;?
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