PL/SQL 训练04--事务
--建立日志表 create table ma_user_log ( created_by varchar2(100) default 'system' not null, created_date date default sysdate not null, updated_by varchar2(100) default 'system' not null, updated_date date default sysdate not null, id_ma_user_log varchar2(32) default sys_guid() not null, user_name varchar2(100) not null, trace_mark varchar2(1000) ); create or replace procedure test_pragma(i_user in varchar2, i_trace_remark in varchar2) is pragma autonomous_transaction; --定义自制事务 begin insert into ma_user_log (user_name, trace_mark) select i_user, i_trace_remark from dual; --insert into ma_user_log(user_name, trace_mark)values(user_name,i_trace_remark); commit; end test_pragma; / declare cursor cur_users is select * from ma_users r where r.user_status = '1'; --当前用户对表有查询权限 begin for v in cur_users loop update ma_users r --注意对此表进行操作需要有UPDATE的权限 set r.user_point = 100 where r.user_name = v.user_name; test_pragma(v.user_name, '数据修改,用户积分初始值100'); end loop; end; / select * from ma_user_log;
--insert语句:向表中插入一条或者多条记录了 insert into ma_user_log(user_name, trace_mark)values('test','test test'); --插入一条数据 insert into ma_user_log(user_name, trace_mark)select 'test1', 'test1test1' from dual;--插入一条数据 insert into ma_user_log(user_name, trace_mark) select t.user_name,t.user_remark from ma_users t where t.user_status ='1';--插入多条数据 insert into ma_user_log--必须写出所有的列且一一对应 select 'system', sysdate, 'system', sysdate, sys_guid(), t.user_name, t.user_remark from ma_users t where t.user_status = '1';--插入多条数据 --UPDATE语句:更新一行或多行的一或多列 update ma_users t set t.user_point = 100,t.user_status ='0' where t.user_name ='乱世佳人'; --DELETE语句:删除一个表的一行、多行、或者所有记录行 delete from ma_user_log ; delete from ma_user_log where 1=1;
create or replace procedure del_user_log(i_date in date,o_log_num out number) is begin delete from ma_user_log t where t.created_date < i_date ; o_log_num := sql%rowcount ; end ; / declare v_num number ; begin del_user_log(sysdate,v_num); dbms_output.put_line('删除'||v_num||'个记录'); end ; / --MERGE 语句:指定一个匹配条件,然后针对匹配和不匹配的记录分别采取不同的行为 declare begin merge into ma_user_log mu using (select * from ma_users) t on (mu.user_name = t.user_name) when matched then update set mu.trace_mark = 'hello tt' when not matched then insert (mu.user_name, mu.trace_mark) values (t.user_name, 'hello'||t.user_name); end; / select * from ma_user_log;
create or replace procedure update_point(i_user in varchar2, o_bool out boolean, o_num out number) is begin update ma_users t set t.user_point = 100 where t.user_name = i_user; o_bool := sql%found; o_num := sql%rowcount; end; / declare v_bool boolean; v_num number; begin update_point('乱世佳人', v_bool, v_num); if v_bool then dbms_output.put_line('true'); else dbms_output.put_line('false'); end if; dbms_output.put_line(v_num); update_point('乱世佳', v_bool, v_num); if v_bool then dbms_output.put_line('true'); else dbms_output.put_line('false'); end if; dbms_output.put_line(v_num); end; /
declare v_phone ma_users.user_name%type; v_email ma_users.user_email%type; begin for v in (select * from ma_users) loop update ma_users r set r.user_point = 1000 where r.id_ma_users = v.id_ma_users returning r.user_phone, r.user_email into v_phone, v_email; --select r.user_phone, r.user_email into v_phone, v_email from ma_users r where r.id_ma_users = v.id_ma_users dbms_output.put_line(v.user_name || '-' || v_phone || '-' || v_email); end loop; end; / --如果UPDATE语句修改返回的记录函数多于一行,可以使用BULK COLLECT返回到一个集合中 declare type point_t is table of number; v_point point_t; begin update ma_users t set t.user_point = 200*(sysdate - t.user_birth_date) where 1 = 1 returning t.user_point bulk collect into v_point; for i in v_point.first..v_point.last loop dbms_output.put_line(v_point(i)); end loop ; end; /
create or replace procedure del_users(i_user in varchar2,o_count out number ) is begin select count(1) into o_count from ma_users ; --o_count:= 3; delete from ma_users mu where mu.user_name = i_user; raise no_data_found ; end ; / declare v_count number :=-1; begin del_users('乱世佳人1', v_count); dbms_output.put_line('1=='||v_count);--不会被打印,直接进入异常 exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('2=='||v_count); select count(1) into v_count from ma_users; dbms_output.put_line('3=='||v_count); end; / declare v_count number :=-1; begin del_users('乱世佳人1', v_count); dbms_output.put_line(v_count); end; / select count(1) from ma_users;
create or replace procedure save_user(i_user ma_users%rowtype) is begin insert into ma_users values i_user; exception when dup_val_on_index then update ma_users t set row = i_user where t.user_name = i_user.user_name; end; / declare v_user ma_users%rowtype; begin v_user.created_by := 'system'; v_user.created_date := sysdate; v_user.updated_by := 'system'; v_user.updated_date := sysdate; v_user.id_ma_users := sys_guid(); v_user.user_name := '幸运小子2'; v_user.user_password := 'text123'; v_user.user_sex := '1'; v_user.user_phone := '223aa3333'; v_user.real_name := 'xinyuan'; v_user.identity_no := '22222'; v_user.user_email := ''; v_user.user_address := 'hhhhhhh'; v_user.user_birth_date := date '1986-01-01'; v_user.user_status := '1'; v_user.user_remark := 'sss'; v_user.user_point := 1000; v_user.register_date := sysdate; save_user(v_user); end; / select * from ma_users; declare type test_record is record( user_name ma_users.user_name%type, user_point ma_users.user_point%type); v_record test_record; begin update ma_users t set t.user_point = t.user_point + 100 where t.user_name = '幸运小子' returning t.user_name, t.user_point into v_record; dbms_output.put_line(v_record.user_name || '累计积分' || v_record.user_point); end; /
--commit会释放会话中使用的任何行锁和表锁,比如使用SELECT FOR UPDATE添加的
rollback ;
rollback work;
rollback to savepoint_name;
savepoint savepoint_name;
DECLARE test_savepoint_exp EXCEPTION; v_count number; BEGIN update ma_users t set t.user_point = t.user_point + 100 where t.user_name = '幸运小子'; SAVEPOINT TEST_SAVEPOINT; update ma_users t set t.user_point = t.user_point + 100 where t.user_name = '幸运小子'; SAVEPOINT TEST_SAVEPOINT; update ma_users t set t.user_point = t.user_point + 100 where t.user_name = '幸运小子'; raise test_savepoint_exp; exception when test_savepoint_exp then rollback to TEST_SAVEPOINT; select t.user_point into v_count from ma_users t where t.user_name = '幸运小子'; dbms_output.put_line(v_count); END; / --set transaction --启动一个只读或者读写会话,构建一个隔离级别,或者为当前的事务分配一个专门的回滚段 set transaction read only --把当前事务定义成只读的,后续的查询看到的只是这个事务开始之前的已经提交的变化 set transaction read write --把当前事务定义成可读写的,并且这是缺省设置 set transaction isolation level serializable | read commit ; --定义修改数据库的事务是如何处理的 --如果是serializable,则dml语句已经被另一个尚未提交的事务修改了,这个语句就会失败。 --这个命令要求数据库的初始化参数COMPATIBLE必须设置为7.3.0或者更高的值 --如果是READ COMMIT,一个dml语句请求的行级已经被另一个事务持有,则这个语句要一直等待锁被释放 --缺省行为 set transaction use rollback segment rollback_segname; --为当前事务指定一个专门的回滚段,并把事务设置成可读写。不能和第一个命令一起使用 declare v_count number; begin set transaction read only; select t.user_point into v_count from ma_users t where t.user_name = '幸运小子'; dbms_output.put_line(v_count); end; / select t.user_point from ma_users t where t.user_name = '幸运小子';
--lock talbe
lock table table_reference_list in lock_mode mode [nowait];
--lock mode
row share --行共享 允许其他用户同时更新其他行,允许其他用户同时加共享锁,不允许有独占(排他性质)的锁
row exclusive --行独占 行排他,允许其他用户同时更新其他行,只允许其他用户同时加行共享锁或者行排他锁
share --共享锁 不允许其他用户同时更新任何行,只允许其他用户同时加共享锁或者行共享锁
share row exclusive --共享行排他,允许其他用户同时更新其他行,只允许其他用户同时加行共享锁
exclusive --排他,其他用户禁止更新任何行,禁止其他用户同时加任何锁
pragma autonomous_transaction;
--在一个自治事务中,不能回滚到主事务创建的SAVEPOINT --自治事务提交后,对主事务可见 create or replace PROCEDURE UPDATE_USER(I_USER IN VARCHAR2, i_point in number) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN UPDATE MA_USERS R SET R.USER_POINT = R.USER_POINT + i_point WHERE R.USER_NAME = I_USER; dbms_output.put_line('test1'); COMMIT; END UPDATE_USER; DECLARE BEGIN update ma_users t set t.user_point = t.user_point + 100 where t.user_name = '幸运小子'; UPDATE_USER('幸运小子2', 1000); dbms_output.put_line('test2'); END; / select * from ma_users declare v_user ma_users%rowtype; begin v_user.created_by := 'system'; v_user.created_date := sysdate; v_user.updated_by := 'system'; v_user.updated_date := sysdate; v_user.id_ma_users := sys_guid(); v_user.user_name := '幸运小子1'; v_user.user_password := 'text123'; v_user.user_sex := '1'; v_user.user_phone := '233sss33'; v_user.real_name := 'xinyuan'; v_user.identity_no := '22222'; v_user.user_email := ''; v_user.user_address := 'hhhhhhh'; v_user.user_birth_date := date '1986-01-01'; v_user.user_status := '1'; v_user.user_remark := 'sss'; v_user.user_point := 100; v_user.register_date := sysdate; save_user(v_user); UPDATE_USER('幸运小子1', 1000); end; / select * from ma_users --自治事务的缺省行为是,只要在自治事务中执行了COMMIT或者ROLLBACK,这些改变立即对主事务可见 --什么时候使用自治事务 --自治事务的日志机制
1. 第三课作业中第二题的异常记录方法,大家可以完善下方法,将之改成支持自治事务的方法。
2. 这段程序中,ma_users是第一课作业建立的用户表,这段程序的目的是,一旦用户注册成功,在其默认积分基础上送1000积分。但程序里有BUG,请大家找出来,并且优化这个程序
create or replace procedure save_user(i_user ma_users%rowtype) is begin insert into ma_users values i_user; exception when dup_val_on_index then update ma_users t set row = i_user where t.user_name = i_user.user_name; end; / create or replace PROCEDURE UPDATE_USER(I_USER IN VARCHAR2, i_point in number) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN UPDATE MA_USERS R SET R.USER_POINT = R.USER_POINT + i_point WHERE R.USER_NAME = I_USER; dbms_output.put_line('test1'); COMMIT; END UPDATE_USER; declare v_user ma_users%rowtype; begin v_user.created_by := 'system'; v_user.created_date := sysdate; v_user.updated_by := 'system'; v_user.updated_date := sysdate; v_user.id_ma_users := sys_guid(); v_user.user_name := '幸运小子1'; v_user.user_password := 'text123'; v_user.user_sex := '1'; v_user.user_phone := '233sss33'; v_user.real_name := 'xinyuan'; v_user.identity_no := '22222'; v_user.user_email := ''; v_user.user_address := 'hhhhhhh'; v_user.user_birth_date := date '1986-01-01'; v_user.user_status := '1'; v_user.user_remark := 'sss'; v_user.user_point := 100; v_user.register_date := sysdate; save_user(v_user); UPDATE_USER('幸运小子1', 1000); end; / 3.【可选做】 这节讲到了MERGE的语句,请大家改写这个语句,实现如果存在则更新,不存在则插入的逻辑,注意PLSQL程序要有异常处理 -- 1 修改成自治事务 PROCEDURE exception_logs_p ( i_option_users IN exception_logs.option_users%TYPE, i_method_name IN exception_logs.method_name%TYPE, i_exception_line IN exception_logs.exception_line%TYPE, i_exception_code IN exception_logs.exception_code%TYPE, i_exception_message IN exception_logs.exception_message%TYPE--i_exception_level IN exception_logs.exception_level%TYPE ) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; v_sysdate DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE; v_exception_level NUMBER DEFAULT 0; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT exception_level INTO v_exception_level FROM exception_level WHERE exception_code=i_exception_code; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_exception_level:=3; END ; BEGIN INSERT INTO exception_logs (option_users, method_name, exception_time, exception_line, exception_code, exception_message, exception_level) VALUES (i_option_users, i_method_name, v_sysdate, i_exception_line, i_exception_code, i_exception_message, v_exception_level); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; END; END; END exception_logs_pkg; /
2 程序bug
1 由于UPDATE_USER过程使用了自治事务,这与主事务隔离开,主事务的insert没有提交,
修改:1 可以在save_user上加上commit
2 取消UPDATE_USER的自治事务
3 declare v_user ma_users%rowtype; v_usero varchar2(32) default user; v_erroeline varchar2(100);--not a number v_sqlcode number; v_sqlerrm varchar2(100); begin v_user.created_by := 'system'; v_user.created_date := sysdate; v_user.updated_by := 'system'; v_user.updated_date := sysdate; v_user.id_ma_users := sys_guid(); v_user.user_name := '乱世佳人12'; v_user.user_password := 'text123'; v_user.user_sex := '1'; v_user.user_phone := '233sss3311'; v_user.real_name := 'xinyuan'; v_user.identity_no := '22222'; v_user.user_email := ''; v_user.user_address := 'hhhhhhh'; v_user.user_birth_date := date '1986-01-01'; v_user.user_status := '1'; v_user.user_remark := 'sss'; v_user.user_point := 100; v_user.register_date := sysdate; begin --register user merge into MA_USERS m1 using( select count(id_ma_users) d from MA_USERS where user_name=v_user.user_name) m2 on (m2.d<>0) --when matched then --update set m1.USER_POINT=m1.USER_POINT+1000,updated_date=sysdate --where user_name=v_user.user_name when not matched then insert values v_user ; --update point merge into MA_USERS m1 using( select m2.id_ma_users d from MA_USERS m2 where m2.id_ma_users=v_user.id_ma_users ) m2 on (m2.d=m1.id_ma_users) when matched then update set m1.USER_POINT=m1.USER_POINT+1000,updated_date=sysdate ; dbms_output.put_line('v_user.id_ma_users='||v_user.id_ma_users); dbms_output.put_line('t1'); exception when others then v_erroeline:=dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace; v_sqlcode:=sqlcode; v_sqlerrm:=substr(SQLERRM,1,100); exception_logs_pkg.exception_logs_p (v_usero,'testerror',v_erroeline,v_sqlcode, v_sqlerrm); RAISE; end; commit; end; /
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