#include <list> #include "DouglasPeucker.h" std::list<p2d> line; // Contains coordinate. DouglasPuecker2D<p2d, p2dAccessor> dp2d(line); dp2d.simplify(0.1F); std::list<p2d> result = dp2d.getLine();
#include <cmath> #include <list> #include <utility> #include <tuple> template <typename T> using listIter = typename std::list<T>::iterator; /*!@class DouglasPeucker * @brief Line simplification algorithm. * @typename T the data type of the point that will be dealt with. */ template<typename T> class DouglasPeuckerAbstract{ public: /** * @param line a list of point with data type T. */ explicit DouglasPeuckerAbstract(const std::list<T>& line) : _line(line) {} /** * @return line which is a list of points with type T. */ std::list<T>& getLine() { return _line; } /** * @return line which is a list of points with type T. */ const std::list<T>& getLine() const { return _line; } /** * @param epsilon The higher, the more points gotten rid of. */ void simplify(double epsilon) { listIter<T> endIter = _line.end(); _simplify(epsilon, _line.begin(), --endIter); } protected: /** * @param p1 first point. * @param p2 second point. * @return distance between p1 and p2. */ virtual double _distance(const T& p1, const T& p2) const = 0; /** * @param p1 First point in the segment. * @param p2 Second point in the segment. * @param p A point around the segement. * @return distance from segment p1p2 to p. */ virtual double _pointSegmentDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2, const T& p) const = 0; /** * @param i1 index of first point. * @param i2 index of second point. * @param pMaxDist pointer to the maximum distance of _line[return index]. * @return the index of the point farthest fromthe segment (t1,t2). */ listIter<T> _getFarthestPointFromSegment(listIter<T> it1, listIter<T> it2, double* pMaxDist = nullptr) { // Keep track of the point with the maximum distance. listIter<T> maxIt = it1; maxIt++; double maxDist = _pointSegmentDistance(*it1, *it2, *maxIt); listIter<T> it = it1; it++; while (it != it2) { double dist = _pointSegmentDistance(*it1, *it2, *it); if (dist > maxDist) { maxIt = it; maxDist = dist; } it++; } // Assign pMaxDist a value if it's not null. if (pMaxDist) { *pMaxDist = maxDist; } return maxIt; } /** * Recursively delete points that are within epsilon. * @param epsilon the higher the more aggressive. * @param iterator of the first point in a segment. * @param iterator of the last point in a segment. */ void _simplify(double epsilon, listIter<T> it1, listIter<T> it2) { if (distance(it1, it2) <= 1) return; // Acquire the farthest point from the segment it1, it2 double dist = 0.0f; listIter<T> index = _getFarthestPointFromSegment(it1, it2, &dist); // If the farthest point exceeds epsilon, recurse, with index as pivot. if (dist > epsilon) { _simplify(epsilon, it1, index); _simplify(epsilon, index, it2); } else { // Delete everything except it1 and it2. auto it = it1; it++; for (; it != it2; ) { _line.erase(it++); } } } protected: std::list<T> _line; }; // Default point type 2d, which is a std::tuple<double, double>. using p2d = std::tuple<double, double>; // Struct that enclose the accessor for p2d. struct p2dAccessor{ inline static double getX(const p2d& p) { return std::get<0>(p); } inline static double getY(const p2d& p) { return std::get<1>(p); } }; /*!@class Distance2D * @brief cartesian distance in 2D. * * @typename T 2D data type. * @typename TAccessor2D an accessor class that contains getX and getY. * defaults to void if T have getX and getY method. */ template<typename T, typename TAccessor2D = void> class Distance2D{ public: static double getDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2) { double x2 = TAccessor2D::getX(p1) - TAccessor2D::getX(p2); double y2 = TAccessor2D::getY(p1) - TAccessor2D::getY(p2); return std::sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2); } }; /*!@class Distance2D * @brief cartesian distance in 2D. * * @typename T 2D data type. */ template<typename T> class Distance2D<T, void>{ public: static double getDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2) { double x2 = p1.getX() - p2.getX(); double y2 = p1.getY() - p2.getY(); return std::sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2); } }; /*!@class PointSegmentDistance2D * @brief Distance between point and a line segment. * * @typename T 2D data type. * @typename TAccessor2D an accessor class that contains getX and getY. * defaults to void if T have getX and getY method. */ template <typename T, typename TAccessor2D = void> class PointSegmentDistance2D{ public: static double getDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2, const T& p){ // Ax + By + C = 0. A = slope, B = 1, C = (-y1+slope*x1). // (m, n) is in itp. double slope = (TAccessor2D::getY(p2) - TAccessor2D::getY(p1))/ (TAccessor2D::getX(p2) - TAccessor2D::getX(p1)); double A = slope; double Am = A*TAccessor2D::getX(p); double B = -1; double Bn = B*TAccessor2D::getY(p); double C = TAccessor2D::getY(p1) - slope*TAccessor2D::getX(p1); return std::abs(Am + Bn + C)/std::sqrt(A*A+B*B); } }; /*!@class PointSegmentDistance2D * @brief Distance between point and a line segment. * * @typename T 2D data type. */ template <typename T> class PointSegmentDistance2D<T, void>{ public: static double getDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2, const T& p){ // Ax + By + C = 0. A = slope, B = 1, C = (-y1+slope*x1). // (m, n) is in itp. double slope = (p2.getY() - p1.getY())/(p2.getX() - p1.getX()); double A = slope; double Am = A*p.getX(); double B = -1; double Bn = B*p.getY(); double C = p1.getY() - slope*p1.getX(); return std::abs(Am + Bn + C)/std::sqrt(A*A+B*B); } }; /*!@class DouglasPuecker2D * @brief Douglas-Peucker implementation for 2D line. * * @typename T 2D data type. * @typename TAccessor2D an accessor class that contains getX and getY. * defaults to void if T have getX and getY method. */ template <typename T, typename TAccessor2D = void> class DouglasPuecker2D final : public DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>{ public: using DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>::DouglasPeuckerAbstract; double _distance(const T& p1, const T& p2) const override { return Distance2D<T, TAccessor2D>::getDistance(p1, p2); } double _pointSegmentDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2, const T& p) const override{ return PointSegmentDistance2D<T, TAccessor2D>::getDistance(p1, p2, p); } }; /*!@class DouglasPuecker2D * @brief Douglas-Peucker implementation for 2D line. * * @typename T 2D data type. */ template <typename T> class DouglasPuecker2D<T, void> final : public DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>{ public: using DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>::DouglasPeuckerAbstract; double _distance(const T& p1, const T& p2) const override { return Distance2D<T>::getDistance(p1, p2); } double _pointSegmentDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2, const T& p) const override { return PointSegmentDistance2D<T>::getDistance(p1, p2, p); } }; // Default point type for 3d, which is a std::tuple<double, double>. using p3d = std::tuple<double, double, double>; // Struct that enclose the accessor for p3d. struct p3dAccessor{ inline static double getX(const p3d& p) { return std::get<0>(p); } inline static double getY(const p3d& p) { return std::get<1>(p); } inline static double getZ(const p3d& p) { return std::get<2>(p); } }; /*!@class Distance3D * @brief cartesian distance in 3D. * * @typename T 3D data type. * @typename TAccessor3D an accessor class that contains getX, getY and getZ. * defaults to void if T have getX, getY, getZ. */ template<typename T, typename TAccessor3D = void> class Distance3D{ public: static double getDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2) { double x2 = TAccessor3D::getX(p1) - TAccessor3D::getX(p2); double y2 = TAccessor3D::getY(p1) - TAccessor3D::getY(p2); double z2 = TAccessor3D::getZ(p1) - TAccessor3D::getZ(p2); return std::sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2 + z2*z2); } }; /*!@class Distance3D * @brief cartesian distance in 3D. * * @typename T 3D data type. */ template<typename T> class Distance3D<T, void>{ public: static double getDistance(const T& p1, const T& p2) { double x2 = p1.getX() - p2.getX(); double y2 = p1.getY() - p2.getY(); double z2 = p1.getZ() - p2.getZ(); return std::sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2 + z2*z2); } }; /*!@class PointSegmentDistance3D * @brief Distance between point and a line segment. * * @typename T 3D data type. * @typename TAccessor3D an accessor class that contains getX, getY and getZ. * defaults to void if T have getX, getY, getZ. */ template <typename T, typename TAccessor3D = void> class PointSegmentDistance3D{ public: static double getDistance(const T& x1, const T& x2, const T& x0){ /** * d = |(x0-x1)x(x0-x2)|/|x2-x1| * * Decompose: * * Let x0Mx1 = x0-x1 * x0Mx2 = x0-x2 * x2Mx1 = x2-x1 */ double x0Mx1_x = TAccessor3D::getX(x0) - TAccessor3D::getX(x1); double x0Mx1_y = TAccessor3D::getY(x0) - TAccessor3D::getY(x1); double x0Mx1_z = TAccessor3D::getZ(x0) - TAccessor3D::getZ(x1); double x0Mx2_x = TAccessor3D::getX(x0) - TAccessor3D::getX(x2); double x0Mx2_y = TAccessor3D::getY(x0) - TAccessor3D::getY(x2); double x0Mx2_z = TAccessor3D::getZ(x0) - TAccessor3D::getZ(x2); double x2Mx1_x = TAccessor3D::getX(x2) - TAccessor3D::getX(x1); double x2Mx1_y = TAccessor3D::getY(x2) - TAccessor3D::getY(x1); double x2Mx1_z = TAccessor3D::getZ(x2) - TAccessor3D::getZ(x1); // Acquire cross product. double cx = x0Mx1_y*x0Mx2_z - x0Mx1_z*x0Mx2_y; double cy = x0Mx1_z*x0Mx2_x - x0Mx1_x*x0Mx2_z; double cz = x0Mx1_x*x0Mx2_y - x0Mx1_y*x0Mx2_x; // Acquire magnitudes. double mag01 = std::sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz); double mag02 = std::sqrt(x2Mx1_x*x2Mx1_x + x2Mx1_y*x2Mx1_y + x2Mx1_z*x2Mx1_z); return mag01/mag02; } }; /*!@class PointSegmentDistance3D * @brief Distance between point and a line segment. * * @typename T 3D data type. */ template <typename T> class PointSegmentDistance3D<T, void>{ public: static double getDistance(const T& x1, const T& x2, const T& x0){ /** * d = |(x0-x1)x(x0-x2)|/|x2-x1| * * Decompose: * * Let x0Mx1 = x0-x1 * x0Mx2 = x0-x2 * x2Mx1 = x2-x1 */ double x0Mx1_x = x0.getX() - x1.getX(); double x0Mx1_y = x0.getY() - x1.getY(); double x0Mx1_z = x0.getZ() - x1.getZ(); double x0Mx2_x = x0.getX() - x2.getX(); double x0Mx2_y = x0.getY() - x2.getY(); double x0Mx2_z = x0.getZ() - x2.getZ(); double x2Mx1_x = x2.getX() - x1.getX(); double x2Mx1_y = x2.getY() - x1.getY(); double x2Mx1_z = x2.getZ() - x1.getZ(); // Acquire cross product. double cx = x0Mx1_y*x0Mx2_z - x0Mx1_z*x0Mx2_y; double cy = x0Mx1_z*x0Mx2_x - x0Mx1_x*x0Mx2_z; double cz = x0Mx1_x*x0Mx2_y - x0Mx1_y*x0Mx2_x; // Acquire magnitudes. double mag01 = std::sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz); double mag02 = std::sqrt(x2Mx1_x*x2Mx1_x + x2Mx1_y*x2Mx1_y + x2Mx1_z*x2Mx1_z); return mag01/mag02; } }; /*!@class DouglasPuecker3D * @brief Douglas-Peucker implementation for 3d line. * * @typename T 3D data type. * @typename TAccessor3D an accessor class that contains getX, getY and getZ. * defaults to void if T have getX, getY, getZ. */ template <typename T, typename TAccessor3D = void> class DouglasPuecker3D final : public DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>{ public: using DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>::DouglasPeuckerAbstract; double _distance(const T& p1, const T& p2) const override { double x2 = TAccessor3D::getX(p1) - TAccessor3D::getX(p2); double y2 = TAccessor3D::getY(p1) - TAccessor3D::getY(p2); double z2 = TAccessor3D::getZ(p1) - TAccessor3D::getZ(p2); return std::sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2 + z2*z2); } double _pointSegmentDistance(const T& x1, const T& x2, const T& x0) const override { return PointSegmentDistance3D<T, TAccessor3D>::getDistance(x1, x2, x0); } }; /*!@class DouglasPuecker3D * @brief Douglas-Peucker implementation for 3d line. * * @typename T 3D data type. */ template <typename T> class DouglasPuecker3D<T, void> final : public DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>{ public: using DouglasPeuckerAbstract<T>::DouglasPeuckerAbstract; double _distance(const T& p1, const T& p2) const override { double x2 = p1.getX() - p2.getX(); double y2 = p1.getY() - p2.getY(); double z2 = p1.getZ() - p2.getZ(); return std::sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2 + z2*z2); } double _pointSegmentDistance(const T& x1, const T& x2, const T& x0) const override { PointSegmentDistance3D<T>::getDistance(x1, x2, x0); } };
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