


无法从“initializer list”转换为“Eigen::Map<Derived,0,Eigen::Stride<0,0>>”


const Eigen::VectorXf &OsqpEigen::Solver::getSolution()
    // copy data from an array to Eigen vector
    c_float* solution = m_workspace->solution->x;
    m_solution = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf>(solution, m_workspace->data->n, 1);
    //m_solution = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf>(solution);
    return m_solution;




namespace CGAL {
namespace Shape_detection {

// Forward declaration needed for automatic traits detection without
// including the deprecated header itself…
template <typename Gt, typename IR, typename IPM, typename INM>
struct Shape_detection_traits;

namespace internal {

template <typename Traits>
struct Traits_base { typedef Traits type; };
template <typename Gt, typename IR, typename IPM, typename INM>
struct Traits_base<CGAL::Shape_detection::Efficient_RANSAC_traits<Gt,IR,IPM,INM>>
{ typedef Gt type; };
//template <typename Gt, typename IR, typename IPM, typename INM >
//struct Traits_base<CGAL::Shape_detection::Shape_detection_traits<Gt,IR,IPM,INM>>
//{ typedef Gt type; };

template<class Traits>
class RANSAC_octree {


posted @ 2021-12-24 17:50  太一吾鱼水  阅读(444)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报