在资源视图中右击“插入对话框”生成一个对话框IDD_DIG_Reg,利用MFC ClassWizard生成对话框类RegDlg,在类视图中右击RegDlg添加成员函数和成员变量,如图
void CRegFigureView::OnMenuRegClick()
// TODO:点击手写数字输入功能,弹出识别对话框
RegDlg m_RegDlg;
1 enum Dir{left,right,up,down,none}; 2 struct Figure 3 { 4 Dir Direction[16]; //方向 0-left 1-right 2-up 3 -down 5 int DotCount ; //断笔数 6 }; 7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8 // RegDlg dialog 9 class RegDlg : public CDialog 10 { 11 // Construction 12 public: 13 RegDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor 14 void DrawGrid(int row,int col); 15 16 CRect m_rect; 17 BOOL m_Buttondowned; 18 CPen pen; 19 CPoint m_Startpt; 20 CPoint m_Endpt; 21 22 CPoint m_Prept; 23 Figure m_Figure; 24 int m_curpen; //当前笔数 25 BOOL m_Isreg; //是否开始识别 26 // Dialog Data 27 //{{AFX_DATA(RegDlg) 28 enum { IDD = IDD_DIG_Reg }; 29 CStatic m_Panel; 30 //}}AFX_DATA 31 // Overrides 32 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 33 //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(RegDlg) 34 protected: 35 virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support 36 //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 37 // Implementation 38 protected: 39 HICON m_hIcon; 40 // Generated message map functions 41 //{{AFX_MSG(RegDlg) 42 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member functions here 43 virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); 44 afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam); 45 afx_msg void OnPaint(); 46 afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon(); 47 afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); 48 afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); 49 afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); 50 afx_msg void OnReg(); 51 afx_msg void OnButton1(); 52 //}}AFX_MSG 53 DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() 54 }; 55 RegDlg.cpp代码: 56 #include "stdafx.h" 57 #include "RegFigure.h" 58 #include "RegDlg.h" 59 #include "AboutDlg.h" 60 #ifdef _DEBUG 61 #define new DEBUG_NEW 62 #undef THIS_FILE 63 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; 64 #endif 65 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 66 // RegDlg dialog 67 RegDlg::RegDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(RegDlg::IDD) 68 { 69 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); 70 m_Buttondowned = FALSE; 71 m_curpen= 0; 72 m_Isreg = FALSE; 73 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 74 } 75 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 76 // RegDlg message handlers 77 BOOL RegDlg::OnInitDialog() 78 { 79 CDialog::OnInitDialog(); 80 // Add "About..." menu item to system menu. 81 // IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range. 82 ASSERT((IDM_ABOUTBOX & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX); 83 ASSERT(IDM_ABOUTBOX < 0xF000); 84 CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); 85 if (pSysMenu != NULL) 86 { 87 CString strAboutMenu; 88 strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX); 89 if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty()) 90 { 91 pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); 92 pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu); 93 } 94 } 95 // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically 96 // when the application's main window is not a dialog 97 SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon 98 SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon 99 // TODO: Add extra initialization here 100 pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID,5,RGB(0,100,0));//绿色画笔 101 m_Panel.GetClientRect(m_rect); 102 //MapWindowPoints(&m_Panel,m_rect); 103 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 104 for (int i =0; i<16; i++) 105 { 106 m_Figure.Direction[i]= none; 107 } 108 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control 109 } 110 void RegDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam) 111 { 112 if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX) 113 { 114 CAboutDlg dlgAbout; 115 dlgAbout.DoModal(); 116 } 117 else 118 { 119 CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam); 120 } 121 } 122 void RegDlg::OnPaint() 123 { 124 if (IsIconic()) 125 { 126 CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting 127 128 SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, (WPARAM) dc.GetSafeHdc(), 0); 129 130 // Center icon in client rectangle 131 int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); 132 int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); 133 CRect rect; 134 GetClientRect(&rect); 135 int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; 136 int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2; 137 // Draw the icon 138 dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); 139 } 140 else 141 { 142 CDialog::OnPaint(); 143 } 144 //m_rect.CopyRect(CRect (50,80,200,300)); 145 } 146 // The system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags 147 // the minimized window. 148 HCURSOR RegDlg::OnQueryDragIcon() 149 { 150 return (HCURSOR) m_hIcon; 151 } 152 void RegDlg::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 153 { 154 m_Buttondowned = TRUE; 155 m_Startpt = point; 156 m_Prept = point; 157 158 if(m_rect.PtInRect(point)) 159 m_Figure.DotCount += 1; 160 161 CDialog::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); 162 } 163 void RegDlg::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 164 { 165 // m_curpen = 0; 166 m_Endpt = point; 167 m_Buttondowned = FALSE; 168 CDialog::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); 169 } 170 void RegDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 171 { 172 if (m_Buttondowned) 173 if (m_rect.PtInRect(point)) 174 { 175 CDC* pDC = m_Panel.GetDC(); 176 pDC->SelectObject(&pen); 177 pDC->MoveTo(point); 178 pDC->LineTo(CPoint(point.x+1,point.y+1)); 179 180 if (m_curpen>15) 181 return; 182 if (point.x>m_Prept.x+30) //向右 183 { 184 if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen]==none) 185 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] = right; 186 else if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] != right) 187 { 188 m_curpen+=1; 189 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] = right; 190 } 191 m_Prept = point; 192 } 193 else if (point.y>m_Prept.y+30) 194 { 195 if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen]==none) 196 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] = down; 197 else if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] != down) 198 { 199 m_curpen+=1; 200 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] = down; 201 } 202 m_Prept = point; 203 } 204 else if (point.x<m_Prept.x-30) 205 { 206 if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen]==none) 207 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] = left; 208 else if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] != left) 209 { 210 m_curpen+=1; 211 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] = left; 212 } 213 m_Prept = point; 214 } 215 else if (point.y< m_Prept.y-30) 216 { 217 if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen]==none) 218 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen]= up; 219 else if (m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] != up) 220 { 221 m_curpen+=1; 222 m_Figure.Direction[m_curpen] = up; 223 } 224 m_Prept = point; 225 } 226 } 227 CDialog::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); 228 } 229 void RegDlg::DrawGrid(int row, int col) 230 { 231 CDC* pDC = m_Panel.GetDC(); 232 CRect rect; 233 m_Panel.GetClientRect(rect); 234 for (int i = 0; i<row+1; i++) 235 { 236 pDC->MoveTo(0,i*30); 237 pDC->LineTo(rect.Width(),i*30); 238 } 239 for (int j = 0; j<col+1;j++) 240 { 241 pDC->MoveTo(j*30,0); 242 pDC->LineTo(j*30,rect.Height()); 243 } 244 } 245 void RegDlg::OnReg() 246 { 247 m_curpen=0; 248 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==down) //判断1 249 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==none) 250 { 251 if ( m_Figure.DotCount == 1) 252 { 253 MessageBox("1"); 254 255 for (int i =0; i<16; i++) 256 { 257 m_Figure.Direction[i]= none; 258 } 259 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 260 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 261 return; 262 } 263 } 264 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==right) //判断7 265 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==down) 266 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==none) 267 { 268 if ( m_Figure.DotCount == 1) 269 { 270 MessageBox("7"); 271 for (int i =0; i<16; i++) 272 { 273 m_Figure.Direction[i]= none; 274 } 275 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 276 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 277 return; 278 } 279 } 280 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==right) //判断2 281 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==down) 282 { 283 if (m_Figure.DotCount == 1) 284 { 285 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==left) 286 { 287 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==right) 288 if ( m_Figure.Direction[4]==none) 289 { 290 MessageBox("2"); 291 for (int i =0; i<16; i++) 292 { 293 m_Figure.Direction[i]= none; 294 } 295 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 296 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 297 return; 298 } 299 } 300 else if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==right) 301 { 302 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==none) 303 { 304 MessageBox("2"); 305 306 for (int i =0; i<16; i++) 307 { 308 m_Figure.Direction[i]= none; 309 } 310 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 311 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 312 return; 313 } 314 } 315 } 316 } 317 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==right) //判断3 318 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==down) 319 if (m_Figure.DotCount==1) 320 { 321 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==left) 322 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==right) 323 { 324 MessageBox("3"); 325 } 326 327 for (int i =0; i<16; i++) 328 { 329 m_Figure.Direction[i]= none; 330 } 331 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 332 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 333 return; 334 } 335 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==down)//判断4 336 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==right) 337 if (m_Figure.DotCount ==2) 338 { 339 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==down) 340 if(m_Figure.Direction[3]==none) 341 { 342 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 343 { 344 m_Figure.Direction[i]=none; 345 } 346 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 347 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 348 MessageBox("4"); 349 return; 350 } 351 } 352 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==down)//判断5 353 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==right) 354 if (m_Figure.DotCount ==2) 355 if (m_Figure.Direction [2]==down) 356 if(m_Figure.Direction[3]==left) 357 if (m_Figure.Direction[4]==right) 358 if(m_Figure.Direction [5]==none) 359 { 360 MessageBox("5"); 361 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 362 { 363 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 364 } 365 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 366 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 367 return; 368 } 369 if (m_Figure.DotCount ==1) 370 { 371 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==left) 372 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==down)//判断6,第一笔向左 373 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==right) 374 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==up) 375 if (m_Figure.Direction[4]==left) 376 { 377 MessageBox("6"); 378 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 379 { 380 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 381 } 382 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 383 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 384 return; 385 } 386 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==down)//判断6,第一笔向下,此处和0有冲突,需要计算画笔移动的距离 387 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==right) 388 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==up) 389 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==left) 390 { 391 MessageBox("6"); 392 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 393 { 394 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 395 } 396 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 397 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 398 return; 399 } 400 } 401 if (m_Figure.DotCount ==1) 402 { 403 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==left)//判断8方式1 404 { 405 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==down) 406 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==left) 407 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==up) 408 if (m_Figure.Direction[4]==right) 409 if (m_Figure.Direction[5]==up) 410 { 411 MessageBox("8"); 412 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 413 { 414 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 415 } 416 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 417 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 418 return; 419 } 420 } 421 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==down)//判断8方式2 422 { 423 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==right) 424 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==down) 425 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==left) 426 if (m_Figure.Direction[4]==up) 427 if (m_Figure.Direction[5]==right) 428 { 429 MessageBox("8"); 430 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 431 { 432 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 433 } 434 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 435 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 436 return; 437 } 438 } 439 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==left)//判断8方式3 440 { 441 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==down) 442 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==right) 443 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==down) 444 if (m_Figure.Direction[4]==left) 445 if (m_Figure.Direction[5]==up) 446 { 447 MessageBox("8"); 448 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 449 { 450 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 451 } 452 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 453 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 454 return; 455 } 456 } 457 } 458 if (m_Figure.DotCount ==1) 459 { 460 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==left)//判断9方式1 461 { 462 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==down) 463 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==right) 464 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==up) 465 if (m_Figure.Direction[4]==down) 466 { 467 MessageBox("9"); 468 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 469 { 470 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 471 } 472 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 473 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 474 return; 475 } 476 } 477 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==left)//判断9方式2 478 { 479 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==up) 480 // if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==right) 481 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==right) 482 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==down) 483 { 484 MessageBox("9"); 485 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 486 { 487 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 488 } 489 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 490 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 491 return; 492 } 493 } 494 495 if (m_Figure.Direction[0]==right)//判断9方式3 496 { 497 if (m_Figure.Direction[1]==up) 498 if (m_Figure.Direction[2]==left) 499 if (m_Figure.Direction[3]==down) 500 { 501 MessageBox("9"); 502 for (int i=0;i<16;i++) 503 { 504 m_Figure.Direction [i]=none; 505 } 506 m_Figure.DotCount =0; 507 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 508 return; 509 } 510 } 511 } 512 for (int i =0; i<16; i++) 513 { 514 m_Figure.Direction[i]= none; 515 } 516 517 m_Figure.DotCount = 0; 518 m_Panel.Invalidate(); 519 } 520 void RegDlg::OnButton1() 521 { 522 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here 523 DrawGrid(9,5);//画网格 524 }
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