Unsafe JavaScript attempt to initiate navigation for frame with URL ‘http://www.xxx.xxx/’ from frame with URL “https://open.weixin.com/xxxxxxx” The frame attempting navigation is targeting its top-level window, but is neither same-origin with its target nor is it processing a user gesture
1. 再来看微信扫码登陆的js文件:wxLogin.js
2. 该文件中对与iframe处理上述安全问题的属性sendbox是没有添加的
3. iframe默认情况下:
在html5页面中,可以使用iframe的sandbox属性,<iframe src="http://alibaba.com" sandbox>sandbox后面如果不加任何值,就代表采用默认的安全策略,即:iframe的页面将会被当做一个独自的源,同时不能提交表单,以及执行javascript脚本,也不能让包含iframe的父页面导航到其他地方,所有的插件,如flash,applet等也全部不能起作用。简单说iframe就只剩下一个展示的功能,正如他的名字一样,所有的内容都被放入了一个单独的沙盒。
4. sendbox包含的属性及作用:
allow-forms 允许进行提交表单
allow-scripts 运行执行脚本
allow-same-origin 允许同域请求,比如ajax,storage
allow-top-navigation 允许iframe能够主导window.top进行页面跳转
allow-popups 允许iframe中弹出新窗口,比如,window.open,target=”_blank”
allow-pointer-lock 在iframe中可以锁定鼠标,主要和鼠标锁定有关
5. 修改wxLogin.js如下:
!(function(a, b, c) { function d(a) { var c = "default"; a.self_redirect === !0 ? (c = "true") : a.self_redirect === !1 && (c = "false"); var d = b.createElement("iframe"), e = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/qrconnect?appid=" + a.appid + "&scope=" + a.scope + "&redirect_uri=" + a.redirect_uri + "&state=" + a.state + "&login_type=jssdk&self_redirect=" + c + "&styletype=" + (a.styletype || "") + "&sizetype=" + (a.sizetype || "") + "&bgcolor=" + (a.bgcolor || "") + "&rst=" + (a.rst || ""); (e += a.style ? "&style=" + a.style : ""), (e += a.href ? "&href=" + a.href : ""), (d.src = e), (d.frameBorder = "0"), (d.allowTransparency = "true"), (d.scrolling = "no"), (d.sandbox="allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin"), (d.width = "300px"), (d.height = "400px"); var f = b.getElementById(a.id); (f.innerHTML = ""), f.appendChild(d); } a.WxLogin = d; })(window, document);
转:https://www.jianshu.com/p/b2204caad20f (微信二维码登录网站应用(关键字:href 样式 重定向))