new jsPDF(optionsopt) → {jsPDF}
orientation: 'p',
unit: 'mm',
format: 'a4',
floatPrecision: 16 // or "smart", default is 16
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
options |
Object | <optional> |
Collection of settings initializing the jsPDF-instance Properties
- Type
- jsPDF
(static) __bidiEngine__
- Source:
constructor ( options )
Initializes Bidi engine
For compatibility reasons jsPDF offers two API modes which differ in the way they convert between the the usual screen coordinates and the PDF coordinate system.
- "compat": Offers full compatibility across all plugins but does not allow arbitrary transforms
- "advanced": Allows arbitrary transforms and more advanced features like pattern fills. Some plugins might not support this mode, though. Initial mode is "compat".
You can either provide a callback to the body argument, which means that jsPDF will automatically switch back to the original API mode afterwards; or you can omit the callback and switch back manually using compatAPI.
Note, that the calls to saveGraphicsState and restoreGraphicsState need to be balanced within the callback or between calls of this method and its counterpart compatAPI. Calls to beginFormObject or beginTilingPattern need to be closed by their counterparts before switching back to "compat" API mode.
jsPDF.API is a STATIC property of jsPDF class. jsPDF.API is an object you can add methods and properties to. The methods / properties you add will show up in new jsPDF objects.
One property is prepopulated. It is the 'events' Object. Plugin authors can add topics, callbacks to this object. These will be reassigned to all new instances of jsPDF.
jsPDF.API.mymethod = function(){
// 'this' will be ref to internal API object. see jsPDF source
// , so you can refer to built-in methods like so:
// this.line(....)
// this.text(....)
var pdfdoc = new jsPDF()
pdfdoc.mymethod() // <- !!!!!!
Begins a new tiling pattern. All subsequent render calls are drawn to this pattern until API.endTilingPattern gets called. Only available in "advanced" API mode.
Is an Object providing a mapping from human-readable to integer flag values designating the varieties of line cap and join styles.
Switches to "compat" API mode. See advancedAPI for more details.
Ends a tiling pattern and sets the render target to the one active before API.beginTilingPattern has been called.
Only available in "advanced" API mode.
#identityMatrix :Matrix
The identity matrix (equivalent to new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)).
Multiplies two matrices. (see Matrix)
version :string
The version of jsPDF.
- string
addFont(postScriptName, id, fontStyle, encoding) → {string}
Add a custom font to the current instance.
Name | Type | Description |
postScriptName |
string |
PDF specification full name for the font. |
id |
string |
PDF-document-instance-specific label assinged to the font. |
fontStyle |
string |
Style of the Font. |
encoding |
Object |
Encoding_name-to-Font_metrics_object mapping. |
- Type
- string
addGState(key, gState) → {jsPDF}
Adds a new GState for later use. See setGState.
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String | |
gState |
GState |
- Type
- jsPDF
addPage(format, orientation) → {jsPDF}
Adds (and transfers the focus to) new page to the PDF document.
Name | Type | Description |
format |
String/Array |
The format of the new page. Can be:
Default is "a4". If you want to use your own format just pass instead of one of the above predefined formats the size as an number-array, e.g. [595.28, 841.89]
orientation |
string |
Orientation of the new page. Possible values are "portrait" or "landscape" (or shortcuts "p" (Default), "l"). |
- Type
- jsPDF
addPattern(key, pattern) → {jsPDF}
Adds a new API.ShadingPattern for later use. Only available in "advanced" API mode.
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String | |
pattern |
Pattern |
- Type
- jsPDF
beginFormObject(x, y, width, height, matrix) → {jsPDF}
Starts a new pdf form object, which means that all consequent draw calls target a new independent object until endFormObject is called. The created object can be referenced and drawn later using doFormObject. Nested form objects are possible. x, y, width, height set the bounding box that is used to clip the content.
Name | Type | Description |
x |
number | |
y |
number | |
width |
number | |
height |
number | |
matrix |
Matrix |
The matrix that will be applied to convert the form objects coordinate system to the parent's. |
- Type
- jsPDF
circle(x, y, r, styleopt) → {jsPDF}
Adds an circle to PDF.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
x |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
r |
number |
Radius (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
style |
string |
<optional> |
A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated. |
- Type
- jsPDF
clip(rule) → {jsPDF}
All .clip() after calling drawing ops with a style argument of null.
Name | Type | Description |
rule |
string |
Only possible value is 'evenodd' |
- Type
- jsPDF
clipEvenOdd() → {jsPDF}
Modify the current clip path by intersecting it with the current path using the even-odd rule. Note that this will NOT consume the current path. In order to only use this path for clipping call API.discardPath afterwards.
- Type
- jsPDF
close() → {jsPDF}
Close the current path. The PDF "h" operator.
- Type
- jsPDF
comment(text) → {jsPDF}
Inserts a debug comment into the generated pdf.
Name | Type | Description |
text |
String |
- Type
- jsPDF
curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) → {jsPDF}
Append a cubic Bézier curve to the current path. The curve shall extend from the current point to the point (x3, y3), using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as Bézier control points. The new current point shall be (x3, x3).
Name | Type | Description |
x1 |
number | |
y1 |
number | |
x2 |
number | |
y2 |
number | |
x3 |
number | |
y3 |
number |
- Type
- jsPDF
deletePage(targetPage) → {jsPDF}
Deletes a page from the PDF.
Name | Type | Description |
targetPage |
number |
- Type
- jsPDF
discardPath() → {jsPDF}
Consumes the current path without any effect. Mainly used in combination with clip or clipEvenOdd. The PDF "n" operator.
- Type
- jsPDF
doFormObject(key, matrix) → {jsPDF}
Draws the specified form object by referencing to the respective pdf XObject created with API.beginFormObject and endFormObject. The location is determined by matrix.
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String |
The key to the form object. |
matrix |
Matrix |
The matrix applied before drawing the form object. |
- Type
- jsPDF
ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, styleopt) → {jsPDF}
Adds an ellipse to PDF.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
x |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
rx |
number |
Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
ry |
number |
Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
style |
string |
<optional> |
A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated. |
- Type
- jsPDF
endFormObject(key) → {jsPDF}
Completes and saves the form object.
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String |
The key by which this form object can be referenced. |
- Type
- jsPDF
fill(patternopt) → {jsPDF}
Fill the current path using the nonzero winding number rule. If a pattern is provided, the path will be filled with this pattern, otherwise with the current fill color. Equivalent to the PDF "f" operator.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
pattern |
PatternData |
<optional> |
If provided the path will be filled with this pattern |
- Type
- jsPDF
fillEvenOdd(patternopt) → {jsPDF}
Fill the current path using the even-odd rule. The PDF f* operator.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
pattern |
PatternData |
<optional> |
If provided the path will be filled with this pattern |
- Type
- jsPDF
fillStroke(patternopt) → {jsPDF}
Fill using the nonzero winding number rule and then stroke the current Path. The PDF "B" operator.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
pattern |
PatternData |
<optional> |
If provided the path will be stroked with this pattern |
- Type
- jsPDF
fillStrokeEvenOdd(patternopt) → {jsPDF}
Fill using the even-odd rule and then stroke the current Path. The PDF "B" operator.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
pattern |
PatternData |
<optional> |
If provided the path will be fill-stroked with this pattern |
- Type
- jsPDF
getCharSpace() → {number}
Get global value of CharSpace.
- Type
- number
getCreationDate(type) → {Object}
Name | Type | Description |
type |
Object |
- Type
- Object
getDrawColor() → {string}
Gets the stroke color for upcoming elements.
- Type
- string
getFileId() → {string}
- Type
- string
getFillColor() → {string}
Gets the fill color for upcoming elements.
- Type
- string
getFont() → {Object}
Gets text font face, variant for upcoming text elements.
- Type
- Object
getFontList() → {Object}
Returns an object - a tree of fontName to fontStyle relationships available to active PDF document.
Like {'times':['normal', 'italic', ... ], 'arial':['normal', 'bold', ... ], ... }
- Type
- Object
getFontSize() → {number}
Gets the fontsize for upcoming text elements.
- Type
- number
getFormObject(key) → {Object|jsPDF}
Returns the form object specified by key.
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String |
- Type
- Object
- Type
- jsPDF
getLineHeightFactor() → {number}
Gets the LineHeightFactor, default: 1.15.
- Type
- number
getR2L() → {boolean}
Get value of R2L functionality.
- Type
- boolean
getTextColor() → {string}
Gets the text color for upcoming elements.
- Type
- string
insertPage(beforePage) → {jsPDF}
Name | Type | Description |
beforePage |
Object |
- Type
- jsPDF
line(x1, y1, x2, y2, style) → {jsPDF}
Draw a line on the current page.
Name | Type | Description |
x1 |
number | |
y1 |
number | |
x2 |
number | |
y2 |
number | |
style |
string |
A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. default: 'S' |
- Type
- jsPDF
lines(lines, x, y, scale, styleopt, closedopt) → {jsPDF}
Adds series of curves (straight lines or cubic bezier curves) to canvas, starting at x
, y
All data points in lines
are relative to last line origin.
, y
become x1,y1 for first line / curve in
the set.
For lines you only need to specify [x2, y2] - (ending point) vector
against x1, y1 starting point.
For bezier curves you need to specify [x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4] - vectors to
control points 1, 2, ending point. All vectors are against the start of
the curve - x1,y1.
.lines([[2,2],[-2,2],[1,1,2,2,3,3],[2,1]], 212,110, [1,1], 'F', false) // line, line, bezier curve, line
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
lines |
Array |
Array of vector shifts as pairs (lines) or sextets (cubic bezier curves). |
x |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
scale |
number |
(Defaults to [1.0,1.0]) x,y Scaling factor for all vectors. Elements can be any floating number Sub-one makes drawing smaller. Over-one grows the drawing. Negative flips the direction. |
style |
string | <optional> |
A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated. |
closed |
Boolean |
<optional> |
If true, the path is closed with a straight line from the end of the last curve to the starting point. |
- Type
- jsPDF
lineTo(x, y) → {jsPDF}
Append a straight line segment from the current point to the point (x, y). The PDF "l" operator.
Name | Type | Description |
x |
number | |
y |
number |
- Type
- jsPDF
movePage(targetPage, beforePage) → {jsPDF}
Name | Type | Description |
targetPage |
number | |
beforePage |
number |
- Type
- jsPDF
moveTo(x, y) → {jsPDF}
Begin a new subpath by moving the current point to coordinates (x, y). The PDF "m" operator.
Name | Type | Description |
x |
number | |
y |
number |
- Type
- jsPDF
output(type, options) → {jsPDF}
Generates the PDF document.
If type
argument is undefined, output is raw body of resulting PDF returned as a string.
Name | Type | Description |
type |
string |
A string identifying one of the possible output types. Possible values are 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'bloburi'/'bloburl', 'datauristring'/'dataurlstring', 'datauri'/'dataurl', 'dataurlnewwindow', 'pdfobjectnewwindow', 'pdfjsnewwindow'. |
options |
Object |
An object providing some additional signalling to PDF generator. Possible options are 'filename'. |
- Type
- jsPDF
path(lines) → {jsPDF}
Similar to API.lines but all coordinates are interpreted as absolute coordinates instead of relative.
Name | Type | Description |
lines |
Array.<Object> |
An array of {op: operator, c: coordinates} object, where op is one of "m" (move to), "l" (line to) "c" (cubic bezier curve) and "h" (close (sub)path)). c is an array of coordinates. "m" and "l" expect two, "c" six and "h" an empty array (or undefined). |
- Type
- jsPDF
rect(x, y, w, h, styleopt) → {jsPDF}
Adds a rectangle to PDF.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
x |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
w |
number |
Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
h |
number |
Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
style |
string |
<optional> |
A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated. |
- Type
- jsPDF
restoreGraphicsState() → {jsPDF}
Restores a previously saved graphics state saved by saveGraphicsState ("pops the stack").
- Type
- jsPDF
roundedRect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry, styleopt) → {jsPDF}
Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to PDF.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
x |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
w |
number |
Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
h |
number |
Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
rx |
number |
Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
ry |
number |
Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document) |
style |
string |
<optional> |
A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated. |
- Type
- jsPDF
save(filename, options) → {jsPDF|Promise}
Saves as PDF document. An alias of jsPDF.output('save', 'filename.pdf'). Uses FileSaver.js-method saveAs.
Name | Type | Description |
filename |
string |
The filename including extension. |
options |
Object |
An Object with additional options, possible options: 'returnPromise'. |
- Type
- jsPDF | Promise
saveGraphicsState() → {jsPDF}
Saves the current graphics state ("pushes it on the stack"). It can be restored by restoreGraphicsState later. Here, the general pdf graphics state is meant, also including the current transformation matrix, fill and stroke colors etc.
- Type
- jsPDF
setCharSpace(charSpace) → {jsPDF}
Set global value of CharSpace.
Name | Type | Description |
charSpace |
number |
- Type
- jsPDF
setCreationDate(date) → {jsPDF}
Name | Type | Description |
date |
Object |
- Type
- jsPDF
setCurrentTransformationMatrix(matrix) → {jsPDF}
Appends this matrix to the left of all previously applied matrices.
Name | Type | Description |
matrix |
Matrix |
- Type
- jsPDF
setDisplayMode(zoom, layout, pmode) → {jsPDF}
Set the display mode options of the page like zoom and layout.
Name | Type | Description |
zoom |
integer | String |
You can pass an integer or percentage as a string. 2 will scale the document up 2x, '200%' will scale up by the same amount. You can also set it to 'fullwidth', 'fullheight', 'fullpage', or 'original'. Only certain PDF readers support this, such as Adobe Acrobat. |
layout |
string |
Layout mode can be: 'continuous' - this is the default continuous scroll. 'single' - the single page mode only shows one page at a time. 'twoleft' - two column left mode, first page starts on the left, and 'tworight' - pages are laid out in two columns, with the first page on the right. This would be used for books. |
pmode |
string |
'UseOutlines' - it shows the outline of the document on the left. 'UseThumbs' - shows thumbnails along the left. 'FullScreen' - prompts the user to enter fullscreen mode. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setDocumentProperties(A) → {jsPDF}
Adds a properties to the PDF document.
Name | Type | Description |
A |
Object |
property_name-to-property_value object structure. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setDrawColor(ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) → {jsPDF}
Sets the stroke color for upcoming elements.
Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK color space is implied.
When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated as Number types. The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to 1.00 (100% concentration)
Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type.
Name | Type | Description |
ch1 |
Number | String |
Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'. |
ch2 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
ch3 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
ch4 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setFileId(value) → {jsPDF}
Name | Type | Description |
value |
string |
- Type
- jsPDF
setFillColor(ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) → {jsPDF}
Sets the fill color for upcoming elements.
Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK color space is implied.
When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated as Number types. The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to 1.00 (100% concentration)
Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type.
Name | Type | Description |
ch1 |
Number | String |
Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'. |
ch2 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
ch3 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
ch4 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setFont(fontName, fontStyle) → {jsPDF}
Sets text font face, variant for upcoming text elements. See output of jsPDF.getFontList() for possible font names, styles.
Name | Type | Description |
fontName |
string |
Font name or family. Example: "times". |
fontStyle |
string |
Font style or variant. Example: "italic". |
- Type
- jsPDF
setFontSize(size) → {jsPDF}
Sets font size for upcoming text elements.
Name | Type | Description |
size |
number |
Font size in points. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setGState(gState) → {jsPDF}
Name | Type | Description |
gState |
String | GState |
If type is string, a previously added GState is used, if type is GState it will be added before use. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setLineCap(style) → {jsPDF}
Sets the line cap styles. See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants.
Name | Type | Description |
style |
String | Number |
A string or number identifying the type of line cap. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setLineDashPattern(dashArray, dashPhase) → {jsPDF}
Sets the dash pattern for upcoming lines.
To reset the settings simply call the method without any parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
dashArray |
Array.<number> |
An array containing 0-2 numbers. The first number sets the length of the dashes, the second number the length of the gaps. If the second number is missing, the gaps are considered to be as long as the dashes. An empty array means solid, unbroken lines. |
dashPhase |
number |
The phase lines start with. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setLineHeightFactor(value) → {jsPDF}
Sets the LineHeightFactor of proportion.
Name | Type | Description |
value |
number |
LineHeightFactor value. Default: 1.15. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setLineJoin(style) → {jsPDF}
Sets the line join styles. See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants.
Name | Type | Description |
style |
String | Number |
A string or number identifying the type of line join. |
- Type
- jsPDF
setLineMiterLimit(length) → {jsPDF}
Sets the miterLimit property, which effects the maximum miter length.
Name | Type | Description |
length |
number |
The length of the miter |
- Type
- jsPDF
setLineWidth(width) → {jsPDF}
Sets line width for upcoming lines.
Name | Type | Description |
width |
number |
Line width (in units declared at inception of PDF document). |
- Type
- jsPDF
setPage(page) → {jsPDF}
Adds (and transfers the focus to) new page to the PDF document.
doc = jsPDF()
doc.text('I am on page 3', 10, 10)
doc.text('I am on page 1', 10, 10)
Name | Type | Description |
page |
number |
Switch the active page to the page number specified (indexed starting at 1). |
- Type
- jsPDF
setPrecision(precision) → {jsPDF}
Name | Type | Description |
precision |
string |
- Type
- jsPDF
setR2L(value) → {jsPDF}
Set value of R2L functionality.
Name | Type | Description |
value |
boolean |
- Type
- jsPDF
setTextColor(ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) → {jsPDF}
Sets the text color for upcoming elements.
Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK color space is implied.
When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated as Number types. The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility.
When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to 1.00 (100% concentration)
Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type.
Name | Type | Description |
ch1 |
Number | String |
Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'. |
ch2 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
ch3 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
ch4 |
Number |
Color channel value. |
- Type
- jsPDF
stroke() → {jsPDF}
Stroke the path. The PDF "S" operator.
- Type
- jsPDF
text(text, x, y, optionsopt, transform) → {jsPDF}
Adds text to page. Supports adding multiline text when 'text' argument is an Array of Strings.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
text |
String | Array |
String or array of strings to be added to the page. Each line is shifted one line down per font, spacing settings declared before this call. |
x |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. |
y |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. |
options |
Object | <optional> |
Collection of settings signaling how the text must be encoded. Properties
transform |
number | Matrix |
If transform is a number the text will be rotated by this value around the anchor set by x and y. If it is a Matrix, this matrix gets directly applied to the text, which allows shearing effects etc.; the x and y offsets are then applied AFTER the coordinate system has been established by this matrix. This means passing a rotation matrix that is equivalent to some rotation angle will in general yield a DIFFERENT result. A matrix is only allowed in "advanced" API mode. |
- Type
- jsPDF
triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, styleopt) → {jsPDF}
Adds a triangle to PDF.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
x1 |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y1 |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
x2 |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y2 |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
x3 |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page |
y3 |
number |
Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page |
style |
string |
<optional> |
A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. In "compat" API mode, a null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. In "advanced" API mode this parameter is deprecated. |
- Type
- jsPDF
(inner) addGState(key, gState)
Adds a new Graphics State. Duplicates are automatically eliminated.
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String |
Might also be null, if no later reference to this gState is needed |
gState |
Object |
The gState object |
(inner) addPattern(key, pattern)
Adds a new pattern for later use.
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String |
The key by it can be referenced later. The keys must be unique! |
pattern |
API.Pattern |
The pattern |
(inner) hasHotfix(hotfixName) → {boolean}
Used to see if a supplied hotfix was requested when the pdf instance was created.
Name | Type | Description |
hotfixName |
string |
The name of the hotfix to check. |
- Type
- boolean
(inner) Point()
(inner) Rectangle()
(inner) RenderTarget()
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.4 on Mon S
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