
Controllers and Actions

2012-10-17 23:47  yezhi  阅读(171)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
public class ExampleController : Controller {

        public ContentResult Index() {
            string message = "This is plain text";
            return Content(message, "text/plain", Encoding.Default);

        public RedirectToRouteResult Redirect() {
            return RedirectToRoute(new {
                controller = "Example",
                action = "Index",
                ID = "MyID"

        public HttpStatusCodeResult StatusCode() {
            return HttpNotFound();

        public FileResult AnnualReport() {

            string filename = @"c:\AnnualReport.pdf";
            string contentType = "application/pdf";
            string downloadName = "AnnualReport2011.pdf";

            return File(filename, contentType, downloadName);

        public JavaScriptResult SayHello() {
            return JavaScript("alert('Hello, world!')");

        public RssActionResult RSS() {

            StoryLink[] stories = GetAllStories();
            return new RssActionResult<StoryLink>("My Stories", stories, e => {
                return new XElement("item",
                    new XAttribute("title", e.Title),
                    new XAttribute("description", e.Description),
                    new XAttribute("link", e.Url));

        public ActionResult Test()
            return new SimplifiedRedirectResult("rss");

        public JsonResult JsonData() {

            StoryLink[] stories = GetAllStories();
            return Json(stories);

        private StoryLink[] GetAllStories() {
            return new StoryLink[] {
                new StoryLink {
                    Title = "First example story",
                    Description = "This is the first example story",
                    Url = "/Story/1"},
                new StoryLink {
                    Title = "Second example story",
                    Description = "This is the second example story",
                    Url = "/Story/2"},
                new StoryLink {
                    Title = "Third example story",
                    Description = "This is the third example story",
                    Url = "/Story/3"},


    public class StoryLink {
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string Url { get; set; }


public abstract class RssActionResult : ActionResult {


    public class RssActionResult<T> : RssActionResult {

        public RssActionResult(string title, IEnumerable<T> data, 
            Func<T, XElement> formatter) {

            Title = title;
            DataItems = data;
            Formatter = formatter;

        public IEnumerable<T> DataItems { get; set; }
        public Func<T, XElement> Formatter { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }

        public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) {

            HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response;

            // set the content type of the response
            response.ContentType = "application/rss+xml";
            // get the RSS content
            string rss = GenerateXML(response.ContentEncoding.WebName);
            // write the content to the client

        private string GenerateXML(string encoding) {
             XDocument rss = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", encoding, "yes"), 
                new XElement("rss", new XAttribute("version", "2.0"), 
                    new XElement("channel", new XElement("title", Title), 
                        DataItems.Select(e => Formatter(e)))));

             return rss.ToString();


public SimplifiedRedirectResult(string url): this(url, permanent: false) {

    public SimplifiedRedirectResult(string url, bool permanent) {
        Permanent = permanent;
        Url = url;

    public bool Permanent {
        private set;

    public string Url {
        private set;

    public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) {
        string destinationUrl = UrlHelper.GenerateContentUrl(Url, context.HttpContext);

        if (Permanent) {
                destinationUrl, endResponse: false);
        else {
            context.HttpContext.Response.Redirect(destinationUrl, endResponse: false);