[LeetCode]wildcard matching通配符实现之动态规划
前天wildcard matching没AC,今天接着搞,改用动态规划。题目再放一次:
Some examples: isMatch("aa","a") → false isMatch("aa","aa") → true isMatch("aaa","aa") → false isMatch("aa", "*") → true isMatch("aa", "a*") → true isMatch("ab", "?*") → true isMatch("aab", "c*a*b") → false
表格的设计也比较直接,输入两个字符串s,p,假设长度为len_s和len_p,设置一张len_s*len_p的bool型表格PD,其中第i行第j列即PD[i][j]就代表isMatch(s[0...i-1], p[0,...,j-1])
- 如果PD[i-1][j]==true或者PD[i][j-1]==true,并且s[i]=='*'或者p[j]=='*'时PD[i][j]==true;
- 如果PD[i-1][j-1]==true时,s[i]与p[j]匹配,则PD[i][j]==true。
class Solution { public: bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) { int len_s = strlen(s); int len_p = strlen(p); if (0==len_p*len_s) { if ('\0' == *s && '\0' == *p) { return true; } if ('*' == *s) { s++; return isMatch(s, p); } if ('*' == *p) { p++; return isMatch(s, p); } return false; } vector<bool> dp1(len_p, false); vector<bool> dp2(len_p, false); if ('*' == *s) { for (int j = 0; j < len_p; ++j) { dp1[j] = true; } } else if (*s == *p || '?' == *s || '?' == *p || '*' == *p) { dp1[0] = true; } vector<bool> &last = dp1; vector<bool> ¤t = dp2; for (int i = 1; i < len_s; ++i) { if ('*' == *p || (last[0] && '*'==s[i])) { current[0] = true; } for (int j = 1; j < len_p; ++j) { if (((last[j]||current[j-1]) && ('*'==p[j]||'*'==s[i])) || (last[j-1] && ('?'==s[i]||'?'==p[j]||s[i]==p[j]))) { current[j] = true; } else { current[j] = false; } } vector<bool> &tmp = last; last = current; current = tmp; } return last[len_p-1]; } };
DP的时间复杂度是len_s*len_p,这个用例确实对DP很不利,但是很诡异,跑了非常久也没跑出来,虽然遍历32316行32319列不应该花这么久,尝试了一下吧vector<bool>改为bool* 大约8s就有结果了,百思不得其解,百度了一下,在cplusplus上解释:
Vector of bool
This is a specialized version of vector, which is used for elements of type bool and optimizes for space.
- The storage is not necessarily an array of bool values, but the library implementation may optimize storage so that each value is stored in a single bit.
class Solution { public: bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) { int len_s = strlen(s); int len_p = strlen(p); if (0==len_p*len_s) { if ('\0' == *s && '\0' == *p) { return true; } if ('*' == *s) { s++; return isMatch(s, p); } if ('*' == *p) { p++; return isMatch(s, p); } return false; } bool* last = (bool *)malloc(sizeof(bool) * len_p); bool* current = (bool *)malloc(sizeof(bool) * len_p); memset(last, false, sizeof(bool) * len_p); memset(current, false, sizeof(bool) * len_p); if ('*' == *s) { memset(last, true, sizeof(bool) * len_p); } else if (*s == *p || '?' == *s || '?' == *p || '*' == *p) { last[0] = true; } for (int i = 1; i < len_s; ++i) { memset(current, false, sizeof(bool) * len_p); if ('*' == *p || (last[0] && '*'==s[i])) { current[0] = true; } for (int j = 1; j < len_p; ++j) { if (((last[j]||current[j-1]) && ('*'==p[j]||'*'==s[i])) || (last[j-1] && ('?'==s[i]||'?'==p[j]||s[i]==p[j]))) { current[j] = true; } } bool* tmp = last; last = current; current = tmp; } return last[len_p-1]; } };