#生产最好使用2个ip段 #系统 Ubuntu 20.04.3 #集群通讯事业 #客户端和各种应用使用 ceph-deploy ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1 ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 系统基础优化 #配置root远程登录 vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin yes UseDNS no #重启sshd systemctl restart sshd.service #所有节点配置hosts cat > /etc/hosts <<'EOF' localhost t # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ceph-deploy1 ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1 ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 EOF #配置apt源这里使用ustc源 cat >/etc/apt/sources.list<<'EOF' deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal main restricted universe multiverse deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-security main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-security main restricted universe multiverse deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse ## Not recommended # deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-proposed main restricted universe multiverse # deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal-proposed main restricted universe multiverse EOF #更新镜像源和校验安装包 wget -q -O- 'http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ceph/keys/release.asc' | sudo apt-key add - echo deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ceph/debian-pacific/ $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list apt-get update apt update #时间同步 apt install cron -y systemctl status cron.service echo "*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate time1.aliyun.com &> /dev/null && hwclock -w" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /usr/sbin/ntpdate time1.aliyun.com &> /dev/null && hwclock -w rm -rf /etc/localtime ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime cat >> /etc/default/locale << 'EOF' LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8 EOF #安装常用系统命令: apt install iproute2 ntpdate tcpdump telnet traceroute nfs-kernel-server nfs-common lrzsz tree openssl libssl-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev gcc openssh-server iotop unzip zip apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common vim-common inetutils-ping -y #所有节点的内核配置 cat > /etc/sysctl.conf <<'EOF' # Controls source route verification net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1 net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 # Do not accept source routing net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0 # Controls the System Request debugging functionality of the kernel kernel.sysrq = 0 # Controls whether core dumps will append the PID to the core filename. # Useful for debugging multi-threaded applications. kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 # Controls the use of TCP syncookies net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 # Disable netfilter on bridges. net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0 # Controls the default maxmimum size of a mesage queue kernel.msgmnb = 65536 # # Controls the maximum size of a message, in bytes kernel.msgmax = 65536 # Controls the maximum shared segment size, in bytes kernel.shmmax = 68719476736 # # Controls the maximum number of shared memory segments, in pages kernel.shmall = 4294967296 # TCP kernel paramater net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 786432 1048576 1572864 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 4194304 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 4194304 n et.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1 # socket buffer net.core.wmem_default = 8388608 net.core.rmem_default = 8388608 net.core.rmem_max = 16777216 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 262144 net.core.somaxconn = 20480 net.core.optmem_max = 81920 # TCP conn net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 262144 net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 3 net.ipv4.tcp_retries1 = 3 net.ipv4.tcp_retries2 = 15 # tcp conn reuse net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 20000 net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 3276800 net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 # keepalive conn net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 30 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 3 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10001 65000 # swap vm.overcommit_memory = 0 vm.swappiness = 10 #net.ipv4.conf.eth1.rp_filter = 0 #net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_ignore = 1 #net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_announce = 2 #net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore = 1 #net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce = 2 EOF #所有节点的文件权限配置 cat > /etc/security/limits.conf <<'EOF' root soft core unlimited root hard core unlimited root soft nproc 1000000 root hard nproc 1000000 root soft nofile 1000000 root hard nofile 1000000 root soft memlock 32000 root hard memlock 32000 root soft msgqueue 8192000 root hard msgqueue 8192000 * soft core unlimited * hard core unlimited * soft nproc 1000000 * hard nproc 1000000 * soft nofile 1000000 * hard nofile 1000000 * soft memlock 32000 * hard memlock 32000 * soft msgqueue 8192000 * hard msgqueue 8192000 EOF #所有节点安装python2.7 apt install python2.7 -y && ln -sv /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python2 #所有节点创建ceph用户,并允许ceph 用户以 执行特权命令: #推荐使用指定的普通用户部署和运行ceph 集群,普通用户只要能以非交互方式执行命令执行一些特权命令即可,新版的ceph-deploy 可以指定包含root的在内只要可以执行命令的用户, #不过仍然推荐使用普通用户,比如ceph、cephuser、cephadmin 这样的用户去管理ceph 集群 #这里使用cephadmin用户 groupadd -r -g 2022 cephadmin && useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash -u 2022 -g 2022 cephadmin && echo cephadmin:qwe123 | chpasswd #允许用户以特权身份执行命令 echo "cephadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers 关闭swap swapoff -a vim /etc/fstab # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5). # # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> # / was on /dev/sda2 during curtin installation /dev/disk/by-uuid/d70a7e92-2d0d-4014-a9a1-4cd95db5e242 / xfs defaults 0 0 #/swap.img none swap sw 0 0 #快速配置主机名 hostname ceph-deploy && sed -i "s#t#ceph-deploy#g" /etc/hostname hostname ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1 && sed -i "s#t#ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1#g" /etc/hostname hostname ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 && sed -i "s#t#ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2#g" /etc/hostname hostname ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 && sed -i "s#t#ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1#g" /etc/hostname hostname ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 && sed -i "s#t#ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2#g" /etc/hostname hostname ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 && sed -i "s#t#ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3#g" /etc/hostname #快速配置ip sed -i "s#200#201#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && sed -i "s#100#101#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && netplan apply && ip a sed -i "s#200#202#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && sed -i "s#100#102#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && netplan apply && ip a sed -i "s#200#203#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && sed -i "s#100#103#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && netplan apply && ip a sed -i "s#200#204#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && sed -i "s#100#104#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && netplan apply && ip a sed -i "s#200#205#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && sed -i "s#100#105#g" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml && netplan apply && ip a
#ceph-deploy执行切换到cephadmin创建key cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/cephadmin/.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '/home/cephadmin/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/cephadmin/.ssh/id_rsa Your public key has been saved in /home/cephadmin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub The key fingerprint is: SHA256:kkB54FFimEU/mCw0DxOm6SFwCjjRMQVq+/b3zDOdH5I cephadmin@ceph-deploy The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 3072]----+ |=o%XX+. | |=O+@.*. | |*+. B.o | |+ o. . o | | o o S | | . . . | | o .E.. | | . . .oo o. . | | .. .+o .. | +----[SHA256]-----+ #安装sshpass cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~$ sudo apt install sshpass #ceph-deploy节点使用cephadmin用户分发密钥脚本 cat >ssh-scp.sh<<'EOF' #!/bin/bash #目标主机列表 IP=" " for node in ${IP};do sshpass -p "qwe123" ssh-copy-id -i /home/cephadmin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cephadmin@${node} &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "${node} 秘钥copy完成" else echo "${node} 秘钥copy失败" fi done EOF #在ceph-deploy节点部署ceph-deploy工具包 #查看可以安装的版本 sudo apt-cache madison ceph-deploy #执行安装命令 sudo apt install ceph-deploy=2.0.1-0ubuntu1.1 #初始化mon节点 #保存当前集群的初始化配置信息 mkdir ceph-cluster && cd ceph-cluster/ #初始化 #--cluster-network 内部ceph服务器使用的,集群的管理,数据同步使用的网络#集群通讯事业 #--public-network 客户端使用的网络,就是应用程序使用的#客户端和各种应用使用 ceph-deploy new --cluster-network --public-network ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-deploy new --cluster-network --public-network ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-deploy new --cluster-network --public-network ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 #初始化ceph-node节点,执行安装软件:ceph ceph-osd ceph-mds ceph-mon radosgw --no-adjust-repos:不推送repo仓库 --nogpgcheck:不进行包的校验 ceph-deploy install --no-adjust-repos --nogpgcheck ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node #添加mon节点 ceph-deploy mon add ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-deploy mon add ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-deploy mon add ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 #ceph-mon结果验证 cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ ceph -s cluster: id: 511a9f2f-c2eb-4461-9472-a2074f266bba health: HEALTH_OK services: mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1,ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2,ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 (age 9s) mgr: ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1(active, since 19m), standbys: ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 osd: 12 osds: 12 up (since 3m), 12 in (since 3m) data: pools: 1 pools, 1 pgs objects: 0 objects, 0 B usage: 74 MiB used, 480 GiB / 480 GiB avail pgs: 1 active+clean #在mon节点安装软件,配置mon节点并生成同步密钥 apt install -y ceph-mon #在ceph-deploy节点初始化mon节点 ceph-deploy mon create-initial #验证mon节点,根据生成的配置文件只添加了一台mon服务器 root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1:~# ps aux | grep ceph-mon ceph 73614 0.5 2.1 416112 43156 ? Ssl 13:52 0:00 /usr/bin/ceph-mon -f --cluster ceph --id ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph root 74197 0.0 0.0 8160 656 pts/1 S+ 13:53 0:00 grep --color=auto ceph-mon #检查mon的端口此步很重要后面使用cephFS和rbd都是使用此端口,监听地址错误会导致超时 root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1:~# ss -lnt|grep 6789 LISTEN 0 512* root@ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2:~# ss -lnt|grep 6789 LISTEN 0 512* root@ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3:~# ss -lnt|grep 6789 LISTEN 0 512* #在node节点安装ceph-common apt install ceph-common -y #拷贝密钥到node1,node2,node3节点 ceph-deploy admin ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 #在ceph-node节点对密钥授权 #认证文件的属主和属组为了安全考虑,默认设置为了root 用户和root 组,如果需要ceph用户也能执行ceph 命令,那么就需要对ceph 用户进行授权 apt-get install acl setfacl -m u:cephadmin:rw /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring 在ceph-mgr1和ceph-mgr2,ceph-mgr2上安装ceph-mgr包 apt install -y ceph-mgr #初始化mgr节点 ceph-deploy mgr create ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1 ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 验证ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1,ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2节点 root@ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1:~# ps aux | grep ceph-mgr 配置ceph-deploy管理ceph集群 #ceph-deploy管理ceph集群环境设置 sudo apt install -y ceph-common ceph-deploy admin ceph-deploy sudo setfacl -m u:cephadmin:rw /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring #ceph-deploy管理ceph集群信息 cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ ceph -s cluster: id: 511a9f2f-c2eb-4461-9472-a2074f266bba health: HEALTH_WARN mon is allowing insecure global_id reclaim OSD count 0 < osd_pool_default_size 3 services: mon: 1 daemons, quorum ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 (age 18m) mgr: ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1(active, since 3m), standbys: ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 osd: 0 osds: 0 up, 0 in data: pools: 0 pools, 0 pgs objects: 0 objects, 0 B usage: 0 B used, 0 B / 0 B avail pgs #禁用非安全模式通信 ceph config set mon auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim false cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ ceph -s cluster: id: 511a9f2f-c2eb-4461-9472-a2074f266bba health: HEALTH_WARN OSD count 0 < osd_pool_default_size 3 services: mon: 1 daemons, quorum ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 (age 19m) mgr: ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1(active, since 4m), standbys: ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 osd: 0 osds: 0 up, 0 in data: pools: 0 pools, 0 pgs objects: 0 objects, 0 B usage: 0 B used, 0 B / 0 B avail pgs: #ceph集群个组件版本 cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ ceph version ceph version 16.2.11 (3cf40e2dca667f68c6ce3ff5cd94f01e711af894) pacific (stable) cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ ceph versions { "mon": { "ceph version 16.2.11 (3cf40e2dca667f68c6ce3ff5cd94f01e711af894) pacific (stable)": 1 }, "mgr": { "ceph version 16.2.11 (3cf40e2dca667f68c6ce3ff5cd94f01e711af894) pacific (stable)": 2 }, "osd": {}, "mds": {}, "overall": { "ceph version 16.2.11 (3cf40e2dca667f68c6ce3ff5cd94f01e711af894) pacific (stable)": 3 } } #准备osd节点 #前面执行了node节点的初始化,如下步骤,后面的操作可以不执行 #擦除磁盘之前通过deploy 节点对node 节点执行安装ceph 基本运行环境。 #在ceph-deploy上操作 ceph-deploy install --release pacific ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 #列出ceph node 节点磁盘 ceph-deploy disk list ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-deploy disk list ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-deploy disk list ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 #使用ceph-deploy disk zap擦除各ceph node的ceph数据磁盘 #在ceph-deploy上操作 ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 /dev/sdb ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 /dev/sdc ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 /dev/sdd ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 /dev/sde ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 /dev/sdb ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 /dev/sdc ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 /dev/sdd ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 /dev/sde ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 /dev/sdb ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 /dev/sdc ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 /dev/sdd ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 /dev/sde 添加osd #在ceph-deploy上操作 ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 --data /dev/sdb ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 --data /dev/sdc ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 --data /dev/sdd ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 --data /dev/sde ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 --data /dev/sdb ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 --data /dev/sdc ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 --data /dev/sdd ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 --data /dev/sde ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 --data /dev/sdb ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 --data /dev/sdc ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 --data /dev/sdd ceph-deploy osd create ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 --data /dev/sde 设置osd开机自启动 systemctl enable ceph-osd@0 ceph-osd@1 ceph-osd@2 ceph-osd@3 systemctl enable ceph-osd@4 ceph-osd@5 ceph-osd@6 ceph-osd@7 systemctl enable ceph-osd@8 ceph-osd@9 ceph-osd@10 ceph-osd@11 #部署cephfs,安装ceph-mds软件包 apt install -y ceph-mds #在ceph-deploy上把mds服务添加到ceph集群 #在ceph-deploy上操作 ceph-deploy mds create ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-deploy mds create ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-deploy mds create ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 ceph-deploy mds create ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 创建CephFS metadata和cephfs-data存储池 cephfs-metadata:存放元数据的存储池,数据有几个T的话元数据大约1-2g,所有不需要太大,存放的都是数据的名字、大小,创建时间,修改时间,生产放32个pg足够了 cephfs-data存放数据的存储池 # 创建cephfs-metadata root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1:~# ceph osd pool create cephfs-metadata 32 32 pool 'cephfs-metadata' created # 创建cephfs-data root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1:~# ceph osd pool create cephfs-data 64 64 pool 'cephfs-data' created # 创建一个叫mycephfs的cephFS root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1:~# ceph fs new mycephfs cephfs-metadata cephfs-data new fs with metadata pool 3 and data pool 4 验证CephFS root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1:~# ceph fs ls name: mycephfs, metadata pool: cephfs-metadata, data pools: [cephfs-data ] root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1:~# ceph fs status mycephfs mycephfs - 0 clients ======== RANK STATE MDS ACTIVITY DNS INOS DIRS CAPS 0 active ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1 Reqs: 0 /s 10 13 12 0 POOL TYPE USED AVAIL cephfs-metadata metadata 96.0k 50.6G cephfs-data data 0 50.6G MDS version: ceph version 16.2.10 (45fa1a083152e41a408d15505f594ec5f1b4fe17) pacific (stable) #MDS高可用优化 cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ cat ceph.conf [global] fsid = 511a9f2f-c2eb-4461-9472-a2074f266bba public_network = cluster_network = mon_initial_members = ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 mon_host = auth_cluster_required = cephx auth_service_required = cephx auth_client_required = cephx [mds.ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2] mds_standby_for_name = ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 mds_standby_replay = true [mds.ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3] mds_standby_for_name = ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 mds_standby_replay = true #在ceph-deploy拷贝到/etc/ceph sudo cp -ar /home/cephadmin/ceph-cluster/* /etc/ceph/ #分发配置文件并重启mds 服务: #分发配置文件保证各mds 服务重启有效 ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1 ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2 ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1 ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 #重启mds节点,先重启active节点ceph-mds1和ceph-mgr2,再重启standby节点ceph-mds2和ceph-mds3 systemctl restart ceph-mds@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1.service systemctl restart ceph-mds@ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2.service systemctl restart ceph-mds@ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3.service systemctl restart ceph-mds@ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2.service #在ceph-mgr1和ceph-mgr2上安装ceph-radosgw root@ceph-mgr1:~# apt install radosgw -y root@ceph-mgr2:~# apt install radosgw -y #在ceph deploy 服务器将ceph-mgr1和ceph-mgr2 初始化为radosGW 服务 #注意:如果前面有做ceph.conf的配置变动,需要将ceph.conf重新拷贝到ceph-rgw1和cpeh-rgw2上 ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf rgw create ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1 ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf rgw create ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 #在ceph-deploy上查看集群的radosgw信息 cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ ceph -s cluster: id: 511a9f2f-c2eb-4461-9472-a2074f266bba health: HEALTH_OK services: mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1-node1,ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2-node2,ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3-node3 (age 16m) mgr: ceph-mgr1-ceph-rgw1(active, since 36m), standbys: ceph-mgr2-ceph-rgw2 mds: 1/1 daemons up, 3 standby osd: 12 osds: 12 up (since 19m), 12 in (since 19m) rgw: 2 daemons active (2 hosts, 1 zones) data: volumes: 1/1 healthy pools: 7 pools, 225 pgs objects: 211 objects, 7.2 KiB usage: 90 MiB used, 480 GiB / 480 GiB avail pgs: 225 active+clean 配置时间偏差 #时钟偏差配置 mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 时钟偏差时间配置,默认为50毫秒,0.5的话就是0.5秒钟 mon clock drift warn backoff =3 时钟偏差出现多少次出现报警配置 添加配置 cat >/home/cephadmin/ceph-cluster/ceph.conf<<'EOF' [global] fsid = a6f25391-9efa-4a89-a7c6-663258be6321 public_network = cluster_network = mon_initial_members = ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1 mon_host = auth_cluster_required = cephx auth_service_required = cephx auth_client_required = cephx #时钟偏差配置 mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 mon clock drift warn backoff =3 EOF 在同步到mon节点上 scp ceph.conf root@ scp ceph.conf root@ scp ceph.conf root@ 在mon服务器检查,也可以把配置直接拷贝到mon服务器的配置文件然后重启mon =================================================== cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ cat ceph.conf [global] fsid = a6f25391-9efa-4a89-a7c6-663258be6321 public_network = cluster_network = mon_initial_members = ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1 mon_host = auth_cluster_required = cephx auth_service_required = cephx auth_client_required = cephx #时钟偏差配置 mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 mon clock drift warn backoff =3 =================================================== root@ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2:~# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 mon clock drift warn backoff =3 cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ cat ceph.conf [global] fsid = a6f25391-9efa-4a89-a7c6-663258be6321 public_network = cluster_network = mon_initial_members = ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1 mon_host = auth_cluster_required = cephx auth_service_required = cephx auth_client_required = cephx #时钟偏差配置 mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 mon clock drift warn backoff =3 =================================================== root@ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3:~# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 mon clock drift warn backoff =3 cephadmin@ceph-deploy:~/ceph-cluster$ cat ceph.conf [global] fsid = a6f25391-9efa-4a89-a7c6-663258be6321 public_network = cluster_network = mon_initial_members = ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1 mon_host = auth_cluster_required = cephx auth_service_required = cephx auth_client_required = cephx #时钟偏差配置 mon clock drift allowed = 0.5 mon clock drift warn backoff =3 =================================================== 重启mon节点 root@ceph-mon1-ceph-mds1:~# reboot root@ceph-mon2-ceph-mds2:~# reboot root@ceph-mon3-ceph-mds3:~# reboot
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