
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.Collections;

namespace DLL
    /// IISManager 的摘要说明。
    public class IISManager
        private string _server, _website;
        private VirtualDirectories _virdirs;
        protected System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry rootfolder;

        private bool _batchflag;

        public IISManager()
            _server = "localhost";
            _website = "1";
            _batchflag = false;
        public IISManager(string strServer)
            _server = strServer;
            _website = "1";
            _batchflag = false;

        /// 定义公共属性

        public string Server
            get { return _server; }
            set { _server = value; }

        public string WebSite
            get { return _website; }
            set { _website = value; }

        public VirtualDirectories VirDirs
            get { return _virdirs; }
            set { _virdirs = value; }


        public void Connect()
        public void Connect(string strServer)
            _server = strServer;
        /// <summary>
        /// strServer为IIS服务器,strWebSite为
        /// </summary>
        public void Connect(string strServer, string strWebSite)
            _server = strServer;
            _website = strWebSite;

        public bool Exists(string strVirdir)
            return _virdirs.Contains(strVirdir);

        public void Create(VirtualDirectory newdir)
            string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website + "/ROOT/" + newdir.Name;
            if (!_virdirs.Contains(newdir.Name) || _batchflag)

                    DirectoryEntry newVirDir = rootfolder.Children.Add(newdir.Name, "IIsWebVirtualDir");

                    newVirDir.Invoke("AppCreate", true);

                    UpdateDirInfo(newVirDir, newdir);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    throw new Exception(ee.ToString());
                throw new Exception("This virtual directory is already exist.");

        public VirtualDirectory GetVirDir(string strVirdir)
            VirtualDirectory tmp = null;
            if (_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir))
                tmp = _virdirs.Find(strVirdir);
                ((VirtualDirectory)_virdirs[strVirdir]).flag = 2;
                throw new Exception("This virtual directory  is not exists");
            return tmp;

        public void Update(VirtualDirectory dir)
            if (_virdirs.Contains(dir.Name))
                DirectoryEntry ode = rootfolder.Children.Find(dir.Name, "IIsWebVirtualDir");
                UpdateDirInfo(ode, dir);
                throw new Exception("This virtual directory is not exists.");

        public void Delete(string strVirdir)
            if (_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir))
                object[] paras = new object[2];
                paras[0] = "IIsWebVirtualDir";  //表示操作的是虚拟目录
                paras[1] = strVirdir;
                rootfolder.Invoke("Delete", paras);
                throw new Exception("Can't delete " + strVirdir + ",because it isn't exists.");

        public void UpdateBatch()
        public void UpdateBatch(VirtualDirectories vds)


        private void ConnectToServer()
            string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website + "/ROOT";
                this.rootfolder = new DirectoryEntry(strPath);
                _virdirs = GetVirDirs(this.rootfolder.Children);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Can't connect to the server [" + _server + "] ...", e);

        private void BatchUpdate(VirtualDirectories vds)
            _batchflag = true;

            foreach (object item in vds.Values)
                VirtualDirectory vd = (VirtualDirectory)item;

                switch (vd.flag)
                    case 0:
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
            _batchflag = false;


        private void UpdateDirInfo(DirectoryEntry de, VirtualDirectory vd)
            de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0] = vd.AnonymousUserName;
            de.Properties["AnonymousUserPass"][0] = vd.AnonymousUserPass;
            de.Properties["AccessRead"][0] = vd.AccessRead;
            de.Properties["AccessExecute"][0] = vd.AccessExecute;
            de.Properties["AccessWrite"][0] = vd.AccessWrite;
            de.Properties["AuthBasic"][0] = vd.AuthBasic;
            de.Properties["AuthNTLM"][0] = vd.AuthNTLM;
            de.Properties["ContentIndexed"][0] = vd.ContentIndexed;
            de.Properties["EnableDefaultDoc"][0] = vd.EnableDefaultDoc;
            de.Properties["EnableDirBrowsing"][0] = vd.EnableDirBrowsing;
            de.Properties["AccessSSL"][0] = vd.AccessSSL;
            de.Properties["AccessScript"][0] = vd.AccessScript;
            de.Properties["DefaultDoc"][0] = vd.DefaultDoc;
            de.Properties["Path"][0] = vd.Path;

        private VirtualDirectories GetVirDirs(DirectoryEntries des)
            VirtualDirectories tmpdirs = new VirtualDirectories();
            foreach (DirectoryEntry de in des)
                if (de.SchemaClassName == "IIsWebVirtualDir")
                    VirtualDirectory vd = new VirtualDirectory();
                    vd.Name = de.Name;
                    vd.AccessRead = (bool)de.Properties["AccessRead"][0];
                    vd.AccessExecute = (bool)de.Properties["AccessExecute"][0];
                    vd.AccessWrite = (bool)de.Properties["AccessWrite"][0];
                    vd.AnonymousUserName = (string)de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0];
                    vd.AnonymousUserPass = (string)de.Properties["AnonymousUserName"][0];
                    vd.AuthBasic = (bool)de.Properties["AuthBasic"][0];
                    vd.AuthNTLM = (bool)de.Properties["AuthNTLM"][0];
                    vd.ContentIndexed = (bool)de.Properties["ContentIndexed"][0];
                    vd.EnableDefaultDoc = (bool)de.Properties["EnableDefaultDoc"][0];
                    vd.EnableDirBrowsing = (bool)de.Properties["EnableDirBrowsing"][0];
                    vd.AccessSSL = (bool)de.Properties["AccessSSL"][0];
                    vd.AccessScript = (bool)de.Properties["AccessScript"][0];
                    vd.Path = (string)de.Properties["Path"][0];
                    vd.flag = 0;
                    vd.DefaultDoc = (string)de.Properties["DefaultDoc"][0];
                    tmpdirs.Add(vd.Name, vd);
            return tmpdirs;


    /// VirtualDirectory类
    public class VirtualDirectory
        private bool _read, _execute, _script, _ssl, _write, _authbasic, _authntlm, _indexed, _endirbrow, _endefaultdoc;
        private string _ausername, _auserpass, _name, _path;
        private int _flag;
        private string _defaultdoc;
        /// 构造函数
        public VirtualDirectory()
        public VirtualDirectory(string strVirDirName)
            _name = strVirDirName;
        private void SetValue()
            _read = true; _execute = false; _script = true; _ssl = false; _write = false; _authbasic = false; _authntlm = false;
            _indexed = false; _endirbrow = false; _endefaultdoc =true;
            _flag = 1;
            _defaultdoc = "default.aspx,default.htm,default.asp,index.htm";
            _path = "C:\\";
            _ausername = ""; _auserpass = ""; _name = "";


        public int flag
            get { return _flag; }
            set { _flag = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 可读权限
        /// </summary>
        public bool AccessRead
            get { return _read; }
            set { _read = value; }
        public bool AccessWrite
            get { return _write; }
            set { _write = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 可执行权限
        /// </summary>
        public bool AccessExecute
            get { return _execute; }
            set { _execute = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否支持SSL
        /// </summary>
        public bool AccessSSL
            get { return _ssl; }
            set { _ssl = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否支持Script
        /// </summary>
        public bool AccessScript
            get { return _script; }
            set { _script = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否支持Basic
        /// </summary>
        public bool AuthBasic
            get { return _authbasic; }
            set { _authbasic = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否支持NTLM
        /// </summary>
        public bool AuthNTLM
            get { return _authntlm; }
            set { _authntlm = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否支持索引
        /// </summary>
        public bool ContentIndexed
            get { return _indexed; }
            set { _indexed = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否支持目录可浏览
        /// </summary>
        public bool EnableDirBrowsing
            get { return _endirbrow; }
            set { _endirbrow = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否支持缺省页
        /// </summary>
        public bool EnableDefaultDoc
            get { return _endefaultdoc; }
            set { _endefaultdoc = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 虚拟目录名称
        /// </summary>
        public string Name
            get { return _name; }
            set { _name = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 虚拟目录路径
        /// </summary>
        public string Path
            get { return _path; }
            set { _path = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 默认文档
        /// </summary>
        public string DefaultDoc
            get { return _defaultdoc; }
            set { _defaultdoc = value; }
        public string AnonymousUserName
            get { return _ausername; }
            set { _ausername = value; }
        public string AnonymousUserPass
            get { return _auserpass; }
            set { _auserpass = value; }


    /// 集合VirtualDirectories

    public class VirtualDirectories : System.Collections.Hashtable
        public VirtualDirectories()

        public VirtualDirectory Find(string strName)
            return (VirtualDirectory)this[strName];

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