通过读取QQ ip纯真dat数据文件,得到ip所在地

** File Name:IPScaner.cs 
** Create Date:2004-12-27 20:10:28 
** Modifier: 
** Modify Date: 
** Description:to scan the ip location from qqwry.dat 
** Version: IPScaner 1.0.0 
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace UQBuy.Comm
    /// <summary> 
    /// to scan the ip location from qqwry.dat 
    /// </summary> 
    public class IPScaner
        #region 私?有D成é员±
        private string dataPath;
        private string ip;
        private string country;
        private string local;
        private long firstStartIp = 0;
        private long lastStartIp = 0;
        private FileStream objfs = null;
        private long startIp = 0;
        private long endIp = 0;
        private int countryFlag = 0;
        private long endIpOff = 0;
        private string errMsg = null;

        #region 构1造ì函ˉ数y
        public IPScaner()
            // TODO: 在ú此?处|添í加ó构1造ì函ˉ数y逻?辑- 

        #region 公?共2属?性?
        public string DataPath
            set { dataPath = value; }
        public string IP
            set { ip = value; }
        public string Country
            get { return country; }
        public string Local
            get { return local; }
        public string ErrMsg
            get { return errMsg; }

        #region 搜?索÷匹¥配?数y据Y
        private int QQwry()
            string pattern = @"(((/d{1,2})|(1/d{2})|(2[0-4]/d)|(25[0-5]))/.){3}((/d{1,2})|(1/d{2})|(2[0-4]/d)|(25[0-5]))";
            Regex objRe = new Regex(pattern);
            Match objMa = objRe.Match(ip);
            //if (!objMa.Success)
            //    this.errMsg = "IP格?式?错í误ó";
            //    return 4;

            long ip_Int = this.IpToInt(ip);
            int nRet = 0;
            if (ip_Int >= IpToInt("") && ip_Int <= IpToInt(""))
                this.country = "本?机ú内ú部?环·回?地?址·";
                this.local = "";
                nRet = 1;
            else if ((ip_Int >= IpToInt("") && ip_Int <= IpToInt("")) || (ip_Int >= IpToInt("") && ip_Int <= IpToInt("")) || (ip_Int >= IpToInt("") && ip_Int <= IpToInt("")))
                this.country = "网?络?保£留?地?址·";
                this.local = "";
                nRet = 1;
            objfs = new FileStream(this.dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                objfs.Position = 0;
                byte[] buff = new Byte[8];
                objfs.Read(buff, 0, 8);
                firstStartIp = buff[0] + buff[1] * 256 + buff[2] * 256 * 256 + buff[3] * 256 * 256 * 256;
                lastStartIp = buff[4] * 1 + buff[5] * 256 + buff[6] * 256 * 256 + buff[7] * 256 * 256 * 256;
                long recordCount = Convert.ToInt64((lastStartIp - firstStartIp) / 7.0);
                if (recordCount <= 1)
                    country = "FileDataError";
                    return 2;
                long rangE = recordCount;
                long rangB = 0;
                long recNO = 0;
                while (rangB < rangE - 1)
                    recNO = (rangE + rangB) / 2;
                    if (ip_Int == this.startIp)
                        rangB = recNO;
                    if (ip_Int > this.startIp)
                        rangB = recNO;
                        rangE = recNO;
                if (this.startIp <= ip_Int && this.endIp >= ip_Int)
                    this.local = this.local.Replace("(¨我ò们?一?定¨要a解a放?台¨湾?!?!?!?)?", "");
                    nRet = 3;
                    this.country = "未′知a";
                    this.local = "";
                return nRet;
                return 1;


        #region IP地?址·转a换?成éInt数y据Y
        private long IpToInt(string ip)
            char[] dot = new char[] { '.' };
            string[] ipArr = ip.Split(dot);
            if (ipArr.Length == 3)
                ip = ip + ".0";
            ipArr = ip.Split(dot);

            long ip_Int = 0;
            long p1 = long.Parse(ipArr[0]) * 256 * 256 * 256;
            long p2 = long.Parse(ipArr[1]) * 256 * 256;
            long p3 = long.Parse(ipArr[2]) * 256;
            long p4 = long.Parse(ipArr[3]);
            ip_Int = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4;
            return ip_Int;

        #region int转a换?成éIP
        private string IntToIP(long ip_Int)
            long seg1 = (ip_Int & 0xff000000) >> 24;
            if (seg1 < 0)
                seg1 += 0x100;
            long seg2 = (ip_Int & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
            if (seg2 < 0)
                seg2 += 0x100;
            long seg3 = (ip_Int & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
            if (seg3 < 0)
                seg3 += 0x100;
            long seg4 = (ip_Int & 0x000000ff);
            if (seg4 < 0)
                seg4 += 0x100;
            string ip = seg1.ToString() + "." + seg2.ToString() + "." + seg3.ToString() + "." + seg4.ToString();

            return ip;

        #region 获?取?起e始?IP范?围§
        private long GetStartIp(long recNO)
            long offSet = firstStartIp + recNO * 7;
            objfs.Position = offSet;
            byte[] buff = new Byte[7];
            objfs.Read(buff, 0, 7);

            endIpOff = Convert.ToInt64(buff[4].ToString()) + Convert.ToInt64(buff[5].ToString()) * 256 + Convert.ToInt64(buff[6].ToString()) * 256 * 256;
            startIp = Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString()) * 256 + Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString()) * 256 * 256 + Convert.ToInt64(buff[3].ToString()) * 256 * 256 * 256;
            return startIp;

        #region 获?取?结á束?IP
        private long GetEndIp()
            objfs.Position = endIpOff;
            byte[] buff = new Byte[5];
            objfs.Read(buff, 0, 5);
            this.endIp = Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString()) * 256 + Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString()) * 256 * 256 + Convert.ToInt64(buff[3].ToString()) * 256 * 256 * 256;
            this.countryFlag = buff[4];
            return this.endIp;

        #region 获?取?国ú家ò/区?域ò偏?移?量?
        private string GetCountry()
            switch (this.countryFlag)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                    this.country = GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff + 4);
                    this.local = (1 == this.countryFlag) ? " " : this.GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff + 8);
                    this.country = this.GetFlagStr(this.endIpOff + 4);
                    this.local = this.GetFlagStr(objfs.Position);
            return " ";

        #region 获?取?国ú家ò/区?域ò字?符?串?
        private string GetFlagStr(long offSet)
            int flag = 0;
            byte[] buff = new Byte[3];
            while (1 == 1)
                objfs.Position = offSet;
                flag = objfs.ReadByte();
                if (flag == 1 || flag == 2)
                    objfs.Read(buff, 0, 3);
                    if (flag == 2)
                        this.countryFlag = 2;
                        this.endIpOff = offSet - 4;
                    offSet = Convert.ToInt64(buff[0].ToString()) + Convert.ToInt64(buff[1].ToString()) * 256 + Convert.ToInt64(buff[2].ToString()) * 256 * 256;
            if (offSet < 12)
                return " ";
            objfs.Position = offSet;
            return GetStr();

        #region GetStr
        private string GetStr()
            byte lowC = 0;
            byte upC = 0;
            string str = "";
            byte[] buff = new byte[2];
            while (1 == 1)
                lowC = (Byte)objfs.ReadByte();
                if (lowC == 0)
                if (lowC > 127)
                    upC = (byte)objfs.ReadByte();
                    buff[0] = lowC;
                    buff[1] = upC;
                    System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");
                    str += enc.GetString(buff);
                    str += (char)lowC;
            return str;

        #region 获?取?IP地?址·
        public string IPLocation()
            return this.country + this.local;
        public string IPLocation(string dataPath, string ip)
            this.dataPath = dataPath;
            this.ip = ip;
            return this.country + this.local;
        //  #region 测a试?地?址·搜?索÷,代ú码?
        //IPScaner objScan = new IPScaner();
        //string ip = "";
        //objScan.DataPath = @"E:/qqwry.dat";//数y据Y库a文?件t,?我ò已?经-将?其?放?在úReferanceDLL文?件t夹D下?。£
        //objScan.IP = ip;
        //string addre = objScan.IPLocation();
        //string err = objScan.ErrMsg;
        //Response.Write(addre+"<br/>" +err );

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